Year Seven Costume Design Project

Year Seven Costume Design Project
Pupil Helpsheet
Following the theory lesson, you should design the costume for the character of Caliban.
You can produce this in any form you choose. For example, you could do a labelled
drawing; you could create a design board where you show the materials you might use;
you can actually make the costume, ask someone to wear it, take a photograph of it and
annotate it…you are free to choose the way in which you present this project.
Ideas to consider
 What is the personality of Caliban and how will you show this through his
 What colours will you choose to use, where on the costume will you use them and
 Does any part of the costume need any special effects, colours, attention,
materials and why?
 How old is your character and does this need to be a consideration for the
 What materials will you use to create the costume and why?
 What is going on in the play you are designing the costume for - remember to
work closely with the script/performance so that the costume enhances the
 Has the character got any special features which need to be created through the
Your teacher will use this mark scheme to mark your work:
A thorough knowledge and understanding of costume design.
An extensive range of features of costume design have been considered and
used or described in detail. There is a very clear understanding of the
character and play.
A good knowledge and understanding of costume design.
A good range of features of costume design have been considered and used
or described in some detail. There is a clear understanding of the character
and play.
A reasonable knowledge and understanding of costume design. Some
features of costume design have been considered and used or described with
a little detail. There is some understanding of the character and play.
A limited knowledge and understanding of costume design. A few features of
costume design have been considered. There is a restricted understanding of
the character and play.
Remember to label or describe your design in some way to show off your knowledge and
understanding of costume design!