Royal West Academy – Visual Arts Secondary 5 – Course Outline – 2013-2014 Visual Arts – Secondary 5 Ms. M. Henriquez Royal West Academy Room: 113 Course description: The visual arts program in secondary 5 is designed to allow students to pursue their interests in the visual arts and deepen this artistic knowledge through various in-class projects and assignments as well as in-class critiques and discussions. Students will familiarize themselves with various artists from Canada as well as from other cultural backgrounds, different art movements and all the mediums used in the visual arts. They will be evaluated in 2 competencies (Creates personal and media images, and Appreciates images) throughout the year and will be clearly given the criteria of evaluation at the beginning of each assignment and/or project. Because of the small number of students enrolled in this optional class, the section is combined with a secondary 4 group. They will NOT be doing the same projects and/or projects as the previous year. Also, students will be required to pay a fee of $25 for this course at the beginning of the year for the purchase of special materials and supplies specific to projects targeted to the students of the grade 10 Visual Arts class. Please make a cheque payable to Royal West Academy and submit it to the teacher no later than September 6th, 2013. Competencies description: C1: CREATES PERSONAL AND MEDIA IMAGES. Students will be evaluated based on in-class and take-home assignments that reinforce the notions viewed in class while being guided to produce work that has a personal connection to them. Students will also be encouraged to create artwork that delivers a specific message to a specific audience. It also refers to any artwork that has been inspired by a social event, movement or environmental issue. C2: APPRECIATES WORKS OF ART. Students are evaluated upon their capacity to express their opinion about an artwork both orally and written using the notions and knowledge acquired in the art course, making references and comparisons to certain art movements, artists, techniques and art history facts. They will analyze and criticize works of art considering specific elements and criteria. Additional information: Students are to be responsible of their success in this course by keeping track of the deadlines and evaluation criteria for each assignment and/or project. Assignments handed in late without a doctor’s note will be deducted 20% of the final mark per day. (Including weekends, holidays and pedagogical days) Students are welcome to work in the art studio to finish projects or to seek guidance during studio time. Students must respect studio etiquette at all times: respect their fellow art peers and teacher, the art materials and furniture. It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher for any missed work in the event of a class absence. Remediation Schedule – Studio Time Day: 3 and 5 Time: at lunch (12h26-13h10) I am also available every day before homeroom (7h45-8h30) and after school upon appointment. END OF YEAR RESULT Term 1 20% 2013-2014 + Term 2 20% + Term 3 60% Parent Signature:________________________________________ = 100% Student Signature:________________________________________ Page 1 Royal West Academy – Visual Arts Secondary 5 – Course Outline – 2013-2014 Evaluation : Competencies targeted C1 : Creates personal and media images TERM 1 Evaluation method In-class projects Take-home assignments Artist-Trading-Cards Timeline 2-3 in-class projects throughout the term 2-3 take-home assignments to be collected at specific due dates. ATCs to be collected at the end of the term (3 cards) C2: Appreciates images In-class short written assignments (Reflections) Self /peer evaluations In-class project critiques /discussions Mandatory art venue visit and written assignment (once only terms 1 and 3) Competencies targeted C1 : Creates personal and media images TERM 2 Evaluation method In-class projects Take-home assignments Artist-Trading-Cards Competencies targeted C1 : Creates personal and media images TERM 3 Evaluation method In-class projects Take-home assignments Artist-Trading-Cards Critiques and analysis of various artists’ works will be done by the student at the beginning of each project. Self and/or peer evaluations will be done at the end of each project. Written reflections and artist statement at the end of each project. Students will be asked to visit one art venue (gallery, museum, exhibit) and submit a written assignment. Timeline 2-3 in-class projects throughout the term 2-3 take-home assignments to be collected at specific due dates. ATCs to be collected at the end of the term (3 cards) Timeline 2-3 in-class projects throughout the term 2-3 take-home assignments to be collected at specific due dates. ATCs to be collected at the end of the term (4 cards) C2: Appreciates images In-class short written assignments (Reflections) Self /peer evaluations In-class project critiques /discussions Mandatory art venue visit and written assignment (once only terms 1 and 3) Communication to students and parents Parents and students will keep track of deadlines as well as criteria of evaluation and rubrics through a written description at the beginning of each assignment. Parents and students are free to communicate with me by email at anytime for further inquiries. 2013-2014 Critiques and analysis of various artists’ works will be done by the student at the beginning of each project. Self and/or peer evaluations will be done at the end of each project. Written reflections and artist statement at the end of each project. Students will be asked to visit one art venue (gallery, museum, exhibit) and submit a written assignment. Materials required Ruler, eraser, colour pencils, sharpener, black sharpies (one thick, one medium, one fine tip) A box of drawing pencils* (they come in a set of 12) ranging from 6H-9B. These can be bought at Omer Desseres or Bureau En Gros. A binder exclusively for this class with 10 protective plastic clear sheets. This will serve as a portfolio. Page 2 Royal West Academy – Visual Arts Secondary 5 – Course Outline – 2013-2014 2013-2014 Page 3