MA in Politics, single honours - School of Social and Political Science

in Politics1
1) Awarding Institution: University of Edinburgh
2) Teaching Institution: University of Edinburgh
3) Programme accredited by: N/A
4) Final Award: MA Honours
5) Programme Title: Politics
6) UCAS Code: L200
Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s): Politics and International Relations
7) Postholder with overall responsibility for QA: Dr Mark Aspinwall
Date of production/revision: October 2002/September 2005/May 2007/Nov 2010/April 2011
External summary
Students of politics explore the origins and present-day contexts of conflicts over power and
resources; the morality of political action, the limits of freedom and justice, and the processes
of governance at various levels. Our programmes focus on politics, political theory, public
policy and international relations in Europe, Russia, Africa and the US. Politics is part of a
vibrant research-led community consisting of c.30 full-time academic staff and over 400
undergraduate students. The issues you see splashed across the front pages of newspapers,
and at the top of news stories, are what we look at in our teaching. Our major programme
aims include equipping students with substantive knowledge of a range of political systems,
institutions, processes and ideas; enabling students to develop and apply their knowledge and
skills to the understanding and evaluation of political issues and problems in the
contemporary world; enabling students to develop key skills in critical thinking, conceptual
analysis, research, oral and written articulation of information and argument.
We ensure that our programmes equip students with transferable skills to enable them to succeed in
the job market. Our graduates have careers in the Civil Service, foreign affairs or political and
parliamentary research; finance and consultancy, the voluntary sector, journalism or teaching. Some
undertake postgraduate degrees with a view to pursuing an academic career.
Edinburgh politics is a truly international community – we have students from all over the world.
We have a vibrant student society– the Politics Society. There is always plenty going on, and always
someone for students to talk to about academic studies, leisure interests, life in Edinburgh.
Educational aims of programme
to deliver a broad-based curriculum incorporating major fields of study in politics;
to equip students with substantive knowledge of a range of political systems, institutions,
processes and ideas;
The information contained in this Programme Specification should be used as a guide to the content of a degree programme and should
not be interpreted as a contract.
to provide a curriculum supported and informed by a rich and active research culture;
to enable students to understand, evaluate and use both normative and explanatory
theoretical frameworks in the study of politics;
to enable students to develop and apply their knowledge and skills to the understanding
and evaluation of political issues and problems in the contemporary world, including
within Scotland;
to enable students to develop key generic skills in critical thinking, conceptual analysis,
research, oral and written articulation of information and argument;
to equip students for progression to a wide variety of careers or to further academic
11) Programme Outcomes:
11a) Knowledge and understanding
On completing the programme students should be able to:
demonstrate knowledge of different political systems, institutions, processes and ideas;
evaluate alternative explanations of particular political developments and events;
identify and evaluate normative aspects of political argument;
understand and apply theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches to the
analysis of political systems, institutions, processes and ideas.
How is this accomplished?
o compulsory and optional elements in the curriculum ensure coverage of different political
systems, institutions, processes and ideas;
o lectures, lecture hand-outs, seminar programmes and presentations are the key channels
for dissemination of knowledge and guidance to further reading/research;
o content and assessment of compulsory courses ensures knowledge and critical
engagement with normative and explanatory theory;
o essay and examination questions require independent reading and research beyond that
provided in the classroom;
o essay and examination questions in both compulsory and optional courses require
evaluation and application of alternative perspectives or explanations of political
o seminar assignments and debates in both compulsory and optional courses encourage
students to identify and evaluate normative aspects of political argument.
Graduate attributes: Skills and abilities in research and enquiry
Graduates will be able to create new knowledge and opportunities for learning through the process
of research and enquiry, including the abilities to:
identify and analyse the strengths and challenges of different social and political systems,
and develop processes for promoting social and political progress;
evaluate, critique, and build on the work of political science scholars;
exercise creativity in the formulation of important and constructive questions about
political science and socio-political policy;
·recognise, build on, and transcend the boundaries of the various social science disciplines
– their empirical methods and their analytical traditions - in the pursuit of publicly useful
How is this accomplished?
In addition to above, through:
guidance on literature searching and web-based information sources in lectures and
specific assessed tasks in compulsory courses (e.g. textual analysis, production of
research proposal);
requirements for seminar exercises and projects in ordinary and honours courses - peer
and tutor feedback;
production, supervision and assessment of dissertations and placement projects.
Graduate Attributes: Skills and abilities in personal and intellectual autonomy
Graduates will be able to work independently and sustainably, in a way that is informed by
openness, curiosity, and a desire to meet new challenges, including the abilities and dispositions to:
be independent learners who take responsibility for their own learning and are committed
to continuous reflection, self-evaluation and self-improvement;
be able to sustain intellectual interest by remaining receptive to both new and old ideas,
methods, and ways of thinking;
be able to make decisions on the basis of rigorous and independent thought, taking into
account ethical and professional issues;
be able to use collaboration and debate effectively to test, modify and strengthen their own
be able to respond effectively to unfamiliar problems in unfamiliar contexts;
have a personal vision and goals and be able to work towards these in a sustainable way.
How is this accomplished?
