FORM – PSR v2 Monthly Project Status Report Project Name Timetabling and Space Management IS Project Code IS-0117 Project Manager Alec Coleman Project Sponsor Sandy Lynam Report Period From 1 May 2010 Report Period To 31 May 2010 RAG Status Red Report Number 16 Milestones (as outlined in Section 14 of the PPD) Planned Date (from PPD) Expected Date Date Completed Technical Architecture installed for Pilot Phase 2 17/8/09 1/9/09 1/9/09 TSM staff trained on Enterprise by Scientia 30/9/09 30/9/09 16/9/09 Syllabus Plus Data Adapter operational for integration with SITS 30/9/09 30/09/09 30/09/09 Timetabling Principles agreed by Project Exec 30/9/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 Testing on Syllabus Plus on Development system Prior to commencement of Pilot 5/10/09 9/10/09 29/10/09 Pilot commenced 5/10/09 12/10/09 29/10/09 In-house basic training completed for all pilot users 29/10/09 10/11/09 5/12/09 Scientia Web Server operational for Pilot 13/11/09 13/11/09 13/11/09 (prototype) Web Data Collector operational for Pilot 13/11/09 13/11/09 13/11/09 (prototype) Web Room Booking available for initial tests 11/11/09 11/11/09 11/11/09 (prototype) Core System implementation and pilot Timetabling Team to be able to generate timetable for semester 2 for pilot areas using new software 20/12/09 20/12/09 20/12/09 Pilot completed and documented 10/2/10 28/2/10 10/3/10 Scientia Web Server Operational 11/1/10 11/1/10 11/1/10 Pilot faculties to have amended 2009/10 T&R and staff constraints information forms to reflect 2010/11 requirements. Other faculties to complete these forms. 5/4/10 12/4/10 due 26/4/10 some still outstanding at 5/5. Some still being Tasha advised that everything expected has been received as of 19/5/10 D:\116101961.doc Page 1 of 15 Version 2: January 2008 FORM v2.1 – PSR received as new courses still coming in from FHSC as at 28/5. Implement Reporting 30/5/10 30/7/10 Complete Pilot Evaluation of Web Room Booking 30/5/10 24/6/10 System Available for internal publication of timetable to Faculty Timetablers using Enterprise Timetabler in QA environment 21/5/10 21/5/10 21/5/10 E-Vision/SWS available for TSM team to view the timetable internally 21/5/10 21/5/10 28/5/10 Staff trained on S+ 28/5/10 28/5/10 28/5/10 Agree preferred timetable presentation option to students 28/5/10 7/6/10 Provide Timetable to faculty timetablers 5/7/10 5/7/10 Final timetable signed off by faculties (date 28/7/10 26/7/10 30/7/10 30/7/10 30/07/10 30/07/10 30/7/10 30/9/10 30/7/10 30/11/10 moved forward slightly by Linda Parkes 7/6/10) Timetable for the whole 2010/11 year published to students (Milestone revised dates agreed by Project Executive Board Jan 2010) Handover fully production use. operational system into Implement Web Room Booking (Milestone revised dates agreed by Project Steering Group meeting 21/4/10) Pilot Web Data Collection Oct-Nov 2010 (Milestone revised dates agreed by Project Executive Board meeting 10 Mar 2010) Progress achieved this period The project moved from a status of Amber to Red in March and April because although we have received Faculty pathway and module data, the curriculum rationalisation project has meant that substantial revisions will need to be made which will take some time to achieve and thus impact our ability to deliver the timetable. At the Executive Board on 12th May, SB advised that the decision reached at the recent CMT meeting was that courses listed at CMT will be timetabled and those not listed won’t be timetabled. The focus must be on getting the timetable up and running. The missing FHSC info would be sorted out by COP 12th May. This was actually received from FHSC on 19th May. On 14th May, Academic Office duly loaded all known modules into SITS and these modules were duly imported into the S+ 2010/11 database. The impact of the delay is still being felt and therefore a status D:\116101961.doc Page 2 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR of Red remains as there is still considerable work to do to achieve the 30 July Milestone and any further unexpected problem could delay things in this critical phase. Business Analysis McRaymond has only spent 5 days on the project during May due to annual leave and other project work. Following agreement by the Steering Group to option 3 in McRaymond’s paper on displaying TT options to students. ISMS have developed a solution and McRaymond has produced a paper giving screenshots of the two available approaches on 28/5. One using E-Vision and one using .Net. These options will need to be given to students by TSM team. Updated BRD and emailed to Tasha for agreement mid-May. Updated benefits management spreadsheet. Work ongoing. Tasha has commenced work on to-be business processes (ongoing). Meetings Held Weekly TSM/ISMS Wednesday working group meetings to ensure operational alignment on pre-agreed tasks. HoD meeting 5th May Executive Board 12th May No technical Sub Group meetings were needed in May as Rhys is working closely with the team and Operations. Progress from TSM team TSM team trained all notified Faculty Timetablers during May. There are some others in FHSC that have