Curriculum Vitae - Faculty of Dentistry

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Nadia S. S. Ereifej
Date and place of birth: 11/06/1979, Jordan.
Nationality: Jordanian
Address: 29 Al-Effeh Street, P.O.Box 142210, Amman, 11814, Jordan.
Phone number:
Home: 0096265810066
Mob: 00962797379525
The Jordanian Secondary Education General Certificate examination (95.1%) in
1997, Al-Ittihad Secondary school, Amman, Jordan.
Bachelor Degree in Dental Surgery (BDS) (Cumulative average: 3.63/4, Rate:
very good) in June 2002, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. The BDS
was a 5-year program (1997-2002). The first year concentrated on basic sciences
including biology, cytology, chemistry, organic chemistry and physics. The
second and third years focused on medical related subjects including general
anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, pharmacology, microbiology in
addition to preclinical introductory courses to dentistry. The fourth and fifth years
focused on the different dental subjects including prosthodontics, oral surgery and
medicine, conservative and operative dentistry, periodontics, pedodontics,
geriatric dentistry and many other topics. The different courses concentrated on
both the theoretical and clinical aspects and included clinical sessions for treating
patients in the different specialties. Rated among the top 5 in the class, the
position of a research and teaching assistant and a sponsorship for the Masters and
PhD degrees were offered by the University of Jordan.
Masters degree in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics (MSc degree with merit)
in Sep 2005, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. The course was a 1year full-time program (Sep 2004- Sep 2005) and included interactive seminars
on prosthodontic specialty related topics, clinical sessions concentrating on
diagnosis, treatment planning as well as conducting treatment for patients in need
for comprehensive dental care. The course also included a dissertation based on a
laboratory research project. Dissertation title was “An investigation to evaluate
fracture resistance of fibre-reinforced composite crowns”. The MSc degree, with
merit, was awarded in September 2005, based on the results of the written exam,
an oral and clinical exam as well as the dissertation.
PhD degree in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Sep 2008, The University
of Manchester, Manchester, UK. This was a 3-year full-time program (Sep 2005Sep 2008). PhD thesis title was “Dental Ceramics: Microstructure and Fracture
Behaviour” and focused on the microstructure and mechanical properties of some
of the currently used dental materials, mainly ceramics. Laboratory work was
undertaken in the Department of Biomaterials at the University of Manchester as
well as Department of Material sciences at the University of Manchester and
some of the work was accomplished in cooperation with Department of
Biomaterials at the University of Athens, Fractography research group at the
University of Florida and Ivoclar-Vivadent ceramic research group, Schaan,
Liechtenstein. The PhD degree was awarded after a viva exam and with a
common decision between the examiners, among which was the Dean of the
Dental School at The University of Manchester, Dr. Nick Grey and an invited
external examiner, an expert in the field and a Professor of Prosthodontics,
Professor Matthias Kern from the Germany.
Training and related courses:
Internship program at King Hussain medical city, The Royal Medical services,
Amman, Jordan (Sep 2002- March 2003). This program was held after the
graduation and aimed to expose the interns for advanced clinical training in the
different departments of dentistry in order to improve their clinical skills.
Research methods, statistics and SPSS (Grade: A), in 2005, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK. This was part of the Master degree program at the
university and aimed to introduce the students to the different research methods
available and familiarize them with the different statistical tests that can be
helpful in analyzing data collected for the Masters dissertation and PhD thesis
Medical emergencies and Basic life support course in May 2005, the University
of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Advanced dental clinical training at The University of Manchester, Turner dental
school (2004-2008). In addition to the clinical training taken during the masters
year, extra clinical sessions were also taken during the three PhD years and
included offering treatment for patients in need for advanced and comprehensive
dental care in the postgraduate clinic at the Department of Prosthodontics.
