CV 2006 - The University of Sydney

Curriculum vitae – Professor Alan Cass
BA, MBBS, Grad Dip Clinical Epidemiology, FRACP, PhD
Contact details:
Professor Alan Cass
Director Renal Division, The George Institute for International Health
Director Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney
PO Box M201
Missenden Road
Sydney, NSW 2050
Telephone: 61 2 9993 4553
Mobile: 61 405 324 708
Fax: 61 2 9993 4502
Current appointments:
Director, Renal Division, The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney
Professor and Director of the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, University of Sydney 2007-2011
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin
Previous appointments:
Associate Professor of Renal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, 2008
Senior Lecturer, Central Clinical School (Medicine) and School of Public Health, University of
Sydney, 2004-2007
Senior Research Fellow, Heart & Vascular and Policy & Practice Divisions, The George Institute
for International Health, University of Sydney, 2003-2004
Australian Harkness Fellow in Health Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical
School, 2002-2003
Specialist nephrologist, Royal Darwin Hospital, 1999-2002
Full-time PhD student, University of Sydney. Thesis title: Social Determinants of End-Stage Renal
Disease (ESRD). Research conducted at the Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Northern
Territory, 1999-2002
Nephrology Registrar, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, 1996-1998
Medical Registrar, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, 1992-1995
Public Health Registrar, South East Thames Regional Health Authority, UK, 1992
Tertiary qualifications:
PhD, University of Sydney, 2003
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology, Newcastle University, 2000
Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1998
MBBS, University of Sydney, 1989
BA, University of Sydney, 1989
Current Research:
Principal investigator of NHMRC-funded Kanyini vascular program – a research collaboration
with urban and rural Aboriginal Medical Services in five States – exploring barriers to
Indigenous Australians achieving equitable outcomes with chronic vascular diseases.
Principal investigator of NHMRC-funded IMPAKT study – combining a survey of
nephrologists’ attitudes and practices, a review of clinical practice guidelines and an in-depth
interview study, to address barriers to kidney transplant access for Indigenous Australians.
Chief investigator of NHMRC-funded SEARCH (Study of environment and resilience in child
health) study – collaboration with urban and rural Aboriginal Medical Services in New South
Wales to explore determinants of child health.
Chief investigator in ongoing cross-national collaboration addressing access to, and utilisation of,
chronic disease services and investigating outcomes for indigenous populations in Australia, New
Zealand, Canada and the United States.
Chief investigator of NHMRC-funded randomised controlled trial of a high fish and fruit dietary
intervention to reduce cardiovascular mortality among Indigenous Australians with ESKD.
Principal investigator of research program exploring the extent of miscommunication between
Aboriginal patients and their medical carers; aiming to develop strategies to improve crosscultural communication in health care.
Asia-Pacific chief investigator (Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Thailand) and member of
the International Steering Committee of the SHARP study – a global randomised controlled trial
of lipid-lowering therapy in chronic kidney disease.
Chief investigator of NHMRC-funded RENAL study – a multi-centre randomised controlled
trial of normal vs. augmented dose renal replacement therapy in acute renal failure in the
Intensive Care Unit setting.
Chief investigator of NHMRC-funded ACTIVE Dialysis study – a multi-centre randomised
controlled trial of normal vs. augmented dose maintenance haemodialysis in ESKD.
Chief investigator of NHMRC-funded FAVOURED study – a multi-centre randomised
controlled trial of aspirin and fish-oil for the prevention of thrombosis in arterio-venous fistulae
for dialysis access.
Chief investigator of academic-led HONEYPOT, HERO and BLOCADE studies – multi-centre
randomised controlled trials of infection prevention, resistant anaemia treatment and betablockade in dialysis patients.
Current/Recent Policy Activity:
Consultant to Queensland Health, leading a team to develop a Renal Service Plan for Queensland
addressing chronic kidney disease prevention, management, dialysis and transplant services.
Member, Aboriginal Chronic Care Advisory Group to New South Wales Health Department.
Steering Committee Member, Chronic Care for Aboriginal People Service Redesign Project, NSW
Department of Health.
Consultant to Kidney Health Australia, coordinating a research team undertaking a study of the
economic impact of the burden of chronic kidney disease in Australia and examining the costeffectiveness of screening and intervention to prevent the progression of chronic kidney and
vascular disease.
Consultant to Western Australian Department of Health to develop a business case for regional
renal support services in the Kimberley.
Consultant to the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council Health Reform Agenda
Working Group responsible for the development of strategies to improve access to, timeliness
of, and quality of, kidney disease prevention and treatment services in remote areas for
Indigenous Australians.
Chair, Taskforce on Equity in Health, Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Policy statement
Inequity and health – a call to action. Addressing health and socioeconomic inequality in
Australia. Launched by the Federal Minister of Health and Ageing, March 7th 2005.
Chair, International Reference Group, China Health Policy Roundtable on health care safety, held
in Beijing on 15-16 April 2005. Responsible for formulating the Roundtable program, sourcing
international speakers, directing international research on healthcare safety and quality and,
following the conclusion of the Roundtable meeting, developing a strategy document regarding
healthcare safety for the Chinese Ministry of Health.
Consultant, as part of the Senior Clinical Advisory Group in the Reid Review of the WA Health
System, to the Western Australian Government, regarding provision of renal prevention and
treatment services.
Professional experience:
I trained as a specialist physician and nephrologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. I
worked for 10 years in the NSW hospital system, gaining experience in providing specialist
general physician and nephrological services in urban (RPAH, Concord, Campbelltown and Mt
Druitt hospitals), rural and remote settings (Dubbo and Alice Springs Base hospitals). I had a
significant role in junior medical officer training, as a junior medical officer representative on
the Standards and Accreditation Committee of the NSW Postgraduate Medical Council. In this
role, I participated in and led many hospital accreditation survey teams.
During 1998-2002, I worked as a nephrologist at Royal Darwin Hospital. I have been a key
participant in the development of policy regarding the coordinated delivery of chronic disease
prevention and management services to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
I first developed an understanding of health policy processes through appointment as a member
of the Senior Clinical Advisory Group to the NSW Health Department. I have been regularly
consulted by government and professional organisations regarding Aboriginal health, health of
disadvantaged populations and chronic disease prevention and management. Following my
Australian Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy, I have undertaken international comparative
analyses of health equity, quality of care and health outcomes.
I have extensive experience as a clinical researcher, epidemiologist and community-based
researcher. I am the regional coordinator of a major global randomised controlled trial,
responsible for the running of the trial in more than 60 centres in four countries. I am a chief
investigator on several NHMRC-funded multi-centre RCTs in intensive care and nephrology.
My standing as a clinical researcher has been recognised by my being invited to be the inaugural
chair of the Scientific Committee of the Australasian Kidney Trials Network. I have experience
in cross-disciplinary research - the Sharing the True Stories study and Kanyini Vascular
Collaboration - and have expertise in quantitative, qualitative and participatory action research
models. I have developed and managed complex research projects, with research team members
spread at multiple sites across Australia and other countries.
I have developed strong collaborative research and policy networks in indigenous health
throughout Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada. My range of skills as a
clinician, researcher and in health policy equip me to translate research findings into evidencebased policy and clinical strategies to improve population health. This range of skills and
collaborative networks provides me with a unique insight into the coordinated, systematic
responses which are required to improve population health.
Current Managerial Responsibilities:
Director, Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney.
Director, Renal Division, the George Institute for International Health. The Division has an
annual budget of more than $5 million.
Co-leader of research team undertaking multi-centre randomised controlled trial - the RENAL
study, responsible for the running of the trial in 36 centres in Australia and New Zealand. Study
fully recruited with 1,500 participants August 2008.
Asia-Pacific regional coordinator of a major global randomised controlled trial - the SHARP
study, responsible for the running of the trial in 64 centres in four countries, having recruited
almost 2,300 subjects in the Asia-Pacific region.
