Lesson Plan Title: “Grammar Gurus” Concept / Topic to Teach: Discourse grammar analysis Standards Addressed: 22 PA Code, Chapter 4, Grade 11, 1.4.A, 1.5.A-G, 1.6.C, E & F, 1.7.A-C, 1.8.A-C. General Goal(s): Students will: - be able to work effectively in group settings - brainstorm, formulate, research, and develop a written document with complimenting media piece - understand and interpret English grammar - understand discourse analysis of English grammar Specific Objectives: - complete a group research project - teach a grammar lesson using created data - become aware of traditional vs. everyday grammar Required Materials: - computers (lab time) research (library time) folders (team material organization) grammar lessons (text & worksheets) Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Unit will be a 2 weeks long. Traditional grammar lessons will be taught for review on a daily basis for 3 days to build the foundation for the project. Step-By-Step Procedures: Day 1 - Mon: Introduce grammar, begin grammar lessons and activities: nouns, verbs, adjectives Day 2 – Tues: Continue grammar lessons and activities: adverbs, pronouns, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions Day 3 – Wed: Continue grammar lessons: sentence structure; review all grammar lessons and activities Day 4 – Thurs: “Grammar Guru” project introduction. (Use data1). Teach and explain discourse analysis. Distribute project outline, project rubric, team lists. Day 5 – Fri: Review DAY 4 lesson, review expectations (15 min); team brainstorming, job distribution, and team proposal due Day 6 – Mon: Review proposals; Q&A, team work, individual paper proposal due Day 7 – Tues: team work, library research/computer lab, history & cross-country proposal due Day 8 – Wed: team work, library research/computer lab, group research summary due Day 9 – Thurs: team summary/data due, English history & cross-country summary due, team work. Day 10 – Fri: “teach sheets” due, presentation groups 1 and 2 (bonus). **Presentations for last 2 groups will continue on next two consecutive days along with normal lessons. Final paper with portfolio will be due the day after the last presentation. Grammar Guru Project – Rubric DATE: ______________ Name: __________________________ Overall Grade ____/250 Team: ____ Presentation Date________ % ________ *Late Assignments will be deducted 5 pts. per day until received* GROUP: INDIVIDUAL: Proposals: (3) @ 05 _ / 15 Portfolio: (1) @ 30 Project Individual History Papers: (2) @ 20 Teach Sheet History Presentation: ____/05 ____/05 ____/05 / 40 ____/20 ____/20 /100 Time (25 min) ____/05 Content ____/50 Participation ____/15 Creativity ____/10 Organization ____/10 Quiz ____/10 Complete On time Organized ____/10 ____/10 ____/10 Paper: (1) @ 50 Content Organization Style Mechanics / 50 ____/10 ____/10 ____/10 ____/20 Speech: (1) @ 15 Clear Confidence Gestures Organized Knowledge / 30 / 15 ____/03 ____/03 ____/03 ____/03 ____/03 COMMENTS:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Are you a GRAMMAR GURU?? Do you have what it takes to be the ultimate grammar guru? In the next two weeks, we will be learning grammar in a nontraditional way! The class will be broken into teams. In your groups, you will work together to create a “databased grammar lesson” through your own creative data. Over the past few days, we have learned to study grammar by studying examples found in everyday life and in other languages. Groups will create 3 media based “grammar mishaps.” A product advertisement, an informative flyer, and a children’s story, these will be the basis of your creations. Each data piece should have an example of a grammatical question or error. i.e., your group creates a flyer for a doctor’s office that’s advertising a procedure for a pain-free operation instead of painless operation. Following your data pieces, your group will create a “teachsheet” that will guide your teaching to the class.. i.e. pain-free vs. painless? What’s the difference? Why would the office have used –free rather than –less? Also, during your research, each group will be assigned a group paper about the history of a specific part of speech and its uses in languages around the world. Your group should also construct a quiz based on your presentation Finally, at the end of the project, each student will write a 23 page paper that discusses the overall project and explanation of a piece of data that will be assigned by the teacher as well as a portfolio that houses all papers, assignments, and projects based from this larger project. Steps to completion 1. Assign jobs in group (lead researcher, graphic artist, word processor, etc) 2. Brainstorm ideas…come up with suggestions and ideas for the pieces of data…NO LIMITS 3. Submit proposals for the pieces of data, history paper, and individual papers. 4. Begin researching. Work as a team to complete the history paper and lesson (final presentation) 5. Create and organize data, papers, and individual presentation topics 6. Submit all papers, presentation, and final portfolio. "Experience is the only teacher, and we get his lesson indifferently in any school."- Emerson