IANAS Women for Science Focal Points Meeting Ottawa, September 21st -22nd 2014 Hosted by The Royal Society of Canada Overview of the 2013 Meeting in Chile The Program met in December 2013 in Santiago, Chile and the agreements for 2014 were to work in several action groups according to the following projects and actions: I. Biographies Action Group (Two projects for 2014) a) The biography book with interviews of young women scientists with a target audience of young girls ages 14 and up, coordinated by Patricio Felmer (Chile); b) One minute YouTube -Videos featuring early to mid carrier women scientists, coordinated by Judith Zubieta (Mexico) II. Data Action Group (One project for 2014) a) The WfS Census Report, coordinated by Frances Henry (Canada) and Liliana Lopez (Venezuela) and in collaboration with the IAP Census coordinated by Dorothy Ngila (NASAC) III. National Committees Action Group coordinator Monica Moraes with the following comments: Academies and National Committees have the freedom to address issues of women in Science and Technology that they determine to be important in their own countries. Focal points, working with their Academy Presidents, are free to decide whether a National Committee is needed or not A WfS-WG Action Plan for all National Committees should be restricted to issues that appear to be common to many of the IANAS academies, such as: o Exchange of ideas between National Committees about experiences, successful initiatives and activities. o Circulating or posting relevant events organized by National Committees IV. Collaborative Action Group on Gender, Cultural, and Social Issues in IANAS Programs. Coordinated by Carmen Samayoa (One line of work and one project) a) Liaisons to IANAS Programs and relevant organizations, coordinated by Carmen Samayoa (Guatemala) and Neela Badrie (Caribbean) b) On going project: the coordination between the Water and Energy Programs to develop the book chapter Energy, Water and Gender Issues, coordinated by Katherine Vammen (Water Program-Nicaragua), Frances Henry (WfS Program-Canada),Tomas Bazan (Energy Program-Panama), Patricia Taboada (Energy Bolivia-US), Nicole Bernex (Water Program Peru) c) Updating information on the website V. The Prizes Action Group coordinated by Margarita Perea.* * Margarita stepped down and Mariana Weissmann kindly accepted to coordinate this section Saturday September 20th, 2014 Arrival Hotel Best Western Plus Victoria Park Suites 377 O’Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2M2 Toll-free Phone: (+1) 800 465 7275 Direct: (+1) 613 567 7275 Email: info@victoriapark.com http://www.victoriapark.com/ 18:0021:00 Welcome Dinner at the Hotel Organized by The Royal Society of Canada Sunday September 21th, 2014 8:00 Meeting will be at Victoria Salon on the main floor Hotel Best Western Plus Victoria Park Suites 1. Welcome to the Participants Jeremy McNeil, Foreign Secretary of The Royal Society of Canada Michael Clegg Co-Chair of IANAS Introduction to the Meeting Lilliam Alvarez (Cuba) and Monica Moraes (Bolivia) Co-Chairs of the IANAS Women for Science Program 8:059:00 2. Welcome to the New Focal Points Coordination of this segment: Carla Odio (Costa Rica) The new focal points will make presentations limited to three power points slides: a) One slide answering What is my field and my current research? b) One slide about the Academy, about the number of members of your Academy (male and female), and plans in there are any to address the gender differences Angela Camacho, Colombia (5 minutes) Belita Koiller, Brazil (5 minutes) Milena Cabrera Maldonado, Dominican Republic (5 minutes) Carolina Alduvin Honduras (5 minutes) Osiris Sanjur Panama (5 minutes) Carol Gross United States (5 minutes) Ana Denicola Uruguay (5 minutes) Margarita Vannini, Nicaragua (5 minutes) Q and A If authorized by the Focal Points, the presentations will be available at the IANAS website The coordinator of this section will make a brief summarization of the main topics to be addressed during the presentations and the Q and A session and will keep the session on schedule 9:0010:00 I. Report of the Biographies Action Group Coordinator of the segment: Patricio Felmer (Chile) a) Current Status of the Biography Project. Missing countries. Final Deadline (10 Minutes) b) Presentation of the Royal Society of London “Mother in Science. 64 Was to have it all”. Book (2 Minutes) Discussions: Who is going to read the biographies? What is the population target audience? What are the elements that any publication will need to take into consideration for a public audience? The current interviews are designed to follow the same structure of the previous book however in addition to this format, IANAS will develop an alternative targeting younger readers. To reinforce this discussion, IANAS is trying to invite a specialist in communication to young people with the goal to provide to the group expert information and help the group to make consulted decision. d) The group will be asked to make a decision at the end of this segment about the type of publication for the Biography e) The YouTube project. English notes: Mike Clegg (US) Spanish Notes: Milena Maldonado (Dominican Republic) The coordinator of this section will make a brief summarization of the main topics address and will keep the session on schedule 10:0010:15 10:1511:15 Coffee break II. Report of Data Action Group Presentation: A Report on the IANAS Census Survey - Frances Henry (Canada) Q and A: Coordinator: Lilliam Alvarez (Cuba) Discussion: The information presented in the Report may have different impacts in each country, how can the Program address the different issues found in the collected data? Should the report identify the names of the country or just identify