Lead investigator of the NHMRC-funded IMPAKT study which has been conducted in urban,
rural and remote sites throughout Australia. Responsible for conceiving research proposal,
obtaining funding, forming the research team, co-ordinating the research and leading crossdisciplinary research team with members in Sydney, Cairns and Darwin.
Lead investigator of the NHMRC-funded Kanyini Vascular Collaboration which is being
conducted in urban, rural and remote sites throughout Australia. Responsible for conceiving
research program, obtaining funding, forming the research team, management of research
partnerships, co-ordinating the research and leading cross-disciplinary research team with
members in Sydney, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Cairns and Darwin.
Leader of policy-related consultancy teams, with a track record of delivering for NGOs and
state and federal governments.
Highly commended, Aileen Plant Medal, Population Health Congress 2008
NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship (SRFA), 2007-2011
Don and Lorraine Jacquot Research Establishment Award, awarded by the Royal Australasian
College of Physicians, 2005-2006
John Chalmers Post-Doctoral Award, awarded by George Institute for International Health, 2005
Medical Journal of Australia/ Wyeth Award for the best research paper published in the Medical
Journal of Australia in 2003
Australian Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy, awarded by The Commonwealth Fund, New
York, 2002-2003
Don and Lorraine Jacquot Travelling Fellowship, awarded by the Royal Australasian College of
Physicians, 2002
CREED (Cross-Regional Education and Exchange in Dialysis) Award, 37th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, 2001
Early Career Award, 6th International Congress, International Society of Behavioural Medicine,
Young Investigator Award, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting, Royal Australasian College of
Physicians, 2000
Distinguished Service Award, New South Wales Postgraduate Medical Council, 1998
Major invited and international presentations:
How can we achieve global equity in provision of renal care? World Congress of Nephrology,
Milan, May 2009.
Results from the RENAL trial. World Congress of Nephrology, Milan, May 2009.
Disparities in kidney health in Australia. 7th International Workshop on Kidney Disease in
Indigenous, Minority, and Disadvantaged Populations, Milan, May 2009.
Addressing the burden of chronic vascular diseases among Indigenous Australians. Annual
General Meeting of the Rural Doctors Network, Sydney November 2008.
“All they said was my kidneys were dead”: Indigenous Australian patients' understanding of
their chronic disease and perspectives on their interactions with the health system. Indigenous
subjects, diabetes, rights and advocacy practices session at the 107th Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropology Association, San Francisco, November 2008
The Kanyini Vascular Collaboration: Improving the management of chronic vascular/metabolic
disease. 4th National Disease Management Conference, Australian Disease Management
Association, Sydney, September 2008
The IMPAKT Study: “That door is closed”. 22nd International Congress of the Transplant
Society, Sydney, August 2008
Improving health outcomes for Aboriginal people with chronic disease. 2nd CRIAH Aboriginal
Health Research Conference, Sydney, April 2008
Chronic disease prevention, identification, management and care. Inaugural Office of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH) Healthy for Life Conference, Adelaide,
April 2008
The Australasian Kidney Trial Network: Current and future trials. 18th Annual New Zealand
Renal Physicians Conference, Auckland, March 2008
Health targets for closing the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-indigenous
Australians. Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission National Indigenous Health
Equality Summit, Canberra, March 2008
Conducting health economic research in kidney disease. National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, November 2007
Government regulation and payment systems for renal replacement therapy. Taiwan Society of
Nephrology Satellite Symposium of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, Taipei,
November 2007
Cost-effective chronic disease treatment – targeting global risk to prevent death and avoidable
hospitalization. Australian Health Insurance Association Conference, Melbourne, October 2007
The cost-effectiveness of targeted screening for chronic kidney disease. International Chronic
Kidney Disease Summit — The need for action in Australia, Sydney, July 2007
Multidisciplinary management of complex chronic disease — the case for an absolute risk-based
management strategy. Rural Health Education Foundation Satellite Broadcast, Sydney, June 2007
Inequity in health system access and outcomes: We can make a difference. Royal Australasian
College of Physicians Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, May 2007
Time to act: A research agenda to improve Aboriginal health. Flinders Medical Centre Grand
Rounds, Adelaide, May 2007
Reducing disparities in Aboriginal health: Dispelling myths and developing a research agenda to
improve health. Stanford Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford, April 2007
Managing chronic kidney disease across the continuum: Is it achievable in regional and remote
Australia? Workshop presentation, 9th National Rural Health Conference, Albury, March 2007
Cost-effectiveness of early detection and intervention in chronic kidney disease. Australasian
Dialysis, Nephrology, Transplantation Workshop, Queenstown, March 2007
The Australasian Kidney Trial Network: Progress and update on current trials. Australasian
Dialysis, Nephrology, Transplantation Workshop, Queenstown, March 2007
Renal complications in Australian indigenous communities. International Diabetes Federation
Diabetes in Indigenous Peoples Forum, Melbourne, November 2006
Aboriginal health: How can we contribute? Official conference dinner speaker Pfizer
Cardiovascular Forum, Sydney, October 2006
Chronic kidney disease: managing and preventing the burden of disease. Plenary presentation 42nd
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Melbourne,
August 2006
Chronic Kidney Disease and the Heart: Beyond the drive-by angiogram. Cardiac Society of
Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, August 2006
Nephrologists’ attitudes to transplantation in Aboriginal (Indigenous) Australians. 14th Asia
Pacific Forum in Nephrology, Adelaide, April 2006
“Difficult Conversations”: Discussing Organ Donation and Transplantation with Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Australians. Plenary presentation Transplant Society of Australia and New
Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, March 2006
The economic impact of chronic kidney disease in Australia. AMGEN Nephrology Symposium,
Sydney, March 2006
Lessons learned from the SHARP study: Collaborating to address priority research questions in
nephrology. Australasian Kidney Trials Network Symposium, Sydney, February 2006
Chronic Diseases Disparities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: How should
we address them? NSW Department of Health Aboriginal Chronic Care Advisory Group, Sydney,
February 2006
The economic burden of chronic kidney disease. NSW Renal Services Network Workshop on
Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease, Sydney, December 2005
Sharing the true stories - improving communication between Aboriginal patients and health carers.
NSW Aboriginal Chronic Care Forum, Sydney, December 2005
How might research be translated to improved access and health outcomes for Indigenous
Australians with end-stage kidney disease? NSW Aboriginal Health Research Conference, Sydney,
October 2005
Sharpening the impact of Aboriginal health research (Plenary session discussant). NSW
Aboriginal Health Research Conference, Sydney, October 2005
Transplants at the end of the galaxy - health system barriers for remote and isolated patients. 3rd
Annual NSW All Organs Transplant Symposium, Port Macquarie, October 2005
Chronic kidney disease epidemiology in Australia - highlighting the excess burden of disease
among Indigenous Australians. Rural Health Education Foundation Satellite Broadcast, Sydney,
August 2005
Cardiovascular disease in end-stage kidney disease. ASEANZ Cardiovascular and Lipid Forum,
Melbourne, June 2005
Exploring the burden of chronic kidney disease in Australia. Kidney Health Australia National
Consumer Participation Council, Hobart, May 2005
‘Kidney disease in disadvantaged populations’ (Plenary session discussant). Kidney Health
Australia National Chronic Kidney Disease Strategy Workshop, Sydney, March 2005
Social determinants of remote health. Aborigines, Culture and Economy Workshop of the
Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Sydney, December 2004
Kidney disease among Indigenous Australians. International Paediatric Nephrology Association
Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, September 2004
What the crystal ball sees: ‘IMPAKT and beyond’. National Indigenous Dialysis and Transplant
Symposium, Yulara, June 2004
Improving Indigenous health: remote area renal services. National Indigenous Dialysis and
Transplant Symposium, Yulara, June 2004
Health inequalities in NSW: from description to action. Evidence and examples from clinical
practice. NSW Colloquium on Health Inequalities, Sydney, May 2004
How best to deliver and fund care for the chronically ill: the role of patient self-management.
