One Page Home Care Handout

RABBIT FEEDING, HOUSING and CARE—Taking your New Bunny Home
Rabbits should get unlimited timothy hay, grass hays, and oat hay (several handfuls,
replenished twice a day at least). Keep rabbits cool. Check water bottles as we have
found some lock up, so it’s best to offer both a water bottle and a crock dish for backup.
Most rabbits need an enclosed space to make them feel secure and prevent chewing on
things you don’t want them to chew, so a 30” high dog exercise pen indoors with a
litterbox in a is an excellent home. Provide a large soft sheet or
rug under the cage, and add grass mats to chew (sold by Busy
Bunny or other companies). It should be a good ten times the
size of the rabbit. Offer a covered box, or cover part with a
towel for privacy. Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk,
and they prefer to sleep in the afternoon. Give them that time to
Feed fresh vegetables at least once a day for rabbits over 3 months: start small, like a
pile the size of the bunny’s head (i.e., fresh wet carrot tops, Italian parsley, dandelion
greens, cilantro). Remove if not eaten in a few hours. Baby carrots—limit to 3 a day. As
they can handle greens, then they can have a handful morning and night.
Babies up to 7 months need unlimited plain pellets and hay. After 7 months, begin to
limit pellets to morning/night and increase hay (western timothy, orchard, oat hay). Give
huge handfuls of fresh hay, twice a day. Oxbow Essentials is a great pellet for adult
Fruits are treats! Serve only a one inch max (1”) fruit treat every other day or omit! No
seeds, corn, onion, nuts, crackers, cereals or sweet treats.
Litterboxes should be big enough for the bunny to get in and turnaround easily, as well
as have the front half filled with hay; they enjoy eating in their box, so placing hay in a
corner of the box is a good idea. Change the litterboxes once a
day or every other day. Do not use cat litter. Use Carefresh,
Critter Country or other organic or paper-based litters, newspaper,
straw. Keep the litterbox in sight of the bunny at all times, even
when out. You may need more than one if your rabbit is out in a
larger area.
No spayed female/neutered male should be introduced to another rabbit for two weeks.
Males can be fertile for up to 6 weeks after surgery, so keep that in mind. Females need
a good 4 days to recover after surgery, and they should not be excessively handled. See for more information on veterinarians, bonding, handling, and where to
get help with your new rabbit.