recently been notified. Not all T&R forms and staff constraint forms were received by the deadline and to date some are still being chased to gain correct information. Without a complete set of information the scheduling process for 2010/11 academic year timetable cannot be started and this puts the release date of 30th July in jeopardy. Faculties worked hard to send outstanding information and the majority of this was received by 19th May (6 weeks overdue from 12th April) Activity Template data refreshed module data which unexpectedly caused problems for the team; this required a lengthy manual updating process. WRB pilot completed – awaiting evaluation. Team are busy inputting information into 10/11/database. Technical The deployment of the S+ Client has been completed. Apple Mac compatibility with running the ET application is proving problematic for 2 academic faculty timetable users in FST. Tests are ongoing but there is no fallback other than for them to use traditional PC’s. Scientia advise that ET will not work on Macs. WRB email alert issue was resolved 6/5 following a change request and WRB pilot completed D:\116101961.doc Page 3 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR 28/5/10. Database for 2010/11 is being populated by TSM in QA environment. Daily data feed from SITS via ODBC operational. There was an incident 26/5 where Activity Template records within S+ were overwritten with details from the corresponding Module (MAV) record in SITS. The TSM team had to manually change these values back and ISMS agreed to disable the mechanism to create/refresh these activity template records. This was caused by inadvertent enabling of SPDA to process these records and was a learning point for the project. StuTalk tests to import data from SITS to the SSIS Transdata database were completed on the development server. Both ISMS and TSM were involved in this. The next step is to complete the loading of the new packages into the QA system for final validation prior to deployment to live. A change request is being prepared for this for submission 28/5 and for implementation w/c 7 June. This has slipped from 5/3/10 now to early May due to the technical issues experienced as stated in the April report. This means that we will no longer be reliant on the current ODBC data connectivity method. (MR/RR) Finalised documentation on the duplicate modules in database incident and sought input from Scientia. Work on Non-Functional Test strategy ongoing. (RR) Rhys tested SWS scalability and verified that each server can cope with 50 concurrent users per second and scalability can be further improved by additional web servers. These will be implemented as part of a subsequent change. (RR) Completed the Building of a test server from scratch and documented following Scientia training on 21/4 and subsequent day in May. (100% complete). Deletion Group Process understood by technical and TSM team this has been demonstrated to TSM team. Quote from Scientia for the renewal of their S+ maintenance is being progressed. Procurement have confirmed that the 3% uplift has is reasonable. Created 10/11 database container on live 27/5 following approval by CAB of the change request. Developed and tested a custom front end to securely present and access timetable data from SWS into E-Vision. This slipped from the milestone date of 21/5 due to a bug found in SITS. This is being progressed and a .Net equivalent has also been developed as a ‘Plan B alternative. Mark White/Mark Rowland have agreed that we present both alternatives to students. McRaymond to document the prototypes and Linda to show the alternatives to students. (McR/LP) Implemented change request for IP address changes on live system to ensure the environment is secure. Downtime agreed on 18th May for this work. This only resulted in half a day downtime although there was an issue with one of the ports not being allowed through the firewall which was resolved quickly. (This prevented a minority of the non-TSM users being able to access the license server) The Project Team agreed to defer the upgrade of Syllabus + version EF3 until the timetable has been published as this was considered too risky. Training Training held with Kim from Scientia on 13 and 20 May for TSM staff. Three further days D:\116101961.doc Page 4 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR earmarked in June for TSM – one of which for WRB refinements. Additional day for Scientia to finalise Deletion Groups, reporting and documentation 11/5. Additional handover training will be needed for Operational handover in July. (AC) Training of some late notifications for Faculty TT’s in FHSC (TB) General Invoices paid for the 10 further days training/support from Scientia. We estimate that a further 5 days will be needed - quote obtained from Scientia. Curriculum revision information is not confirmed yet and TSM / Faculties and AO still dealing with many changes (See risks) New staff in TSM team started on 1/5. Outlook for next period Business Analysis Work with Tasha to write up the ‘to-be’ business processes. (McR/TB) Complete the Benefits realisation