Royal Australasian College of Physicians Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, May 2004
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the general Australian population. Royal Australasian
College of Physicians Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, May 2004
How does poverty get under the skin and cause illness? European Centre on Health of Societies in
Transition, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, March 2004
Why do governments intervene in health? Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Health
Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand Joint Conference on the Ethics and
Philosophy of Health Financing, Melbourne, November 2003
What does equity mean for physicians? Royal Australasian College of Physicians Annual Scientific
Meeting, Hobart, May 2003
Exploring the pathways between socioeconomic disadvantage and chronic disease. Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France, April 2003
“Sorrows every year because the young and the old are dying”: the story of kidney disease in
indigenous populations. Harvard Center for the Study of Kidney Disease, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, USA, March 2003
Improving communication between indigenous patients and care providers. 3rd National
Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations, Chicago, USA, October
Chronic kidney disease: a primary care survey of patients at risk. 10th Asia Pacific Forum in
Nephrology, Cairns, June 2002
Aboriginal kidney health: an overview of kidney health services and planning in the Northern
Territory. Darwin Regional Council of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission,
Darwin, March 2002
The impact of delayed referral to nephrology care. 9th Asia Pacific Forum in Nephrology, Gold
Coast, June 2001
Teaching involvement:
Supervisor, five full-time PhD students, University of Sydney
Supervisor, MPH treatise, University of Queensland, awarded 2004
Supervisor, MPH treatise, Northern Territory University, awarded 2002
Organiser, workshop facilitator and lecturer, Australasian Kidney Trials Network Clinical Trials
Education Workshop, Wellington NZ, September 2005 and Melbourne, August 2006
Interviewer, applicants for Sydney University Graduate Medical Program, 2006
Lecturer, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, FRACP Examination Preparation Course and Physician
Update, regarding hypertension trials and clinical research methods, ongoing since 2003
Lecturer, Sydney University GMP Year 2, regarding chronic kidney disease among Indigenous
Australians, ongoing since 2001
Member of the coursework development committee for the Graduate Certificate in Health Policy,
School of Public Health, first taught in 2006
Peer review and professional responsibilities:
Member NSW Aboriginal and Population Health Priority Taskforce, 2008
Member, Public Health Research Advisory Committee, NHMRC, 2008
Member, Expert Advisory Group, NHMRC Diabetic renal disease guidelines, 2008
Member, Public Health Project Grant Review Panel, NHMRC, 2007 and 2008
Member, Scientific Program Committee, 22nd International Congress for the Transplantation
Society, 2008
Member, Organising Committee, 2nd National Indigenous Kidney Disease Symposium, 2008
Member, Scientific Program Committee, 2nd CRIAH Aboriginal Health Research Conference,
Member, Consensus Statement Development Group, Evidence-based practice guideline for the
assessment of absolute cardiovascular disease risk, National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance,
Member, International Steering Committee, SHARP study, 2005-2008
Member, National Heart Stroke and Vascular Health Working Group, Australian Institute for
Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2005-2008
Member, Chronic Kidney Disease Working Group, AIHW, 2007-2008
Inaugural Chair, Scientific Committee, Australasian Kidney Trials Network, 2005-2008
Member, Scientific Program Committee, 37th Public Health Association of Australia Annual
Conference, 2005-6
Member, Central Clinical School Research Committee, University of Sydney Faculty of Medicine,
Member, China-Australia Partnership for Health Committee, 2004-2006
Member, NSW State Committee, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2006-2008
Member, Board of Continuing Professional Development, Royal Australasian College of
Physicians (RACP), 2003-2007
Member, Education Strategy Implementation Action Group, RACP, 2004-2007
Chair, Taskforce on Equity in Health, RACP, 2004-2005
Member, Cardiovascular Theme Committee, 45 and Up Cohort Study, Sax Institute, 2004-2006
Member, National Chronic Kidney Disease Strategy Working Group on Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Health, Kidney Health Australia, 2005-2006
Member, Kidney Check Australia Taskforce (KCAT), constituted by Kidney Health Australia and
the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, 2001-2008
Member, Strategic Task Force, Menzies School of Health Research, 2001-2002
Member, Research Training Committee, Menzies School of Health Research, 2001-2002
Member, Senior Clinical Advisory Group NSW Health Department, 1997-1998
NSW Postgraduate Medical Council:
— Hospital Accreditation Surveyor, 1990-1998
— Member, Standards and Accreditation Subcommittee, 1993-1998
Secretary of the Ethics Committee, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1990-1991
Journals refereed for:
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, American Journal of Transplantation, BioMed Central
Nephrology, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Ethnicity and Health, Journal of
Nephrology, Medical Journal of Australia, Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology,
Nephrology, New England Journal of Medicine, Social Science and Medicine, The Lancet
Grants reviewed for:
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia
National Heart Foundation of Australia
Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health
Alberta Medical Research Foundation
Professional associations:
Public Health Association of Australia
Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand
Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology
International Society of Nephrology
American Society of Nephrology
Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Australasian Epidemiology Association
Australian Medical Association
Community leadership and involvement:
Member, Steering Group of the Coalition for Research to Improve Aboriginal Health, a partnership
between the Sax Institute and the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW, 20072008
Director, Sax Institute Board, 2006-2008
Member, Working Group to Develop a National Code of Professional Conduct for Registered
Medical Practitioners, Australian Medical Council, 2007
Fellow, University of Sydney Senate, 1987
President of the University of Sydney Student Union, 1985-1986
Honorary Secretary of the University of Sydney Student Union, 1984-1985
Member, Sydney University Students Representative Council, 1985-1986
Member, Sydney University Medical Society Council, 1984-1986
Captain, University of Sydney Intervarsity Debating Team and winner of Australasian
Intervarsity Debating Competition 1984
 Member of New South Wales Adult Debating Team and winner of Australian Adult Debating
Championship 1984
Currently held grants:
NHMRC Project Grant, $1,248,175
Cass A, Perkovic V, Howard K, Agar J, Hawley C, Kerr P. ACTIVE Dialysis: a clinical trial of
intensive dialysis.
NHMRC Project Grant, $104,750
Cass A, Perkovic V, Huxley R, Baigent C, Levin A. Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent Trialists'
NHMRC Project Grant, $926,200
Maple-Brown L, Lawton P, Hoy W, Cass A, Jerums G, MacIsaac R, McDermott R, Ward L.
Improving the accuracy and precision of estimated GFR measurements in Indigenous Australians.
NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship (SRFA), $527,500
NHMRC Capacity Building Grant in Public Health, $2,317,125
Eades S, Bailey S, Banks E, Butow P, Cass A, d'Este C, Jan S, Calder J, Kippax S, Leask J,
McIntyre P, Nutbeam D, Redman S, Sanson-Fisher R, Thompson S. Making a difference: building
research capacity for health interventions to improve Aboriginal health.
NHMRC Capacity Building Grant in Public Health, $2,465,750
Craig J, Cass A, Irwig L, Chadban S, McDonald S, Devitt J, Macaskill P, Jones M, Howard K,
Salkeld G. Improving population health by a multidisciplinary, multi-method focus on kidney
disease of the young, the old and of Indigenous Australians.
NHMRC Project Grant, $1,793,800
Irish A, Dogra S, Beller E, Polkinghorne K, Hawley C, Kerr P, Cass A. RCT of aspirin and fish-oil
for the prevention of thrombosis in arterio-venous fistulae for dialysis access.
