Seasonality Affects the Surface Dwelling Fauna in Desert Ecosystem Nuzhat Sial*, Muhammad Shafiq Chaudhry and Qazi Adnan Ahmad* Department of Life Sciences, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Abstract:- A field survey aimed at determining the effect of seasonality on the abundance, frequency and patterns of distribution of surface dwelling fauna was conducted in Cholistan desert, with the help of pit fall method from January 2002 to December 2004. Insects were found with maximum abundance (68%), followed by 18% arachnids, 5% scincidae, 4% lizards, 3% Squamata and 2% Mammalia. Maximum number of animals was captured during the months of August, September and October of all the study years. It is concluded that the Cholistan desert sustains a high faunal range and a wide range of habitat selection mainly depending upon their feeding habits and seasonal activity. Family Scincidae (Skinks/sandfish), squamata (Lizards, snakes), lacerate (Geckos, monitors, chameleons). Key words: Surface dwelling fauna, Cholistan desert, biodiversity. INTRODUCTION The arid habitats of Cholistan desert cover an area of about 2.6 million hectares, constituting the southern part of Bahawalpur Division. It is located between latitudes 27o 42` and 29o North and longitudes 60o 57` East. The length of the desert is about 480 km and breadth is from 32 to 192 km (Akbar et al., 1996). Based on the heterogeneity of its topography, parent material, soil and vegetation, this desert has been divided into two geomorphic regions. The northern region or Lesser Cholistan borders by canal irrigated areas and covers about 7770 km² area and the southern region or Greater Cholistan is comprised of 18130 km². The lesser Cholistan consists of many saline alluvial flats (locally called ‘dahars’) alternating with low sandy ridges (Akbar et al., 1996; Akbar and Arshad, 2000). The climate is tropical and continental characterized by low and sporadic rainfall (176 – 250 mm per annum) high temperatures, low relative humidity, high rate of evaporation and strong summer winds (Akram et al., 1986). There is considerable difference between day and night temperatures. The day temperature may exceeds 50°C while the night temperatures may fall as low as 10°C. The rainfall in the area is irregular, unpredictable and scanty generally ranging between 100 to 250 mm per annum, occurring during monsoon (July to September) (Akbar et al., 1996). _____________________ * Corresponding authors:, . However, the cumulative meteorological data for the three study period is presented in Figure 1, depicting that maximum average temperature was during June (38.80°C) and maximum average rainfall was during July (48.9 mm), while the highest relative humidity was recorded during January (67.7%). The drought is a recurring phenomenon and mostly strikes back after every three to four years. Whenever, there is long drought spell, it significantly affects the ecology of the area both directly (i.e., less production of green biomass and habitat degradation for wildlife) and indirectly (i.e., enhanced use of already limited natural resources by human-beings and livestock). The climate has multitude influences on the various components of ecosystem including distribution and activities of the organisms (Pearson and Dawson, 2003). Other physical variables such as soils formation and development, temperature, availability of surface and sub-surface water virtually influence the surface dwelling fauna according to the habitat and species (Bachelet et al., 2001). Climate also helps in interconnecting the ecosystems by changing the rates of material transport between them such as migratory animals, vegetation and microbes (Vörösmarty et al., 2000). These broad scale parameter not only effect the present fauna and flora but also shape up the future climatic patterns as well (Peters et al., 2008; IPCC, 2007) Most of the herpetological studies carried out in Pakistan are restricted to Sindh and Balochistan Provinces (Murray, 1884, 1886; Boulenger, 1890; Smith, 1935; Minton, 1966; Mertens, 1969), Cholistan desert by Sial and Arshad (2003) and N. SIAL et al 2 from Chagai desert by Baig et al. (2006). Considering the pivotal and crucially important position of faunal diversity in Cholistan desert the present study was conducted to document seasonal diversity of surface dwelling fauna of the area and to study their biological aspects. MATERIALS AND METHODS The specimens were collected during January 2003 to December 2004. The area around the Field Station of Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies (CIDS), Islamia University, Bahawalpur comprised desert part of the Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus that represents the mini picture of Cholistan desert. Three study sites were selected on the basis of topography, vegetation composition and