Topographic Map

Your goal is to create a topographic map of an island that has these specifications.
Use a drawing program, or one piece of unlined 8.5" x 11" paper.
The map scale will be 1 cm to 1 km and the contour interval will be 25 meters.
Your map must be drawn in colour and must have a suitable title and appropriate names for all
the physical and cultural features. You must have a legend and a compass rose.
The island is 19 kilometers long from north to south, and 12 kilometers long from east to
west at its broadest part, which is near the south end.
A volcano rises steeply from the north coast to a height of 250 meters and slopes gently to
the south to an elevation of 75 meters in the middle of the island.
From the centre of the island a hill rises with a gentle, even slope to an elevation of 225
meters. Somewhere on the hill is a steep cliff. The hill has lots of trees.
The east central coast of the island is flat and swampy. No place within 1 km of the shore is
above 25 meters.
The northeast coast is quite steep. The west-central coast is not as steep as the northeast,
but steeper than the east-central coast.
On the southeast coast of the island, a village is located on a bay that is 2.5 kilometers
A large, built-up area is located on the west-southwest coast. This area has a school, post
office, church, and, located on a flat area 1 kilometer to the north, a small airfield.
A railway that does not climb steep hills and does not have switchbacks runs between the
two populated areas.
Two marks are awarded for accurately drawing each of eight elements of the map.
Four marks for neatness, organization and use of colour.
Four marks for a title, a legend, scale and a compass rose.