Name__________________________Bell____ Obtaining Citizenship Project DUE DATE______ Choose *1* of the following activities: (or come up with idea!) Citizen Ad (Print ) Citizen Ad (Commercial/Skit) Friendly Letter Create a print advertisement persuading someone to become a U.S. Citizen Write a letter to friend in a foreign country who wants to become a U.S. citizen and explain the procedure. Create and perform or record a commercial persuading someone to become a U.S. Citizen Flow Chart Draw a flow chart of the naturalization process. Comic Strip Create a comic strip depicting a person becoming a U.S. citizen. Short Story Create a short story with pictures about the naturalization process. Citizenship Project Product Evaluation Requirement Title & Sources Naturalization Process Naturalization Requirements Illustrations Grammar & Mechanics Clarity & Appeal Advanced Proficient Novice (You project is at the Expect level!) (Your project is good but needs improvement.) (Your project is not acceptable) There is a catchy, appropriate title. The two sources of citizenship are listed and defined. There is a title and sources listed. The title or sources statement are missing. Three key requirements of the naturalization process are identified in order. The importance of each requirement is explained. The 6 key requirements of naturalization are identified in order. The importance of each requirement is explained. There are at least three illustrations that support information in the brochure. Illustrations are placed appropriately to enhance specific messages. All grammar and mechanics are correct. Three requirements of the naturalization process are identified and explained. The six requirements of naturalization are identified and explained. Three appropriate illustrations are included. Fewer than three requirements are identified or explanations are lacking. Fewer than six requirements are identified or explanations are lacking. There are fewer than three illustrations or they do not support the message. There are significant errors in grammar or mechanics. Information is disorganized or visual elements detract from the message. All elements are organized in an attractive and appealing manner to effectively convey information. Visual elements are included to enhance understanding. Evaluator’s Comment/Score: Most grammar and mechanics are correct. Information is organized and appropriate visual elements are included.