spreadsheet (McR) Sign off checklist of functional requirements (McR/TB) Present options to students W/C 1/6 and obtain their agreement to the two approaches available for presentation of student timetable. (McR/TB/LP) Produce questionnaire and assess success of WRB pilot and document findings. (McR/AB) Technical Continue to import module data from SITS into S+ in phases into 2010/11 database in QA environment. (RR/BQ/MR) Implement change request for StuTalk to export data from live SITS to the SSIS Transdata database on QA w/c 7 June (MR/RR/TL). Continue to progress SPDA (Syllabus Plus Data Adapter) link helper program from Scientia, test and make operational. This has been hastened on several occasions following our request on 2/3/10 and several emails between ISMS and Scientia to clarify the requirement. This is now of major concern in view of ongoing delays. Meeting booked 2/6/10. (Scientia/RR/BQ/MP) Show prototype custom front end alternatives to TSM team (Using E-vision and .Net) to securely present and access timetable data from SWS into E-Vision (McR 28/5) Finalise test plan and commence Non functional testing to ensure that the system is resilient. (RR) Ongoing documentation of operational handover processes and procedures. Note: significant progress has been made but a lot of documentation is necessary and this will take longer than a month in total. (MR/RR/BQ) Finalise the process for data imports from SITS of only that data necessary for timetabling e.g. D:\116101961.doc Page 5 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR staff changes, student module selections, monitor changes to SITS data and ensure replicated in S+. (MR/McR/TB). Commence documenting and run DR tests to ensure resilience on the live environment. (RR/MR) Improve SWS scalability by provisioning additional web servers. (RR) Obtain clarification from Scientia regarding enhanced support quotation. Do we need this at a cost of £30K for upgrades, monitoring and roll over support? (AC/LP Project team) Agree training for Operational handover. Actions for TSM team Populate 2010/11 timetable as information is received (deadline for T&RI forms was 12th April 2010 but some information was only received on the19th May) Begin scheduling timetables 7th June Write up pilot of WRB and document business process changes by 26/6. (McR/AB) Timetable sent to faculty timetablers 5th July All revisions sent to TSM team 23rd July Final timetable signed off by faculties 28th July Timetable released 30th July Training Three further days earmarked in June for TSM. Meetings Comms Group 1st June Meeting with Matt Finney and technical team to discuss S+/SITS integration on 2 nd June Steering Group 15th June Linkages with Other Projects AIBS recode – this is now on the horizon and if a date is agreed would impact the project. The Steering Group has asked that this be deferred. IS-0038 HR System project: Staff data held in S+ is dependent on the information maintained in SITS (PRS) which in turn will be impacted by the HR System project. SITS PRS records are currently not maintained and may need to be to considered / investigated under the HR system. At this stage, we have sourced the staff data uploaded in to S+ from 3 systems – Cyborg, SITS and Telephone directory. Some anomalies have been discovered with staff being shown under the wrong Faculty/Service which will need to be manually updated. Latest staff data updated from HR system and loaded into S+. Online Module Enrolment – this will result in faster enrolment times and creation of SMOs electronically via SITS which can be transferred into S+. (Level1 Sem1 students wef Sept 10.) Survey Manager has included student feedback about Timetabling – we have received a report on the response to date. SMS to Students Project – The schedule of students on each instance of teaching event will need to be replicated in SITS to ensure efficiency in sending SMS to students on timetable related updated e.g. Lecture cancellations and change of lecture venue. The impact of any D:\116101961.doc Page 6 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR delays in implementing the link from S+ to SITS is that this will not be possible in July. Students Absence Recording on SITS –SITS requires the timetabling data in order to support Students Absence recording, attendance monitoring and engagement monitoring. Any additional work for this will need to be funded outside of the TSM project outside the 3 days agreed. This will not be an electronic process. The impact of any delays in implementing the link from S+ to SITS is that this will not be possible in July SITS Upgrade due 26/27 June. Need to test on the lead up to this. A test environment is available for this using version A3.0 of SITS. My.Anglia Phase2. Display of personal timetable by My Anglia. The impact of any delays in implementing the link from S+ to SITS is that this will not be possible in July. The Steering Group has agreed that this option be removed from the My.Anglia set of deliverables. Key Risks Potential Extent of Impact (H, M, L) Likelihood of Occurrence (H, M, L) Progress / Support Required TSM-3 Anglia