Holland, Matthew / Hoggarth, Andrew: “Hydrographic Data Models


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UGI 2011

CARIS: A Bridge between Land and Sea Data

By Alejandro Gerones

Accounts Manager

Latin America & The Caribbean





Fredericton, Canada


+1.506.459.3849 alejandro.gerones@caris.com

Nov. 14 – 18, Santiago de Chile

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UGI 2011


CARIS: A Bridge between Land and Sea Data

The mapping of Nature and human activity, as well as economic development and national growth planning are only a few of the many processes that require the use of accurate information and data administration tools, allowing for an efficient decision making process. This, in the end, would result in the preservation of life, better disaster mitigation and the rational use of natural resources amongst many other benefits.

The goal of having diverse and meaningful datasets available is not exempt from technical difficulties. Disparities in scale, symbology and datum cause various integration issues when these datasets are merged. Another issue becomes apparent when the sea based and land based datasets meet in the coastal zones. Sea level for topographic data is measured from mean sea level, while in nautical charts, sea level is displayed from Lowest Astronomical Tide or Mean Lower Low Water. These issues can only be overcome through a constant interaction with the software development industry.

CARIS, a Canadian company with more than 30 years in operation and users in more than 70 nations, is a leader in the development of Geographic Information

Systems and has had great success in integrating multipurpose datasets that can be used in marine and land environments likewise, covering a wide range of fields from

Hydrography to Topography, from marine boundary delimitations to land administration and cadastral planning.

The data base solution of CARIS allows for the creation of Digital Terrain Models that are essential in the preparation of geographic data surfaces and 3D visualization, as well as the storage and management of geographic surfaces and cartographic data for its later use in the production of marine and terrestrial maps, and ultimately data distribution online to a specialized core of users or to the wide public.

In a world like today´s, having the right information in the right moment can be the difference between success and failure.

The current paper provides details on how CARIS technology can be used to integrate geographic data into intelligent, meaningful information to empower organizations in their daily operations.

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Combined land and sea data sets: content and use

Historically, land and sea data sets have been manipulated separately and the merging of data from both environments was always a technological challenge. However, the benefits of having combined datasets that cover marine and terrestrial areas are obvious and any agency, particularlly those with interests in the coastal zone and willing to extract the maximum information from their data, should explore its full potential. With sometimes overlapping mapping responsibilities between agencies and therefore potentially overlapping data, it is expected that if existing information can be easily shared between stakeholders, then direct efficiencies will be gained. Efficiencies can be achieved through the reduction of costly data collection activities and by implementing the “Map Once, Use Many Times” concept for coordinated mapping efforts. Efficiencies can also be gained through the use of technologies that facilitate the manipulation, warehousing and sharing of spatial data to meet a diverse range of mandates.

The marine and coastal zones of the world host a growing number of overlapping, and at times, competing uses and activities, including commercial, recreational, cultural, energy, scientific, conservation, defense and security interests. The quality of life on earth is determined in large part by an incomplete understanding of the interacting system that operates in the world’s oceans and land areas. Increased understanding and control of this system can be accomplished through the development of a robust and active program of real time observations, data capture and evaluation, data management, data sharing, exchange and improved access to information to underpin modeling and visualization of the underwater and coastal environment.

Typical data content includes boundaries and limits, conservation and preservation areas, marine habitats, oceanography, bathymetry, hydrography, geology, marine and coastal infrastructure, wrecks, offshore installations, pipelines, cables, topography, and cadastre.

Along the coastlines, currently accepted data on climate change indicates sea level change; incidence of storm events (which are becoming more violent and frequent); higher wave energy and surges that have an impact on fixed structures, and significant beach erosion and flooding inundation. Controllable and equitable use of coastal resources for urban planning, renewable energy, tourism, conservation, preservation of

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UGI 2011 natural habitat, and offshore, near shore, and inland navigation would greatly benefit from integrated marine and terrestrial datasets.