NHMRC Health Service Research Program Round 2, $2,800,000
Cass A, Brown A, Patel A, Eades S, Hayman N, Isbel N, Jan S, Ring I, Stewart G, Tonkin A,
Weeramanthri T. Improving health outcomes for Aboriginal Australians with chronic disease
through strategies to reduce systems barriers to necessary care.
NHMRC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research: A Healthy Start to Life
Research Program, $2,100,000
Craig J, Taylor R, Bailey S, Banks E, Cass A, Clapham K, Daniels J, Eades S, Kippax S, Parker A,
Raphael B, Redman S, Vincent F. Study of environment on Aboriginal resilience and child health.
NHMRC Enabling Grant, $1,290,000
Hawley C, Johnson D, Beller E, Hoy W, Cass A, Craig J. Australasian Kidney Trials Network.
NHMRC Project Grant, $1,870,000
Finfer A, Cass A, Scheinkestel C, Norton R, Myburgh J, Cole C. Multicentre, open label,
randomised, controlled trial of severe acute renal failure (ARF) management with an augmented vs.
normal continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) regimen.
Other funders
ARC Discovery Grant, $240,000
Howard K, Jan S, Cass A, Chadban S, Rose J, Allen R. Community preferences for organ donation
and allocation.
Australian Learning and Teaching Council Competitive Grants Program, $219,840
McCabe P, Farrington S, Bandler L, MacKenzie L, Bradford V, Kenny B, Cass A, Gerzina T,
Morrison S, Ingram S, Brown L. Communicating effectively with Indigenous people: Interprofessional learning and teaching resources for health care students to develop culturally safe
interviewing practices.
Smart Health Research Grant, $280,000
Hawley C, Johnson D, Beller E, De Zoysa J, Playford J, Cass A. A controlled trail of evaluation of
antibacterial Honey versus Nasal Eradication of staphylococci for the prevention of Tenchkoff
infections in peritoneal dialysis
Roche Foundation for Anaemia Research (ROFAR) Grant $200,000
Johnson D, Beller E, Cass A, Fassett R, Ferrari P, Hawley C, McDonald S, Rosser B, Thompson C,
Walker R. A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of oxpentifylline on haemoglobin levels in
patients with erythropoietin-resistant anaemia
NHF Grant-In-Aid, $120,000
C Anderson, A Thrift, A Cass, K Jamrozik, K Carter, R Huxley, P Brown. Increasing the power of
socioeconomic disparity analyses to reduce inequities in stroke risk and outcome: meta-analysis of
‘ideal’ stroke incidence studies in Australia and New Zealand.
Previously held grants/scholarships:
Royal Australasian College of Physicians Jacquot Research Award, $130,000
Cass A. Development of a portfolio of chronic kidney disease research at the George Institute for
International Health.
NHMRC Project Grant, $487,500
O’Dea K, Snelling P, Cass A. A randomised trial of fish and fruit to improve survival of Aboriginal
people with end-stage renal disease.
NHMRC Project Grant, $426,750
Cass A, Cunningham J, Devitt J, Snelling P, Horvath J, Eris J. The IMPAKT study: An
examination of systemic barriers in access to renal transplantation.
Commonwealth Fund, New York, $US75,000
Cass A. Australian Harkness Fellowship in health care policy.
Royal Australasian College of Physicians, $65,000
Cass A. Don and Lorraine Jacquot Travelling Fellowship.
AMGEN Australia Pty Ltd, $74,650
Cass A, Brown I, Christie M, Flack M, Marrnganyin B, Snelling P. Informed choice in health care:
increasing shared understanding between Indigenous clients and their health service providers.
Colonial Foundation, $50,000
Cass A. Social determinants of end-stage renal disease.
Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health, $96,000
Brown I, Cass A, Christie M, Flack M, Lowell A, Marrnganyin B, Snelling P. Sharing the true
stories: improving communication between Aboriginal patients and health carers.
Government/ NGO tenders:
Queensland Health Department, $50,800
Renal dialysis service provision study
Queensland Health Department, $188,100
Development of the Queensland Statewide Renal Health Services Plan 2007-2017
Western Australia Department of Health, $40,000
Development of a business case for the Renal Support Services in the Kimberley Region
Kidney Health Australia, $85,000
A study of the economic impact of the burden of kidney and urinary tract disease in Australia.
Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council, $100,000
Improving Indigenous Health: Remote Area Renal Services. Development of strategies to improve
access to renal services in remote areas - An initiative of the National Health Reform Agenda.
Grants requested:
Peer-reviewed articles and reports
1. Nigwekar SU, Cass A, Gallagher MP, Jardine MJ, Kang A, Kulshrestha S, Navaneethan
SD, Perkovic V, Strippoli GFM, Zoungas S. Interventions for lowering plasma
homocysteine levels in dialysis patients [Protocol]. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2009, Issue 2 Art. No.: CD004683. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004683.pub23
[Impact Factor (IF) 4.654, Citations 0]
Anderson K, Yeates K, Cunningham J, Devitt J, Cass A. They really want to go back home,
they hate it here: The importance of place in Canadian health professionals’ views on the
barriers facing Aboriginal patients accessing kidney transplants. Health and Place 2009;
15(1):390-3. [IF 1.828, Citations 0]
Irish A, Dogra G, Mori T Beller E, Heritier S, Hawley C, Kerr P, Robertson A, Rosman J,
Paul-Brent P, Gardiner M, Polkinghorne K, Cass A, for the FAVOURED Study Group.
Preventing AVF thrombosis: The rationale and design of the Omega-3 fatty acids (Fish
Oils) and Aspirin in Vascular access Outcomes in Renal Disease (FAVOURED) study BMC
Nephrology 2009, 10:1. [IF 1.460, Citations 0]
4. Bellomo R, Cass A, Cole L, Finfer S, Gallagher M, Goldsmith D, Myburgh J, Norton R,
Scheinkestel C. Screening and Study Enrolment in the Randomized Evaluation of Normal
vs. Augmented Level (RENAL) Replacement Therapy Trial. Blood Purification 2009; 27
(2): 199-205. [IF 1.822, Citations 0]
5. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Cass A, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Anderson C,
Chalmers J, Craig J, Huxley R. Proteinuria and stroke: A meta-analysis of cohort studies.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases; Epub 2008 December 16. [IF 3.981, Citations 0]
6. Perkovic V, Verdon C, Ninomiya T, Barzi F, Cass A, Patel A Jardine M, Gallagher M,
Turnbull F, Chalmers J, Craig J, Huxley R. The Relationship Between Proteinuria and
Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review. PLoS Medicine 2008; 5 (10): e207
doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050207 [IF 12.601, Citations 0]
7. Peiris D, Brown A, Cass A. Addressing inequities in access to quality health care for
Indigenous peoples. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2008; 179 (10): 985-986. [IF
7.067, Citations 0]
8. Anderson K, Devitt J, Cunningham J, Preece C, Cass A. “All they said was my kidneys
were dead”: Indigenous Australian patients' understanding of their chronic kidney disease.
Medical Journal of Australia 2008; 189 (9): 499-503. [IF 2.537, Citations 0]
9. Bellomo R, Cass A, Cole L, Finfer S, Gallagher M, Goldsmith D, Myburgh J, Norton R,
Scheinkestel C. Design and Challenges of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs.
Augmented Level Replacement Therapy (RENAL) Trial: High Dose vs. Standard Dose
Hemofiltration in Acute Renal Failure. Blood Purification 2008; 26 (5): 407-416. [IF 1.822,
Citations 0]
10. Bellomo R, Cass A, Cole L, Finfer S, Gallagher M, Goldsmith D, Myburgh J, Norton R,
Scheinkestel C. Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Australian and New
Zealand Intensive Care Units: A Practice Survey. Critical Care Resuscitation 2008; 10 (3):
225-30. [IF NA, Citations 0]
11. Johnson D, Hawley C, Rosser B, Beller E, Thompson C, Fassett R, Ferrari P, McDonald S,
Pedagogos E, Cass A for the HERO Study Group. Oxpentifylline versus placebo in the
treatment of erythropoietin-resistant anaemia: a randomized controlled trial. BMC
Nephrology 2008; 9 (8). [IF 1.460, Citations 0]
12. White S, McGeechan K, Jones M, Cass A, Chadban S, Polkinghorne K, Perkovic V,
Roderick P. Disadvantage and kidney disease: population-representative data from Thailand,
Australia and the United States. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98 (7):1306-13.
