Rib Fracture
PATIENT NAME __________________________________ SOC____________
Define rib fracture.
______ ______ A. It is the most common chest injury.
______ ______ B. The fifth to ninth ribs are most commonly broken.
______ ______ C. It can be caused by falls, blows to the chest, or impact of steering
Signs and symptoms of a fractured rib.
______ ______ A. Pain and tenderness over fracture.
______ ______ B. Shallow respirations.
______ ______ C. Muscle spasm.
Measures for treatment. (Most rib fractures heal in three to six weeks.)
______ ______ A. Splint chest to cough and deep breathe to prevent complications.
______ ______ B. Obtain adequate rest.
______ ______ C. Apply heat to affected site.
______ ______ D. Pain medications as needed.
______ ______ E. Strapping may be ordered.
______ ______ F. Chest tubes for drainage and reexpansion may be required if
fragments of rib entered the lung.
Possible complications.
______ ______ A. Pneumonia.
______ ______ B. Atelectasis.
______ ______ C. Hemothorax (blood in the chest cavity).
______ ______ D. Pneumothorax (air from the lung into the chest cavity).
______ ______ E. Hemopneumothorax (blood and air in chest cavity).
______ ______ F. Flail chest—one portion of chest wall no longer has any bony
connection to the rest of the rib cage causing severe respiratory distress.
Rib Fracture
PATIENT NAME __________________________________ SOC____________