FTR Report Umbrella Programme on Emergency Management between China and UNDP Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and its Demonstration Project United Nations Development Programme, China China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges National Programme Office August 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Acronyms APR CICETE cm2 EOP FTR kg km kW LNG m M MEP mg MNES MOEF MoST MoC MoF NPC NPD PIR PMO ProDoc QOR RCB RTA STEP ToR TPR UHC UNDAF UNDP UNDP CO Annual Project Report China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges square centimeter (area) end-of-project Final-Term Review kilogram (1,000 grams) kilometer (1,000 meters) kilowatt (1,000 watts) Liquefied Natural Gas meter (1 meter = 100 centimeters) Million (population) Ministry of Environmental Protection milligram Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (India) Ministry of Environment and Forests (India) Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Finance National Project Coordinator National Project Director Project Implementation Report Project Management Office Project Document Quarterly Operation Report Regional Central Bureau Regional Technical Adviser Sustainable Transport Energy (Perth, Australia) Terms of Reference Tripartite review Unburnt Hydro Carbon United Nations Development Assistance Framework United Nations Development Programme UNDP Country Office __________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission I September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE EVALUATION ............................................................................................................... 2 1.3 KEY ISSUES ADDRESSED AND SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION .................................................................... 2 1.4 METHODOLOGY OF THE FINAL-TERM REVIEW (FTR) ............................................................................ 2 1.5 SPECIFIC TASKS FOR THE FTR ................................................................................................................ 4 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE FTR ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 PROJECT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT ........................................................................... 5 2.1 PROJECT START AND KEY DATES ........................................................................................................... 5 2.2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 PROBLEMS THAT THE PROJECT SEEKS TO ADDRESS ............................................................................... 7 2.4 IMMEDIATE AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT .............................................................. 7 2.5 MAIN STAKEHOLDERS AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................ 8 2.6 RESULTS EXPECTED AND ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS ......................................................................... 9 3.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 11 3.1 ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS TOWARDS DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE ....................................................... 11 3.2 ASSESSMENT OF OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................. 12 3.3 PROJECT FORMULATION REVIEW ......................................................................................................... 12 3.3.1 Conceptualization / Project Design and Work Plan ........................................................................ 12 3.3.2 Project Performance / Timeliness, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness ................................................ 12 3.3.3 Project Impact ................................................................................................................................. 13 3.3.4 Government Policies and Relevance ............................................................................................... 13 __________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission II September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China 3.4 Flood Forecasting in Western China PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW .................................................................................................... 13 3.4.1 Component Level ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.4.2 Project Level .................................................................................................................................... 14 3.5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................................... 16 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 19 4.1 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEXT STAGE ................................................................................................. 19 4.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OTHER UNDP PROJECTS .............................................................................. 19 5.0 BEST PRACTICES AND LESSONS LEARNED............................................................................... 20 5.1 BEST PRACTICES ................................................................................................................................... 20 5.2 LESSONS LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 20 6.0 ANNEX A - LIST OF EXHIBITIONS, CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS ..... 21 7.0 ANNEX B - LIST OF PERSONS AND THEIR AFFILIATIONS .................................................... 21 8.0 ANNEX C - LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED ........................................................................... 23 9.0 ANNEX D - ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENTS AS OF JUNE 23, 2013 ................................................... 24 __________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission III September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Executive Summary This Final-Term Review (FTR) Report is part of the monitoring and evaluation requirement in the implementation of the UNDP project entitled “Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and its Demonstration Project”, which belongs to Umbrella Programme on Emergency Management. The main Implementing Agencies are Aeromatex Inc. (AEROMATEX) and Water Resources Department of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (WRD). The objective of this project is to enhance the flood control and disaster reduction capacity under climate change for China’s western river-basins, which mostly derive from inland snow and ice melting. Typical riverbasin will be selected as study cases, in which meteorological and hydrological monitoring nets will be constructed and remote-sensing satellites be used to monitor snow & ice melting. Modeling and simulating will be undertaken for flood forecasting and a flood management system will be established to support decision making. Through a phase-based approach (i.e. from pilot study to demonstration project, then to overall implementation), an emergency management regime will be explored and established. We hope this project would guarantee a scientific foundation for a sustainable development in west China. The attainment of the project’s goal and objective is rated “Satisfactory (S)” while the attainment of Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 is also rated “Satisfactory”. Therefore, the FTR team rated the overall progress towards achievement of results for the project to be “Satisfactory (S)”. The most important conclusions arising from this final-term evaluation includes: (1) In the aspect of national strategy, the prevention of flood and disaster is an important problem concerning national economy development and building a well-off society and own the largest impact on the social stability and safety. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, as the largest provincial cross-sections of China, had been suffering from the flood and dry disaster. As the climate change and socio-economical development, the range, frequency and disaster extent of storm disaster showed an upward trend year after year. Currently, the mechanism in prevention of flood and disaster is incomplete, especially in western region, which faces many constraints including poor infrastructure, low crisis-management level, climate change and increased extreme weather events. The completion of this project, the development of subsystems of data acquisition in snow remote sensing and image processing, provides the foundational support for snow remote sensing monitoring model and snowmelt flood forecast model and lies a very good foundation for the prevention of flood and disaster in western China. (2) In the aspect of technology, the following four achievements are obtained: (1) sensing data product: complete the acquisition in snow remote sensing data for application in snowmelt flood forecast, where raster product is provided as Geotiff form and owns well geometry orientation precision; vector product is provided as shp or Arc Coverage form and owns integrated attribute information. The precision of data product is above 85%. (2) snow data product: complete statistical analysis of acquired snow data and generate the statistical distribution of data product in the project region. Finally, an analytical report is provided. The snow data acquisition in subproject “spatial data acquisition and process in the project region” achieves some fruits