Organic Chemistry Chemistry based on carbon and carbon compounds Originally, all organic compounds came from plants or animals (hence the name organic chemistry - chemistry from living sources). However, a great number of these can now be synthesized in the laboratory. The important thing to remember about organic chemistry is that it is based on the chemistry of carbon. If we take a look at the electron arrangement of carbon, we find that there are four electrons in the outer valence shell. This is the most important aspect of carbon - its four valence electrons. Because the valence orbital is very close to the nucleus, there is a strong tendency for carbon to make covalent bonds with other atoms. The number of covalent bonds that carbon will make is always the same number - 4. In the last unit, we described covalent bonds as being a shared pair of electrons. In our Lewis Dot Diagrams, we drew in every valence electron to show the 'shared' nature of the bonds as well as the 'lone pair' electrons that frequently occur. In this unit we will only be concerned with drawing the covalent bonds between the two atoms and not with any other electrons. The bonds will be drawn as a '-' between two atoms. It is assumed that in the bond, one electron comes from each atom. Types of Bonds There are several types of covalent bonds that can exist between two adjacent atoms. We will consider at this time only carbon to carbon bonds. By far the vast majority of bonds between carbon atoms are single bonds - that is one electron from each atom is shared between them. Compounds that contain only carbon to carbon single bonds are called SATURATED compounds. Because carbon needs a total of four bonds around it, it is possibly to make carbon to carbon double and triple bonds. Each of these bonds requires more energy to make them and therefore release more energy when they are broken. Compounds do not contain only carbon to carbon single bonds but double and/or triple bonds as well are called UNSATURATED compounds. There are specific types of compounds that contain several multiple bonds. These are called POLYUNSATURATED compounds. Hydrocarbons In order to fill up the bonds in a carbon atom, it is most probable that the carbon atom will share an electron with a hydrogen atom. In fact, there are several thousand compounds that are composed of just carbon and hydrogen atoms. These are known as HYDROCARBONS. Hydrocarbons are classified as to the type of carbon to carbon bonds they contain. ALKANES Alkanes are compounds that are saturated - that is they contain only carbon to carbon single bonds. These compounds can exist in straight chains or in branched chains (see below). For the present time, we will talk about the straight chains only. We will go back to the branched chains at a later time. Straight Chain H H H H H H | | | | | | H-C-C-C-C-C-C-H | | | | | | H H H H H H Branched Chain H H H H H H H | | | | | | | H-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-H | | | | | | | note : the H | H H | H H branched | | H-C-H H-C-H not this | | much longer H H in branched groups. Naming Alkanes Alkanes, like most other hydrocarbons are identified by the length of their carbon chain as well as to what type of bonds they have in them (single, double or triple). Because we are talking alkanes, they all contain only single bonds. This is shown in their name by the last part of the name ending -ANE. All alkanes end in the suffix ane. Now for the length of the carbon chain. The following list is brought to you by the folks at IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry - These are the bozos that make up all the rules about naming compounds - remember elements 104 onward ?! You'll learn to hate these people a little later.) Number of C prefix atoms in chain 1 meth 2 eth 3 prop (an o as in Oh No) 4 but (a u as in I.O.U.) 5 pent 6 hex 7 hept 8 oct 9 non (an o as in Oh No) 10 dec The shortest chain we can possibly have in an alkane is one carbon atom. The rest of the atoms surrounding the carbon are hydrogen atoms. H | H-C-H CH4 - methane | | \- alkane H one carbon Note : the molecule is not flat but is in three dimensions. Unfortunately, I can't draw too well so I'll represent them as flat on the board. (At this point you may want to show a model of methane to show its three dimensional shape. The next chain is known as ethane. H H | | H-C-C-H C2H6 - ethane | | H H H H H | | | H-C-C-C-H | | | H H H C3H8 propane H H H H | | | | H-C-C-C-C-H | | | | H H H H C4H10 butane H H H H H | | | | | H-C-C-C-C-C-H | | | | | H H H H H C5H12 pentane