Rock Cycle Study Guide Name: A (n) is usually formed of two or

Rock Cycle Study Guide
Name: ________________________________________________
A (n) _______________________ is usually formed of two or more minerals.
2. Rocks formed when older rocks are heated and/or squeezed are called
3. The term _______________________ refers to rocks that are produced when
melted rock, or magma, from inside Earth cools or hardens on or below Earth’s
4. Igneous rocks that form when magma cools below the crust inside Earth are called
_______________________ igneous rocks.
5. Rocks produced when pieces of other rocks, plant and animal matter, or dissolved
minerals collect to form rock layers are called _______________________.
6. Igneous rocks that form when magma cools on Earth’s surface are called
_______________________ igneous rocks.
7. What type of rocks is formed when older rocks are heated and/or squeezed?
8. What type of rocks is formed when pieces of rocks, plant and animal matter, or
dissolved minerals gather into layers?
9. The _______________________ shows how rocks change from one type to
10. Metamorphic rocks that have distinct bands of minerals that have been heated and
squeezed into parallel layers are called _______________________ rocks.
11. Rocks that are produced when magma or lava cools and hardens are called
12. The word metamorphic means _______________________.
13. Rocks are classified by
14. What is classified as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic?
15. The rock cycle shows each rock on a _______________________ journey.
16. _______________________ rock is heated and squeezed to form metamorphic
17. Broken pieces of what type of rock are deposited into layers and cemented
together to form sedimentary rock?
18. Rocks are _______________________ or _______________________
depending on their layers or lack of layers.
19. What is a model that shows how rocks are recycled from one type to another?
20. Metamorphic rocks that do not distinct bands or layers are called
_______________________ rocks.
21. What is the name for rocks that form when magma or lava cools?
22. What are the two types of igneous rocks?
23. What are the three types of sedimentary rocks?
24. What are the two types of metamorphic rocks?
25. What happens to a rock before it can be changed from a metamorphic rock into
26. What has to be compacted and cemented in order for sedimentary rock to form?
27. What two processes must occur for a sedimentary rock to transform into a
metamorphic rock?