[IF 3.698, Citations 0]
13. White S, Chadban SJ, Jan S, Chapman J, Cass A. How Can We Achieve Global Equity in
Provision of Renal Replacement Therapy? World Health Organisation Bulletin, 2008; 86
(3): 229-237. [IF 4.019, Citations 0]
14. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Arima H, Anderson C, Neal B,
Woodward M, Omae T, MacMahon S, Chalmers J for the PROGRESS Collaborative Group.
Lower blood pressure and the risk of recurrent stroke in patients with chronic kidney
disease: results of the PROGRESS study. Kidney International, 2008; 73 (8): 963-70. [IF
4.922, Citations 2]
15. Perkovic V, Cass A, Patel A, Suriyawongpaisal P, Barzi F, Chadban S, MacMahon S, Neal
B on behalf of the InterASIA collaborative group. A high prevalence of chronic kidney
disease in Thailand. Kidney International, 2008; 73 (4): 473-479. [IF 4.922, Citations 1]
16. White S, Polkinghorne K, Cass A, Shaw J, Atkins R, Chadban S. Limited knowledge of
kidney disease in a survey of AusDiab participants. Medical Journal of Australia, 2008; 188
(4): 204-208. [IF 2.537, Citations 0]
17. Devitt J, Cass A, Cunningham J, Preece C, Anderson K and Snelling P. Study Protocol -Improving Access to Kidney Transplants (IMPAKT): a detailed account of a qualitative
study investigating barriers to transplant for Australian Indigenous people with end-stage
kidney disease. BMC Health Services Research, 2008; 8 (1): 31. [IF 1.323, Citations 2]
18. Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Arima H, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Neal B, MacMahon S,
Chalmers J. Chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular events and the effects of perindoprilbased blood pressure lowering: Data from the PROGRESS Study. Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology, 2007; 18 (10): 2766-72. [IF 7.111, Citations 4]
19. Cass A, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Snelling P, Colman S, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris J.
Decision making about suitability for kidney transplantation: results of a national survey of
Australian nephrologists. Nephrology 2007; 12 (3): 299-304. [IF 1.241, Citations 1]
20. Anderson K, Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C. The use of psychosocial
criteria in Australian patient selection guidelines for kidney transplantation. Social Science
and Medicine 2007; 64 (10): 2107-2114. [IF 2.453, Citations 2]
21. Preston-Thomas P, Cass A, O’Rourke P. Trends in the incidence of treated end-stage kidney
disease among Indigenous Australians and access to treatment. Australia and New Zealand
Journal of Public Health, 2007; 31 (5): 419-421. [IF 1.335, Citations 1]
22. Preston-Thomas P, Cass A, O’Rourke P. Kidney disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal 2007; 31 (1): 3-5. [IF NA,
Citations 0]
23. Cunningham J, Cass A, Anderson K, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris J. Australian
nephrologists’ attitudes towards living kidney donation. Nephrology Dialysis
Transplantation 2006; 21 (5): 1178-1183. [IF 3.167, Citations 3]
24. Cass A, Chadban S, Craig J, Howard K, McDonald S, Salkeld G, White S. The economic
impact of end-stage kidney disease in Australia. Kidney Health Australia, Melbourne 2006.
[IF NA, Citations NA]
25. Howard K, Salkeld G, White S, Chadban S, Craig J, McDonald S, Perkovic V, Cass A. The
cost-effectiveness of early detection and intervention to prevent the progression of chronic
kidney disease in Australia. Kidney Health Australia, Melbourne 2006. [IF NA, Citations
26. Tatz C, Cass A, Condon J, Tippett G. Aborigines and uranium: monitoring the health
hazards. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Research
Discussion Paper No. 20. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Studies, Canberra 2006. [IF NA, Citations NA]
27. Cunningham J, Cass A, Arnold PC. Bridging the treatment gap for Indigenous Australians.
Medical Journal of Australia 2005; 182 (10): 505-506. [IF 2.537, Citations 5]
28. White SL, Cass A, Atkins RC, Chadban SJ. Chronic kidney disease in the general
population. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 2005; 12 (1): 5-13. [IF 1.577, Citations 12]
29. Cass A, Anderson I, Benett C, Brown N, Catford J, Goldfeld S, Grenfell R, Reid P,
Richards R, Harris E, McBride T, Nutbeam D, Hyde J and Bruce A. Royal Australasian
College of Physicians Taskforce on Equity and Health. Inequity and health – a call to action.
Addressing health and socioeconomic inequality in Australia. Royal Australasian College of
Physicians; Sydney 2005. [IF NA, Citations NA]
30. Cass A. Health outcomes in Aboriginal populations. Canadian Medical Association Journal
2004; 171 (6): 9-10. [IF 7.067, Citations 3]
31. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Exploring the pathways leading from
disadvantage to end-stage renal disease for Indigenous Australians. Social Science and
Medicine 2004; 58 (4): 767-785. [IF 2.453, Citations 22]
32. Cass A, Devitt J, Preece C, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Snelling P, Eris J, Ayanian JZ.
Barriers to access by Indigenous Australians to kidney transplantation – the IMPAKT study.
