SELECTION AND DRIFT 1.3 Genome: (c) ii Selection and iii Drift From the Arrangements (ii) Selection The non-random increase in frequency of sequences that increase s survival (natural selection) or successful reproduction (sexual selection). The non random reduction in frequency of deleterious sequences. The differences in outcome as a result of stabilising, directional and disruptive selection. (iii) Drift The random increase and decrease in frequency of sequences, particularly in small populations, as a result of neutral mutations and founder effects. Teacher’s notes To give you, or your students, an idea of the time involved in evolution you may want to use the following resource as a printout or on a data projector. It is a table showing the time line from our la st common universal ancestor up to the last ice age. It compares the 300 million year time span to a 3-hour exam, the distance run in a 10-km race and several more unusual comparisons. It is available to download at: -table-2.xls Activity 1 The following link will take you to a slide show which is an excellent resource to show to your students. It explains directiona l, stabilising and disruptive selection. This slide show can be accessed from the following link along with many other useful animations UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 1 SELECTION AND DRIFT Activity 2 The following link takes you to a peppered moth simulator where you can see natural selection in action. There is a good deal of background information contained within this resource but the game is simple and very effective. It could be demonstr ated via a data projector or used individually. The sound of moths being eaten is very realistic. Activity 3 This is a relatively straightforward paper activity involving different modes of selection. When students label the axes on their graphs the x axis should be something like characteristic, trait or phenotype and the y-axis should be number of organisms. Activity 4 There are two video clips that can be used as an introduction to sexual selection. The first features Richard Dawkins discussing peac ocks and finishes with him interviewing single women. It is just over 3 minutes long and is entertaining as well as relevant. v20017170Qq3xHhkW The second clip lasts for 12 minutes and is available as a podcast from the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge (Flaunting it – sexual selection and the art of courtship). This is more highbrow, with a narrator talking over a series of slides, but it is extremely relevant. The first 3 minutes act as a super overview of sexual selection. 02 Both clips are also available on YouTube. The podcast would be an ideal opportunity for a note -taking exercise. As the class watch it get everyone to take notes. The narrator ’s voice is clear and relatively slow, which is ideal for this type of activity. 2 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SELECTION AND DRIFT As soon as the podcast is finished, pair the students up and give them 5 minutes to compare notes and write down bits they missed. Repeat this process again and perhaps a third time if you thi nk it necessary. For homework get the students to redraft their notes into a final version. You may want to limit the final draft to a page of A4 , which will give the students a good editing task. It is important that you make clear from the beginning wh at you are demanding from the students and what processes they will have to go through to deliver their final report. Activity 5 The exercise on sexual selection is a straightforward task of reading the text and answering some questions. Students will need a good understanding of the selection process to complete the extension task: making a mind map. Activity 6 This is a short research activity on founder effects and bottlenecks. Guidance is given for suitable areas to research. There is also a request for students to make up ten short questions relevant to this section. Although bottlenecks are not mentioned in the Arrangements and should not be examined, they are a good reference point for founder effects. Emphasis should be put on founder effects when introducing this topic – point students in the direction of the learning objectives. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 3 SELECTION AND DRIFT Student activities Selection Learning objectives You should know that natural selection is a sorting mechanism that eliminates less well adapted organisms, usually by preventing their growth or killing them. Certain characteristics become more common or less common in a population due to factors within the environment. It is the non-random increase in alleles or DNA sequences that increase the chances of survival. You should know that directional selection favours a single extreme phenotype. You should know that stabilising selection favours the average phenotype, giving a decrease in variation as more extreme traits do not survive. You should know that disruptive selection favours two extreme forms within a population. What to do Read the descriptions of the types of selection then draw each graph and copy the text describing that type of selection onto the graph. Remember to put a suitable label on each axis. Underline, or otherwise highlight, the means of selection. Annotate each graph showing how the shape of the curve relates to the example. What features do all three types of selection have in common? 