habitat variations. Site I was located on the northern side of Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies (CIDS) Field Station with dense vegetation cover mainly of grasses and shrubs. This site consists of small dunes and hammocks with interdunal flat sandy areas. Site II was located on the east of CIDS Field Station and comprised of undulant topography with somewhat plain sandy areas. The vegetation cover was moderate and having large shrubs with little grass component. Site III was located on the southern side of the CIDS Field Station and comprised of small dunes of 2-3 meters high. Due to ethnic interventions, the vegetation cover was very low as the area is near to the hostels. Pit-fall technique was used for trapping the surface dwelling fauna (Lövei and Sunderland, 1996). Ten pit-fall traps were fabricated randomly at each study site and inspected after every three days for the collection of a wide range of specimens. The specimens collected were fixed in 10% formalin and date of collection, locality and habitat were recorded. The specimens were sent to Pakistan Museum of Natural History for their identification. The data collected was tabulated on the basis of the diversity of animals among different months of the year and according to the seasonality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Abundance and percent relative abundance surface dwelling fauna in Cholistan desert from 2002 and 2004 are presented in Table I. Maximum abundance and relative abundance of fauna was found during April to August while minimum during January to March and then October to December. Among the most abundant organisms the percent relative abundance of spiders and lizards was high during April whereas snakes and scorpions during May and June. Beetles were found almost all the year round but mostly during August and September. Total of 3127 specimens were captured, out of which 47.29% were insects followed by the 35.32% Arachnids 2.99% scincidae, 7.52% lacertae, 2.89% squamata and 3.19% mammals, respectively. Arachnids (scorpion, spiders), Mammalia (Mouse, rats), Reptilia (Order; squamata: lizards, snakes), Lacertilia (Lizards, Geckos, Monitor, Chameleon), Arthropoda (Beetles, centipeds etc), Amphibian (Toads, frogs). The diversity of surface dwelling fauna was not only variable among different months of the year but also differs among different years of the study. During study year 2002 the maximum diversity (22.27%) among the captured organisms was recorded during May, whereas during the years 2002 and 2004 it was 20.95% during September and 23.13% during April. Minimum diversity was found during the months of February and March. During December and in the rest of the months diversity among the organisms remained almost same with little fluctuations. This study reveals that beetles were the most abundant fauna of all the other kinds trapped during the whole study period. We recorded 1275 beetles out of 3127 which makes 40.77% of the total organisms captured. The high number of beetles trapped in our study may be due to high species diversity and favorable conditions due to minimum anthropogenic and livestock disturbances. Another plausible explanation may be the seasonal fluctuations and availability of surface food which may support the breeding behavior of this species as there were enough rains during the first two study years and more number were trapped during the same years as compared to the last year of study when there were less rains. Scorpions gained the second place with 26.62% of the total organisms sampled during the AFFECT OF SEASONALITY ON DESERT FAUNA whole study period. Survival of desert animals depends on their ability to avoid extremely high temperatures. Soil temperatures beneath the desert floor are lower than those at the surface and provide relief from heat for desert fauna. Three basic faunal groups are common in deserts: small mammals, reptiles and arthropods. Individuals in these three groups frequently survive by burrowing during hot times of the day and being active during cooler periods (Wallwork, 1982). Desert tortoises, lizards, rodents, foxes, and termites, bees and wasps all use this method. On the other hand spiders were found to be more common on the grasses litter/trash, dense vegetation. Vegetation type and cover plays an important role in the distribution, food chain, behavior and ecological niche of the land dwelling animals. Sandfish can be survived on bare sand dunes to enter inner side of the sand to save themselves from enemies but also to escape from the high temperature of the summer. In contrast beetles were more abundant during September to December due to suitable temperature and moisture availability. Moreover, it can be pointed out that 68% out of the total surface dwelling animals trapped were insects (Fig.1). The harsh