Ruskin Architecture & Development staff availability (Rhys/McRaymond/Barbara). H H The departure of Ed with all his knowledge and training from Scientia has made a large impact on the project technical resource. This risk likelihood and impact is high and increased to 5 as ISMS staff catch up. A further day training and server set up was held 21/4 and further knowledge transfer has been held 26/4. Alec has spoken to Gregor on 22/4 and Gregor has confirmed that Rhys been allocated full time on the project from Apr to July. Impact and Risk maintained as high as there is still much to do. Update at 12/5 Exec Board: Essential that we have Martin Parker. Ajay confirmed that Timetabling will be prioritised. TSM 4 - Timetable Integration with Anglia Ruskin Online/eVision. M M The My.Anglia project is due to display timetables for students as a business as usual activity based upon the current timetable during end-April/May 2010. For this functionality to D:\116101961.doc Page 7 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR continue after the Timetabling Project, a link between S+ and SITS is essential. This is being worked upon by the project but is as yet not completed. There is a risk that if this functionality is delayed, we would have to withdraw the display of timetables via My.Anglia. Mitigating action is for the My.Anglia project not to display timetables but to await the S+ link to be tested and implemented. AC has spoken to the My.Anglia Project Manager. The impact of this to the student is considered low because we are coming to the end of the academic year for 2009/10. Action: Project Board to acknowledge this approach. Update at Steering Group 21/4: This was acknowledged and accepted. The other impact is that other strategic initiatives such as SMS and Attendance Monitoring would be impacted. In the case of the former Les James advised that this would not be impacted as there would be a manual process. Update at 12/5 Exec Board: Board aware of impact and advise delivery of timetable is a priority. TSM 5 - Provision of Disaster Recovery M H The environments for DR testing are being checked and revisited. The technical team have been in discussion with Scientia about the DR approach and impacts of a failure. Once plans are in place we will commence the tests during June-July on the live system. Update at Project Steering Group 21/4: Mitigated Impact and likelihood increased as the live system will require a technical change that will need D:\116101961.doc Page 8 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR some downtime. The impact on the WRB pilot will need to be assessed and ISMS to work closely with TSM to ensure a mutually convenient date. Out of hours implementation was discussed but may not be feasible as tests would need to be undertaken during office hours. Action: RR. Update: We are now taking half hourly copies of the database image following the database problem on 27/4. Update at 12/5 Exec Board: Essential downtime necessary on18/5. Board requested that communications be sent out to affected users with the right message. Action AC/TB TSM 8 - Changes to SITS functionality during upgrades may compromise Syllabus Plus and affect timetabling. M H Another SITS upgrade is due in late June. Action: TSM / ISMS testing TSM 12 - Delay in provision of data for the project. H H Update 5/5 following HoD meeting: Despite several reminders to faculties TSM team are still awaiting completed forms and several have changed. SB emphasised the importance of returning these urgently as the project is seriously in jeopardy. The deadline of 5/5 is now over a month behind. This includes School of Art and FHSC. This is now becoming a project issue. Update at 12/5 Exec Board: SB confirmed that the data on nonvalidated modules will be in SITS on Friday 14/5. Outstanding faculty information will also be provided – received 19/5. Risk still high due to the delay. TSM 22 – New Risk added at Steering Group 17/11: Testing identified that there is an issue M L Any discrepancies found by TSM team would be flagged to D:\116101961.doc Page 9 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 in that virtually everything needs to be attached to a department in order for it to show in Enterprise Timetabler. Hence staff, locations, activities, student sets, etc need to have a default department. Also there is inconsistency between Faculties as to the definition of ‘Department’ (In Education the term Unit is used which is not the same as Department) – PSR the respective Service/Faculty. Update 12/1 Exec Board: Agreed status the same. A protocol is needed and in the meantime TSM to flag up any discrepancies to Faculties for amendment. Update: 21/4 Steering Group. Tasha has produced a paper on Dept naming. This was discussed at Project Executive Board and impacts are being ascertained. TSM 23 - New Risk: Identified at TTWG 19/1/10. TSM project deadlines could be affected by areas outside of the project e.g. AQRSC meeting is discussing dates. H H Update 21/4 Steering Group. Tasha advised that after a meeting with AIBS was held on Weds 14.4.10 all outstanding information