Assignment : - draw the next 5 alkanes, name them, and see if you can determine a formula to find out the relationship between the number of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms in an alkane. - go over homework ALKANES As we saw yesterday, there is a pattern to the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in an alkane molecule. We can make what is known as a general formula for an alkane from this information - CnH2n+2 This means that if we know how many C atoms there are, we can easily determine the number of H atoms as well (or vice versa). Example : How many C atoms are there in an alkane with 254 H atoms ? Solution : # H atoms = 2n + 2 254 = 2n + 2 252 = 2n 126 = n Therefore there are 126 C atoms in this alkane. ALKENES An alkene is a molecule with at least one carbon to carbon double bond in the chain. In reality we can have more than one double bond (the presence of two are called a diene) but for the sake of simplicity, we will only consider one double bond. The shortest carbon chain that has a C=C double bond we can have is 2 carbon atoms long. H H \ / C= C C2H4 - ethene (sometimes called / \ ethylene) H H note suffix -ene Next : H H H NOTE : each C atom | | has exactly C=C-C-H C3H6 - propene 4 bonds / | around it ! H H But we could have just as easily have drawn the double bond at the other end of the molecule. \ H H H | | / H-C-C=C C3H6 - propene | \ H H Is this the same molecule ? The way to tell is to try to rotate the molecule in space (as molecules often do) to see if the molecules can be superimposed on one and other. Try it ! You will see that they are one and the same. Next alkene is butene. This can be drawn three different ways as follows : H H H H | | | C=C-C-C-H / | | H H H \ C4H8 H H H H | | | | H-C-C=C-C-H | | H H C4H8 H H H H | | | / H-C-C-C=C | | \ H H H C4H8 Are these the same molecules ? Again we can try and rotate them in space. When we do we see that the first and the last are the same but there is no possible way to rotate either one to make the middle molecule. It is clear that the middle molecule is different. In fact, if we check out the physical and chemical properties, we see two completely different molecules. These types of molecules that have the same empirical formula but different structural formula are called ISOMERS. It is clear then that we must name these isomers differently. The way we go about it is to number the carbons in the chain - starting from the end that the double bond is closest to. H H H H \ 1|2|3|4 C=C-C-C-H / | | H H H H H H H |1|2|3|4 H-C-C=C-C-H | | H H H H H H |4|3|2 /1 H-C-C-C=C | | \ H H H In the first and third molecules, the double bond is between the carbon atoms # 1 & 2. In the middle one, it is between # 2 & 3. We name these isomers by using the smallest number that the double bond is attached to. H H H H | | | C=C-C-C-H / | | H H H \ 1-butene H H H H | | | | H-C-C=C-C-H | | H H 2-butene H H H H | | | / H-C-C-C=C | | \ H H H 1-butene This naming method shows that the first and the last molecules are the same but the middle one is different. Any alkene that has more than three carbon atoms in the chain has more than one isomer. Pentene : H H H H H H H H H H \ | | | | | | | | | C=C-C-C-C-H H-C-C-C=C-C-H / | | | | | | H H H H H H H C5H10 1-pentene C5H10 2-pentene General formula for alkenes : CnH2n There are twice as many hydrogen atoms as there are carbon atoms in an alkene. ALKYNES Alkynes possess at least one C to C triple bond. As with alkenes, there can be more than one isomer. In fact, all the rules that apply for alkenes also apply for alkynes. H | H-C=C-H H-C=C-C-H C3H4 - propyne | C2H2 H ethyne (more commonly called acetylene) H H H H H H | | | | | | H-C-C-C=C-C-C-C-C-H C8H14 - 3-octyne | | | | | | H H H H H H General formula for alkynes : CnH2n-2 Example : What is the molar mass of an alkyne having 256 H atoms ? Solution : 2n-2 = 256 2n = 258 n = 129 formula is C129H256 molar mass is (129)(12.0) + (256)(1.0) = 1804 g/mol -Assignment - Organic Worksheet #1 - Go over organic worksheet #1 - Quiz on organic worksheet #1 tomorrow ARENES Carbon atoms can also form chains that go around in a circle like fashion. These compounds are called arenes or aromatic compounds. Because they go in a circle, their names have cyclo- as a prefix to them. Cyclobutane Cyclopentane Cyclohexane More examples: Cyclopentene Cyclohexene ATTACHING GROUPS Instead of always having hydrogen atoms as the atoms that are attached to the carbon chain, a number of other substances can attach. As we said earlier, there are branched carbon chains. The