them by numbers? Should the program write a private report for each Academy? Or should we write both a public (identification by number only) and a private report? The Report is going to be sent to the IANAS Executive Committee Members for approval. Should they send it to the Academies for their approval or is this unnecessary? Does the WfS Program need to make some recommendations to the Academies? If yes, is there a need to create a group in 2015 to discuss and present these recommendations to the Program or, can the Report be sent as it is now? English Notes: Carol Gross, US Spanish Notes: Margarita Vannini, Nicaragua The coordinator of this section will make a brief summarization of the main topics address and will keep the session on schedule 11:1512:00 III. Reports National Committees Action Group Coordinator: Monica Moraes This session is designed to present and discuss gender programs of various Academies. Ruth Shady Peru (5 Minutes): Judith Zubieta Mexico (5 Minutes) Carla Odio Costa Rica (5 Minutes) Liliana LopezVenezuela (5 Minutes) Angela Camacho Colombia (5 Minutes) Q & A Session English Notes: Neela Badrie (Trinidad and Tobago/Caribbean) Spanish Notes: María Guadalupe Alduvin Honduras If authorized by the Focal Points, the presentations will be available at the IANAS website 12:0013:30 13:3014:30 The coordinator of this section will keep the time for the session and will make a brief summarization of the main topics address during the presentations and the Q and A session. Lunch and quick break IV. Report of the Collaborative Action Group on Gender, Cultural, and Social Issues in IANAS Programs. Brief Introduction: Michael Clegg a) The Energy, Water and Gender Chapter of the book Guide Toward a Sustainable Energy Future for the Americas. A crossing roads experience joining three IANAS programs. Presentation: Katherine Vammen(Nicaragua), Focal Point of the IANAS Water Program for this chapter and Frances Henry (Canada) Focal Point of the the WfS Program for a chapter for the Energy program. Q&A 14:3015:30 b) How to connect the Science Education Program with the Women for Science Program Coordinator: Judith Zubieta (Mexico) Ideas from Canada: Patricia M. Rowell, IANAS Focal Point of the Science Education Program (The text will be presented by Jeremy McNeil) Ideas from Argentina: Mariana Weissman (5 Minutes) Ideas from Cuba: Lilliam Alvarez (5 Minutes) Ideas from US: Carol Gross (5 Minutes) Ideas from Guatemala: Maria del Carmen Samayoa (5 Minutes) This section will explore the propositions of the four countries and will open the segment for further discussions and suggestion. The goal is to define a set of potential interactions with the Science Education Program and to appoint a group and two coordinators responsible to interact and develop the proposals. Please visit http://www.ianas.org/index.php/programs/women-forscience/gender-in-ianas/88-programs/women-for-science/431-gender-andscience-education for more information about Gender and Science Education English Notes: Carol Cross (US) Spanish Notes: Osiris Sanjur (Panama) 15:3016:30 The coordinator of this section will make a brief summarization of the main topics address and will keep the session on schedule The coordinator of this section will need to prepare a single document and send it to the Science Education Meeting in Lima October previous approval of the Co-Chairs Other projects of the Women for Science Program Coordinator: Liliam Alvarez (Cuba) YouTube IANAS-OWSD Prize 16:30- Fresh Ideas and directions for the Women for Science Program 2015-2016 17:00 Coordinator: Marcos Cortesao Belita Koiller, Brazil (5 minutes) Osiris Sanjur Panama (5 minutes) Ana Denicola Uruguay (5 minutes) Margarita Vannini, Nicaragua (5 minutes) English Notes: Frances Henry (Canada) Spanish Notes: Patricio Felmer (Chile) 17:00 18:3021:30 The coordinator of this section will make a brief summary of the main topics address and will keep the session on schedule The coordinator of this section will need to prepare a single document and send it to the Science Education Meeting in Lima October. The draft will first be circulated to and approved by the WfS focal points. Wrap Up and program for the following day Monica Moraes and Liliam Alvarez Cocktail reception dinner at the Museum of Nature (RBC Blue Water Gallery) Museum Address: 240 McLeod Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2R1 Phone: (+1) 613-556-4770 http://www.nature.ca/ Monday September 22th, 2014 8:00-12:00 Meeting will be at Victoria Salon on the main floor Hotel Best Western Plus Victoria Park Suites Discussion of new projects Possible Subjects: Plans for the presentation of the biographies New Horizons in Science. An experience to share Future Actions for the Program Venue for the next Meeting and potential dates 12:00- 12:50 13:00-15:00 Lunch Hybrid meeting: The State of Women for Science in the Americas: Industry and the Academy The goal of these presentations is to talk about the different possibilities outside of research and academia, for women who choose a career in science. Each presenter will have approximately 10 minutes not including Q&A. Presentations by colleagues in the following countries Colombia Honduras (Dra. Anabelle Ferrera Boza) Peru (Lic. Carolina Trivelli, former Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru) Venezuela Costa Rica (Dra. Teresa Escalante) Canada (Dr. Lalita Acharya, Chief, Social Affairs, Health and Infrastructure Section, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Library of Parliament and Dr. Elizabeth Boston, Director, Mathematical, Environmental and Physical Sciences Research Grants Division, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) Starting 15:30 Free Evening Dinner at the Hotel