Lessons in Writing a Research Paper

Lessons in Writing a Research Paper
A. The Effect Temperature Has on the Growth of Rye Grass
1. What conclusion should be drawn from this experiment?
2. Describe the pros and cons of the experimental design.
3. What might be some possible errors?
4. Is there any issue with the data collected?
B. Sleep deprivation may cause weight gain
5. What is the source of this information?
6. Who is the author?
7. How is the information cited in this article?
8. Could you easily find the sources cited in this article?
9. Is this a primary or secondary research paper?
10. In your own words, write a short summary of this paper (50 words or less)
C. Learn About Sleep Deprivation and Obesity
11. What is the source of this information?
12. Who is the author?
13. How is the information cited in this article?
14. Could you easily find the sources cited in this article?
15. Is this a primary or secondary research paper?
16. In your own words, write a short summary of this paper (50 words or less)
D. Circadian Timing of Food Intake Contributes to Weight Gain
17. What is the source of this information?
18. Who are the authors?
19. How is the information cited in this article?
20. Could you easily find the sources cited in this article?
21. Is this a primary or secondary research paper?
22. Describe how this paper differs in its layout from the others mentioned above.
23. What else is different about this paper from the others mentioned above?
24. In your own words, write a short summary of this paper (50 words or less)
E. Overweight and Obese Patients in a Primary Care Population Report Less Sleep Than Patients
With a Normal Body Mass Index
25. What is the source of this information?
26. Who are the authors?
27. How is the information cited in this article?
28. Could you easily find the sources cited in this article?
29. Is this a primary or secondary research paper?
30. Describe how this paper differs in its layout from the others mentioned above.
31. What else is different about this paper from the others mentioned above?
32. In your own words, write a short summary of this paper (50 words or less)
F. Your turn.
Now write a 1-2 paper that describes the effect that sleep has on obesity. You must use the
information you have read and summarized above in your paper. Be sure to cite your sources in
the text as well as include a bibliography using the Chicago Style Format. Practice what you have
learned about writing a research paper. This will be due Feb 21