branches themselves can be saturated or unsaturated but again for the sake of simplicity, we will consider only saturated carbon chains as attaching groups. As we said earlier, the number of carbons in a chain are given special prefixes. When these are attaching groups, a special suffix is given to this prefix (does that make any sense ?!?!) For example a one carbon attaching group H | H-C-H | is called methYL sometimes written as CH3- As with different isomers of alkenes and alkynes, different isomers of alkanes can exist if attaching groups are at different positions on the carbon chain. Example CH3 CH3 H | H H H H H H | | | | | | | | H-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-H | | | | | | | | H H H H H H H H H H H H | H H H | | | | | | | | H-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-H | | | | | | | | H H H H H H H H 2-methyloctane 4-methyloctane Systematic method of naming organic compounds : Step 1 - Identify the family by the 'functional group' (the thing that makes it this family - for example the double bond in an alkene) Step 2 - Identify the longest, uninterrupted, unbroken chain of carbon atoms that contains the functional group. NOTE : This does not have to be a straight line. In fact the only reason why we are drawing them straight is because it is easier. In reality these are 'kinky' molecules !!! Step 3 - Number the carbon chain from one side to another (see notes for how to number a carbon chain.) Step 4 - State what is attached and where it is attached. Generally, we number from the smallest to the largest as we read the name from left to right. DON'T forget the position of the functional group if there are different isomers !!! Step 5 - You're all done !!! Rules for numbering the carbon chain : The following rules have an order of priority. If Rule 1 does not make any difference, or doesn't apply, go on to rule 2. If rule one does apply, stop immediately and number the chain. Do not pass Go, do not proceed to rule 2 etc. Rule 1 - Start numbering from the end which the functional group is closest to. Rule 2 - Start numbering from the end that an attaching group is closest to. Rule 3 - Which attaching group (if there two at the same distance away from an end) is larger ? Start from the largest end. For example, if a C2H5- and CH3- are attached at the same distance from an end of the chain, start numbering from the end that the C2H5- is closest to because it is longer than the CH3group. Rule 4 - Try alphabetical order for attaching groups. This will become more evident when we add more attaching groups to the list. Rule 5 - Try the next closest attaching groups as per rules 2 and 3 and 4. Rule 6 - (And the best rule of all as far as I am concerned!) WHO CARES !!! If we have got down this far, we have a symmetrical molecule. It really won't make any difference as to which end to start from. More attaching groups : FCl Br INH2 NO2 - fluoro chloro bromo iodo amino nitro Examples : H I H H H Br | | | | | | H – C – C – C – C – C – C - NH2 | | | | | | H H H H H H H H F H NO2 | | | | | H–C=C–C–C–C–H | | | H H H 1-amino-1-bromo-5-iodohexane H F F F H H H H | | | | | | | | H–C–C–C–C–C–C–C–C-H | | | | | | | | H H H H H H H H 2,3,4-trifluorooctane We have to state where all the fluoro's are and for some reason we also must include a 'tri' to show that we have three of them. I know it seems redundant, but I didn't make the rules ! 3-fluoro-5-nitro-1-pentene H H I H | | | | H -C = C – C – C – C – H | | | | H H H CH 3 4-iodo-1-hexyne Tricky ! Did you notice that the last methyl group was really a part of the longest unbroken uninterrupted chain of carbon atoms. Different types of isomers (Geometric Isomers) When attaching groups form on either side of a double bond, we can not rotate them in space to fit one over top of the other. We must then call them by different names. Example : H F F H | | I | H-C- C= C- C-H | l H H H F H | | | H- C-C=C- C-H | l | H F H Both of these are forms of 2,3-difluoro-2-butene but are slightly different. The one on the left has both its F atoms on the 'up' side while the one on the right has one 'up' and one 'down'. (If both are 'down' it is a rotated version of the one on the left.) When both are 'up', we call that form of isomerism CISWhen one is 'up' and one is 'down', we call this TRANSH F F H | | I | H-C- C= C- C-H | l H H cis-2,3-difluoro-2-butene H F H | | | H- C-C=C- C-H | l | H F H trans-2,3-difluoro-2-butene Exercises: 1. Draw the shapes of the following molecules using CONDENSED structures: a) cis-2-butene b) 3-pentyne c) cis-3-octene d) 