Mathematical competence assessment: comparison of student answers facing different styles of formulating the examination questions Genoveva Leví Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Didácticas Especiales. Facultad de Educación, UNED (Spain). Eduardo Ramos Estadística, Investigación Operativa y Cálculo Numérico, Facultad de Ciencias, UNED (Spain). José Antonio Carrillo Estadística, Investigación Operativa y Cálculo Numérico, Facultad de Ciencias, UNED (Spain). Abstract This paper presents a comparative analysis of correct answers given by students at various math problems depending on the style which the exam questions are written. The results show that a higher percentage of correct answers is obtained when the formulation reflects a traditional style, without reference to situations of everyday life as the genuine evaluation of mathematical competence demands. Introduction The assessment of competences is one of the most important challenges that entails the widespread introduction of the teaching-learning models aimed at developing competences. According to the most prevalent notion of competence in the literature (Gonzalez and Wanegaar, 2006; Beneitone et al, 2007) students reach competences not only based on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge but also, and especially, showing practical knowledge in a certain context, particularly in situations taken from real life. Consequently, teachers need to consider new tools of evaluation and to redesign traditional tests, by incorporating innovative elements to assess the level of competence of students (Johnson, Penny and Gordon, 2009; Levi and Ramos, 2012; Levi Ramos and Carrillo, 2014). An important reference is PISA project; its approach to the assessment of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy is now a benchmark with great international influence (OECD, 2014). The evaluation of students through innovative tests facing real-life situations brings important consequences for the planning and development of teaching. The aim of this paper is to present some issues related to the evaluation of mathematical competence. Specifically, we analyzed the responses given by the students when the teacher evaluates them posing questions in the traditional style of mathematics, compared to another questions which may be resolved using exactly the same knowledge but are formulated in a language close to real situation in which the mathematical problem is presented. The following sections describe the experience realized and present some results with its discussion. The didactic experience The framework of the experience is the Foundations Course for people over 25 years taught at the UNED of Spain. The aim of this course is to achieve accreditation in order to pursue a university degree for people who have not completed secondary school. The course includes two phases: the general phase, which contains subjects of Spanish Language, Foreign Language and Text Commentary; and the specific phase, whose contents depend on the branch of knowledge of the degree that the student intends to pursue. One of the subjects of the specific phase for students of Social Sciences is Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences. The contents of this course pursue a general education in the main fields of mathematical knowledge organized in five teaching units: 1) Foundations, including predicate logic, sets and applications. 2) Arithmetic and Algebra, which include the different sets of numbers and operations. 3) Geometry, which introduces the Cartesian plane, distances, lines and some plane figures. 4) Analysis, which examines the concept of function, graph, derivatives, maxima and minima. 5) Probability and Statistics, which studies the basic probabilistic model, along with a brief introduction to descriptive statistics. The study materials of the course primarily consist of a basic text prepared by the teaching staff, written in a style appropriate for independent study developing the five teaching units listed above. The text includes a number of self-assessment questions as objective tests, consisting of a statement and three alternatives, one and only one of which represents the right solution. The style with which they are written is divided into two large groups. Some, which we call "theoretical" are written in traditional style characteristic of mathematics, raising the problem, calculus, theoretical concept, etc., aseptically without any reference to a real context. However, other questions, which we call "applied", are based on a brief introductory text, which presents a situation taken from the reality that describes the context of the test and includes the information required to answer the question. Consideration of such questions is intended to face the student with a problem of mathematical nature, similar to those that can be found in everyday life, which can be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course; that is, these questions are intended to assess the level of mathematical competence of the student. Classroom assessment, leading to the accreditation of the course, is divided into two parts. The first exam is held in February and is not compulsory; it includes the first two teaching units and liberates this part to those who get five points or more out of ten. The second part, which takes place in June and is mandatory, it includes only teaching units 3, 4 and 5 for those who passed the test in February; however, the other students are faced with a test that includes all the contents of the course. The results we discuss in the next section refers to the school year 2014-15. In the exams in February and June, the question listed in Table 1 were proposed. As can be seen, the questions are quite similar, differing only that in February we use a style "applied", including the