Nephrology 2004; 9: S144-146. [IF 1.241, Citations 10]
33. Yeates KE, Schaubel DE, Cass A, Sequist TD, Ayanian JZ. Access to renal transplantation
for minority patients with end-stage renal disease in Canada. American Journal of Kidney
Diseases 2004; 44 (6): 1083-1089. [IF 3.981, Citations 14]
34. Sequist TD, Narva AS, Stiles SK, Karp SK, Cass A, Ayanian JZ. Access to renal
transplantation among American Indians and Hispanics. American Journal of Kidney
Diseases 2004; 44 (2): 344-352. [IF 3.981, Citations 20]
35. Li SQ, Cunningham J, Cass A. Renal-related deaths in Australia, 1997-1999: An analysis of
national mortality data. Internal Medicine Journal 2004; 34 (5): 259-265. [IF 1.570,
Citations 6]
36. Cass A, Cunningham J, Hoy W. The relationship between the incidence of end-stage renal
disease and markers of socio-economic disadvantage. New South Wales Public Health
Bulletin 2004; 15 (S1): 35-39. (Previously published in 2002; 13 (7): 147-151.) [IF NA,
Citations 1]
37. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Ayanian JZ. Late referral to a nephrologist reduces
access to renal transplantation. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2003; 42 (5): 10431049. [IF 3.981, Citations 26]
38. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Renal transplantation for Indigenous
Australians: Identifying the barriers to equitable access. Ethnicity and Health 2003; 8 (2):
111-119. [IF 1.372, Citations 16]
39. Li SQ, Cass A, Cunningham J. Cause of Death in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease:
Assessing Concordance of Death Certificates with Registry Reports. Australia and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health 2003; 27 (4): 419-424. [IF 1.335, Citations 11]
40. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Urban disadvantage and delayed
nephrology referral in Australia. Health and Place 2003; 9 (3): 175-182. [IF 1.828, Citations
41. Hoy W, Douglas-Denton R, Hughson M, Cass A, Johnson K, Bertram J. A stereological
study of glomerular number and volume: preliminary findings in a multiracial study of
kidneys at autopsy. Kidney International 2003; 63 (S83): S31-S37. [IF 4.922, Citations 52]
42. Cass A, Cunningham J, Arnold P, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Delayed referral to a
nephrologist: Outcomes among those who survive at least one year on dialysis. Medical
Journal of Australia 2002; 177 (3): 135-138. [IF 2.537, Citations 29]
43. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. End-stage renal disease in Indigenous
Australians: a disease of disadvantage. Ethnicity and Disease 2002; 12 (3): 373-378. [IF
0.744, Citations 13]
44. Cass A. Kidney disease: are you at risk? Medical Journal of Australia 2002; 176 (11): 515516. [IF 2.537, Citations 4]
45. Usherwood T, Cass A. Early renal impairment: the role of the general practitioner. Medicine
Today 2002; 3 (10): 20-30. [IF NA, Citations NA]
46. Cass A, Lowell A, Christie M, Snelling P, Flack M, Marrnganyin B, Brown I. Sharing the true
stories: improving communication between Aboriginal patients and health carers. Medical
Journal of Australia 2002; 176 (10): 466-470. [IF 2.537, Citations 31]
47. Cass A, Snelling P, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Timing of nephrology referral: a study
of its effects on the likelihood of transplantation and impact on mortality. Nephrology 2002;
7: S29-S32. [IF 1.241, Citations 2]
48. Hoy W, McDonald S, Cass A, Singh G et al. A broader view of renal disease: findings in
Aboriginal Australia. Advances in Microbiology 2002; 9: 75-96. [IF NA, Citations NA]
49. Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Regional variation in the incidence of end-stage
renal disease in Indigenous Australians. Medical Journal of Australia 2001; 175 (1): 24-27. [IF
2.537, Citations 48]
50. Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Social disadvantage and variation in the incidence of
end-stage renal disease in Australian capital cities. Australia and New Zealand Journal of
Public Health 2001; 25 (4): 322-326. [IF 1.335, Citations 20]
51. Cass A, Gillin A, Horvath J. End Stage Renal Disease in Aborigines in New South Wales: A
Very Different Picture to the Northern Territory. Medical Journal of Australia 1999; 171 (8):
407-410. [IF 2.537, Citations 3]
52. Phan TG, Cass A, Gillin A, Trew P, Fertig N, Sturgess A. Anti-RNA polymerase III
antibodies in the diagnosis of scleroderma renal crisis sine scleroderma. Journal of
Rheumatology 1999; 26: 2489-2492. [IF 3.151, Citations 12]
Letters in refereed journals/ other journal contributions
53. McClintock C, Cass A, Chadban S. How to treat chronic kidney disease in general practice.
Australian Doctor, 2007; February 2nd: 19-26. [IF NA, Citations NA]
54. Cass A. The ethics of research involving Canada’s Aboriginal populations. Canadian
Medical Association Journal 2005; 172 (8): 979. [IF 6.862, Citations NA]
55. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Ayanian JZ. Late referral and access to renal
transplantation. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2004; 43 (4): 761-762. [IF 3.981,
Citations NA]
56. Cunningham J, Cass A, Li S. Some issues to consider when assessing concordance of death
certificates with registry reports. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
2004; 28 (1): 87-88. [IF 1.335, Citations NA]
57. Kerse N, Cass A. Screening for kidney problems in the elderly. New Zealand Doctor 2003;
June 18: 24-26. [IF NA, Citations NA]
58. Cass A, McDonald SP, Wang Z. Australians with renal disease: a new national survey.
Medical Journal of Australia 1999; 171: 444. [IF 2.537, Citations 5]
Book chapters
59. Perkovic V, Jardine M, Gallagher M, Cass A. Lipid lowering in chronic kidney disease. In:
Tonkin A, editor. Therapeutic Strategies in Lipid Disorders. Oxford: Clinical Publishing;
2009. pp.135-42
60. Couzos S, Thomas M, Cass A. Chronic Kidney Disease. In: Couzos S and Murray R eds.
Aboriginal Primary Health Care: An Evidence-based Approach, 3rd Edition. Melbourne:
Oxford University Press, 2007: p 575-621.
61. Hoy WE, Chennakesavan SK, McDonald SP, Cass A, Singh GR, Bertram JF, Hughson MD.
Chronic kidney disease in Aboriginal Australians. In: El Nahas AM, ed. Kidney diseases in the
developing world and ethnic minorities. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2005:305-33.
62. Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Beyond the biomedical perspective: how
social factors determine renal disease. In: ANZDATA Registry 2002 Report, Editors McDonald
SP and Russ G, Adelaide 2003: p 95-100.
Manuscripts accepted for publication
63. Lambers Heerspink H, Ninomiya T, Zoungas S, de Zeeuw D, Grobbee D, Jardine M, Gallagher
M, Roberts M, Cass A, Neal B, Perkovic V. Blood pressure lowering reduces cardiovascular
events and mortality in dialysis patients: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
The Lancet, accepted 10th February 2009. [Impact Factor 28.638, Citations 0]
64. Gallagher M, Jardine M, Perkovic V, Cass A, McDonald S, Petrie J, Eris J. Cyclosporine
withdrawal improves long-term graft survival in renal transplantation. Transplantation,
accepted 9th February 2009. [Impact Factor 3.641, Citations 0]
65. White S, Perkovic V, Cass A, Chang C, Poulter N, Spector T, Haysom L, Craig J, Al Salmi I,
Chadban S, Huxley R. Is low birth weight an antecedent of chronic kidney disease in later life?
A systematic review of observational studies. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, accepted
24th December 2008. [IF 3.981, Citations 0]
66. De Galan B, Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Pillai A, Patel A, Cass A, Neal B, Poulter N, Harrap S,
Mogensen CE, Cooper M, Marre M, Williams B, Hamet P, Mancia G, Woodward M, Glasziou
P, Grobbee D, MacMahon S, Chalmers J for the ADVANCE Collaborative Group. Routine
blood pressure lowering and kidney disease in Type 2 diabetes. Journal of the American Society
of Nephrology, accepted 22nd October 2008. [IF 7.111, Citations 0]
67. Johnson D, Clark C, Isbel N, Hawley C, Beller E, Cass A, de Zoysa J, McTaggart S, Playford
G, Rosser B, Thompson C and Snelling P for the HONEYPOT Study Group. A randomised,
controlled trial of exit site application of medihoney antibacterial wound gel for the prevention
of catheter-associated infections in peritoneal dialysis patients: The HONEYPOT study.
Peritoneal Dialysis International, accepted 1st October 2008. [IF 1.995, Citations 0]
68. Howard K, Salkeld G, White S, McDonald S, Chadban S, Craig S, Cass A. The cost
effectiveness of increasing kidney transplantation and home based dialysis. Nephrology,
accepted 30th September 2008. [IF 1.241, Citations 0]
Reports to Government
69. Kneipp E, Cass A, Snelling P. Renal dialysis service provision study: Consultation report.
Queensland Government, Brisbane, January 2009.
70. Cass A, Chadban A, Gallagher M, Howard K, Kneipp E, McDonald S, Snelling P.
Queensland Statewide Renal Health Services Plan 2007-2017 — Part One: The Way
Forward. Queensland Government, Brisbane, December 2007.
71. Cass A, Chadban A, Gallagher M, Howard K, Kneipp E, McDonald S, Snelling P.
Queensland Statewide Renal Health Services Plan 2007-2017 — Part Two: Current Service
Analysis and Future Demand Predictions. Queensland Government, Brisbane, December
72. Cass A, Chadban A, Gallagher M, Howard K, Kneipp E, McDonald S, Snelling P.
Queensland Statewide Renal Health Services Plan 2007-2017 — Part Three: Economic
Modeling Report: Modeling the Current and Future Costs and Benefits of Renal
Replacement Therapy in Queensland. Queensland Government, Brisbane, December 2007.