and obtains some snow data including frequency and snow depth, which provides high-precision data support for flood forecast model study and demonstration project in Alpine Areas in Western China and promotes the development of data acquisition technology in Alpine Areas in Western China. (3) data acquisition product in base topography: completes the statistical analysis for extracted topography and soil data and obtains the statistical distribution of data product in the project region. (4) data acquisition and analysis product of vegetation and land use sensing data: obtains the land use data from 1998 to 2007 every five years; meanwhile, the production of this data is classified through integrated approach of object-oriented classification technology and visual interpretation, leading to the high-precision classification results for providing fundamental data to the flood forecast system in highcold mountainous districts. However, due to the many aspects of reasons, there is also a distance between __________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission IV September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China the main achievements of technological level and snowmelt flood forecast. It is possible that build snowmelt flood forecast model and management mechanism if this project will obtain some further investment. (3) In the aspect of project management, the effective management for this project is completed through the following three aspects and ensures the successful implementation of this project. (1) scope management: the successful implementation of this project is ensured through establishing the CCB and completing argumentation and examination in large alter of project execution to avoid any uncontrollable deviation and scope extension. (2) schedule management: during the project planning phase, designs the planning process and organizes the judgments at the point of planning process for ensuring the successful implementation of this project and completing the tasks early. (3) quality management: intends to project work according to the designed objective and potential output and effectively ensure the quality of the project. (4) in the aspect of the establishment of the partnership, during the project execution, the project organization and execution units (including UNDP 、 China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Xinjiang Water Resources Bureau and Aeromatex Incorporation) establish well communication mechanism and effectively ensure the successful implementation of this project, and also provide well foundations for other project. (5) Subjected to the restrictions of time and region, it is difficult that the experts arrive at the scene and complete the evaluation. It is suggested that some field trip should be arranged in other similar projects. __________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission V September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China 1.0 Introduction This Final-Term Review (FTR) Report is part of the monitoring and evaluation requirement in the implementation of the UNDP project entitled “Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and its Demonstration Project”, which belongs to Umbrella Programme on Emergency Management. The main Implementing Agencies are Aeromatex Inc. (AEROMATEX) and Water Resources Department of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (WRD). The objective of this project is to enhance the flood control and disaster reduction capacity under climate change for China’s western river-basins, which mostly derive from inland snow and ice melting. Typical river-basin will be selected as study cases, in which meteorological and hydrological monitoring nets will be constructed and remote-sensing satellites be used to monitor snow & ice melting. Modeling and simulating will be undertaken for flood forecasting and a flood management system will be established to support decision making. Through a phase-based approach (i.e. from pilot study to demonstration project, then to overall implementation), an emergency management regime will be explored and established. We hope this project would guarantee a scientific foundation for a sustainable development in west China. On July 2, 2013, the evaluation experts had an appraisal and discussion meeting with the Local Project Management Offices (LPMO) and China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) of the Ministry of Commerce of China. During the inspection, we collected and analyzed data with proper tools to conduct our evaluation. The Indicators as specified in the annual work plans (AWP) were selected to measure the results. For case study, quantitative description and analysis were supplied. 1.1 Brief Description of the Project UNDP emergency plan "Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and its Demonstration Project " (Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas) is joint implement by UNDP, Ministry of Commerce China International Economic and Technical Exchange Center (Exchange Center), Water Resources Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. All the activities are carried out under UNDP nationally executed project management procedures and relevant Chinese laws and regulations. Project Steering Committee (PSC) co-chair is composed of UNDP, communication center, Water Resources Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Steering Committee responsible for working with the project planning, implementation strategies, management restructuring decisions and other important matters through the annual review will be held each year, and popularize the project results at the provincial, national and international levels. Consider the implementation of the project and water conservancy infrastructure construction and the state flood control work closely, PSC decide to invite Ministry of Water Resources and experts in other departments to make up the Coordinating Committee and responsible for the project implementation process technology, policy and other aspects of the coordination. The project is mainly carried out the following activities: High mountain hydrological station design, purchase office equipment and vehicle, meteorological instrumentation selection and purchasing, select and purchase. Hydrological monitoring equipment selection and purchasing, ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 1 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China mountain weather station construction, automatic runoff monitoring stations, automatic station equipment installation, snow observation station selection, monitoring transmission platform network information building, software development, remote sensing software development, GIS software development, three-dimensional modeling software development, database software development, spatial data processing system building, snow monitoring remote sensing software building, flood mitigation and management system building, summary and formulate work plans for next year during project implementation period, hydrological monitoring method training, flood control and management system application training, snowmelt flood control management system training. 1.2 Purpose of the Review This Final-Term Review (FTR) Report is part of the monitoring and evaluation requirement in the implementation of the project entitled “Research on Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and its Demonstration Project”. This project which started disbursing on October 2010 and has now reached final-term stage as of July 2013 in terms of physical and financial delivery and therefore, a final-term evaluation is being conducted now. The purpose of the FTR is to evaluate the project implementation and management performances. It will determine whether the project is on track to achieve the project objective and therefore just need to be sustained as it approaches the end of project (EOP). The project evaluation will also determine and report on the experiences and lessons learnt during the project implementation so as to provide guidance in determining the targets and strategies for similar UNDP projects. In this regard, the findings and recommendations of this evaluation will contribute to identifying best possible ways to advance the modern modes for Umbrella Programme on Emergency Management. 1.3 Key Issues Addressed and Scope of the Review The scope of the FTR covered the entire UNDP-funded project and its components as well as the co-financed activities in each component of the project. The FTR will assess the project implementation taking into account the status of the project activities and outputs and the resource disbursements made up to the final evaluation review date. The evaluation involved analysis at two levels: component level and project level. The FTR also included such aspects as appropriateness and relevance of work plan, compliance with the work and financial plan with budget allocation, timeliness of disbursements, procurement, coordination among project team members and committees, and the UNDP country office support. Any issue or factor that has impeded or accelerated the implementation of the project or any of its components, including actions taken and resolutions, made were highlighted. 