Naturalization Scavenger Hunt

Naturalization Scavenger Hunt
1. Type this website into your internet browser: Type it in EXACTLY as
it is written, otherwise it won’t work!!! You may also go to the portaportal site and
choose U.S. Citizenship and Imm. Services under the Civics sites tab.
2. What are three of the options to choose from on the green bar at the top of the page?
3. Find the word Citizenship written in green near the middle of the page. What do you
recognize that you have already learned on this page?
4. At the top left hand side of the Citizenship page, click on the link called Citizenship
through Naturalization- then underneath of it will appear Path to Citizenship. Use this
page to find out some General Eligibility Requirements.
A. What age must one be to apply for Naturalization? ________
B. How long must one have been a permanent resident to the U.S. before applying
usually __________________
C. How long is required to live in the same state or district before you can apply?
D. List one other requirement found here to qualify. ____________________
5. Now look at the top right hand side of this page. Click on the link called A Guide to
Naturalization. Click M-476 Attachments at the bottom of the list. Use the first few pages
of this to answer the following.
A. On page M-477- what do you have to send in a photo copy of?
B. How much is the total current Naturalization fee? (pg M-479)
C. Scroll to the four pages labeled M-480 called Naturalization Eligibility Worksheet.
Look at the flow chart found after the instructions and answer the following questions.
1. Is it easy to Naturalize? ___________
2. How many hurdles (steps) do you have to get through to become a U.S. Citizen?
3. Do you think this process looks confusing?
4. Imagine trying to understand this if English was not your first language- what would
you do? _______________________________________
6. Now close this document and return back to website. Click on the seal with the eagle at
the top of the page to go back to the homepage. Click on the link called Green Card
(Permanent Residence) in the middle of the screen. According to the last paragraph what
does a “green card” authorize you to be able to do?
7. Finally go back and click on the word Citizenship in the middle of the homepage. Once on
that page click on Naturalization Test on the left hand side of the page. On the right hand
side of the page click on Naturalization Self Test. Read the paragraph and answer the
questions. Is the real test in a multiple choice format? ________ How many questions do
you have to get right to pass the Civics portion of the test? __________
Now click generate questions. Answer the four questions and then click review answers to
see how many you got right, then generate more questions. Tell how well you scored.
1st 4 questions:
2nd 4 questions:
3rd 4 questions:
4th 4 questions:
5th 4 questions:
number correct _________
number correct _________
number correct _________
number correct _________
number correct _________
You may answer more questions if you have time. Based on this test- do you think you
could become a U.S. citizen if you weren’t already one? ___________