SCI 2007 年收录我校教师论文情况 根据图书馆信息咨询部初步检索,SCI-EXPANDED 2007 年(检索日期为 2007 年 5 月 30 日)收录广东工业大学教师(包括第二、第三、或第四作者)的论文有 36 篇,具体如下: 1. Song CX, Xiao CT Positive solutions for p-Laplacian functional dynamic equations on time scales NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS 66 (9): 1989-1998 MAY 1 2007 Times Cited: 0 2. Zhu YJ, Zhang GF, Wei Z, et al. Synthesis of fullerene by pyrolysis of acetylene in thermal HF-plasma JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION 22 (1): 94-97 FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0 3. Wei XM, Cui SB Existence and uniqueness of the global solution for a mathematical model of the use of macrophages in tumor medicine NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS 8 (3): 922-938 JUL 2007 Times Cited: 0 4. Shan GB, Li JX, Yang YZ, et al. Hydrogen-enhanced plastic deformation during indentation for bulk metallic glass of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5 MATERIALS LETTERS 61 (8-9): 1625-1628 APR 2007 Times Cited: 0 5. Yao YW, Hou ZL, Liu YY The two-dimensional phononic band gaps tuned by the position of the additional rod PHYSICS LETTERS A 362 (5-6): 494-499 MAR 12 2007 Times Cited: 0 6. Yang LP Modified multistep iterative process for some common fixed point of a finite family of nonself asymptotically nonexpansive mappings MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING 45 (9-10): 1157-1169 MAY 2007 Times Cited: 0 7. Huang H, Tang L Treatment of organic waste using thermal plasma pyrolysis technology ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 48 (4): 1331-1337 APR 2007 Times Cited: 0 8. Yu SM, Lu JH, Chen GR, et al. Multifolded torus chaotic attractors: Design and implementation CHAOS 17 (1): Art. No. 013118 MAR 2007 Times Cited: 0 9. Lei SM, Kuang TC, Cheng XL, et al. Deposition of carbon nanofibers on a low carbon steel substrate using an oxy-acetylene reducing flame NEW CARBON MATERIALS 22 (1): 70-74 MAR 2007 Times Cited: 0 10. Huang ZG, Guo ZN, Chen X, et al. Microscopic machining mechanism of polishing based on vibrations of liquid NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 (10): Art. No. 105703 MAR 14 2007 Times Cited: 0 11. Liu LY, Tian YW, Zhai YC, et al. Influence of Y3+ doping on structure and electrochemical performance of layered Li1.05V3O8 TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 17 (1): 110-115 JAN 2007 Times Cited: 0 12. Tang XG, Liu QX, Jiang YP, et al. Enhanced dielectric properties of highly (100)-oriented Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 thin films grown on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 bottom layer JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100 (11): Art. No. 114105 DEC 1 2006 Times Cited: 1 13. Jiang YP, Tang XG, Liu QX, et al. Optical properties of Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 thin films on Pt-coated Si substrates measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the UV-vis-NIR region MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 137 (1-3): 304-309 FEB 25 2007 Times Cited: 0 14. Yao YW, Hou ZL, Liu YY The propagating properties of the hetero-structure phononic waveguide JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 39 (24): 5164-5168 DEC 21 2006 Times Cited: 0 15. Zhu YF, Zhang Y, Tan HZ, et al. Blind nonlinear system identification based on LS-SVM DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 13: 658-661 Part 2 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 16. Yu Q, Yu L, Huang YM, et al. Study on hexaaluminate MnLaAl11O19-delta catalyst for catalytic combustive reaction of dimethyl ether as a new fuel RARE METALS 25: 333-336 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2006 Times Cited: 0 17. Zhai XY, Zhang XZ A ranking and aggregating method of fuzzy judgment matrix and its application in the water quality plan DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 13: 1177-1181 Part 3 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 18. Liao QL, Zheng RR, Sun J A design of immune-agent based intrusion prevention system DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 13: 1182-1184 Part 3 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 19. Zhang CK, Gao JG, Deng FQ Approximation methods for saddle-point strategy of generalized state space system linear-quadratic differential game DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 13: 1346-1350 Part 3 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 20. Li YX, Tang KS, Chen GR, et al. Hyperchaotic Chen's system and its generation DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 14 (1): 97-102 FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0 21. Song LN, Xiao M, Shu D, et al. Mechanical and thermal properties of poly(arylene disulfide) derived from cyclic(4,4 '-oxybis(benzene)disulfide) via ring-opening polymerization JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 42 (4): 1156-1161 FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0 22. Ying X, Tao L, Lin ZY, et al. An intermolecular coupling between guest and host in the doped liquid crystal system JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 101 (3): Art. No. 036109 FEB 1 2007 Times Cited: 0 23. Tian YQ, Zhao YM, Xu HJ, et al. CO2 template synthesis of metal formates with a ReO3 net INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 46 (5): 1612-1616 MAR 5 2007 Times Cited: 0 24. Yao YW, Hou ZL, Liu YY Transmission frequency properties of elastic waves along a hetero-phononic crystal waveguide CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 24 (2): 468-470 FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0 25. Liu DF, Xu D Comparative study of terahertz radiation from n-InAs and n-GaAs APPLIED OPTICS 46 (5): 789-794 FEB 10 2007 Times Cited: 0 26. Cheng XL, Zeng P, Hu SJ, et al. Preparation and characterization of TiO2 photoelectrode codoped with aluminum and boron and its application in dye-sensitized solar cell RARE METALS 25: 190-194 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2006 Times Cited: 0 27. Hu YH, Liu HC, Yang SH Photoinduced reaction in the ion-molecule complex Mg+-C6H5OCF3 CHEMICAL PHYSICS 332 (1): 66-72 JAN 25 2007 Times Cited: 0 28. Liu DF, Xu D Monte Carlo study of spatio-temporal distributions of photo-Dember field and THz radiation from InAs INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 27 (9): 1195-1207 SEP 2006 Times Cited: 0 29. Yao YW, Hou ZF, Cao YJ, et al. An improved method of eigen-mode matching theory in two-dimensional phononic crystal PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 388 (1-2): 75-81 JAN 15 2007 Times Cited: 1 30. Wei XM, Cui SB Global well-posedness for a drug transport model in tumor multicell spheroids MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING 45 (5-6): 553-563 MAR 2007 Times Cited: 0 31. Sun JQ, Zhang RY, Liu ZP, et al. Thermal reliability test of Al-34%Mg-6%Zn alloy as latent heat storage material and corrosion of metal with respect to thermal cycling ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 48 (2): 619-624 FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0 32. Song H, Zhang XZ A method of getting the parameters of differential equation model with genetic algorithm DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 13: 1460-1463 Part 3 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 33. Zhang XZ, Yang JC, Yuan CG Decision support system of water quality control based on MATLAB GUI DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 13: 1391-1394 Part 3 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 34. Zhang YY, Han XZ, Li ZZ Overcrowding effect, unstable or stable ECOLOGICAL MODELLING 200 (1-2): 269-270 JAN 10 2007 Times Cited: 0 35. Bao JD, Song YN Delay dependent criteria for stabilization of a class of interconnected uncertain large scale stochastic systems DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 13: 483-486 Part 1 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0 36. Ban GN, Zhang XZ Some new algorithms of clustering and knowledge reduced DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 13: 1027-1031 Part 2 Suppl. S DEC 2006 Times Cited: 0