1.4 Methodology of the Final-Term Review (FTR) A Final-Term Review Team comprising Dr. Gordon Huang (International Consultant and Team Head) and other international consultant and team members was formed by the UNDP. They conducted the FTR from July 2 to August 30, 2013 taking into account the status of project activities, outputs and resource disbursements made up to July 2, 2013. The itinerary is shown in Annex A1- FTR Schedule of Meetings and Site Visits. Largely, the methodology consisted of: ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 2 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Review of key documents such as the evaluator’s Terms of Reference (ToR), final evaluation report, Project Document (ProDoc) and Project Logical Framework (Log Frame), Annual Project Review (APR) and Project Implementation Report (PIR), Quarterly Operation Report (QOR), Combined Delivery Report and Mid-Term Review Report (MTR) ; Interviews of PMO, key sub-contracting personnel, and UNDP Country Office Counterparts (see Annex B - List of Persons and Their Affiliations) Site visits to Aeromatex Inc. (see Annex A1- FTR Schedule of Meetings and Site Visits) Review of public awareness and education activities (see Annex A2 - List of Exhibitions, Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Review of sub-contract reports Review of other UNDP projects on government policies in development of Modeling for Flood Forecasting in China. After the review of documents, interview of personnel, appreciation of power point presentation materials and onsite visiting the FTR Team analyzed and synthesized the information to deliver the following outputs of this final evaluation: Report presenting the final-term evaluation results of the project, recommendations for the implementation of any remaining activities, and suggestions for implementation of the Third National Communication. The report would be submitted to UNDP in electronic format. The findings of the evaluation will be used by the project team in preparing the other UNDP projects in several cities in China. The FTR followed the rating chart as guidelines in rating the progress and performance of a project. The details of the rating system are given in the table below: Table 1-1: Chart for rating the project Highly Satisfactory (HS) Satisfactory (S) Marginally Satisfactory (MS) Marginally Unsatisfactory (MU) Unsatisfactory (U) Highly Unsatisfactory (HU) Project is expected to achieve or exceed all its major global environmental objectives, and yield substantial global environmental benefits, without major shortcomings. The project can be presented as “good practice”. Project is expected to achieve most of its major global environmental objectives, and yield satisfactory global environmental benefits, with only minor shortcomings. Project is expected to achieve most of its major relevant objectives but with either significant shortcomings or modest overall relevance. Project is expected not to achieve some of its major global environmental objectives or yield some of the expected global environment benefits. Project is expected to achieve its major global environmental objectives with major shortcomings or is expected to achieve only some of its major global environmental objectives. Project is expected not to achieve most of its major global environment objectives or to yield any satisfactory global environmental benefits. The project has failed to achieve, and is not expected to achieve, any of its major global environment objectives with no worthwhile benefits. ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 3 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China 1.5 Specific Tasks for the FTR The specific tasks for the FTR covered the review pertinent documents related to the project such as project document, quarterly and annual progress reports, other activity/component specific deliverables, reports and evaluation, if there are any, etc; conduct of structured interview with knowledgeable parties; and visit various pilot project sites. The evaluation mission will carry out the following tasks: 1) Review of the project design, and planning to find out whether: (a) the project approaches and strategy are sound; (b) the immediate objectives and outputs are properly stated and verifiable in the project logical framework; (c) the timeframe of the project is feasible and practicable; and, (d) others. 2) Review of project performance: timeliness and quality of inputs; timeliness and costeffectiveness of activities undertaken; quality and quantity of outputs produced; achievement of outcomes; and a financial review against the project budget. 3) Review the project impact: determine the extent to which the project objectives are expected to be achieved and what are the short-term and long-term impact of the project, including efficiency of the project, cost-effectiveness of the project; 4) Study the government policies in development of Modeling for Flood Forecasting for the Chinese cities and assess the relevance of the project against the national development priorities and objectives; 5) Analyze the current Modeling for Flood Forecasting projects in other countries, and the domestic and international market developments in supply and demand of the technology to find out and advise potentials for possible project expansion; 6) Analyze and report on the good practices and lessons learnt in partnership building of the project with companies and agencies in introducing the technology of Modeling for Flood Forecasting and designing Emergency Management actions in expanded demonstration cities in China 7) Provide recommendations on the improvement or sustenance of the implementation; potential aspects of Modeling for Flood Forecasting that can be covered in a future planned Phase of the project; and actions to be taken to support the sustainable development for Emergency Management actions and applications in China. 8) Revisit the MTR Report to see if the key recommendations have been put into practice in the process of project implementation. 1.6 Limitation of the FTR The FTR team was provided by the UNDP and PMO with the required documents prior to the actual mission to facilitate understanding of the scope of the evaluation, project document, progress implementation report, financial report and power point presentation of selected sectors. To supplement the information, the FTR team provided the PMO with a list for supplementary documents to be filled up after the related site visits. The FTR report is based and limited to information obtained from onsite visiting and the following documents: Project implementation information table; Project implementation plan and work plan; Project 2011 annual review meeting minutes; Project 2011 annual development work summary report; Project 2012 annual development work summary report; ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 4 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Snow remote sensing data processing results report; Basic topography and soil data collection and analysis results; Vegetation and land use remote sensing data processing results analysis report. 2.0 Project and Its Development Context Flood control is a major strategic issues and it affects China's economic development social stability and moderately prosperous society building. Xinjiang is China's largest provincial of the provincial administrative units, and it often plagued by flood and drought. Xinjiang flood disasters range, frequency and extent showed an increasing trend with climate change and the economic and social development. There have been five large floods, during 1996 to 2006, several rivers encounter hundred year flood in the past 10 years and the cumulative flood losses in Xinjiang reached 8.368 billion Yuan. The range of snowfall in Xinjiang province more than usual last winter, over the high incidence of northern snowmelt floods since this spring, Snowmelt occurs frequently throughout Northern Xinjiang province, floods have occurred 45 times so far, 15.55 million people were affected and three people were killed by the disaster, bring indirect economic losses more than 300 million Yuan. At present, China flood control mechanism is not complete, especially in the western regions. Poor infrastructure and relatively low level of crisis management constraints of traditional factors still exist. Chinese government attaches great importance to flood and drought. In the calendar year the central document, both pointed out the need to increase investment for flood control, a variety of traditional and non-traditional challenges of superposition, the flood control task more arduous. How to cope with various challenges and achieve sustainable development of society are China’s serious problems to be solved. 