Chapter 7, The Changing United States (1820

Chapter 7, The Changing United States (1820-1850) Section 1 pp. 120,
The Policies of Adams & Jackson
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John Quincy Adams
Around the time of the 1824, the nation was becoming more and more ______________
List the Candidates:
(1)____________________________________ (2)_____________________________
(3)___________________ _________________ (4)____________________________
How did Adams become President?
Was Adams popular? Why or why not? ______________________________________
Define tariff_____________________________________________________________
Discuss the Tariff of 1828:_________________________________________________
Andrew Jackson
What effect did the Tariff of 1828 have on Adams? _____________________________
List 3 characteristics of Andrew Jackson:
His beliefs became known as _______________________________________________
Describe Jackson’s accomplishments, & personality:
Many of his enemies called him __________________ ___________________________
The Spoils System
What was one of Jackson’s many goals? ______________________________________
Explain the Spoils System: _________________________________________________
Explain the Kitchen Cabinet, what it was, and how it developed:
Explain the meaning of Kitchen Cabinet:
Jackson’s Native American Policies
When Jackson took office in 1828, about how many Native Americans lived east of the
Mississippi River?________________________________________________________
And how many lived in the South & on how many acres?__________________________
What did Jackson want to do with that land? ___________________________________
What did Congress pressure Jackson into passing in 1830? ________________________
What did this act state? ____________________________________________________
What happened as a result of this act?
In 1838 more than _____________________________Cherokees were forced to leave
their homes in parts of North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Explain the development of the term “Trail of Tears”:
By 1840, more than ________________________________ Native Americans had been