Club Procedures
To encourage members to attend all Rotary meetings and to conduct follow-up efforts
with members who are not meeting the 60% attendance requirement per Rotary
Constitution Article X Sec.5 (copy available on the Club’s website , the international website or from the
Club Secretary).
Club Service
The Attendance Committee should have 6-10 members. Members should have the
time and ability to contact members who are not meeting the Club’s 60% attendance
requirement, tactfully inquire about the reason and encourage them to attend more
The Attendance Committee has two primary duties:
A. Attendance monitoring and follow-up
B. Perfect Attendance Awards Presentations
Attendance Monitoring and Follow-up
Each quarter the Club Secretary provides to the Committee Chair an attendance
report of all members’ percentage of meetings attended, which is shown in
descending order. Each Board of Directors member also receives this report.
It is the responsibility of the committee to contact each member who attended fewer
than 60% of the meetings during the prior quarter. The Club offers several options to
remedy the problems these members may face. These include:
1. Make-ups:
a. Attend another Rotary Club’s meeting. The member must let that
club’s secretary know he/she is attending as a make-up. The
secretary will either give him/her some proof of attendance to give to
our Club Secretary or the make-up club’s secretary will mail notice
of the make-up to our Club Secretary.
b. Attend a committee meeting. The member must be sure to sign
the attendance card while at the committee meeting to get credit for
the make-up.
c. Attend one of the Club’s special events. Since these events
usually require some payment for the event, the organizers of the
event will keep a list of attendees and submit it to the Club’s
d. Buy make-up credits. For $10 each, a member may purchase a
make-up from the Club Secretary. Such purchases are limited to
two make-ups per year. The proceeds are added to the Club’s
Rotary Foundation funds for its projects.
2. Temporary Attendance Leave:
Members who find that they will not be able to attend the Club’s regular
meetings for a period of time, may request a temporary attendance leave.
a. Leaves may be up to six months, during which the member is
relieved from the attendance requirement
b. The Member must send a letter to the Club Secretary requesting
this leave prior to the desired period of the leave.
c. The leave must be submitted for approval by the Board of Directors
at its next meeting.
d. The Member must continue to pay his/her dues during the leave
e. The Member is encouraged to attend whenever possible.
While Rotary International’s constitution calls for more rigid enforcement of
attendance, the Fort Wayne Rotary Club follows the guidelines below before
terminating a member due to poor attendance.
1. Make-ups are counted so long as they occur in the same 6-months
attendance period as the missed regular meeting.
2. Members are not automatically terminated if they fail to attend 60% of the
regular meetings for two consecutive 6-months attendance periods.
Members in this situation usually resign before the end of the second six
months. For the few who do not, the Committee continues to encourage
and work with them so long as they pay their dues.
Perfect Attendance Awards
Awards (certificate & pin) are presented annually to members who maintain perfect
(100%) attendance through a combination of attending regular meetings and
completing make-up options for any meetings missed.
1. The Club Secretary provides a list of perfect attendees to the Committee
a. Member names
b. Number of years of perfect attendance
2. The Chair and/or Committee members will work with the Club Secretary to;
a. Schedule a date for the presentation of the awards during a regular
Club meeting.
b. Complete the final list.
c. Order the certificates and pins. Pins denote the number of years
with perfect attendance.
d. Get the certificates signed by the Club President
3. The Chair and Committee members present the awards on the scheduled
4. Members who are receiving an award for consequent years of perfect
attendance should be encouraged to return the pins from prior years. This
has been the practice for a number of years to reduce the cost to the Club.
The annual perfect attendance awards presentation is usually in August or
September of each year.
All other committee work is ongoing, but peaks just after the quarterly attendance
report is distributed to committee members.