As a software manufacturer, CARIS can offer Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions that resolve technological challenges and mitigate associated problems.

Although we cannot solve the organizational challenges of sharing spatial information between various stakeholders , we do understand the challenges and their importance.

Bathy DataBASE: the right tool for the task

Bathy DataBASE is a solution developed by CARIS for the purposes of handling extensive elevation datasets, both bathymetric and terrestrial, and producing cartographic

/ vector objects and representations that will make their way onto navigational charts, topographic maps and other products.

It is designed to manipulate, analyze and compile processed elevation data using intuitive

CARIS tools.and can incorporate all sources of data from historical fieldsheets and maps to the latest high density multibeam and airborne LiDAR surveys in a single relational database. . More importantly, the analysis and manipulation capabilities allow users to compute differences between overlapping datasets, apply vertical shifts to resolve datum differences and examine results in both 2D and 3D environments..

Bathy DataBASE not only bridges the gap between hydrographic data processing and cartographic production, but also allows for the integration of multipurpose datasets that can be used to map and visualize information for several purposes including the economy, defense, cadastre, emergency response, etc.

Merging marine and land data sets: the challenges.

The use of several systems and formats imposes a number of obstacles on organizations.

Disparities between scale, symbology and datum cause various data integration issues when these datasets are merged. Bringing land and sea data together as one continuous surface requires new tools, new data collection, standardization of data specifications, improved data management and dissemination, and education (with a view to ensuring a sustainable outcome). One key area is datums as land based mapping and marine based charting use different vertical datums (e.g. MSL for land; LAT for sea). A seamless

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UGI 2011 geodetic framework across the littoral zone is therefore difficult to calculate and presents a significant challenge.

Also, the use of multiple data sets can include time-consuming import/export routines and make it difficult to effectively fuse datasets together into a seamless environment.

This in turn impacts an organization’s ability to maximize its spatial data. However, the use of relational database solutions, such as Bathy DataBASE, allows agencies to integrate, visualize, access and re-distribute data and provides a means to overcome these obstacles (Fig.1) v 1.0

Fig. 1: 3D topo-bathymetric maps of Mexico and Guatemala using Bathy DataBASE

Elevation data sources are stored in the relational datbaase along with pertinent metadata.

The metadata profile for the elevation data is based on the Digital Geographic

Information Working Group (DGIWG) profile, which references the International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19115/19139 metadata standard for geographic information. This allows not only for standardized metadata to be captured but also the organization’s “specific objects and attributes”. The information describing the characteristics of each dataset facilitates the subsequent discovery of the database content to support data exchange.

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Merging marine and land data sets: the method

In the following use case, after evaluating the available sources, the land and sea data were imported separately into Bathy DataBASE. Then, a TIN (Triangulated Irregular

Network) was created and surfaces were interpolated for each data set, using tools available in the software (Fig. 2 and 3)

Figs. 2 & 3: Triangulated Irregular Network and interpolated surface after triangulation

In this example, over extended vertices of the TIN model were removed using TIN manipulation tools, following the triangulation process to obtain a suitable model. The

TIN was then interpolated into a full resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (Fig. 4 &

5) for each data set.These were then last combined into a single seamless model (Fig. 6). v 1.0

Fig. 4: Water section of Bay of Fundy Fig. 5: Land section of Bay of Fundy

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Fig. 6: Combined land and sea data set of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada

The potentials this capability unveils are immense, given the fact that users can combine data from several sources and formats into intelligent, meaningful datasets (Fig. 7) to facilitate spatial planning, management and decision support in the coastal zone. v 1.0

Fig. 7: Satellite image 3D overlay on topo-bathymetric surface of the eastern portion of the Bay of Fundy, depicting a power plant and access roads.

