1. Magnitude change before and after the Tohoku-oki earthquake To check whether the difference in magnitude fluctuation between before and after the Tohoku-oki earthquake is significant, we examined the frequency distributions of the relative magnitudes of repeaters shown in Fig. 5 using F-test. The distributions are shown in Fig. S1 and the result of the F-test indicates the variances of the two distributions are significantly different. We also checked the change in the magnitudes of repeaters in different magnitude threshold (lower limit of the magnitude). This is because sometimes completion magnitude of the earthquake catalogue changes after a large earthquake and it may produce apparent change in the averages magnitude of repeaters. Here, we limited repeater sequences whose averaged magnitudes are larger than 3.0. Note that the original catalogue includes earthquakes with magnitude 2.5 or larger. Using the threshold, 64% of earthquakes were selected in this subset of earthquakes and the change between before and after the Tohoku-oki earthquake is significant too as shown in Fig. S2. The temporal variation of relative magnitude is plotted in Fig. S3 together with the ground velocity at a GPS station 0170 (square in Fig.1) located close to the Kamaishi sequence and the main postseismic slip area. We used daily location of the GPS station processed by routine procedure of the Tohoku university and estimated an averaged ground velocity using a moving time widow of 30 days. The upper limit of repeater magnitude and GPS velocity gradually decrease in the latter half of 2011. Many events with relatively large magnitudes occurred in the period of about three months just after the Tohoku-oki earthquake, but the maximum relative magnitudes seem to be saturated at about 0.7 in this period. We do not know the reason of the saturation but one possible explanation is that the waveforms may become dissimilar and not be registered as members of a repeating sequence when the magnitude change is too large; in such a case detailed investigation of slip distributions is needed in identifying the ‘repeaters’ as we did for the Kamaishi earthquake sequence. If we consider the time history of the GPS velocity after the Tohoku-oki earthquake as a proxy of the temporal change of postseismic slip, the faster ground velocity corresponds to faster postseismic slip on the plate boundary. Thus we consider the fast postseismic slip is related to the change in the repeater magnitudes. Fig S1. Frequency distribution of relative magnitude before (a) and after (b) the Tohoku-oki earthquake. The relative magnitude for 126 earthquakes shown in Fig. 5 are shown here. The 126 earthquakes are from 42 sequences with three or more earthquakes both before and after the Tohoku-oki earthquake. Fig S2. The same as Fig. 5 but for sequences with averaged magnitude are larger than 3 (Evolution of the magnitudes of repeaters before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake). We plotted 27 sequences with three or more earthquakes both before and after the Tohoku-oki earthquake. Fig S3. Evolution of the magnitudes of repeaters from 2009 to 2012 together with on-land GPS ground velocity (red line). Black dots show the difference in magnitude (relative magnitude) between each event and average of its sequence. Red line shows eastward ground velocity observed at a GPS station 0170 to International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 (Fig. 1). The GPS data was provided from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). The ground velocity is plotted at the end of 30-day moving window. Vertical line denotes the timing of the Tohoku-oki earthquake. 2. Inversion results for the seven Kamaishi earthquakes from 2008 to 2011 The analyses described in the main text were conducted for the January 11, 2008, March 30, 2011, April 13, 2011, April 29, 2011, May 31, 2011, July 11, 2011 and September 23, 2011 Kamaishi earthquakes independently. Here we describe the result for each earthquake. The 2008 event (M4.7) has rupture area with a diameter of about 1.2 km and the maximum slip occurred west of the hypocenter (Fig. S4). The rupture duration is about 0.3 second. The March 20, 2011 event (the first after the Tohoku-oki earthquake) showed a slip area of about 8 km in diameter, with the maximum slip located east of the hypocenter. A sharp moment rate peak is seen around 0.4-0.8 second after the initial break (Fig. S5c). The first part of this moment release (Fig S5c, 0.3-0.45 second) occurred west of the hypocenter (Fig. S5a), which is the direction of the 2008 earthquake’s hypocenter. The rupture duration is about 2 seconds. The April 13, 2011 event (M5.5) has ruptured a ~7 km length area (Fig S6). Main slip areas are located ~2 km northeast of the hypocenter. The rupture duration is about 2 second. The April 29, 2011 event had a slip area of 1.6 km in diameter with maximum slip located west of the hypocenter (Fig. S7). Its rupture duration is about 0.3 seconds (Fig. S7c). The May 31, 2011 event (M5.3) has rupture area with a length of about 4.4 km (Fig S8). Main slip areas are located ~2 km northeast of the hypocenter. The rupture duration is about 2 second. July 11, 2011 event (M5.1) has a ~2.2 km diameter rupture area and its main slip area occurred near the hypocenter (Fig. S9). The source time function shows a relatively long duration but the main slip of the ~3 km diameter finished within 1 second. The September 23, 2011 event (M5.0) ruptured a ~3.6 km length area (Fig S10). The main slip occurred ~2 km northeast of the hypocenter. The rupture duration is about 2 second. The maximum slip and rupture dimensions are summarized in the Table 2. All these slip distributions are superimposed in Fig. 10 and discussed in the main text. Fig S4. The waveform modeling results for the January 11, 2008 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.05s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.05s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S5. The waveform modeling results for the March 20, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.15s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.15s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S6. The