2.1 Project Start and Key Dates The project chronology and milestones of this 4-year project is shown below: Task Activity 1.1 Hydrological meteorological instrumentation selection and designing: Activity 1.2 High mountain meteorological station building Activity 1.3 High mountain hydrological station building Detail Meteorological elements automatic monitoring; hydrological elements automatic monitoring. And enhance the level of hydrological information monitoring. Adjust the preliminary design, complete automatic weather stations Beidou satellite hardware and software interface development, the formation of the final version of the layout of the program. Four automatic weather station complete construction; 3 ultrasonic water level station complete building. two mountain weather complete construction, take Beidou satellite/GSM communication, achieve automatic data acquisition mountain weather Transmission-accept network platform. Alpine hydrological monitoring station complete building. Completion Time Jan to May, 2011 Jan to May, 2012 Jul to Aug, 2011 Jul to Aug, 2012 Aug, 2012 ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 5 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Activity 1.4 Project staff study and tour abroad Activity 1.5 Topography, soil, snow, vegetation and land use data acquisition and processing Activity 2.5 Remote sensing image enhancement module development Activity 2.6 Image automatic registration module development Activity 2.7 Image geometry correction module development Activity 2.8 Image mosaic and color uniform module development Activity 2.9 Snow remote sensing interactive information extraction and editing Activity 2.10 Data quality evaluation module development Activity 2.11 Project annual summary Activity 2.12 Annual Review of the project Flood Forecasting in Western China Study snowmelt flood warning control techniques hydro-meteorological site laid principle flood forecasting model construction principle and predictors extraction technology in Canada and the United States. Remote sensing monitoring model for the snowmelt flood forecasting and early warning models based on topography, soil, vegetation and land use to support the overall objective of supporting the completion of the project. Sep to Oct, 2011 Complet the image enhancement and development work stretching module, the module can highlight topics snow and ice data to facilitate post-extraction operation. Apr, 2012 Complete module development work; select the image and the reference image processing control points as the conditions for geometric correction. Apr, 2012 Complete module development work with the original image and the study area space match. May, 2012 Complete module development work that can splice multiple images into the completed study area. Jun, 2012 Complete the snow remote sensing system which can extract and edit snow cover and snow water calculate. Sep, 2012 Complete the whole process of the data quality evaluates. Sep, 2012 Completed project annual development work summary report and design work plans for next year. Nov, 2012 Organized the annual review and invite well-known experts in the field, and the group agreed that the successful completion of the annual work. Nov 14, 2012 Dec, 2011 2.2 Roles and Responsibilities The CICETE (China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges) who oversees the project assisted the UNDP and the FTR team in preparing for the Final-Term Review of the project. The FTR Team reported to the UNDP and CICETE. The project’s executing agency ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 6 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China (MoST) coordinated all relevant national and the international agencies and companies and provided in advance copies of the necessary documents needed by the evaluation expert/s. Likewise, the Executing Agency (Aeromatex Inc. Aeromatex Inc.) arranged and finalized the itinerary / schedule for the FTR team in consultation with all parties concerned. The project’s Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) provided insights of the Modeling for Flood Forecasting to the FTR Team and discussed with them in detail the technology selection for future Emergency Management. The EA and UNDP coordinated the logistical arrangements for the evaluation. 2.3 Problems that the Project Seeks to Address The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is China's largest energy reserve base and one of the border provinces inhabited by ethnic minorities. It is also an important production base for commodity cotton, grain production base. However, flood threat greatly affected social stability and development and is not conducive to China's stability and harmonious development. Because of long-term lack of investment in infrastructure, the hydrology and meteorological elements monitoring in mountainous area in Xinjiang is not enough. The source water for Xinjiang’ rives are high in the mountains, but also mainly by mountain snowmelt water. Due to lack of observed data about mountain precipitation, temperature, snow distribution, there is no real practical flood forecasting system in Xinjiang. According to statistics, the Xinjiang River melting snow flood is occupied 39%, storm flood (including rainstorm debris) accounted for 24%, mixed melt water floods and torrential rain accounted for 34%. Therefore, in addition to its general Basin Flood Forecast storm flood issues involved, they also need special consideration related to the temperature and snow snowmelt runoff problems. Xinjiang river runoff formation region is mountainous, plain lost as runoff area, but now more than 90% rainfall stations layout in the following 2000mmountain pass or plain. Due to insufficient data on the mountain precipitation, inaccurate grasp of the flow region, flood forecasting methods and technology lagged far behind and cannot meet the needs of flood prevention work. This project chooses Kumalak River as the study area, the river originated in the widest glacier area of the central Tianshan mountains-Khan Tengri area. With an annual runoff of 4.61×109m3, Kumalak River is one of the two tributaries of the Aksu River and the major source of floods for Tarim and Akus River. It has typical characteristics of snowmelt recharge and is a representation of Tarim River Basin, even a representation of Xinjiang. Take Kumalak River as the research object, complement necessary mountainous area monitoring, make full use of remote sensing data, develop flood forecast model, establish snowmelt flood forecasting system have great significance for the flood control, disaster mitigation and social development in Xinjiang. 2.4 Immediate and Development Objectives of the Project The goal of the project is focus on the greatest threat to Xinjiang melt water floods and heavy rains flood control hybrid capacity building, and focus on climate change, flood monitoring improvement, early warning, disaster management capacity, and promote social stability and economic sustainable development. The objective of the project is enhancing the flood control and disaster reduction capacity under climate change for China’s western river-basins, which mostly derive from inland snow and ice melting. Typical river-basin will be selected as study cases, in which meteorological and hydrological monitoring nets will be constructed and remote-sensing satellites be used to monitor snow & ice melting. Modeling and simulating will be undertaken for flood forecasting and a flood management system will be established to support decision making. Through a phase-based approach (i.e. from pilot study to demonstration project, then to overall implementation), an ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 7 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China emergency management regime will be explored and established. We hope this project would guarantee a scientifical foundation for a sustainable development in west China. The expected outcomes of the project are: (1) (2) and (3) Expected outputs 1. Improve the watershed hydrological information monitoring level, and provided flood forecasting and flood control management date for the flood forecasting. Expected outputs 2. Enhance flood prevention capacity; establish snowmelt flood forecast model and Kumalak River flood control management system, and enhance the watershed flood prevention capacity. Expected outputs 3. Flood control emergency management capacity building; through the training of relevant professionals and on-site promotion the flood control capacity local government management improved. 2.5 Main Stakeholders and Institutional Arrangements During project implementation, Aeromatex Quantum Digital Technology Company lead the project, Water Resources Department of Xinjiang province and Aeromatex Quantum Digital Technology Company set up the project management office and responsible communication and coordination of the project. Water Resources Department of Xinjiang and Aeromatex Quantum Digital Technology Company appoint deputy chairman of the Project and responsible for the implementation of the project. Aeromatex Quantum Digital Technology Company responsible for the implementation of project activities and daily management under the supervision of UNDP. PMO set up a project group of expert consultants that consist of Ministry of Water Resources, aerospace, Xinjiang province, and relevant university. Each committee is headed by a Vice Mayor of the municipality and included representatives from the following municipal level organizations: the Science and Technology Commission, the Economic and Trade Commission, the Development Planning Commission, and the Public Transportation Company. The municipal advisory committees seek advice from outside experts, as needed. The advisory committee meets quarterly. Undertaker responsible for fulfill allocation funds, and as a major research project undertaker (share funds supported by the research project, share institution provide finance bills, original bill retained by the undertaker). UNDP PMO is responsible for coordinating the project with the UNDP CO relevant project, and the final review of the project. The project executing agency responsible for coordinate with the relevant country institution, international institutions and companies, and provide necessary document for the evaluation experts. While executing agency responsible for the implementation and evaluation experts arranged itinerary and organize consultations with the relevant parties. Project's chief technical expert responsible for providing global promotion of the development of the project's technical support and future development of the project viable technology selected informative. ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 8 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China PMO Undertaker Flood Forecasting in Western China China International Economic and Technical Exchange Center UNDP Hangtian Quantum Digital Technology Company Water Resources Department of Xinjiang province Project Office Project Director Project Office Project Backbone Project Office Figure: Organization of Main Stakeholders and Institutional Arrangements 2.6 Results Expected and Actual Accomplishments Annual targets were also provided to guide the team in implementing the 4-year project. The effect of the revision is providing more clarify in the expected outputs, what activities to pursue in order to attain the success indicators at the specified time frame. However, the APR/PIR was not revised to reflect the modifications. The project’s logical frame work (Log Frame) clearly indicates the expected results or targets at the end of this four year project. ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 9 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Table 2 2: Results Expected from the Project Expected output 1. 2. 3. Activities Improve the monitoring levels of watershed water regime information Improve the monitoring levels of water regime information in typical watershed region through a special construction, provide data base for further flood forecast and management in prevention of flood and disaster and build an long-term and effective technological modes in alpine monitor. The improvement of flood prevention capability: build snowmelt flood forecast model and management system in prevention of flood and disaster, establish systematic management mechanism of prevention of flood and disaster for enhancing the prevention capability of watershed’s flood. Flood mitigation emergency management capacity building; through training of relevant professionals and field promotion, it will enhance snowmelt flood forecasting system and Kumalak River flood control management system, and improve the local government's flood control and management ability Evaluation criteria 1.1.Build monitoring network of weather, water regime and snow information in Kumalak River watershed 1.2.Build automatic transfer network of watershed’s water regime information 1.3.Build acquisition platform of sensing monitoring data of snow and hydrological information in Kumalak River watershed 1.4.Build system development platform 2.1.Propose a monitoring model of snow sensing 2.2.Propose a snowmelt flood forecast model 2.3.Propose a precaution and forecast model in prevention of flood and disaster 2.4.Build a processing system of special data in Kumalak River watershed 2.5.Build a monitoring system of snow sensing in Kumalak River watershed 2.6.Build a precaution and forecast system for flood disaster in Kumalak River watershed 2.7. Build a management system for prevention of flood and disaster in Kumalak River watershed 3.1 Hydrological monitoring systems training twice,60 people 3.2. Flood control management system application training 3 times,90people 3.3. Snowmelt flood control and management meeting once,20 people. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Final Evaluation Mission 10 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China The actual accomplishments vs. the targets at final-term of implementation were reported each year during the project implementation. All the reports of the sub-contractors were prepared and submitted. According to the PMO, all the reports had been reviewed by the CICETE and UNDP. These reports were circulated among all the relevant stakeholders and team members. Some reports have been submitted to UNDP for dissemination. In addition, some of the sub-contract results will be used as basis for preparation of next Phase. There is no activity indicator that did not meet its target as shown in Table 2-3 while tabulation shows the summary of the evaluation. A total of 16 activity indicators met their targets while 1 exceeded target completion requirement. Among them, 2 activity indicators were completed in advance while 9 will be completed at EOP and the goal of the project is predicted to be completed 5 years after EOP. Table 2-3 Evaluation of Actual Accomplishments. Strategy Goal Objective Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 TOTAL 3.0 not meets target meets target exceeds target advanced completion at EOP completion 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 7 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 7 3 15 5 years after EOP 1 0 0 0 0 1 Total indicators 1 1 4 7 3 16 Findings and Conclusions The FTR team rated the overall progress towards achievement of results for the project to be “Satisfactory (S)”. The project is expected to achieve its major goal. Further, the project has achieved its major relevant objectives。 Assessment of each objective and outcome is presented by stating the objective, outcome, targets at end of project, physical and financial achievements as of date, assessment of its contribution to the objective / outcome and finally a rating of the progress. The detailed assessment is presented in the sections that follow. 3.1 Assessment of progress towards Development Objective All activity indicators have met the end-of-project targets and 1 indicator exceeds the targets. The project has well attained its Development Objective. In terms of financial delivery of the project in support of the various outcomes, the PMO provided the information shows 100% utilization of UNDP funds. Overall Assessment of Progress & Rating ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 11 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China The overall assessment of the project is “Satisfactory (S)” since all reports have prepared and submitted and all output indicators meet targets, and financial delivery is 100% of total UNDP funds while co-financing from government and private sectors is almost 100% as of end June 2013. Overall, the project has attained its development objective at end-of-project. 3.2 Assessment of Outcomes The attainment of the project’s goal and objective is rated “Satisfactory (S)” while the attainment of Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 is also rated “Satisfactory”. Therefore, the FTR team rated the overall progress towards achievement of results for the project to be “Satisfactory (S)”. The annual targets are presented in Annex D as to how the project team was guided over the 4-year project duration. 3.3 Project Formulation Review This section focuses on the FTR team’s specific tasks of reviewing the project’s formulation: (1) design and work plan, (2) project performance, (3) project impact, (4) government policies in development of Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China (5) current projects for Modeling for Flood Forecasting in other countries including international market developments in supply and demand of the technology to find out and advise potentials for possible project expansion, (6) good practices and lessons learnt in partnership building of the project with companies and agencies in introducing Modeling for Flood Forecasting and designing Emergency Management in expanded demonstration provinces in China, (7) recommendations on the improvement or sustenance of the implementation, potential aspects on commercialization of Modeling for Flood Forecasting that can be covered in the planned project, and (8) revisit the MTR Report to see if the key recommendations have been put into practice in the process of project implementation. 3.3.1 Conceptualization / Project Design and Work Plan A review of the conceptual design and work plan was conducted to determine whether: (a) the project approaches and strategy are sound; (b) the immediate objectives and outputs are properly stated and verifiable in the project’s logical framework; (c) the time frame of the project is feasible and practicable; and (c) others. During the course of the initial implementation, minor revisions were made on the Project Document in order to refine the performance measurement (success) indicators, baseline, target at end-of-project, sources of verification, and risks and assumptions. Overall, the project design and work plan remain valid and consistent with the project strategy (goal, objectives and outcomes). The success indicators and targets continue to be specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable, and time-bounded to achieve the desired project outcomes. Therefore, the rating for conceptual design of the project is “Satisfactory (S)”. 3.3.2 Project Performance / Timeliness, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness A review of project performance was conducted to determine: (a) timeliness, quality of inputs and cost-effectiveness of activities undertaken; (b) quality and quantity of outputs produced; (c) achievement of outcomes; and (d) financial review against the project budget. Based on the reviewed APR/PIR, list of reports completed and sample progress report power point presentation, all the required inputs, outputs and reports as of 2 July 2013 were obtained and prepared in a timely manner, of desired quality per reports, and within the financial resources provided for in ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 12 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China the project budget. Therefore, the rating for project performance, timeliness, quality and costeffectiveness of the project is “Satisfactory (S)”. 