APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: Fall 2005: ART Moving the ART degree program into the newly formed Design Technology Program will increase the visibility of the program and enhance the program's ability to recruit majors. However, in the short term, department reorganization and other internal issues may limit the enrollment growth. Also, no additional resources are anticipated. BME BME is a brand new program. We have no historical trends to work with. We have geared our long term undergraduate enrollments to a "single section" concept, i.e. <30 students per class. BMET Our enrollment assumptions include the current number of AS graduates plus an increase from a BS program just approved. CERT The school has developed two new certificate programs during AY2005-2006. We project this trend of developing new certificates to meet the needs of the community will continue. CET The Department of Construction Technology will be combining the Civil Engineering Technology (CET) and Construction Technology (CNT) degrees under one new title: Construction Engineering Management Technology (CEMT). All future students will only be admitted under the CNT designation. The reason for combining the CET- AS Degree with the CNT- BS Degree and pursuing a new title is to appeal to a larger population of traditional students and to more industry professionals. Such a degree should help those who are seeking formal education to improve their potential for securing managerial employment in the construction industry. The CET AS-Degree will be discontinued after the new title (BS Degree in Construction Engineering Management) is approved and the current students have either graduated or moved to the new degree. CGT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CIMT Recruitment of more traditional students who are graduating from high school. Recruitment of young women into CGT. Schedule realignment to offer diverse course offering times. Transfer of students from engineering programs to technology programs after Freshman Engineering courses are completed. Implementation of internal teaching internships for seniors and graduate students in new Masters’ programs who can help distribute the teaching load among faculty as lab instructors thereby allowing professors to teach and create new courses. CIMT is being phased out and will not be offered as a degree seeking program. No new admits are currently being accepted. Courses and options in CIMT will stay available to students who wish to take these classes as electives when they are i APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: CIT offered. The goal is to complete the degrees of those currently still in this program by the end of the Spring 2008 semester. University College student interest has fallen steadily so until we reverse that situation, we aren't likely to do much better. School of Informatics will continue to be a formidable "competitor" especially as we compete to "win the hearts and minds" of traditional students in secondary school so we are counting on our current recruiting efforts such as our dual credit offering of our IT certificate to secondary school students via distance education to help us to stop the "bleeding" in our enrollment that we have suffered over the last five years. CMPE We are anticipating growth through increased recruitment efforts and a focus on retention within the department. New ideas are being discussed for class offerings such as more evening and Saturday classes as well as new five year programs in association with other IUPUI departments such as Music Technology. Assumptions are based on a steady, gradual growth of the CmpE program. The capacity for the department(which includes EE and CmpE majors) was based on 15 faculty members teaching two classes per semester with 20 students in each class(660 students). The CmpE number was calculated by taking 50% of that number. CMPET Project Lead the Way recruiting, additional scholarships, graduate courses, and improved retention will increase enrollment in the future. Other programs in the country have had some success at attracting international students and we should pursue this. Success in international recruiting has been limited for technology at the school level. I’m not projecting much increase from international students. We continue to see a difficult recruiting environment for the computer related field for the next several years. CNT The Department of Construction Technology will be combining the Civil Engineering Technology (CET) and Construction Technology (CNT) degrees under one new title: Construction Engineering Management Technology (CEMT). All future students will only be admitted under the CNT designation. The reason for combining the CET- AS Degree with the CNT- BS Degree and pursuing a new title is to appeal to a larger population of traditional students and to more industry professionals. Such a degree should help those who are seeking formal education to improve their potential for securing managerial employment in the construction industry. The CET AS-Degree will be discontinued after the new title (BS Degree in Construction Engineering Management) is approved and the current students have either graduated or moved to the new degree. We believe the enrollment targets could be achieved as a result of: 1. Marketing the new title for our BS-Degree (Construction Engineering Management Technology), and 2. Upgrading the contents and titles of our courses. This should attract a larger population of traditional students and more industry professionals seeking formal education to improve their employment potential in the construction industry. ii APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: ECE The Department believes that it increase enrollment in the graduate program by a variety of means. The first is that of financial assistance. Fundraising by the department and the school should create some scholarships both on the graduate and undergraduate level that will make enrollment at IUPUI that much more attractive. We also believe that creative scheduling, such as classes once per week (evenings or Saturdays), might attract working students in greater numbers. Capacity was determined by estimating 10 graduate students for each of the 15 faculty members. EE The Graduate program in EE is being phased out. New students are being routed through the MS ECE program. We are anticipating growth through increased recruitment efforts and a focus on retention within the department. New ideas are being discussed for class offerings such as more evening and Saturday classes as well as new five year programs in association with other IUPUI departments such as Music Technology. Assumptions are based on a steady, gradual growth of the EE program. The capacity for the department(which includes EE and CmpE majors) was based on 15 faculty members teaching two classes per semester with 20 students in each