waveform modeling results for the April 13, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.15s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.15s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment rate relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S7. The waveform modeling results for the April 29, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.05s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.05s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment rate relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S8. The waveform modeling results for the May 31, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.15s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.15s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment rate relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S9. The waveform modeling results for the July 11, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.15s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.15s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment rate relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. Fig S10. The waveform modeling results for the September 23, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) Snap shots of the slip distributions. Each window spans 0.15s except for the last window, in which moment releases in plural 0.15s time spans are plotted together. Circle size shows the moment rate relative to the EGF. The hypocenter is located at the origin of the coordinate. (b) Spatial distribution of total moment release. (c) Source time function. 3. Comparison between observed and synthetic (modeled) waveforms In figures S11-17, we show waveform comparisons between observed and synthetic (modeled) data for all the seven earthquakes analyzed in this study. All the events have good waveform similarity between observed and synthetic ones for most of the stations. Fig S11. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the January 11, 2008 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves and (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S12. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the March 20, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S13. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the April 13, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S14. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the April 29, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S15. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the May 31, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S16. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the July 11, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. Fig S17. Observed (black) and calculated (red) waveforms for the September 23, 2011 Kamaishi earthquake. (a) P-waves. (b) S-waves. Numerals above and left of each waveform pair show observed waveform amplitude and amplitude ratio (observation/calculation), respectively. 4. Determination of maximum rupture speed and other parameters for the waveform inversion The parameters used in the inversion are listed in Table 1 of the main text. Even if the slip is very heterogeneous both in space and time domains, the true slip distribution seems to be obtained if we adopt faster maximum rupture speed and many basis functions. Such inversion, however, become very unstable. Therefore we need to limit the maximum rupture speed and the number of basis functions. We evaluated variance of residuals (amplitude differences between observed and synthesized waveforms; Mori and Hartzell, 1990, Shimamura et al., 2011) obtained from the inversions using various maximum rupture speed as shown in Fig. S18. Fig. S18a shows the results for the events whose slip distributions were estimated using the January 11, 2008 M4.7 event. The events on March 20, 2011 and April 13, 2011 show minima of variances around 3 km/sec. Although other events show no minima, we decided that the maximum rupture speed of 3.0 km/s was appropriate for the inversion using the 2008 M4.7 event as the EGF. On the other hand, the variances for 2008 event and April 29, 2011 events whose slip distributions were estimated using the February 27, 2011 event as the EGF decrease as the maximum rupture speed increases. This pattern was also seen in the result of previous studies (Okada et al., 2003; Shimamura et al., 2011), and indicating the poor resolution of the maximum rupture speed for events smaller than M5.0. Shimamura et al. (2011) adopted 3.8km/s as the maximum rupture speed from the local minimum of the variance and the result of Okada et al. (2003). According to their result, we also used 3.8km/s as the maximum rupture speed of these two events. For other parameters, the frequency ranges for the analyses were determined from dominant frequency of waveforms. We set the grid spacing for each inversion as the similar size with the EGF event and the number of basis functions to be 4. The intervals of the basis functions were set to be half of the EGF rise time or smaller. Fig. S18 Relationship between the maximum rupture speed and variance of the residuals. Results for the slip distribution inversions using the January 11, 2008 M4.7 event (a) and the February 27, 2011 M3.4 event (b) as the EGFs. 5. Estimation of stress drops For the rough estimate of stress drops from the slip distribution, we assumed circular crack model. In that model, the displacement at location on the crack is expressed as follows (Aki and Richards, 2002), S1 Here is the crack radius, is the shear modulus and By using the maximum slip at the center of the crack ( is the stress drop. , the stress drop can be written as, 7G u (0) . 24r0 S2 Therefore, we can estimate the stress drop from the maximum slip ( and crack radius ( ). The values used for the maximum slip and crack radius are listed in the Table 2 of the main text. References: Aki, K. and P.G. Richards (2002), Quantitative Seismology: Theory and methods., University Science Books, Sausalito, CA. Mori , J., and S. 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