73. Salem L, Yarnold D, Gillies A, Lowe J, Cass A. Using knowledge to safeguard our nations
- A collaborative approach to vascular and renal health in Aboriginal communities within
the Countries of north-eastern NSW. Hunter New England Area Health Service, Newcastle,
Febrary 2007.
74. Kneipp E and Cass A. Kimberley Renal Services Project. The George Institute for
International Health prepared for the WA Country Health Services and Kimberley Renal
Advisory Group. June 2006.
75. Pearse J, McDonald A, Cass A, Chen L. Report of The China Health Care Safety
Roundtable 15-16 April 2005 Beijing, China. The George Institute for International Health
prepared for the Chinese Ministry of Health, August 2005.
76. Cass A, Devitt J, Gorham G, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Preece C, Ingram S, Snelling P,
Eris J. Improving Indigenous Health: Strategies to improve access, timeliness and quality of
remote area renal services for Indigenous Australians. The George Institute for International
Health prepared for the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council; December 2004.
77. Cass A, Devitt J, Gorham G, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Preece C, Ingram S, Snelling P,
Eris J. Improving Indigenous Health: A review of the current status of remote area renal
services for Indigenous Australians and identification of barriers to their accessing needed
services. The George Institute for International Health prepared for the Australian Health
Ministers Advisory Council; October 2004.
78. Cass A. Provision of renal prevention and treatment services. In Ward M, Bishop J, Theile
D, Deane S, Chalmers J, Cass A. Options for Clinical Services. Government of Western
Australia; October 2003.
Other reports
79. Lowell A, Brown I, Marrnganyin B, Flack M, Christie M, Snelling P, Cass A. Sharing the
true stories: improving communication between health staff and Aboriginal patients, Stage
1, Interim project report. Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, Darwin,
November 2005.
80. Knight J, Cass A. A national early renal impairment task force: Discussion paper –
November 2000. Submitted to the Australian Kidney Foundation and the Australia and New
Zealand Society of Nephrology.
Published abstracts
81. Jardine M, Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Woodward M, Pillai A, Cass A, Patel A, Neal B,
MacMahon S, Cooper M, Heller S , Williams B, Hamet P, Rodgers A, Poulter N, Harrap S,
Marre M, J. Chalmers J. ADVANCE Collaborative Group. Predictive Baseline Factors for
Major Renal Events: A Proportional Hazards Model Based on the Advance Study. Journal
of American Society of Nephrology 2008; 19: 543A
82. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, de Galan BE, Patel A, Cass A, Neal B, Cooper M, Mogensen CE,
Williams B, MacMahon S, Chalmers J. Independent Impact of Albuminuria and Kidney
Function on Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the
ADVANCE Trial. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2008; 19: 760A
83. Lawton P, Maple-Brown L, Hughes J, Sharma S, Panagiotopoulos S, Jones G, Cass A,
O’Dea K, Jerums G. Methodology of the eGFR Study: Accurate assessment of renal
function in indigenous Australians. Nephrology 2008, 13 (S3): A102
84. Devitt J, Snelling P, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Cass A. Steps or marathon?
Distance and remoteness as influences on access to transplant for Australian indigenous
patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Nephrology 2008, 13 (S3): A112
85. Gallagher M, Webster A, Jardine M, Perkovic V, Cass A, Eris J. Twenty year cancer
outcomes of a randomized trial of immunosuppression in kidney transplant recipients:
results of the Australian multicentre trial of cyclosporine withdrawal. Nephrology 2008, 13
(S3): A119
86. Perkovic V, De Galan B, Chalmers J, Ninomiya T, Patel A, Cass A, Cooper M, Neal B,
MacMahon S. Renoprotection with perindopril-indapamide below current recommended
blood pressure targets in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: results of the ADVANCE
trial. Nephrology 2008, 13 (S3): A121
87. Cass A, Brown A, Peiris D, Howard M, Tchan M, Rickards B, Patel A. The identification
and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and risk factors in aboriginal primary
health care. Nephrology 2008, 13 (S3): A123-A124
88. Anderson K, Devitt J, Cunningham J, Preece C, Cass A. “All they said was my kidneys
were dead”: Indigenous Australian patients’ understanding of their kidney disease.
Nephrology 2008, 13 (S3): A126-A127
89. Gallagher M, Webster A, Jardine M, Perkovic V, Cass A, Eris J. 20 year cancer outcomes of
a randomised trial of immunosuppression in kidney transplant recipients: results of the
Australian multi-centre trial of cyclosporine withdrawal. Transplantation 2008; 86 (S2): 102
90. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Neal B, MacMahon S, Chalmers
J. The efficacy of lower blood pressure goals on the prevention of stroke in chronic kidney
disease: data from the PROGRESS study. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2007;
18: 11A
91. Perkovic V, Verdon C, Ninomiya T, Barzi F, Craig J, Cass A, Patel A, Huxley R.
Proteinuria as a predictor of coronary heart disease – A systematic review. Journal of
American Society of Nephrology 2007; 18: 310A
92. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Craig J, Cass A, Anderson C, Huxley R.
Proteinuria as a predictor of stroke – A systematic review. Journal of American Society of
Nephrology 2007; 18: 310A
93. Yeates K, Trpeski L, Cass A, Sequist T, McDonald S, Jardine M, Ayanian J. A comparison
of access to renal transplantation for indigenous people in the United States, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2007; 18: 670A
94. Heeley E, Carter K, Anderson C, Islam S, Thrift A, Hankey G, Jamrozik K, Cass A. Greater
incidence of stroke in more deprived areas: results from a pooled analysis of stroke
incidence studies in Australia and New Zealand. Internal Medicine Journal 2007; 37 (Suppl.
4) A108.
95. Carter K, Anderson C, Islam S, Heeley E, Thrift A, Hankey G, Jamrozik K, Cass A. Higher
rates of stroke in more deprived areas: results from a pooled analysis of stroke incidence
studies in Australia and New Zealand. Cerebrovasc Dis 2007; 23(Suppl 2): p1.
96. White S, Polkinghorne K, Cass A, Shaw J, Atkins R, Chadban S. Obesity and 5-year
incidence of kidney disease — findings from AUSDIAB. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A17
97. Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Perkovic V, Petrie J, McDonald S, Eris J. 20 year
outcomes of the Australian multi-centre randomised trial of cyclosporine withdrawal in
renal transplantation. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A19
98. Anderson K, Cass A, Devitt J, Cunningham J, Yeates K, Jardine M, Snelling P. Making the
list: Decision-making about patient suitability for kidney transplantation in Australia and
Canada. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A26
99. Verdon C, Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Barzi F, Craig J, Cass A, Huxley R. Proteinuria as a
predictor of coronary heart disease — a systematic review. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A31
Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Craig J, Cass A, Huxley R. Proteinuria
as a predictor of stroke — a systematic review. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A31
Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Neal B, MacMahon S,
Chalmers J. The efficacy of lower blood pressure goals on the prevention of stroke in
chronic kidney disease: Data from the PROGRESS study. Nephrology 2007; 12 (S2): A31
Salem L, Yarnold D, Gillies A, Lowe J, Cass A. Chronic kidney disease screening in
Aboriginal communities in the Hunter New England Health region. Nephrology 2007; 12
(S2): A42
Perkovic V, Algert C, Arima H, Ninomiya T, Gallagher M, Cass A, Neal B,
Chalmers J, MacMahon S. Reductions in the risks of vascular events and stroke in patients
with and without chronic kidney disease: New data from the PROGRESS trial.
Hypertension 2007; 49 (6): 1475
Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, McDonald S, Perkovic V, Petrie J, Eris J. 20 year
outcomes of the Australian multi-centre randomised trial of cyclosporine withdrawal in
renal transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation 2007; 7 (S2): 206-207
Perkovic V, Algert C, Arima H, Gallagher M, Cass A, Neal B, Chalmers J,
MacMahon S. Predictive Ability of Different Measures of Kidney Function: Data from the
PROGRESS Study. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2006; 17: 192A.