class(660 students). The EE number was calculated by taking 50% of that number. EET Assumptions and notes: Because the existing pipeline (freshman, sophomore, junior) classes are small, a diminishing manufacturing base will provide fewer parttime students, and local employment opportunities for graduates are limited, enrollment will trend down for several years. Project Lead the Way recruiting and improved retention will increase enrollment in the future. Other programs in the country have had some success at attracting international students and we should pursue this. Success in international recruiting has been limited for technology at the school level. I’m not projecting much increase from international students. The aspirational goal is less than the number of students we have had in the recent past, but we believe that the fulltime student percentage will increase to approximately 60% of the students making up for most of the credit hours. ENGR This category is for directly admitted engineering majors who have not selected a specific discipline. This group is traditionally very small and we assume it will continue to represent a very small cohort in the school. GE This master's degree is utilized only in rare cases where a student does not have the background to purse a discipline specific degree. Discipline specific graduate degrees in engineering make a student significantly more marketable than general engineering graduate degree. Our assumption is that this degree will continue to attract a very limited number of students and we do not anticipate more than a minimal recruiting effort. iii APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: IDE The Interdisciplinary Engineering degrees are not emphasized by the School of Engineering and Technology. These degrees include students who are typically interested in engineering management and similar fields. Discipline specific degrees in engineering make a student significantly more marketable than an interdisciplinary engineering degree. Our assumption is that this degree will continue to attract a very limited number of students and we do not anticipate more than a minimal recruiting effort. IET IET is not degree program. IET courses are provided as service courses to support several programs in EGTC. Courses will stay available to students who wish to take these classes as electives in the MET program. INTR The BS-INTR degree program was approved in 2004 with the first cohort of students scheduled to graduate in May 2006. Our assumption is that the 4-year program will attract additional students in the long-term. Additionally, moving the INTR degree program into the newly formed Design Technology Program will increase the visibility of the program and enhance the program's ability to recruit majors. However, in the short term, department reorganization and other internal issues may limit the enrollment growth. Also, no additional resources are anticipated. ME 1. 2. 3. MET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OLS 1. 2. 3. Estimated capacity based on current faculty staffing levels and teaching loads. Projected undergraduate enrollment based on current national trends in Mechanical Engineering which indicate little if any growth in the discipline. Projected graduate enrollment based on strategic direction of increasing research activity within the school and approval of the Mechanical Engineering PhD program in 2005. Recruitment of more traditional students who are graduating from high school. Recruitment of young women into technology programs. Reduction of CIMT program from curriculum. Increasing availability if IET courses that deal with logistical courses. Transfer of students from engineering programs to technology programs after Freshman Engineering courses are completed. Recruitment of graduate students into new Masters’ program who can help distribute the teaching load among faculty as lab instructors thereby allowing professors to teach and create new courses. The expansion of graduate programs, such as the Masters in Technology, will attract more students to the department at all levels of study. Ivy Tech Recruitment will enhance the population of students pursuing a Bachelor's degree. Increased involvement in both the General Studies Program and the University iv APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: College will increase the number of students in certificate, AS and BS programs. 4. Current department initiatives include promotion and advertisement of the HRM and Leadership Certificates across the IUPUI campus and in the Indianapolis Community. 5. A student advisory committee will be formed to provide input on programs, as well as other strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. 6. SHRM and SAM (student organizations) are currently planning to regroup. Chapter activities will begin for both organizations during the Spring of 2006 and Fall of 2006, respectively. 7. Increased communication/advising with current students will increase retention and improve overall enrollment numbers and determine if a BS in OLS is a better degree fit than current academic program. 8. The department will gain commitment from the Advisory Board to support scholarships, internships and co-ops. 9. Faculty will encourage the development of new internship opportunities with local organizations working through Josh Killey. 10. The department will participate in committees and discussion groups to improve enrollment and meet both school and campus enrollment goals. TECH The MS Technology degree was approved by ICHE fall 2005. The program began admitting students in January 2006. Assumptions are that the program will experience moderate growth for the first few years during which time plans of study and course offerings will be in a developmental stage. As knowledge of the program spreads we are assuming a higher growth rate in the 4-5 year time period. v APPENDIX School of Engineering and Technology Assumptions used to project enrollment: Fall 2006: Generally, Engineering and Technology has revised projections downward for the Technology programs. Projections were redistributed between Electrical and Computer Engineering along with Architectural and Construction Technology. CMPE-UG and EE-UG Students demonstrating preference for Computer Engineering over Electrical Engineering. ME-UG Higher demand than projected. ART-UG Substantial number of Architectural Technology students have been reclassified as Construction Technology. CERT-UG Technology Certificates have been affected by the drop in IT students. CGT-UG Competition from Informatics has affected Computer Graphics Technology enrollments. CIT-UG Competition from Informatics has affected Computer and Information Technology enrollments. CNT-UG Substantial number of Architectural Technology students have been reclassified as Construction Technology. EET-UG Adult student demand for degree has declined more than anticipated. vi