Meridian Veterinary Practice ltd 11 Edith Avenue, Peacehaven East

11 Edith Avenue, Peacehaven
East Sussex BN10 8JB
Tel: 01273 585386
Fax: 01273 580874
Rabbits are becoming an increasingly popular pet in the UK. They can provide good
companionship and form a strong bond with their owners. It is a common misconception
though, that they do not require much care.
Pet rabbits in the UK can be vaccinated against myxomatosis and haemorrhagic viral disease
(HVD). Myxomatosis is a common disease in wild rabbits that can spread via insects such as fleas
and mosquitoes. It is a fatal disease. Once rabbits are over 6 weeks of age they can have the
myxomatosis vaccine. The vaccine given in late spring will protect your rabbit over the summer
months when myxomatosis is frequently seen in wild rabbits. HVD is a highly lethal disease
caused by a virus. The virus is shed in urine, faeces, saliva etc. The HVD vaccine cannot be given
at the same time as the myxomatosis vaccine – they need at least a two week interval between
them. Both vaccines are given once a year.
We recommend you treat your rabbit with Panacur Rabbit Paste, 2 to 4 times a year. Rabbits
need to be dosed once daily for nine consecutive days each time. It is important to treat your
rabbit at times of stress e.g. when newly bought, mating and when mixing with other rabbits for
the first time.
Panacur protects against intestinal worms and E.Cuniculi. E.Cuniculi is a parasite that lives within
the body’s cells. It can cause paralysis of the back legs, a head tilt, urinary incontinence,
cataracts, collapse and death. It is shed in the urine and spreads when urine contaminates food
and water bowls.
E.Cuniculi can be passed onto humans who don’t have a very effective immune system.
Cat and dog fleas can infest the rabbit. Rabbits can also be infested by mites and lice. We
recommend Advantage Spot-on for flea control. Treatment for other parasite conditions is
normally less straight forward and is best dealt with by consulting a vet directly.
Flies are attracted to wet or soiled fur or skin sores. Rabbits that do not clean their back end
(obese rabbits) or have diarrhoea (poor diet) attract flies, especially during the warmer weather.
Flies lay eggs on the fur. These eggs then hatch into maggots. Maggots eat away into the flesh of
the rabbit. This is a painful and often fatal condition. Ensuring that pets are kept in clean, dry
housing and checking they don’t have diarrhoea will reduce the risk of flystrike. Rearguard is a
product that can be applied every 8 to 10weeks to your rabbit’s fur. Rearguard does not repel
flies but it does prevent maggots from developing and damaging your pet.
Your rabbit’s health is very strongly influenced by the food you feed. An incorrect diet
can be a trigger factor for tooth problems, weight gain and diarrhoea.
Rabbit teeth grow at 2mm per day. Their teeth require a constant supply of
calcium and need to be ground down. We commonly see pet rabbits with teeth
problems. These problems are frequently on going and often lead to a shortened life span.
Grass is the best diet for rabbits. It is a good source of fibre (which will help wear teeth down),
protein and fat. Rabbits should be allowed to graze as much as possible. It may be more difficult
to provide good quality grass during the winter or for those rabbits that live in flats. In these
cases, hay can be offered instead or in addition to grass.
Like grass, hay provides an important source of fibre which helps to wear teeth down and keep
the rabbit’s digestive system working well. However, not all types of hay are good for rabbits.
For example, alfalfa hay is high in calcium and could cause urine problems in some rabbits.
Meadow hay is generally more suitable for pet rabbits. Generally hay sold in bales is better
quality than that which is ready-bagged. Be sure to store hay carefully to prevent it becoming
damp and mouldy – do not store it in plastic bags.
Pellets contain a type of fibre that is not as beneficial as grass or hay to a rabbit’s digestive
system. Also, rabbits spend less time chewing pellets which means that their teeth do not wear
down as much. Approximately 25g per kilogram per day of concentrate food should be fed.
Overfeeding with pellets can quickly lead to obesity and other health problems.
A wide range of vegetables e.g. parsley, celery, broccoli, spring greens, kale, herbs can also be
fed in small amounts. It is important that they only supplement grass and hay which should make
up the majority of a rabbit’s diet.
Fruits are high in sugar and should not be given on a daily basis. Small pieces of fruit, carrots and
root vegetables are suitable as ‘treats’ when you want to spoil your rabbit. They can also be
useful aids to train your rabbit. Chocolate drops, bread and biscuits should be avoided.
It is very important to provide plenty of water. Rabbits tend to eat less if they do not receive
enough drinking water.
Remember not to change your rabbit’s diet suddenly. Do it gradually over a period of two weeks
so that your rabbit’s digestive system has time to adjust.
Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits cannot cope with not eating for a few days. If you notice that your
rabbit is going off its food then please bring him or her to the surgery as soon as possible.
Rabbits are social creatures that enjoy another rabbit’s company. Neutered rabbits of the
opposite sex bond well. Although it is possible to keep same sex pairs, males may need to be
castrated to prevent fighting.
Ideally rabbits should be housed in a large, outdoor, well fenced area or mesh pen. It is very
important to provide a shelter area. This kind of permanent structure allows your rabbit to
establish a territory and feel secure. It is important for rabbits to exercise and be outdoors
even through the winter months. They need natural daylight to provide the amount of vitamin D
they need. Vitamin D is very important to the body’s working and lack of it causes rickets
disease. Portable mesh runs are useful as they protect the rabbit whilst allowing you to move it
around the lawn – allowing the rabbit to keep the grass down.
In recent years, people have enjoyed having their pet rabbit indoors. House rabbits can be
trained to use a litter tray.
Both male and female rabbits can be neutered at 5 months of age. The male
rabbit needs to be kept separate from the female for four weeks after his
operation as he is still able to make her pregnant during this time.
Middle aged female rabbits are at high risk of developing cancer of the
uterus and breast tissue. Therefore, it is advisable to have female rabbits
Please see our leaflet on neutering for more information or speak to one of our vets or nurses.