In addition to above, through:
requirements for tutorials to focus on students’ own reading and reflections;
requirements for and feedback on individual and group oral presentations in seminars;
requirements for and feedback on group project work for seminars;
assessed tutorial participation in some tutorials;
production of 10,000 word dissertation under supervision in fourth year;
emphasis on self-directed study (guided by course reading lists);
requirements for students to manage own time and deadlines.
Graduate Attributes: Skills and abilities in communication
Graduates will recognise and value of communication as the tool for negotiating and creating new
understanding, collaborating with others, and furthering their own learning, including the abilities
make effective use of oral, written and visual means to critique, negotiate, create and
communicate understanding;
use communication as a tool for collaborating and relating to others;
further their own learning through effective use of the full range of communication
seek and value open feedback to inform genuine self-awareness;
recognise the benefits of communicating with those beyond their immediate environments;
use effective communication to articulate their skills as identified through self-reflection.
How is this accomplished?
As above, but specifically:
emphasis on effective oral communication in tutorials;
emphasis on effective written communication in assessed assignment;
emphasis on tutorial participation and student presentations;
requirements for collaborative tutorial work;
requirements for and feedback on individual and group oral presentations in seminars;
requirements for and feedback on group project work for seminars.
Graduate Attributes: Skills and abilities in Personal effectiveness
Graduates will be able to effect change and be responsive to the situations and environments in
which they operate, including the abilities to:
make constructive use of political analysis skills in personal, professional, and community
apply understanding of political risks, in relation to diverse stakeholders, while initiating
and managing change;
be both adaptive and proactively responsive to changing socio-political contexts;
have the confidence to make decisions based on their understandings and their personal and
intellectual autonomy;
transfer their knowledge, learning, skills and abilities from one context to another;
understand and act on social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities, and help
others to do the same;
be able to work effectively with others, capitalising on their different thinking, experience
and skills;
understand and promote effectively the values of diversity and equity, while also
recognizing possible trade-offs between these.
How is this accomplished?
By the combination of skills acquired at University, listed above.
Technical/practical skills
Library, IT, and research skills
12) Programme Structure and Features:
Programme Structure for 2001 entry onwards (MA Single Honours Politics)
Yr 4 (SQCF 10)
Dissertation + 4 or equivalent optional courses
(120 credits)
End of Semester degree examinations and/or coursework. Degree classification based equally on performance
across Yrs 3 & 4.
Classification based on performance across 12 semester courses or equivalent
(240 credits).
Yr 3 courses (SQCF 10)
PLIT10054 Global Justice and Citizenship
PLIT 10060 Approaches to Politics and International Relations
PLIT 10061 Comparative Politics
optional courses (60 credits)
(120 credits)
End of semester degree examinations
Students with sufficient credits may exit at the end of Year 3 with BA Humanities and Social Science.
Yr 2 courses (SQCF 8)
PLIT08006 International Cooperation in Europe and Beyond
SSPS08004 Social and Political Enquiry 2
SSPS08002 Social and Political Theory 2
Optional courses (60 credits)
(120 credits)
A pass in six subjects overall including satisfying requirements for Honours entry. Entry into Honours Politics
requires a mark of at least 50% in the required courses listed above
Yr 1 (SQCF 8)
PLIT08004 Introduction to Politics and International Relations
PLIT08005 Democracy in Comparative Perspective
Optional courses (80 credits)
(120 credits)
Must pass all subjects
Entry: BBBB highers/ BBB "A" Levels/ Access
Indicative Honours Options 2010-11 (not all options are available in any given year)
20 Credits
Please note that all these courses are available to Politics students but are NOT all run by Politics IR.
Africa in World Politics (PLIT10003)
Approaches to Politics and International Relations (PLIT10060) – Compulsory
Armed Forces In Society (SCIL10033)
Comparative Politics (PLIT10061)
Comparing Scottish Devolution (PLIT10080)
Contemporary Feminist Thought (SSPS10001)
Contemporary Russian Politics (PLIT10048)
Core Texts in Political Theory (PLIT10059)
Criminal Justice: Policy And Practice (SCPL10002)
Designing and Doing Social Research (SCIL10062)
Doing Survey Research (SCIL10063)
Environmental Politics in Europe (PLIT10049)
EU As Global Actor (PLIT10062)
Europe & International Migration (PLIT10068)
Freedom In Political Theory (PLIT10074)
Global Justice & Citizenship (PLIT10054) - Compulsory
Global Politics of Sex & Gender (PLIT10075)
Governing the Social (SCPL10023)
Human Rights in International Relations (PLIT10063)
International Political Economy (PLIT10018)
International Security (PLIT10019)
Introduction to African Politics (PLIT10082)
Nations & Nationalism (SCIL10065)
Parties & Party Systems In Contemporary Democracies (PLIT10083)
Politics of the Middle East (PLIT10036)
Populism in Comparative Perspective (PLIT10083)
Realism in International Relations (PLIT10069)
Social & Political Movements: Theory & Practice (SCIL10047)
The Social Division of Welfare (SCPL10004)
Theories of International Relations (PLIT10053) – Compulsory
US Government (PLIT10027)
13) Other Items: Assessment
Taught courses in Politics are normally assessed either by a combination of coursework and unseen examination
or by coursework only.
ERASMUS and International Exchange Schemes are available in 3 rd year.