was provided to TSM (bar one pathway) by end Thurs 15.4.10, the outstanding pathway came in on Friday 16th and queries are being followed up. The module catalogue has been updated with the information provided and AIBS are to ensure students engage in making their module choices Mon/Tues/Weds of w/b 19.4.10. At the Steering Group on 21/4, Les advised there were still likely to be changes to modules even into Semester 2. Update at 12/5 Exec Board: Status same as information still awaited following curriculum review. Update: Information received in SITS 14/5. TSM 24 New Risk: Identified at TTWG 19/1/10. That the pilots did not fully test the capacity of the system. Although there were a lot of good lessons learnt from the pilots, there are still a lot of unknowns. M M Mitigation: As timescales do not allow us to extend the pilots, the only course of mitigating action is to ensure that the lessons learnt from the pilots are well documented and fully understood by the project team. Update 14/4: A significant amount of learning has come out of the pilot but there are new areas that we need to test D:\116101961.doc Page 10 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR as part of the roll-out of the timetable. This includes testing and implementation of links from and to SITS and the new Web Room Booking pilot. Much of this is new and we have a new technical team with a steep learning curve. Mitigating action is to ensure that we have set up proper Development, QA Test and Live Environments with documented processes and to train the team. The risk is therefore increasing and mitigated likelihood increased to 3. H Update at 12/5 Exec Board: SB confirmed that non-validated modules will be added to SITS by 14/5. This has been achieved. Thus risk reducing as modules now (belatedly) carried across to S+. Key Project Issues Priority (H, M, L) Progress / Support Required See risk 12 above. Delay in provision of data for the project H SB has asked all faculties to ensure that outstanding forms are provided urgently. Update: Outstanding forms provided 19/5/10. See risk 23 above. Agreed that this is now a project issue. H Sandy to raise at CMT. Done TSM 26: Added at Project Steering Group 21/4. Module Changes following the Curriculum Review are likely to continue for some months and it is unlikely that modules will be validated before we need to timetable them. Tasha has suggested that in order to cope with late validated modules (from May/June events) they need to be created manually in S+ for scheduling to occur H Linda /Sandy to raise to Lesley Dobree and Project Executive Board. Meetings of senior staff to determine how best to mitigate impact. Update: Non Validated modules now added to SITS 14/5 D:\116101961.doc Page 11 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR Key Technical Issues Priority (H, M, L) Progress / Support Required 017: ET crashes when multiple activities are selected. M Triaged as Level 2 – CAS04878-VGBZ. Update 05/01: SPF sent: Update 12/01 possibly due to calendar control not finishing repainting the screen quickly enough. Advice is to click buttons s-l-o-w-l-y. Impact reduced to Medium as there is a possible work-around. Scientia will still progress this though. Update from Martyn 8/4/10: This needs to be fixed. Believed to be in latest release from Scientia. MR to check. 028 :Unable to ‘see’ bottom of Portal screen – can’t select Databases or Logout button M Affects more than one user. Browser window does not show scroll bars. Users can sometimes ‘TAB’ the bottom of the screen into view. Continue to progress with Scientia. 034: Can ET run on an Apple Mac? M Answer is no. 2 Faculty TT’s affected. PC’s to be used instead. Change Requests Status Priority (H ,M ,L) Progress / Support Required SWS publish pilot faculty timetables via ANET Approved by CAB H Implemented Rollout of S+ Client to Faculty Timetablers Approved by CAB 24/2 H Implemented Implement WRB to FHSC Peterborough and Fulbourne. Approved by CAB H Implemented 8/4/10 Syllabus Plus ‘Web Room Booking Notifier’ fault resolution Approved by CAB H Implemented 6/5 MR/LA Implement improvements to resilience. Approved by CAB H Implemented 18/5 Create 2010/1 TSM database container on live Approved by CAB H Implemented by 27/5 – Martyn/John D:\116101961.doc Page 12 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR TSM StuTalk Publish Approved by CAB H Due for implementation 28/5/10. BQ,ZM Load SSIS packages on live on 9/6/10 Submitted to CAB H Approve the CR on 3/6/10. Implement 9/6/10 Migrating data from QA to live In draft H Approve CR on 3/6/10. Agree date with TSM team. VARIANCE RAG Budget Variance Green Schedule Variance (time) Red REASON GREEN. No issues identified so far – MAGIC is showing a committed and spent figure of £442,191 against a budget of £556,000 as at 27 May 2010 plus we have a figure of £29,847 not yet added by finance giving a spent and committed predicted spend of £472,038 as at end-July 10. This includes predicted ISMS consultancy and 10 days additional consultancy ordered from Scientia. It now also includes actual E&FM backfill resources that E&FM expect to