3.3.3 Project Impact A review of the project impact was made to determine: (a) extent to which project objectives are expected to be achieved; and (b) what are the short-term and long-term impact of the project, including the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the project. Short-term impact of the project: The application of this project in a typical Kumalak River Basin has the following achievements as: (1) builds an long-term and effective technological pattern in monitoring the Alpine Areas, improves the monitoring level of water regime information of watershed, develops snowmelt-type flood forecast model and management system in prevention of flood and disaster, establishes systematic management pattern in prevention of flood and disaster, enhance the capability in preventing flood of watershed region; (2) the train of relational professional personnel and the promoting meeting in the field improve the management capability of local government in prevention of flood and disaster and promote the socio-economical development; (3) enhances the capability in preventing flood, which is the mixed type of snowmelt and storm, and owns the largest threat for Xinjiang, improves the ability in flood monitoring, forecasting and management of disaster reduction under the climate change, promotes the society’s stability and economy’s sustainable development. Long-term impact of the project: The achievement in this project is beneficial to the people have suffered from the snowmelt floods in western China; (2) the successful snowmelt model can be promoted to the entire Central Asia and is beneficial to the people in other countries through improving the forecasting level in flood and storm. 3.3.4 Government Policies and Relevance This section will study government policies in the development of Modeling for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas in Western China and assess the relevance of the project against the national development priorities and objectives. (a) the impact of country and province policies on this project during project execution Currently, the mechanism in prevention of flood and disaster is incomplete, especially in western region, which faces many constraints including poor infrastructure, low crisis-management level, climate change and increased extreme weather events, thus, the impact of flood and dry obtains many concerns from China government. A document issued by the Party Central Committee had pointed out that, the investment in prevention of flood and disaster should be increased, the existence of traditional and non-traditional challenges makes the mission in prevention of flood and disaster much more arduous and complex. How to face these challenges and realize the socioeconomical sustainable development is an important problem. (b) The reference for country and province policies during project completion In the aspect of management, enhance the management ability in prevention of flood and disaster through organized training and technological communications; meanwhile, it is important for cultivating the general people’s awareness in prevention of flood and disaster. In the aspect of ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 13 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China technology, some new models and approaches should be introduced for providing technological guarantee in storm forecast. 3.4 Project Implementation Review The FTR team also assessed the project implementation taking into account the status of the project activities and outputs and the resource disbursements made up to July 1, 2013. A summary of the status of project activities (accomplishment vs. target) is shown in Table 2-3. The evaluation of project implementation will involve analysis at two levels: component level and project level. 3.4.1 Component Level The evaluation to Project Implementation during the onsite visit for the component level is summarized below: Component Level - Is there effective relationship and communication between/among components so that data, information, lessons learned, best practices, outputs and crosscutting issues are shared efficiently? - Are the performance measurement indicators and targets used in the project monitoring system specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and timebounded to achieve desired project outcomes? Kumalak Y Y Y - Was the use of consultants successful in achieving the component outputs? - Appropriateness and relevance of work plan, compliance with the work and financial plan with the budget allocation - Timeliness of disbursements, procurement, coordination among project team members and committees and UNDP country office support - Any issue or factor that impeded or accelerated the implementation of the project or any of its components, including actions taken and resolutions made should be highlighted Y Y Y Based on the compilation of response on effectiveness of project implementation at the component level, the rating is “Satisfactory (S)”. 3.4.2 Project Level The evaluation to Project Implementation during the onsite visit for the project level is summarized below: Project Level a) Progress towards achievement of results - Is the project making satisfactory progress in achieving project outputs vis-à-vis the targets and related delivery of inputs and activities? - Are the direct partners and project consultants able to provide necessary inputs or achieve results? Kumalak Y Y ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 14 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China - Given the level of achievement of outputs and related inputs and activities to-date, is the Project likely to achieve its purpose/objective and contribute to the realization of its goal? b) Factors affecting successful implementation and achievement of results - Is the project implementation and achievement of results proceeding well and according to plan? - Or are there any outstanding issues, obstacles, bottlenecks, etc. on the following sectors that are affecting the successful implementation and achievement of project results? consumer (public) government (national and local) private sector public sector as a whole - To what extent does the broader policy environment remain conducive to achieving expected project results, including existing and planned legislations rules and regulations policy guidelines government priorities - Is the project logical framework and design still relevant in the light of the project experience to date? - To what extent do critical assumptions/risks in project design make true under present circumstances and on which project success still hold? has the project team validated these assumptions as presently viewed by the project management? are there new assumptions/risks that should be raised? - Is the project well-placed and integrated within the national government development strategies such as community development, poverty reduction, etc. and related global development programs? - Are the Project's institutional and implementation arrangements still relevant and helpful or hinder in achieving the Project's objectives and outcomes? or are there any institutional concerns that hinder the Project's implementation and progress c) Project management framework (adaptive management framework) - Are the project management arrangements adequate and appropriate? - How effective is the project managed at all levels? - Is it results-based and innovative? - Do the project management systems, including progress reporting, administrative and financial systems, and monitoring and evaluation system operate as: effective management tools aid in effective implementation, and provide sufficient basis for evaluating performance and decision making? - Is technical assistance and support from project partners and stakeholders appropriate, adequate and timely? - Validate whether the risks originally identified in the Project Document and currently in the APR/PIR are the most critical and the assessments and risk ratings placed are reasonable Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N - Describe additional risks identified during the evaluation, if any, and suggest risk ratings and possible risk management strategies to be adopted ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 15 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China Y - Assess the use of project logical framework and work plans as management tools and in meeting with UNDP requirements in planning and reporting - Assess the use of electronic information and communication technologies in the implementation and management of the project - On the financial management side, assess the cost effectiveness of the interventions and note any irregularities - How have the APR/PIR process helped in monitoring and evaluating the project implementation and achievement of results? d) Strategic partnerships (project positioning and leveraging) Y Y Y - Are the project partners strategically and optimally positioned and effectively leveraged to achieve maximum effect of Emergency Management. Efficiency program objectives for the country? - How do the project partners, stakeholders and co-financing institutions involved in the Project’s adaptive management framework? Y - Are there further opportunities for stronger collaboration and substantive partnerships identified to enhance the project’s achievement of results and outcomes? Y - Are the project information and progress of activities disseminated to project partners and stakeholders? Are there areas to improve in the collaboration and partnership mechanisms? Y Y Based on the compilation of response on effectiveness of project implementation at the project level, the rating is “Satisfactory (S)”. 