4 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SELECTION AND DRIFT Examples of selection Industrial melanism in moths. During the industrial revolution woodlands became polluted and trees took on a dark hue from sooty deposits. This favoured dark-coloured moths since the more common variety were heavily predated. Post-industrial Britain has seen pollution levels falling and this has coincided with a resurgence of light-coloured moths and a decline in the numbers of dark moths. Galapagos finches. On some islands vegetation has been affected by overgrazing, leaving two dominant plant species: one that produces large tough seeds and another that produces tiny seeds. As a result the sizes and shapes of beaks have changed, creating two distinct types of finch. This type of selection is very rare. Most populations have this means of selection, which prevents divergence of form and function. For example, the anatomy of some organisms, eg sharks and ferns, has remained unchanged for millions of years. Another example is human birth weight – babies of low weight lose heat more quickly and become ill from infectious disease more easily, whereas babies of large body weight are more difficult to deliver through the pelvis. Extension task Using available resources find other examples of stabilising and directional selection for other organisms. You may be lucky and find some more examples for disruptive selection. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 SELECTION AND DRIFT Sexual selection Learning objectives You should know that characteristics which increase the chances of mating may become exaggerated but may also decrease the organism’s chances of survival. Sexual selection is a special case of natural selection. Sexual selection acts on an organism’s ability to obtain (often by any means necessary!) and successfully copulate with a mate. Selection makes many organisms go to extreme lengths for sex: peacocks maintain elaborate tails, elephant seals fight over territories, fruit flies perform dances and some species deliver persuasive gifts. After all, what female Mormon cricket could resist the gift of a juicy sperm -packet? Going to even more extreme lengths, the male red-back spider literally flings itself into the jaws of death in order to mate successfully. It’s clear why sexual selection is so powerful when you consider what happens to the genes of an individual who lives to a ripe old age but never gets to mate: no offspring means no genes in the next generation, which means that all those genes for living to a ripe old age don’t get passed on to anyone! That individual’s fitness is zero. Sexual selection is often powerful enough to produce features that are harmful to the individual’s survival. For example, extravagant and colourful tail feathers or fins are likely to attract predators as well as interested members of the opposite sex. Selection is a two-way street Sexual selection works in two ways, although in some cases we do see sex role reversals. Male competition Males compete for access to females, the amount of time spent mating with females and even whose sperm gets to fertili se her eggs. For example, male damselflies scrub rival sperm out of the female reproductive tr act when mating. 6 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SELECTION AND DRIFT Female choice Females choose which males to mate with, how long to mate for and even whose sperm will fertilise her eggs. Some females can eject sperm from an undesirable mate. (From an article entitled Sexual Selection: .) Sexual selection involves competition for sex , the winners passing their genes onto the next generation. 1. Explain how male peacocks have evolved large elaborate tails . 2. In peacocks what physical factors could limit the size of males’ tails. 3. Explain how other selection pressures will be at odds with sexual selection in peacocks. 4. Why is it that elephant seals fighting over territories could be a form of sexual selection? 5. What advantages to the species does sexual selection bring and is this always the case? Extension task Produce a concept map, or mind map, which compares and contrasts natur al and sexual selection, ie the features that both types of selection have in common and the features that are unique to each form of selection. Use real examples to illustrate your thoughts. Diagrams are essential. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 7 SELECTION AND DRIFT Genetic drift and founder effects Learning objectives You should know that the founder effect, a type of genetic drift, is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. You should know that genetic drift is the change in the frequencies of alleles in a population that occur by chance, rather than because of natural selection , ie the random accumulation of mutations in the absence of natural selection (selection pressure). Genetic drift is thought to be important in terms of evolution since many traits do not seem to have any obvious selection pressures , therefore the only way neutral mutations can spread throughout a population is by drift. For example, much of the variation within human popul ations is due to drift. An example of the founder effect can be seen within the Afrikaner population of Dutch settlers in South Africa. Today, the Afrikaner population has a high frequency of Huntington’s disease, which is caused by the mutation of a single gene. The original Dutch colonists, who were relatively few in number, happened to carry that gene with unusually high frequency , hence the condition has been carried into the present population. Research opportunity Look up blood group distribution in Native American Indians, blood group distribution in Dunkers (an early eighteenth century religious sect) and polydactylism in Amish communities. Find out what is meant by a genetic bottleneck. What similarities do bottlenecks have with founder effects? What differences are there between bottlenecks and founder effects? The following website is a good place to start your research : Present the results of your research as a poster. Any diagrams should be clearly labelled and given a legend with a short explanation. If you are making your poster on a computer do not just cut and paste text. Rewrite paragraphs in your own words. Keep the sentences short and to the point. The text should be an appropriate size. 8 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SELECTION AND DRIFT Testing your mates! Whilst researching genetic drift and founder effects make up ten questions on this topic. The questions should be short and require short answers. Expect your victims (ie fellow students!) to have some previous knowledge of natural selection and evolution. Make sure you keep a note of the answers. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 9