Position/Title: Research Associate in Infrared/Submillimeter Astronomy

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Infrared/Submillimeter
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Attn: Prof. Reinhard Genzel
Fax: +49 89 30000-3601
E-mail submission address: irjobs@mpe.mpg.de
Email inquiries: linda@mpe.mpg.de
URL: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/ir
Closing date for receipt of applications: Dec. 31, 2009
The Infrared Group of the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching (near
Munich), Germany invites applications for two postdoctoral research associates in
infrared/submillimeter astronomy. Our research centers on near-infrared, far-infrared and
millimeter, high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of the Galactic Center and star forming
galaxies in the early Universe, and on extragalactic infrared surveys. We study star formation,
physical properties and dynamics of high-z galaxies, black hole formation and evolution, and
galaxy mergers. This research is supported by a major program of innovative infrared
instrumentation development. We have built both the SPIFFI NIR integral-field spectrograph for
SINFONI and the PARSEC Laser for the ESO VLT. We are commissioning LUCIFER, a NIR
camera/spectrograph with MOS capability for seeing- and diffraction-limited observations at the
Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Lucifer will enable unprecedented NIR-spectroscopic surveys
of high z-galaxy populations. We are the PI institute for the PACS far-infrared camera/
spectrometer for Herschel, which was successfully launched in May 2009, Observations have
already started for our major GTO extragalactic surveys and spectroscopic programs. We are
investing substantial developmental effort in interferometry and adaptive optics at the VLT and
LBT, including a near-infrared VLTI instrument for precision narrow-angle astrometry and
interferometric phase referenced imaging of faint objects (GRAVITY). In addition, we have
regular access to IRAM and ESO telescopes.
At least one of the appointments is in the field of galaxy dynamics and evolution. We also
encourage applicants with interests in the Galactic Center, AGN or IR/submm instrumentation.
The flexible starting date could be as early as spring 2010. Applicants should have a PhD in
astronomy or related field before starting. The post comes with a generous travel allowance and
the opportunity to spend time at UC Berkeley as part of an international exchange program in
astrophysics between the Max-Planck Society and UCB.
Please send a letter of application, a brief description of research interests, a curriculum vitae
including bibliography, and three letters of reference by December 31, 2009 to the above
The MPE encourages applications from women, minorities, and disabled persons.