3-methyl-trans-2-pentene 2. Name the following molecules: a) CH3-CH2 CH2CH3 \ / C = C / \ H H b) H CH2 CH2CH3 \ / C = C / \ CH3 H c) d) H CH2 CH2CH3CH3 \ / C = C / \ CH3CH2 H CH3 H \ / C = C / \ H CH2CH2CH3 Aromatic Compounds: Benzene, C6H6, is a very important molecule in organic chemistry. Aromatic: because many molecules containing benzene ring have fragrant and pleasant smell The ring-like structure of benzene can be represented using RESONANCE STRUTURES. The double bond of benzene is said to be “DELOCALIZED”. That is, the actual distribution of electrons in the carbon-carbon bonds in Benzene are a mixture of the single and double bond. Bond Length Data: C-C length in ethane 1.54 pm C?C length in benzene 1.40 pm C=C length in ethene 1.34 pm Aromatic Compounds are molecules containing one or more benzene rings. Examples: Phenol methylbenzene (toluene) naphthalene vanillin Naming Aromatic compounds: a) 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene b) chlorobenzene c) 1,4-dichlorobenzene d) hexachlorobenzene e) 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene g) TriNitroToluene f) Methyl benzene (commonly known as toluene) h) 1,3-dimethyl benzene Functional Groups: Group of atoms that gives a molecule specific physical and chemical properties such as: Making it acidic or basic, making it soluble in water or not, making it smell, etc. 1. Alcohols Alcohols are defined as a carbon chain that has the functional group attached to a carbon atom in the chain. The suffix on the alcohols is Examples : H H H | | | H-C-OH H-C- C-OH | | | H H H methanol ethanol -OH (called hydroxyl) ANOL. H | H-C| H H H OH | | | C- C- C| | | H H H 3-hexanol H | C| H H | C-H | H All the other rules about having other things attached to the carbon chain (instead of hydrogen atoms) still apply. H I F H H CH3 H H H Br | | | | | | | | | | H-C–C–C–C–C–C–C–C–C–C-H | | | | | | | | | | H H H OH H H NH2 H H NO2 2-iodo-3-fluoro-6-methyl-7-amino-10-bromo-10-nitro-4-decanol Properties of Alcohol: The –O—H Group is polar, and makes the molecule dissolve in water. The hydrocarbon section of the molecule is non-polar, which makes the molecule non-soluble in water. For example: Methanol is soluble in water, while pentanol is insoluble in water. Boiling points of alcohols are higher than expected from their molar masses. The –O—H group of alcohol undergo extensive hydrogen bonding between molecules which holds them together. This intermolecular bonding is exhibited by a relatively high boiling point. All alcohols are poisonous. Exercise: 1. Draw the following molecules: a) 1-butanol b) 3-methyl-2-hexanol c) 4,5-dimethyl-3-hexanol d) 2-methyl-2-butanol e) 3-methyl-1-pentanol 2. Name the following compounds: a) CH3-CH-CH3 l O-H b) CH3-CH-CH2CH2CH3 l O-H CH3CH2CCH2CHCH3 l l OH CH3 2. Aldehydes \ Aldehydes are compounds that have a C=O group (called carboxyl) / attached to the beginning of the carbon chain. (Remember that we start numbering the carbon chain from the end that the functional group is closest to.) The functional group MUST be at an end of the chain or it will not be classified as an aldehyde. The suffix for this group of molecules is ANAL. Be careful of the spelling - the spelling is very close to that of an alcohol, but the molecules are very different. R - C= O l H where R = some organic group Examples : H | H-C=O H CH3 H H H F H H H | | | | | | | | | H – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C =O | | | | | | | | methanal H H H H H F H H (formaldehyde) 8-methyl-nonanal Ethanal butanal benzaldehyde 3. Ketones Ketones are very similar to aldehydes in so far as they have the same functional group (C=O) but it is NOT attached at the beginning of the carbon chain but somewhere in the middle portion of the chain. Another difference is that we can get different isomers of a ketone but not of an aldehyde. The functional group is sometimes written as O ll R - C – R’ where the R's stand for the rest of the carbon chain. As far as the ending of the name of the compound is concerned, the suffix is ANONE. The smallest chain of carbon atoms you can have in a ketone is 3 because in order for the “=O” atom to be located in the middle portion of the chain, the chain must be longer than two atoms long. This ketone H O H | || l H--C----C --- C--H | | H H Examples : Butanone propanone, is sometimes referred to as acetone. (In an old system of naming organic compounds, ACET- usually meant two carbon atoms [e.g. acetic acid, acetate ion, acetylene] but was inconsistent, as we see here.) 2-pentanone H H H H H O H | | | | | || | H – C – C – C – C – C – C – C –H | | | | | | H H H H H H 2-heptanone 3-pentanone H H O H NH2 | | || | | Cl – C – C – C – C – C – Cl | | | | H H H NH2 1,1-diamino-1,5-dichloro-3-pentanone 4. Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic acids seem to be a combination of an alcohol and an aldehyde in that their functional group has both a C=O and an -OH on the first carbon atom of the chain. O || R – C – O-H Suffix is ANOIC ACID. There are no different isomers as both attaching groups have to be on the first carbon atom of the chain. Examples : Methanoic Acid (red ant venom): H O | || H–C–C–O–H | H ethanoic acid H F H H H H H O | | | | | | | || H – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C - OH | | | | | | | H H H F H H H 5,7-difluoropentanoic acid (sometimes called acetic acid or vinegar) H H H O l l l ll H – C – C – C – C – OH | | | | H H H H Butanoic Acid (butyric acid, chemical due to the odour of smelly feet) Amino Acids: Carboxylic acid that contains an amine (-NH2) group at the 2 position. There are 20 essential amino acids that are 20 essential biological building blocks. The amine group (basic group) can react with an acid, while the carboxylic acid group can react with a base. CH3-CH-COOH l NH2 2-aminopropanoic acid (analine) - has an acidic and basic part - the amine group is basic, and the carboxylic acid is acidic Soluble in water Two amino acids link together to form a dipeptide: H O l ll H – N – CH2 – C – OH H O l ll H – N – CH2 – C – OH H O H O l ll l ll H – N – CH2 – C – N – CH2 – C – OH + H2O A series of amino acids can join together to form a polymer molecule (molecule made of many smaller molecules) called polypeptide. 5. Amines: Organic Bases that have a “fishy” smell Reacts with acids Lewis Base: 2 lone pair of electrons, protons attach to this site. - NH2 Group examples: CH3- NH2 methylamine CH3CH2-NH2 ethylamine 6. Amides: contains the following group: examples: CH3CONH2 CH3CH2CONH2 O ll - C – NH2 methylamide ethylamide Continuation of Organic Chemistry All the groups of carbon compounds we have talked about to this point in time involve chains of unbroken carbon atoms. The next two groups vary from that pattern in that they have an oxygen atom in the middle of the chain somewhere. For simplicity sake, we will not complicate these molecules by adding any attaching groups. 7. Ethers Ethers consist of two carbon chains joined together by a single oxygen atom. There are two ways that they can be named - both are permitted and both must be known. See the examples below. Ether are Non-polar compounds. Examples : H H H | | | H–C–O–C–C-H | | | H H H methoxyethane (a derivative of ethane with a meth chain attached to an oxy atom attached to chain.) methylethyl ether H H H H | | | | H–C–C–O–C–C-H | | | | H H H H ethoxyethane OR diethyl ether (This is the ether we normally think of as ether. It was used as an anaesthetic hospital) 8. Esters Esters are the result of the reaction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid. It is important to see which part of the molecule came from the alcohol and which from the acid. The reaction is catalysed with acid. methanol + propanoic acid ---> methyl propanoate H O H H H O H H | || | | | || | | H – C – OH + HO – C – C – C - H ----> H – C – O – C – C – C – H | | | | | | | H H H H H H H + water + HOH The ending of an ester is ATE (or anoate). The part of the molecule that came from the acid (the part of the molecule with the =O on it) is the one that has the anoate ending. The part of the molecule that used to be an alcohol has the ending changed to YL and placed before the acid's name. Most esters possess distinctive aromas and flavors. Synthetically prepared esters are commonly added to food products as artificial flavorings. More examples : 1. Methanoic acid + propanol ------------ > H O H H H | || | | | H–C–O–C–C–C–C-H | | | | H H H H methyl butyrate (apple) or methyl butanoate 2. Ethanoic acid + butanol ------- -----> H H O H H H | | || | | | H–C–C–O–C–C–C–C-H | | | | | H H H H H ethyl butyrate (pineapple) or ethyl butanoate 4. Pentanol + butanoic acid H H H H H O H H H | | | | | || | | | H–C–C–C–C–C–O–C–C–C–C–H | | | | | | | | H H H H H H H H pentyl butyrate (apricot) Experiment 23-B In the lab next day, 23-B, we will not be making any of the above esters because the acid used in all of them, butanoic acid (also known as butyric acid) is VERY foul smelling. Imagine an entire class losing their lunch simultaneously - this approaches the odor of butyric acid. It should be noted that the odors do change significantly from the acid to the ester !!! - Set up lab 23-B (we will do the lab next class!!!) Read: Chapter 23 of Heath Read p. 233-239 of Hebden Hebden: p. 240-244, Exercise # 37, 38, 39, 43, 44 Quiz on recognising functional groups next class before the lab. Test in 3 classes! - Lab 23-B - Preparation of Esters Notes : 1) Use the alcohols and acids sparingly. 