3.5 Conclusions The most important conclusions arising from this final-term evaluation includes: (1) In the aspect of national strategy, the prevention of flood and disaster is an important problem concerning national economy development and building a well-off society and own the largest impact on the social stability and safety. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, as the largest provincial cross-sections of China, had been suffering from the flood and dry disaster. As the climate change and socio-economical development, the range, frequency and disaster extent of storm disaster showed an upward trend year after year. Currently, the mechanism in prevention of flood and disaster is incomplete, especially in western region, which faces many constraints including poor infrastructure, low crisis-management level, climate change and increased extreme weather events. The completion of this project, the development of subsystems of data acquisition in snow remote sensing and image processing, provides the foundational support for snow remote sensing monitoring model and snowmelt flood forecast model and lies a very good foundation for the prevention of flood and disaster in western China. (2) In the aspect of technology, the following four achievements are obtained: (1) sensing data product: complete the acquisition in snow remote sensing data for application in snowmelt flood forecast, where raster product is provided as Geotiff form and owns well geometry orientation precision; vector product is provided as shp or Arc Coverage form and owns integrated attribute information. The precision of data product is above 85%. (2) snow data product: complete statistical analysis of acquired snow data and generate the statistical distribution of data product in the project region. Finally, an analytical report is provided. The snow data acquisition in subproject “spatial data acquisition and process in the project region” achieves some fruits and obtains some snow data including frequency and snow depth, which provides high-precision data ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 16 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China support for flood forecast model study and demonstration project in Alpine Areas in Western China and promotes the development of data acquisition technology in Alpine Areas in Western China. (3) data acquisition product in base topography: completes the statistical analysis for extracted topography and soil data and obtains the statistical distribution of data product in the project region. (4) data acquisition and analysis product of vegetation and land use sensing data: obtains the land use data from 1998 to 2007 every five years; meanwhile, the production of this data is classified through integrated approach of object-oriented classification technology and visual interpretation, leading to the high-precision classification results for providing fundamental data to the flood forecast system in high-cold mountainous districts. However, due to the many aspects of reasons, there is also a distance between the main achievements of technological level and snowmelt flood forecast. It is possible that build snowmelt flood forecast model and management mechanism if this project will obtain some further investment. (3) In the aspect of project management, the effective management for this project is completed through the following three aspects and ensures the successful implementation of this project. (1) scope management: the successful implementation of this project is ensured through establishing the CCB and completing argumentation and examination in large alter of project execution to avoid any uncontrollable deviation and scope extension. (2) schedule management: during the project planning phase, designs the planning process and organizes the judgments at the point of planning process for ensuring the successful implementation of this project and completing the tasks early. (3) quality management: intends to project work according to the designed objective and potential output and effectively ensure the quality of the project. (4) in the aspect of the establishment of the partnership, during the project execution, the project organization and execution units (including UNDP、China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Xinjiang Water Resources Bureau and Aeromatex Incorporation) establish well communication mechanism and effectively ensure the successful implementation of this project, and also provide well foundations for other project. (5) Subjected to the restrictions of time and region, it is difficult that the experts arrive at the scene and complete the evaluation. It is suggested that some field trip should be arranged in other similar projects. With respect to evaluation of performance at the component level, the following could be concluded by the FTR Team: There is effective relationship and communications between team members so that data, information, lessons learned, best practices and outputs are shared efficiently, including crosscutting issues. The performance measurement (success) indicators and targets used in the project monitoring system are specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time-bounded to achieve desired project outcomes. The use of consultants has been successful in guiding the Chinese experts and research institutions in implementing the various activities of the project. With respect to performance at the project level, the following conclusions were made by the FTR team: (a) Progress towards achievement of results (internal and within the project’s control): ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 17 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China The project is making satisfactory progress in achieving project outputs vis-à-vis the targets and delivery of inputs and activities at the end of project The direct partners and project consultants were able to provide necessary inputs and results The project is likely to achieve its purpose/objective and contribute to the attainment of its goal (b) Factors affecting successful implementation and achievement of results (beyond the Project’s immediate control or project-design factors that influence outcomes and results): The project implementation and achievement of results are proceeding well and according to plan, and there are no outstanding issues, obstacles, bottlenecks, etc. from various stakeholders However, The broader policy environment remain conducive to achieving expected project results, including existing and planned legislations, rules, regulations, policy guidelines and government priorities. The project’s logical framework and design remain relevant in the light of the implementation experience to date. There are no new critical assumptions / risks that need to be raised on top of what were previously validated by the project team. The project is well-placed and integrated within the national government development strategies such as community development, poverty reduction, etc. and aligned to global development programs. The project’s institutional and implementation arrangements are still relevant and helpful in achieving its goal, objective and outcomes; there are no institutional concerns that hinder its implementation and progress towards completion (c) Project management (adaptive management framework): The project management arrangements remain adequate and appropriate as evidenced by the progress reports and is observed to be results-based and innovative The project is well managed at all levels The project management systems (progress reporting, administrative and financial systems, and monitoring and evaluation systems) are effective and provide sufficient basis for evaluating performance and facilitating decision making Technical assistance and support from project partners and stakeholders were found to be appropriate, adequate and timely The risks originally identified in the revised Project Document and currently in the APRs/PIRs are indeed the most critical and the assessments and risk ratings placed are still reasonable for which the FTR team also concurs During the interview by the FTR team, there are no additional risks The use of project’s logical framework and work plans as management tools and in meeting with UNDP requirements in planning and reporting is deemed effective and the FTR team itself found it useful in organizing and analyzing the final-term evaluation results The effective use of electronic information and communication technologies in the implementation and management of the project has greatly automated, simplified, expedited and made more accurate the gathering of data, reports, calculations and results The financial management of the project is effective and none noted any irregularities The APR/PIR process has helped in monitoring and evaluating the project implementation and achievement of results as it tracks the time of delivery of outputs ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 18 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China (d) Strategic partnerships (project positioning and leveraging): The sub-contracts responded that project partners are strategically and optimally positioned and effectively leveraged to achieve maximum effect of the sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency program objectives for the province. The project partners, stakeholders and co-financing institutions are involved in some aspects of the project’s adaptive management framework since they provide us comments and suggestion during the projects. There are opportunities for stronger collaboration and substantive partnerships identified to enhance the project’s achievement of results and outcomes The project information and progress of activities are disseminated to project partners and stakeholders 4.0 Recommendations 4.1 Recommendations for next stage The project activities are implemented according the designed planning, the activities components are consistent with planning components and the project achievements are integrated. The research components of this project include the buildings of alpine weather and hydrological stations, the research of acquisition model of ice and snow, as well as the development of subsystems of data acquisition in snow remote sensing and image processing, which provide the foundational support for snow remote sensing monitoring model and snowmelt flood forecast model and lies a very good foundation for the prevention of flood and disaster in western China. The achievement in this project is directly beneficial to the people have suffered from the snowmelt floods in western China. In the future, the successful snowmelt model can be promoted to the entire Central Asia and is beneficial to the people in other countries through improving the forecasting level in flood and storm. 