temperature conditions usually limit the survival of insects but within certain limits as temperature rises, metabolism rises, leading to accelerated development, increased reproductive activity and ultimately, increased population growth. The absence of amphibians is due to non-availability of water. The reptiles (Skinks/Sandfish, snakes and lizards) forms 25.41% of the total organisms sampled. The anthropogenic activity in this area has removed most of the snake population from the area. The ratio of sampled organisms remained relatively high during 2002 and 2003 to that of 2004. This may be attributed to the climatic conditions where there were enough rains during the first two years and very less during the last year of study (Fig. 2). Under the desert conditions availability of moisture plays pivotal role in controlling the surface productivity and food availability. It can be concluded that various seasonal factors in the desert effect the faunal reproduction, 3 their existence etc. However further work is needed to investigate the faunal tolerance or existence in drought conditions under field conditions. REFERENCES AKRAM, M., WALLYAT, A.K. AND BASHIR, A.S., 1986. Desertification processes in Cholistan Desert, PCRWR, Pakistan. AKBAR, G. AND ARSHAD, M., 2000. Developing sustainable sterategies for Cholistan desert: opportunities and perspectives. Sci. Vis., 5: 77-85. AKBARR, G., KHAN, T.N. AND ARSHAD. M., 1996. Cholistan desert, Pakistan. Rangeland., 18: 124-128. 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Processed from the raw data provided by Council of Research in water Resources, Regional Office, Bahawalpur 25.00 2002 Number captured Number of the organisms captured 20.00 2003 2004 15.00 10.00 5.00 Winter Spring Summer Monsoon Nov Oct Sep Aug July June May April March Feb Jan Dec 0.00 Autumn Fig. 2. Seasonal faunal diversity during the year 2002 to 2004. 5 N. SIAL et al 6 Table I.- Abundance and percent relative abundance (in parenthesis) of surface dwelling fauna of Cholistan desert (2002-2004) Months Spiders Lizards Insects Mouse Toad/frogs 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 January - - - - - - - 1(7.14) 1(8.33) - 6(14.29) 3(20.0) - 2(40) - February - - - - 2(5.13) 2(1.61) - - - 1(2.27) 1(2.38) 3(20.0) - - - March - - - - - 11(8.87) - - 2(16.67) - 2(4.76) 3(20.0) - - - April 59(43.07) 16(41.02) 17(39.53) 25(43.10) 4(10.26) 35(28.23) 4(21.05) - 7(58.33) 1(2.27) 1(2.38) 2(13.37) 4(25) 1(20) - May 32(23.36) 7(17.95) 9(20.93) 7(12.07) 3(7.69) 35(28.23) 3(15.79) 3(21.43) - 3(6.82) 2(4.76) 2(13.37) 3(18.75) 1(20) - June 17(12.41) 10(25.64) 11(25.58) 10(17.24) 7(17.95) 25(20.16) 2(10.53) 4(28.57) 2(16.67) 7(15.91) 5(11.90) 1(6.67) 4(25) - 2(66.67) July 6(4.38) 2(5.13) - 7(12.07) 4(10.26) 5(4.03) 5(26.32) 1(7.14) - 7(15.91) 4(9.52) - 1(6.25) - 1(33.33) August 14(10.22) 2(5.13) - 2(3.45) 3(7.69) 4(3.23) 1(5.26) 3(21.43) - 3(6.82) 6(14.20) 1(6.67) 1(6.25) - - September 5(3.65) 2(5.13) - 2(3.45) 7(17.95) 5(4.03) 1(5.26) 2(14.29) 1(2.27) 9(21.43) - - 1(20) - October 2(1.45) - - 2(3.45) 3(7.69) - 2(10.53) - - 3(6.82) 5(11.90) - 2(12.5) - - November 1(0.73) - 3(6.98) 2(3.45) 1(2.56) 1(0.81) - - - 13(29.55) - - 1(6.25) - - December 1(0.73) - 3(6.98) 1(1.72) 5(12.82) 1(0.81) 1(5.26) - - 5(11.36) 1(2.38) - - - - 42 15 16 5 3 Total 137 39 43 58 39 124 19 12 12 44 Table- I: continued Months Snakes Scorpions Skink Beetles Centipedes 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 January - 2(6.06) - - 1(0.22) 1(0.88) - 4(11.43) - - 18(3.04) 17 (16.50) - 3(5.66) - February - 1(3.03) - - 3(0.65) - - 1(2.86) - - 13(2.20) 2(1.94) - 10(18.86) - March - 4(12.12) 5(27.78) - 1(0.22) 3(2.65) - 1(2.86) 2(10.53) - 32(5.40) 22 (21.35) - 1(1.89) 1(25) April 6(17.14) 4(12.12) 2(11.11) 16(6.13) 19(4.15) 27(23.89) 10(31.25) 3(8.57) 4(21.05) 22(3.79) 44(7.43) 11(10.68) 5(15.63) 7(13.21) - May 12(34.29) 1(3.03) 2(11.11) 36(13.79) 34(7.42) 20(17.70) 5(15.62) 9(25.71) 4(21.05) 51(8.79) 23(3.89) 14 (13.59) - 3(5.66) - June 2(5.71) 4(12.12) 1(5.56) 72(27.59) 148(32.31) 11(9.73) 2(6.25) 4(11.43) - 12(2.07) 19(3.21) - 1(3.13) 6(11.32) - July 3(8.57) 2(6.06) 1(5.56) 43(16.48) 82(17.90) 13(11.50) 6(18.75) - 2(10.53) 21(3.62) 60(10.14) - 2(6.25) 18(33.96) - - 4(12.12) 3(16.67) 20(7.66) 64(13.97) 14(12.39) 4(12.50) 4(11.43) - 81(13.97) 108(18.24) 21 (20.39) 3(9.38) 1(1.89) - September 2(5.71) 7(21.21) 1(5.56) 34(13.03) 85(18.56) 15(13.27) - 5(14.29) 4(21.05) 163(28.10) 154(26.01) 1 1(10.68) 10(31.25) 4(7.55) - October 4(11.43) 1(3.03) - 27(10.34) 13(2.84) - 2(6.25) 3(8.57) - 71(12.24) 83(14.02) - 3(9.38) - - November 3(8.57) - 2(11.11) 13(4.98) 8(1.75) 6(5.31) 2(6.25) - 1(5.26) 79(13.62) 13(2.20) 2(1.94) 4(12.50) - 2(50.0) December Total 3(8.57) 3(9.09) 1(5.56) - - 3(2.65) 1(3.12) 1(2.86) 2(10.53) 80(13.79) 25(4.22) 3(2.91) 4(12.50) - 1(25.0) 35 33( 18 26 458 113 32 35 19 580 592 103 32 53 4 August