As part of the PhD research project, 1-week training on using CAD/CAM and
ceramic crown construction was undertaken at Ivoclar-Vivadent, Schaan,
Liechtenstein (May 2007). In addition to sample construction of the main PhD
project, the training helped improving the technical skills needed both in the
dental laboratory and the clinic as well as sample construction for future research.
Work experience:
July 2003- Sep 2004: Research and teaching assistant at The University of Jordan
Dental School: Included supervising students in the undergraduate prosthodontic
clinic, improving teaching skills as well as research skills.
Sep 2008- the present: Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School
of Dentistry, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. This includes giving
lectures and seminars in Prosthodontics for the students at the undergraduate
level, supervising students on the clinics and teaching the practical and clinical
aspects of Prosthodontics. Furthermore, several research projects are being
undertaken currently as a member of different research groups at the faculty.
Based on the research activity, it is expected to be promoted to an Associate
Professor in a period of 3-4 years. In addition to teaching and research, I’m also
working at the University of Jordan Hospital as a fixed and removable
Prosthodontist offering the suitable treatment for the patients visiting the dental
hospital seeking treatment.
Sep 2009: Was awarded a scholarship for a 3 month postdoctoral research from
the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs-Greece after being offered the
position for postdoctoral researcher in the Biomaterials Department-The
University of Athens under the supervision of Professor George Eliades. As part
of the scholarship provided, I have been to Greece in January 2010 for a month
and successfully accomplished a research project concentrating on a 3D- surface
roughness evaluation of newly released restorative materials. The findings of the
research work conducted in Greece are expected to be published in international
dental journals shortly.
Attended the 52nd annual conference of the British Society for the Study of
Prosthetic Dentistry (BSSPD) in Cardiff ( 20th-22nd March 2005), and the 53rd
annual conference of BSSPD in Edinburgh (9th-11th April 2006), and the Pan
European Federation (PEF) International association for Dental Research (IADR)
meeting in Dublin, Ireland (13-16th Sep 2006). Also Attended the AEEDC
meeting and exhibition held in Dubai on the 1st-3rd of February 2011.
Attended several local conferences in Jordan including the 8th Jordanian Dental
Congress, King Hussain medical centre, Amman, Jordan (26-27th Sep 2002) and
the 2nd Congress for the faculty of Dentistry at the University of Jordan, Amman,
Jordan (4th June 2009).
Presented the paper: Edge strength of indirect aesthetic restorative materials
(0338). N. EREIFEJ, N. SILIKAS, and D. WATTS, University of Manchester,
England, UK, in the 42nd annual meeting of IADR-Continental European and
Israeli Divisions (Sept 26th - 29th, 2007), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Microstructural analysis of dental ceramics. A presented poster in the 20th
European dental materials conference, Manchester, UK, 27-28th August 2009.
- Presented a research paper titled "Degree of conversion of dual-cured resincement cured through ceramics" in the 88th General session and exhibition of the
IADR that was held in Barcelona on July 14-17, 2010.
Initial versus final fracture of metal-free crowns, analyzed via acoustic emission.
Ereifej N, Silikas N, Watts DC. Dent Mater. 2008 Sep;24(9):1289-95. Epub 2008
Jun 24.
The effects of disinfectants on dimensional accuracy and surface quality of
impression materials and gypsum casts. Wala M. Amin, Sandra K. Al Tarawneh,
Sahar Th. Taha, Mohamed W. Saleh, Nadia Ereifej. Submitted, accepted and to be
published soon at J Clin Med Res (
Edge strength of indirect restorative materials. Ereifej N, Silikas N, Watts DC.
Also, currently a reviewer in Dental Materials (the journal). Reviewed many articles
since I've been allocated this position in Feb 2008.
Foreign languages:
Arabic: Excellent (spoken and written)
English: Excellent (spoken and written) BDS, MSc, PhD in English (both MSc and PhD
degrees undertaken in Manchester, UK), Toefl exam in Feb 2003 (Score 247/300).
Hobbies and interests:
Sports: Tennis and swimming
Reading and travelling