4.2 Recommendations for Other UNDP projects Some organization and management experiences of this project provide well references for other similar UNDP project, including the establishment of integrated monitoring and management mechanism through following three aspects and ensures the successful implementation of this project. (1) scope management: the successful implementation of this project is ensured through establishing the CCB and completing argumentation and examination in large alter of project execution to avoid any uncontrollable deviation and scope extension. The committee includes the chief engineer, expert and project leader. (2) schedule management: during the project planning phase, designs the planning process and organizes the judgments at the point of planning process for ensuring the successful implementation of this project and completing the tasks early. (3) quality management: intends to project work according to the designed objective and potential output and effectively ensure the quality of the project. In the project implementation, the monitoring and management mechanism plays an important role and ensures the completion of this project, where the quality of achievements meets the requirement of project design. Moreover, in the aspect of the human resource management, all project team members take their respective roles, including the project chief engineer, evaluation experts, project leader, system design division, algorithm research division, software research division and system test personnel. The rational allocation of human resources ensures the successful completion and achievement quality of this project from the aspects of hardware, software, research and implementation. ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 19 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China 5.0 Flood Forecasting in Western China Best Practices and Lessons Learned Best practices are meant to document and give recognition to the innovative approaches undertaken by the project team (UNDP, Project Team, stakeholders, government and private sectors) to overcome difficulties in order to accomplish the tasks in a cost-effective manner resulting in leading-edge and quality outputs. On the other hand, lessons learned are highlighted to remind the project implementers as well as future project undertakers of potential problems or difficulties that may be encountered so as to ensure that such problems are adequately addressed in advance to avoid implementation difficulties in the future. One learns indeed from past mistakes in order to avoid repeating them again in the future. 5.1 Best Practices In the aspect of project organization, as main execution unit of project, Aeromatex Incorporation fully exert its technological advantages in the high-tech enterprises; as the cooperative partner, Xinjiang Water Resources Bureau is offering the activities of building alpine weather stations and hydrological monitoring stations and achieves good results, which provide the foundation in the acquisition of meteorological and hydrological data. Moreover, it provides geographical situation of research region and data support for software development. The well exchange and communication mechanism are the important for the project completion. 5.2 Lessons Learned due to the many aspects of reasons, there is also a distance between the main achievements of technological level and snowmelt flood forecast. It is possible that build snowmelt flood forecast model and management mechanism if this project will obtain some further investment. ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 20 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China 6.0 Annex A - List of Exhibitions, Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Conference scheme The annual review conference 2011 The annual review conference 2012 Location China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges 12 floor conference room Aeromatex Incorporation Time 01/03/2012 People 11 14/11/2012 15 7.0 Annex B - List of Persons and Their Affiliations Number 1 Name Huoping Ding Wei Zhao Education Doctor 3 Hongqiang Wang Doctor 4 5 Yan Ma Changhong Fan Zhengxu Peng Gang Chen Bachelor Bachelor Yuyang Shao Yachao Wang Master Master Senior Engineer 10 Jili Yin Master Engineer 11 Shi Liang Master Engineer 12 Mingqin Han Master Engineer 13 Chao Xiong Master Engineer 14 Li Liu Master Engineer 2 6 7 8 9 Master Doctor Master Title/job Deputy chief engineer Deputy chief engineer Professor Senior Engineer Engineer Engineer Division Project leader division Project expert Duty Project chief engineer Project expert Technical consultant Project office Project leader Planning and scheduling Project leader Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Engineer System design division System design division System design division System development division System development division System development division System development division System development division System development division System design Technical consultant System design System design/ Algorithm research System design System design Algorithm research Algorithm research Algorithm research System ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 21 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China 15 Jianhua Zhou Doctor Senior Engineer 16 Weili Zhang Master Engineer 17 Tao Gao Master Engineer 18 Jinhua Liu Bachelor Engineer 19 Zhengmin Li Master Senior Engineer 20 Ang Li Master Senior Engineer 21 Xiaowei Liu Master Engineer 22 Yang Cui Master Senior Engineer 23 Ruoman Liu Bachelor Engineer 24 Jing Dai Bachelor Engineer Flood Forecasting in Western China System development division System development division System development division System development division System development division System development division System development division System examination division System examination division System examination division System System System System System System System development System examination System examination System examination ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 22 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China Flood Forecasting in Western China 8.0 Annex C - List of Documents Reviewed Evaluation file Form Analytical report of acquisition and processing achievements of snow remote sensing data Analytical report of acquisition achievements of topography and soil data Analytical report of acquisition and processing achievements of vegetation and land use remote sensing data in project region Information sheet of project implementation Project implementation scheme and planning The minutes of meeting of project review conference in 2011 Summary Report of project research work in 2011 Summary Report of project research work in 2012 Analytical report of achievements Text Completion time 2013-06-01 Text 2013-06-01 Text 2013-06-01 Text Text Text Text Text Text 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 ____________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 23 September 2013 UNDP-People’s Republic of China 9.0 Flood Forecasting in Western China Annex D - Actual Achievements as of July 2, 2013 Work programme Overseas study Acquisition and processing of topography and soil data Acquisition and processing of snow remote sensing data acquisition and processing of vegetation and land use Remote sensing image enhancement module development Image automatic registration module development Image geometry correction module development Image mosaic and color uniform module development Snow remote sensing interactive information extraction and editing Actual completion Overseas study Acquisition and processing of topography and soil data Acquisition and processing of snow remote sensing data acquisition and processing of vegetation and land use Remote sensing image enhancement module development Image automatic registration module development Image geometry correction module development Image mosaic and color uniform module development The acquisition subsystem of the snow remote sensing data Deviation situation No No Comments No Added the data analysis No Added the data analysis Data quality development Data quality development No evaluation module evaluation module Added the data analysis No No No No No Extraction and calculation of snow cover and snow water, and snow thematic map ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Final Evaluation Mission 24 September 2013