Registration form - Ethnography, Language and Communication

Ethnography, Language and Communication
Seminar in the North
22nd May 2009
Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow
This one-day seminar explores the possibilities and problems of employing
ethnographic approaches in the analysis of verbal and textual data, and provides a
forum to discuss how such methods can complement other perspectives and
methods of inquiry. Linguistic Ethnography provides a rich set of tools for examining
such issues as the social construction of identity and the social dynamics of
institutional cultures and practices.
The seminar builds on the ESRC-funded course, Key Concepts and Methods in
Ethnography, Language and Communication (see and will
be facilitated by members of the organising team. The day will give participants an
opportunity to try the analytic approach in data workshops, and a friendly and lively
atmosphere in which to engage in open discussion on the relevance of these
approaches to participants’ research settings and the possibilities for cross
fertilisation and collaboration.
11:00-11:45: Introduction to the development of multi-method approaches to
discourse and social interaction analysis, Ben Rampton, King’s College
London, Convenor of the UK Linguistic Ethnography Forum,
11:45-13:15 Data session examining the approach within an educational context:
Towards Dialogue: A Linguistic Ethnographic Study of Classroom
Interaction and Change. Adam Lefstein and Julia Snell, Institute of
Education University of London
13:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Small group data sessions facilitated by Ben Rampton, King’s College
London, Adam Lefstein, and Jeff Bezemer, Institute of Education
University of London
15:30-16:00 Concluding discussion
The data sessions will include material from previous participants in the ESRC
course who have incorporated Linguistic Ethnographic approaches into their
subsequent work.
Research students and early career researchers are particularly welcome. A short list
of recommended readings will be provided upon registration to foster quality of
discussion and engagement with data workshops on the day. Informal arrangements
for an evening meal for those who wish will be arranged on the day.
Places are limited. To register for the day please return the attached form to:
Beth Cross
Adam Smith Research Foundation
66 Oakfield Ave
Glasgow G12 8LS
Ethnography, Language and Communication
Seminar in the North
22nd May 2009
Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow
Registration form
Fee: £30 (including lunch), £10 for PhD students. Spaces are strictly limited
so early registration is advised.
Personal details
Research projects / interests
 I enclose a cheque for £30 / £10.
Cheques should be made payable to University of Glasgow, and sent for the
attention of Beth Cross at the following address:
Adam Smith Research Foundation
University of Glasgow
66 Oakfield Ave
Glasgow G12 8LS