North Elementary Behavior Management Levels System

North Elementary Behavior Management Levels System
This level system is meant to help guide and develop consistency in how we manage
student behavior.
A student will not always go from Level 1 to 4 sequentially. A student may go right to
Level 4 or may start at Level 3; it will depend on the situation. In most cases a student
will start at Level 1 and may go to Level 2. But if Level 2 does not work and Level 3 has
been used before, you may be going from Level 2 to 4. In other words, the levels are not
necessarily sequential; a student does not have to go through Levels 1 and 2 to get to 4. It
is all based on the situation and the judgment of the staff member.
LEVEL 1 - Classroom intervention
These behaviors are to be handled by the teacher in the classroom:
Staff may use their own classroom consequences in dealing with the following behaviors.
If you would like suggestions please see attached intervention ideas.
If students have three chronic/repeated Level 1 behavior they move to Level 2.
Academic Misconduct:
Non-completion of assigned tasks, not doing homework, refusal to work, calling the work
stupid, saying it’s boring.
Classroom Misconduct:
Leaning back on chairs, tipping chairs, chewing gum, eating candy, complaining about
classroom decisions, mumbling, rolling eyes, scowling, irrelevant verbalization, pouting,
wearing jackets/hats/gloves in class, improper dress, basic hygiene concerns, playing
with toys and other objects, doodling, poor listening, lack of responsibility, etc.
Violence in drawing/language/games, etc., lack of empathy, hyperactive behaviors, lack
of motivation.
Peer Conflicts:
Rudeness, being mean, verbal put-downs, poking, writing notes, resentment toward
cooperative groups, refusal to cooperate, setting self up as a victim, verbally striking out
at peers, excessive tattling, minor hitting/scuffling, chasing peers.
Authority/Teacher Conflicts:
Rudeness to adults, slowness in responding to directions, noncompliance, ignoring
teacher (plugging ears, shutting eyes), arguments about “fairness”, arguing about adult
direction, ignoring adult request, minor disrespect, etc.
LEVEL 2 - “Room-to Room time-out”/Grade level team intervention
Use your team for “Room-to Room time-out” when classroom interventions have not
changed and the student have had three chronic/repeated Level 1 behaviors in one day.
Document this step on the half-sheet Level 2 behavior form.
Send a note home or make a phone call to inform parents about student behavior and
LEVEL 3 - Stop and Think
Students that have three Level 2 behaviors in one week or two Level 2 behaviors in one
day go to the Stop and Think room.
Teachers fill the Level 3/4 behavior form and send it with the student to the Stop and
Think room. Students will fill out a Stop and Think sheet, etc.
The Stop and Think Sheet and Level 3/4 behavior form goes home for parents to read and
sign. If the form is not returned the next day, the student will sit in the Stop and Think
room during recess. If the form is not returned the next day, a phone call will be made to
the parents.
If students are sent to the Stop and Think room two times in one week they will receive
detention. If a student is sent to the Stop and Think room three times in one week, they
move to Level 4.
LEVEL 4 - Office referral
Aggression, assault, fighting:
Refer incidents of physical violence, aggression, or endangerment toward self, others,
and/or property. Refer sexual assault. Refer all biting incidents.
Verbal aggression, harassment to peer or adult:
Refer overt, direct aggression or harassment. Teacher intervention prior to referral is
expected. Do not refer if Level 1 and 2 interventions succeed in stopping behavior.
Refer ALL threats.
Serious noncompliance:
Refer all incidents of absolute refusal to follow staff requests or directions. Teacher
intervention prior to referral is necessary. Give the student time and space to comply
before referring them for administrative intervention. Refer only if noncompliance
continues over a period of time and/or is disruptive to the class or the continuation of a
lesson. Do not refer if Level 1, 2, and/or 3 interventions succeed in changing the
Serious disruptive behavior:
Refer any disruptive behavior that persists, is not modified by in-room interventions, and
disrupts the class or the continuation of a lesson. Teacher interventions prior to referrals
are necessary. Again - give the student some time to follow through. Do not refer if
Level 1, 2, and/or 3 interventions succeed in stopping the behavior.
Illegal items, contraband, and other:
Weapons, drugs, and/or cigarettes on school grounds
Setting off the fire alarm, theft, vandalism
Sexual harassment concerns must be documented and referred to the principal.
Principal will contact parents when a Level 4 behavior occurs.
A Level 3/4 behavior form must be filled out by the teacher and sent with the student to
the office.
Call 6801 to notify the office that you are referring a student.
Fill out the Level 3/4 behavior form and send it to the office as soon as possible (with the
student when possible).
If the student is out of control, call the office (6801). Report that you have a student in
crisis and need someone to come to your room right away. The office will notify the
appropriate person who will accompany the student from your room to the office. When
possible separate students in conflict. Avoid interventions that might escalate a situation.
Delay sending the student if it is not an emergency, or if it does not require immediate
intervention (such as theft). Instead send the Level 3/4 behavior form to the office.
Someone will follow up on it. The student will be called in later.
North Elementary Behavior Management Level Interventions
Level 1 and 2 - Classroom Interventions:
*Verbal warning
*Change of seating
*Meeting between staff member and student
*Parent contact
*Behavior contract
*Classroom plan sheet
*Room to Room
Level 3 - Stop and Think
*First time run plan as presented
*Two offenses in one week - detention
*Three offenses in one week - office referral (Level 4)
Level 4 - Principal
*Conference with student
*Parent contact
*Modified lunch
*Referral to police liaison or community agency
*Referral to school social worker
*Dismissal from school
*In-school suspension
*Out-of-school suspension
Be consistent
Intervene early
Establish and post rules for classroom conduct
Talk to student about his/her behavior
Review classroom rules with student
Explain natural consequences of misbehavior
Assign sections of the School Handbook to study
Increase teacher interaction with student
Maintain visibility with the student
Reinforce students who behave appropriately
Provide feedback to three positive behaviors to every negative behavior
Use predetermined signals to stop behavior
Use proximity control (teacher moves closer to the student misbehaving)
Scan the room frequently
Move student’s desk/work area
Seat student near teacher
Reduce classroom stimuli
Send student to in-room time-out
Write behavior-specific contract with student/group
Teach behavior to the class (Social Skills Curriculum)
Teach student self-monitoring skills
Communicate with parents often regarding behavior concerns
Evaluate assigned task for appropriateness in level of difficulty
Evaluate assigned task for appropriateness in length of assignment
Assign a peer as a study buddy
Provide different types of learning experiences
Be aware of and teach to different learning styles
Try various groupings
Reduce threatening situations (announcing test scores)
Set up a contingency contract (work done = free time earned)
Provide the student with an opportunity to ask for help or clarification
Have student’s hearing and vision checked
Use language that is positive and firm - not demeaning, insulting, or harassing:
Do not be sarcastic
Try to avoid confrontational interventions
Be aware of your own body language
Staff report to appropriate areas by 8:05 am
Send notes home; call the student’s parent/guardian (EAs can do this through the
classroom teacher when appropriate)