Checklist for a Campus Visit

Checklist for a Campus Visit
Visiting college campuses can be an invaluable tool in helping you select the right school. It
offers first-hand observation of the college’s academic programs, facilities and atmosphere. It is
best to start visiting campuses in the spring of your junior year and continue over the summer. To
make the most of a college visit, some pre-planning is necessary. Here are some things to look for
during a visit:
Investigate the Campus Environment. Take a campus tour. Visit the dorms, dining hall,
student centers, library, etc. Does the campus provide comfortable living quarters (remember,
you will be living there!) What type of students attend this school and will you fit in?
Investigate your Academic Program and Student Activities. Talk to the students
about the general academic environment and the amount and kind of study necessary for
success. Does the school offer the area of study you want? What clubs, fraternities,
sororities, athletic programs, etc. are on campus that are of interest to you? How is the
campus life in terms of dating and social activities?
Meet with an Admission Counselor. Learn more about what courses are required to meet
your academic major. Discuss your chances for success for admission, graduation and career.
Ask about career planning services for undergraduates. Verify the admission requirements.
Get a school calendar, campus map and catalog of courses.
Ask about financial aid opportunities. What percentage of students receive financial aid?
What scholarships are available? Determine the actual costs of attending that college and
find out how to apply, deadlines, proper paperwork, etc. Do they recommend on-line
applications? What procedures are needed for applying on-line?
Attend a class. Avoid breaks and vacations. Meet the faculty in the department of your
intended major. Is the quality of teaching and the class size and atmosphere conducive to your
learning style?
Job Opportunities. If you plan on working while in college, are there a good number of
opportunities available both on and off campus?
Safety and Transportation. Are transportation options available. What is the crime rate
on and surrounding the campus? What type of security measures are available for you?
On your way out of town, jot down a few thoughts about the campus. Make a list of what you
liked and what you didn’t like. By the time you finish touring all the campuses, it will help you
remember your impressions of each one.