thad cochran a mississippi conservative

As a former State Senator and President of the Elected Officials Assn. of
the Mississippi Republican Party of Mississippi, I have never witnessed
the following during my lifetime. U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, Governor
Phil Bryant, Lt. Governor Tate Reeves, Secretary of State Delbert
Hoseman, State Auditor Stacey Pickering, former U.S. Senator Trent
Lott, former Governor Haley Barbour all have endorsed Senator Thad
Cochran for reelection on Tuesday June 24th and hope that you will also
cast your vote for Senator Thad Cochran. I have never seen the officials
listed herein agree on any one issue much less on any one
candidate……….ever. I personally have disagreed with everyone of the
above officials at one time or another; however, when it comes to
Mississippi and what Thad Cochran has and will continue to mean to
Mississippi, we are all in agreement and are supporting Thad Cochran’s
reelection to the United States Senate.
There are people who have not voted (77% of registered voters have
not voted) recently in this important election for the U.S. Senate. There
are many who have not made up their mind as for whom they should
cast their vote on Tuesday. Look to the elected individuals listed herein
and ask yourself “why did I support that person for elective office in the
past?’ Trust your past judgment and that of the same official
supporting judgment in endorsing Thad Cochran for reelection to the
U.S. Senate.
A Conservative can be defined as favoring traditional views and values,
and there is none better than Thad Cochran in protecting the
“conservative values of Mississippians,” values that we all love and
cherish in our great state. Only 23% of our registered voters in
Mississippi have previously cast their vote recently in both the
Republican and Democratic Primary. The 77% of you who did not vote
previously can now have your vote count on Tuesday June 24th.
Bob Usey
Gulfport Mississippi
228-861-9020 cell