FACS Phenotyping Kits - IntraCyte™-NSC

FACS Phenotyping Kits - IntraCyte™-NSC
IntraCyte-rNSC - 595.00 €
Rat Neural Stem Cell Phenotyping Kit
20 Tests
Cat# 01026
IntraCyte-huNSC– Coming Soon
Human Neural Stem Cell Phenotyping Kit
20 Tests
Cat# 01027
Save time and money by using our kit. This kit includes everything you need:
2 negative control IgG’s
5 different primary Abs in 3 combinations
2 fluorochrome-conjugated secondary Abs
Enzymatic cell disassociation solution
Orion brings you the first kit of its kind for phenotyping neural stem cells by
intracellular FACS. Using our IntraCyte™ kit technology and the precision and
accuracy of flow cytometry, you can get statistically significant, multiparameter data at the single-cell level, on thousands of cells per sample in
seconds. No more tedious and inaccurate counting of cells in the dark!
While the use of intracellular detection by flow cytometry has been introduced and
characterized last year by Naveil et al. Orion has taken this to the next level with
IntraCyte-NSC™. Just fix the cells, wash and block, add primaries, wash, add
secondary, wash, proceed to FACS analysis. It’s that simple.
The kit comes complete with everything you need for intracellular FACS
preparation and analysis of neural stem cells in culture, with IgG negative controls,
3 combinations of two primary Abs for simultaneous detection and quantification of
relevant phenotypes, 2 fluorochrome-conjugated secondary Abs for FL-1 and FL-2
detection, solutions for preparing single cell suspensions, in addition to the
IntraCyte™ basic intracellular FACS reagent system.
IntraCyte-NSC™ contains these pre-titered primary Ab
Irrelevant IgG
negative control
Nestin and GFAP
Neuroepithelial cells, stem cells,
radial glial cells
GFAP and TUJ1/b- Neuroglial and neuronal progenitors,
tubtulin III
neurons, astrocytes
CNPase and MBP
Oligodendroglial progenitors, oligo
In panel A you can see the forward scatter vs. side scatter plot from NeuroCyteRat™ cells in culture. Once gated to remove debris and necrotic cells and after
setting quadrants using the IgG controls (panel B), the resulting panels show the
intracellular detection of nestin and GFAP expression using IntraCyte-NSC™. Note
the decrease in nestin expression (both the percentage and relative fluorescence
intensity in panel D and increase in GFAP expression after 5 days in NeuroCyte™
minimal commitment medium, compared to panel C. Also note the loss of
nestin+/GFAP- population as differentiation begins, also panel C. Try that by
counting cells in a microscope!
IntraCyte-NSC™ can detect and quantify neuronal and astroglial lineage
commitment of neural stem cells in vitro to give you the technical edge in this
highly competitive field. The figure to the left shows quantification of GFAP,
TUJ1/b-tubulin III (panels A and B), MBP and CNPase, (panel C) using IntraCyteNSC™ and NeuroCyte-Rat™ neural stem cells.
Panel A shows the phenotype before growth factor withdrawal and retinoic acid
induced differentiation in commitment medium, and panels B and C show the
phenotype after 5 days of differentiation. Note the lack of TUJ1+ neurons in A and
the induction of the TUJ1+/GFAP- phenotype in B.