Collierville Town Beautiful Commission`s PAINTED FLOWER POT

Collierville Town Beautiful Commission’s
The “Painted Flower Pot “contest is a fun and friendly competition for neighborhoods
and businesses in Collierville to express creativity and beautify our town. Entries will
be judged on the art work as well as the plants chosen for the color and site. Entries
must be in by Tuesday MAY 4, 2010. Judging will be on Saturday JUNE 5, 2010.
Please complete this form and enter in one of these ways:
FAX: 853-9601
Mail to: Flower Pot, 683 Winford, Collierville
Phone in information at 268-8484 from 3-5 pm, M-F
Name of neighborhood ______________________________________
OR business ______________________________________
Location of neighborhood ____________________________________
OR address of business ______________________________
Name of contact person ______________________________________
Phone number_________________ E-mail _______________________
Number of flower pots needed ____@ $125.00 each
We are repainting ____ flower pots @ $25.00 each
Give a description of where the flower pot(s) will be located,(example : ‘ In front
of the left brick entrance wall ” or “ To the right of the front entry door”)
Above in the border are pictures of last year’s entries. In the center is the winner from
Collierville Middle School. It was painted with the Collierville Dragon’s mascot. Please
be as creative and colorful as you want. The technique for preparing the pots to take
paint is below:
Preparation should involve a clean, dry surface. Use a sealer both inside and out. Two
coats of a spray sealer inside will help keep moisture from bubbling the outside paint. A
coat of sealer or solid paint color can be the base before you paint the design on the
Paints can be regular water soluble acrylics or the ones designated for outdoor use.
The small bottles are sold in craft stores. More than one coat helps the paint last and
keep the color.
Lastly, seal the outside design with two or three coats of a spray acrylic clear coat.
QUESTIONS?? E-mail us at our G-Mail address.