2) Remember to have students recap the containers of reagents before they leave the area. 3) Have a beaker of water with a pipette in it right beside the 18M H2SO4. Caution the students about this acid. They should only use a few drops as a catalyst. 4) Use ONLY hot plate to heat the test tubes. The organic molecules are EXTREMELY flammable !!! 5) Before they smell the test tubes, they should add water to them. This will dissolve any H2SO4 remaining as well as enhance the odor. 6) Dispose of the chemicals by depositing them in an organic waste container - not just the normal waste container. 7) The odors they should recognize are as follows : Test tube A - I don't know. I can recognize it as ethyl acetate but can't place it as anything else. The lab manual states that has a 'rum-like' odor. If that is rum, I really don't want to drink any of this !!! Test tube B - I think this one is more of a rum like odor. Test tube C - A hint of orange or lemon. It's amazing what the power of suggestion will do - try it. Test tube D - Very definitely wintergreen. Test tube E - Banana. - Assignment : Questions - 1,2 Follow up questions #2,3,4 (to be completed in class tomorrow) - Quiz tomorrow on Organic worksheet #3 Polymers As we said earlier, carbon atoms can join together in long chains. There are certain types of molecules that are actually seemingly endless chains of repeating segments. These molecules are called polymers. Polymers are important in many aspects of our society. Plastics, vinyls and styrofoams are common polymers. To see the type of reaction and molecules formed, turn to page 695 - 697 in text book. Some of the reactions are shown. The basic repeating unit in a polymer is called MONOMER. Addition Polymerization: H H \ / C=C / \ H H ethylene H H / \ + / H C=C \ H ethylene catalyst -------- > H H H C- (connects to other l l l / ethylene groups) H- C - C – C = C l l l \ H H H H polyethylene (thousands of monomer) - One or more hydrogen can be replaced by groups such as –F, -Cl, -CH3, -COOCH3. - Examples of different types of polyethylene: Teflon, Saran, Lucite, Plexiglass. Condensation Polymerization: Demonstrations : A) 'Bakelite' This is a type of Bakelite, first discovered by accident by Bakeland. In this demonstration, the product will not completely harden until the next day, but an interesting result can be shown in a few minutes. 1) Pour equal amounts of saturated aniline hydrochloride and 37% formaldehyde into a small bottle. (The bottle will not be saveable.) 2) Look at the solution. Nothing appears to be happening. Say something to that effect. 3) Go on to demonstration #2. 4) When demonstration #2 is over, go back to the small bottle. "Accidently" drop a stirring rod from about 5 cm above the surface of the chemicals. The rod will bounce back up to your hands ! 5) Next day, drop the stirring rod again. The material will be hard as a rock. B) 'Nylon' 1) Prepare a dilute solution of 1,6-diaminohexane in water. It might be useful to add a little food colouring to the solution - I suggest green (for a reason which you will see when you do it for your class) 2) Prepare a dilute solution of sebacyl chloride in CCl4. Suggestion : prepare these solutions in advance to save time. 3) Pour the water solution CAREFULLY on top of the CCl4 solution. The reaction will take place at the interface of the two solutions. 4) Carefully, place a paperclip (or some other small, pointed object) into the solution and snag the interface. 5) Pull the nylon up out of the beaker and start rolling ! It will continue to polymerize until it is either broken (by too hard of pulling) or until one of the two solutions runs out. 6) Before the solutions run out, stir the two together. This will produce large globs of nylon. (Do you see why I suggest green food colouring yet ??) 7) Clean up by throwing nylon away. It should be noted that the students should NOT play with the nylon. It is not 'set' yet and besides, the CCl4 is not a nice solvent. 8) As a further demonstration, you might want to pour a SMALL amount of concentrated 1,6-diaminohexane into a SMALL amount of sebacyl chloride. The result is rather spectacular but I make two suggestions : 1) Do it in a fume hood !!! 2) Use a small, disposable jar !!!