White S, McGeechan K, Jones M, Cass A, Chadban S, Perkovic V, Polkinghorne K,
Roderick P. Chronic Kidney Disease and Individual-Level Socio-Economic Status: The
Three Country Kidney Disease (3CKD) Study. Journal of American Society of Nephrology
2006; 17: 637A.
Perkovic V, Algert C, Arima H, Gallagher M, Cass A, Neal B, Chalmers J,
MacMahon S. The Cardiovascular Effects of Perindopril Based Therapy in CKD: Data from
the PROGRESS Study. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2006; 17: 809A.
Howard K, Salkeld G, White S, Chadban S, Craig J, Cass A, McDonald S, Perkovic
V. Cost effectiveness of screening for the early diagnosis and treatment of factors for
chronic kidney disease: a Markov Monte-Carlo microsimulation using MARCK-E (Model
for the Assessment of Risk factors for Chronic Kidney disease – Economics). Nephrology
2006; 11 (S2): A9.
White S, McGeechan K, Jones M, Cass A, Chadban S, Perkovic V, Roderick P. The
relationship between chronic kidney disease and individual-level socio-economic factors:
the three country kidney disease study (3CKD). Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A13.
Perkovic V, Algert C, Arima H, Gallagher M, Cass A, Neal B, MacMahon S,
Chalmers J. Reductions in the risk of vascular events and stroke in patients with and without
chronic kidney disease; new data from the PROGRESS trial. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2):
Snelling P, Hall H, Singh G, Barzi F, Jose M, Cass A, O’Dea K. A randomised trial
of fish and fruit to improve survival of people on maintenance dialysis. Nephrology 2006;
11 (S2): A31.
McDonald S, Howard K, White S, Craig J, Chadban S, Salkeld G, Cass A.
Predicting future requirements for renal replacement therapy in Australia. Nephrology 2006;
11 (S2): A31.
Salkeld G, Howard K, McDonald S, Cass A, Chadban S, White S, Craig J. Cost
effectiveness of renal replacement therapy for patients with end-stage kidney disease: a
Markov microsimulation model. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A35.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Snelling P, Colman S, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris
J. Decision making about suitability for kidney transplantation: results of a national survey
of Australian nephrologists. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A39.
Cunningham J, Cass A, Anderson K, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris J.
Australian nephrologists’ attitudes towards living kidney donation. Nephrology 2006; 11
(S2): A39.
Anderson K, Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris J.
Psychosocial criteria in Australian practice guidelines for determining patient suitability for
kidney donation. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A40.
White S, Polkinghorne K, Atkins R, Shaw J, Cass A, Chadban S. Awareness of
personal risk of CKD amongst the general community. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A46.
Perkovic V, Algert C, Arima H, Gallagher M, Cass A, Neal B, MacMahon S,
Chalmers J. The predictive ability of different measures of kidney function: new data from
the Progress study. Nephrology 2006; 11 (S2): A46.
Anderson K, Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Eris J, Devitt J, Preece C.
Psychosocial criteria in Australian practice guidelines for determining patient suitability for
kidney transplantation. Immunology and Cell Biology 2006; 84 (3): A5.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Anderson K, Coleman S, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris
J. Australian nephrologists’ attitudes towards renal transplantation: Results of a national
survey. Australasian epidemiologist 2005; 12 (3): 22.
Cunningham J, Anderson K, Cass A, Coleman S, Snelling P, Devitt J, Preece C, Eris
J. Australian nephrologists’ attitudes towards living kidney donation. Australasian
epidemiologist 2005; 12 (3): 47.
Perkovic V, Cass A, Patel A, Colman S, Chadban S, Neal B. The prevalence and
distribution of renal impairment in Thailand – the Interasia Study. Nephrology 2004; 9 (S1):
Cass A, Schaubel D, Yeates K, Sequist T, Ayanian J. Renal transplant access for
minority patients. Immunology and Cell Biology 2004; 82 (2): A3.
Sequist T, Cass A, Yeates K, Narva A, Ayanian J. Variation in dialysis mortality
among native Americans and African Americans with end stage renal disease in the United
States. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2003; 14: 716A.
Yeates K, Schaubel D, Cass A, Sequist T, Ayanian J. An analysis of access to
transplantation and transplant outcomes in Canada’s minority populations with end stage
renal disease. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2003; 14: 663A.
Cass A, Schaubel D, Yeates K, Sequist T, Ayanian J. A cross-national study of
access to transplantation for Indigenous ESRD patients. Journal of American Society of
Nephrology 2003; 14: 440A.
Cass A, Li SQ, Cunningham J. Cause of death in patients with ESRD: Assessing
concordance of death certificates with Registry reports. Nephrology 2003; 8 (S3): A58.
Cass A, Li SQ, Cunningham J. Renal related deaths in Australia, 1997-99.
Nephrology 2003; 8 (S3): A58.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Ayanian J. Late referral to a nephrologist
reduces access to renal transplantation. Nephrology 2003; 8 (S3): A71.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Exploring the pathways
leading from disadvantage to ESRD for Indigenous Australians. Nephrology 2003; 8 (S3):
Cass A, Malik N, Knight JF. Renal Insufficiency: A Survey of 7,805 General
Practice Patients “At-Risk”. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2002; 13: 427A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Renal transplantation for
Indigenous Australians: identifying the barriers to equitable access. Journal of American
Society of Nephrology 2002; 13: 563A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Delayed referral worsens long-
term survival on dialysis. Nephrology 2002; 7 (1): A28.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. A dynamic view of dialysis
modality and survival. Nephrology 2002; 7 (1): A16.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Outcomes with renal
transplantation in Indigenous Australians. Nephrology 2002; 7 (1): A20.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Social disadvantage and variation in the
incidence of ESRD in Australian capital cities. Nephrology 2002; 7 (1): A2.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. The effect of late referral on
likelihood of transplantation and mortality in the period after the first year on dialysis.
Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2001; 12: 194A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Renal transplantation in
Aboriginal Australians: access, timing and outcomes. Journal of American Society of
Nephrology 2001; 12: 881A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Dialysis dynamics and patient
survival. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2001; 12: 321A.
Bertram J, Hughson M, Hoy W, Cass A, Johnson K. Glomerular number, glomerular
volume and kidney weight in forensic autopsies: A multiracial study. Journal of American
Society of Nephrology 2001; 12: 724A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. End-stage renal disease in Indigenous
Australians: a disease of disadvantage. International Journal of Behavioural Medicine 2000;
7 (S1): 7-8.
Cass A, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Factors associated with late referral of end-
stage renal disease patients. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 2000; 11: 141A.
Cass A, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. The impact on mortality of late referral of end-
stage renal disease patients to nephrological care. Journal of American Society of
Nephrology 2000; 11: 141A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Remoteness and disadvantage affect the
incidence of end-stage renal disease in Australia. Journal of American Society of
Nephrology 2000; 11: 141A.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. Mapping the incidence of end-stage renal
disease in Indigenous Australians. Nephrology 2000; 5 (3): A112.
Cass A, Cunningham J, Wang Z, Hoy W. End-stage renal disease in Indigenous
Australians: a disease of poverty. Nephrology 2000; 5 (3): A97.
Cass A, Zentner L, Snelling P, Wang Z, Hoy W. Determinants and effects of late
referral in Australia. Nephrology 2000; 5 (3): A69. Presented at the 36th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, Melbourne 2000.
Cass A, Gillin A. End-stage renal disease in Aborigines in New South Wales:
Demography and outcomes 1987-1998. Nephrology 2000; 5: A29.
Cass A, Wang Z, Hoy W, Gillin A. The incidence of end-stage renal disease in
Aborigines in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of American Society of Nephrology
1999; 10: 155A.