allocate and spend from the project between Feb to July 2010 as provided by Linda Parkes. In f/yr 10/11 from August to December we anticipate a spend of £31,000 on staffing for residual work on the project. Note: E&FM have allocated budget for the part renewal of Celcat to meet the cost of the first annual S+/Microsoft software maintenance renewal due in May 2010. The cost of S+ maintenance renewal after this year will need to be agreed corporately as Sandy has advised this should be institutionally funded rather than from E&FM budgets. Not all T&R forms and staff constraint forms were received by the deadline of 12/4 and the remainder were received 19/5/10. With this delay to provision of a complete set of information the scheduling process for 2010/11 academic year timetable cannot be started and TSM team are working hard to catch up. Any further hitches will put the release date of 30th July in jeopardy. In view of workload, the Project Board has agreed to defer the implementation of Web Data Collection until after 2010/11 timetable is published – see milestones section. Also, decision made by steering group on 21/4 to move implementation of Web Room Booking to Aug/Sept 10 – see milestones section. Resource Variance Amber There is a need for ongoing business analysis relating to the project in terms of benefits, timetable display options, impact on other processes, etc. Ed’s departure has meant more involvement from Barbara Quinlan, Rhys Roberts and Martin Parker as well as additional time from Scientia. Mitigating actions: Agreement has been reached to extend Martyn Reason’s contract until end-December 2010 funded by the project. D:\116101961.doc Page 13 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 Scope Variance Amber – PSR Gregor has agreed that Rhys be allocated full time on the project from April to end July and his time has been booked. We have extended the contract of McRaymond until the end of May and we are predicting 10 days per month chargeable to the project until end July. An in-house Business Analyst has now been recruited but they have been allocated to other work. Purchased 10 additional days from Scientia. We are planning to order 5 additional days for support/training during this critical period. The availability of Martin Parker to work on the delivery of the timetable via e-Vision is also a risk. In view of the significant amount of work involved and the shortness of time available to get ready to publish the timetable, Steering Group agreed at meeting 21/4/10 that if there is a conflict, we focus on delivery of the timetable to students rather than getting the data back into SITS. This approach was also endorsed by Steve Bennett at the May Project Executive Board. The impact of this will be on SMS, Attendance Monitoring, My Anglia Phase 2. Mitigating actions: Ensure that the PM’s responsible are aware: Rebecca Donnelly, Les James and Angie Heffer have been informed. Do not deliver personal timetables in My-Anglia Phase 2. This has been agreed with the PM for this project. Quality Variance Amber Stakeholder Issue Green Risk Level RED Continue to hasten Scientia and schedule the work to get data back into SITS as a parallel activity of the project. This has been hastened and a meeting with Scientia scheduled for the early 2 June. Data analysis ongoing and some Department information is not available. See risks. Mitigating action is for TSM team to flag up the Faculty concerned any issues. Mitigating action is also to understand all the data interrelationships following findings from the pilot. Staff data has been cleansed as far as we are able and Martyn has uploaded into S+ and also copied to Terry Down in HR so the latest consolidated data is available. No issues identified. All stakeholders have been engaged through the Communications Plan. Presentations provided at Five Lakes and a HoD meeting was held on 5th May. The schedule for producing the timetable is still seriously at risk because University AO deadlines although defined as being 22nd March are not being achieved. The Curriculum Review will mean that information will only become available much later in SITS. Many pathways are D:\116101961.doc Page 14 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009 FORM v2.1 – PSR awaiting validation and have no module codes on SITS therefore students cannot be registered on these modules. Note: this is an organisational change which was not envisaged when the project was started. Mitigating action was to ensure that Academic Office add all unvalidated modules to SITS. This was done in the main for all known modules on Friday 14th May but some are expected from FHSC. SB hastened HoDs at meeting 5/5 about delays in providing the missing Timetabling and Rooming forms. These were received as late as 19/5. Staff availability also remains a risk to the project as raised at the Project Executive Board. Mitigating actions are being addressed as shown under resources section. The recent database issue with Activity Template data has also put pressure on both the technical and TSM teams. D:\116101961.doc Page 15 of 15 Version 2.1: October 2009