context of the question, while a "theoretical" style was used in June without reference to any context. Table 1. Evaluation questions proposed in Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (UNED, Spain) in the year 2014-15. February Context: The following table is a copy of the payroll of a worker with printing errors. Pay items Euros Discounts Euros Salary ▓▓▓ Common contingencies (4.70%) ▓▓▓ Trienniums ▓▓▓ Unemployment (1.60%) ▓▓▓ General complement ▓▓▓ Training (0.10%) ▓▓▓ Personal complement 14.08 Income Tax (14%) 207.93 Gross amount ▓▓▓ Total discounts ▓▓▓ Total liquid amount to be received ▓▓▓ The first two columns show the different remuneration concepts and payroll amounts: salary (s), trienniums (t), general complement (g) and personal complement (p). It is clear the data that refers to the personal complement (14.08 euros). We call R to the set of all remuneration concepts, i.e. R = {s, t, g, p}. The last two columns show the concepts of discounts and the resulting amount: common contingencies (c), unemployment (d), training (f), which are corresponding to the Social Security (SS) discounts, and the Income Tax (i). It is clear the income tax amount (207.93 euros).We call D the set of discounts, i.e. D = {c, d, f, i}. We call U the universal set that includes all the elements of the payroll, i.e., U = {s, t, g, p, c, d, f, i}. The income tax discount is calculated on the total income of the payroll, that is: Total income = s + t + g + p. However, discounts corresponding to the SS are calculated as a percentage of the monthly tax base, which is obtained as the twelfth of the annual gross income. Such gross income is calculated by adding twelve ordinary pay, as that of the Table, plus two extra payments. The worker knows that the extra payments are slightly lower than the ordinary payments, because they differ on the amount of personal complement, 14.08 euros, which is not perceived in any of the two extras. Question F1. Let C = {c, d, f} the Question F2. The gross amount of set of the discounts that integrate payroll social discounts. Which of the a) is 1,471.13 euros. following notations accurately b) is 1,485.21 euros. describes the relationship between c) can not be calculated from the C and D? available data. a) C ≤ D. b) C ∈ D. c) C ⊂ D. June Context: Nothing. Question J1. Let U = {a, b, c, d, e, Question J2. A company retained in the f, g, h} a universal set. Consider the ordinary payroll worker 285.00 euros for set A = {a, b, c} and B = {a, b, c, d}. various items. This amount represents Which of the following notations 19% of their gross salary. Then such accurately describes the gross salary relationship between A and B? a) is 1,215.00 euros. a) A ≤ B. b) is 1,500.00 euros. c) can not be calculated from the b) A ∈ B. available data. c) A ⊂ B. Results The number of students enrolled in course in 2014-15 year was 6148. In February, 3348 students took the exam with questions F1 and F2; 2036 out of them did not pass, so they had to repeat in June. In this new exam 835 students faced the J1 and J2 questions. The results included below refer to this group, i.e., students who had to answer questions F1 and F2 in February and J1 and J2 in June. Table 2 shows the distribution of answers to each of the questions posed. Table 2: Responses to the questions: A-B-C and X (non-response, double or triple mark) F1 J1 F2 J2 Num. % Num. % Num. % Num. % A 87 10,4 66 7,9 93 11,1 65 7,8 B 211 25,3 144 17,2 426 51,0 646 77,4 C 425 50,9 540 64,7 103 12,3 40 4,8 X 112 13,4 85 10,2 213 25,5 84 10,1 Total 835 100,0 835 100,0 835 100,0 835 100,0 The following figure graphically compares the percentages of correct answer, incorrect answer and not answer to the questions F1-J1 and F2-J2. Table 3 shows the results of the questions F1-J1 and F2-J2 in the two proposals calls. J1 A B C X Total A B 13 18 19 42 43 143 12 8 87 211 Table 3: Answers of the questions F1-J1 y F2-J2 F1 F2 C X Total J2 A B C 23 12 66 A 9 29 8 72 11 144 B 61 357 79 288 66 540 C 6 16 7 42 23 85 X 17 24 9 425 112 835 Total 93 426 103 X 19 149 11 34 213 Total 65 646 40 84 835 If a correct response is scored with +1, an incorrect with -0.5, and no response with 0, and we consider the appropriate variables PF1, PF2, PJ1 and PJ2 then the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for related samples, performed with SPSS 22, leads to reject the hypothesis of equal medians PF1 versus PJ1 (p <0.0000) and PF2 versus PJ2 (p <= 0.0000). We can establish that they are statistically significant differences in both cases, that is, the percentage of correct answers is less when questions are presented within a given context extracted from everyday life. Conclusions The results we have obtained show that student responses to certain types of mathematical questions depend on the context in which the question is framed. The percentage of success is greater when the questions are written in the traditional manner, without reference to a specific context, similar to real life. Instead, the questions raised in a format that presents it in a situation closer to reality get a lower percentage of correct answers and also a greater number of non-responses. These results show that the real evaluation of mathematical competence poses a double challenge to teachers, since not only requires a review of the assessment model, but we must also investigate new teaching approaches to allow students to acquire and develop real competence. References Beneitone, P.; C. Esquetini; J. González; M. M. Maletá; G. Siufi and R. Wanegaar (Eds.) (2007): Reflexiones y perspectivas de la educación superior en América Latina. 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PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do – Student Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science (Volume I, Revised edition, February 2014), PISA, OECD Publishing.