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SDI: the ultimate goal of data merging

A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a framework of information and processes that provides the evidence to support plans for development in the most suitable sites for a range or class of activities. It provides the information that will reduce conflicts among uses, reduce environmental impacts, facilitate compatible uses, and preserve critical ecosystems to meet economic, environmental, security, and social objectives. Ideally, it should establish a public policy process for society to better determine how the ocean and coasts are sustainably exploited and protected now and for future generations.

National Hydrographic Offices are often the national de facto provider of resources to carry out data collection and support required to populate data sets. This is provided through the provision of vessels, oceanographic and bathymetric equipment, marine geodesy capabilities, and qualified personnel. As such, Hydrographic Offices are well placed to provide a key supporting role in the development of a Spatial Data

Infrastructure. It will also lead to the hydrographic office creating opportunities for national engagement by making hydrographic, bathymetric, and coastal zone data available to other national stakeholders who have a mandate that is wider or different than safety of navigation.

On the other hand, National Topographic Mapping Agencies have a mandate to collect and maintain topographic, cadastral and natural resources data, as well as establishing procedures to diseminate this data, via public or private networks.

Quite regularly, both data providers fail to implement common policies and procedures to integrate, display and distribute more complete information that would bring about solid data infrastructure to the whole geographic data users community.

Spatial data is an effective tool in the management and study of marine and land environments as well as their related resources. To maximize the use of spatial data, and reduce duplication, it is important that agencies effectively store, manage and share their spatial information. By doing so, stakeholders will be have an opportunity to benefit from an increased level of coordination with related organizations and increase the value of their spatial data holdings.

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The use of GIS solutions that provide an interoperable Relational DataBase Management

System (RDBMS) core, flexible data models, specialized tools and use of internationally recognized standards allow agencies to meet objectives for various mandates. These include safe navigation and charting, but also support Spatial Data Infrastructures to facilitate defense and security, resource management, marine cadastre and coastal zone management, urban planning and development, among other economic activities. The

GIS solutions ensure that the data is efficiently stored, along with searchable and compliant metadata, which can then be shared (i.e. viewed and downloaded) and fully interoperable for use within the organization, between organizations and/or the public.

Through the use of these specialized solutions, agencies can address the technological challenges associated with an SDI (e.g. reconciling differing vertical datums) and place their focus on organizational considerations to develop policies and promote the benefits of spatial data to ensure long-term sustainability, maximize return on investment and overall success.

The implementation of an SDI will act as the catalyst for the development of capability and capacity to deliver an integrated approach to the management of the coastal zone, oceans and seas. Such development can only be achieved through a partnership approach involving decision makers, planners, scientists, technologists and users and that is designed to drive real efficiencies in operations and activities and so deliver cost savings and other significant benefits to government, commerce and the general public.

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 Cooper, Paul / Pepper, John / Dr. Osborne, Mike: “The Hydrographic and

Oceanographic Dimension to Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development :

Developing the capability”. USA; 2010

 Holland, Matthew / Hoggarth, Andrew: “Hydrographic Data Models and

Solutions in Support of MSDI” HDROIND-2011, New Dheli, India; 2011.

Hoggarth, Andrew: “MSDI: Workflows, Software and Related Data Standards”.

Canada; 2009.

 IHO Spatial Data Infrastructures “The Marine Dimension”, Guidance for

Hydrographic Offices, Edition 1.0 – October; http://www.iho-ohi.net/iho_pubs/CB/C-17_e1.0_Guidance_on_MSDI.pdf

Federal Geographic Data Committee: http://www.fgdc.gov/nsdi/nsdi.html

Guide to the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure: http://www.geoconnections.org/en/aboutcgdi.html

 Henriquez, Carolina / Jarvie, Elizabeth / Johnson, Tom: “TopoBathy Map: creating and publishing”. GIS Technology Program, New Brunswick Community

College of Moncton. Canada, 2010.

 Ryttersgaard, Jes: “Spatial Data Infrastruture: Developing Trends and

Challenges”. Denmark, 2001. http://www.uneca.org/disd/geoinfo/sdi_codi2.pdf

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