Compare Animals Int Lesson - SSD-ELD

Proficiency Level: ___Intermediate_____
Compare and contrast
Students will be able to
(topic vocabulary
or pattern)___ in order to
____(do what?)___.
Day One
Instructional Materials:
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Students will be able to
use nouns and
comparative adjectives
in order to compare and
contrast zoo animals.
Students will be able to
use conjunctions but and
both in order to compare
and contrast zoo animals.
Students will be able to
use the negation in the
simple present doesn’t in
order to compare and
contrast zoo animals.
Students will be able to
use superlative adjectives
in order to compare and
contrast zoo animals.
Students will be able to
use nouns and
adjectives in order to
write a puff book, or hot
dog book comparing
and contrasting zoo
Nouns, Comparative
Conjunctions but, both
Negation doesn’t
Superlatives Adjectives
What is the similarity and
the difference between _
and _?
What is the similarity and
the difference between _
and _?
Which animal is the _?
What is the similarity and
difference between the
iguana and the tiger?
What is the similarity and
difference between the
iguana and the tiger?
I have the _ and the _.
The _ is _ the _.
The _ and _ both have _
_but the_ is...
I have the iguana and the
The iguana is longer than
the gecko.
The iguana and gecko both
have long bodies but the
gecko is smaller than the
The _ and _ both have _
the _ doesn’t have _.
Language to Teach
Language Patterns “Mortar”
See ELD Matrix and Tab 3 Function Tools
Grammatical Forms
to help determine the
“mortar” patterns
What can you tell me
Patterns for
Patterns for
What can you tell me about
the animals you have?
Nouns for zoo animals
from animals that can be
authentically compared:
lion/ tiger/ cheetah,
Topic Specific Vocabulary
“Bricks” (1.26-1.28)
panda bear/ polar bear,
Nouns from day 1 +
scales, bodies, fins, fur,
hair, feathers, wings, legs,
tail, claws, beaks,
whiskers, etc.
Conjunctions but, both
The iguana and tiger both
have long tails but the iguana
doesn’t have fur.
Verb negative doesn’t
Nouns from Day 2
Adjectives from Day 1
Conjunctions from Day 2
Which animal is the fastest?
Using taught forms
students will write about
the similarities and
differences between two
or three animals.
The _ and the _ are both _
but the _ is the _.
The iguana and the gecko are
both fast but the cheetah is
the fastest.
Nouns from Days 1 & 2.
Adjectives from Day 1 +
small smallest
Conjunction from Day 2
shorter than/longer than ,
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
Topic: Compare/Contrast
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara
Ongoing Assessment of language Practice
slower than /faster than,
smaller than/larger than,
wider than/narrower
than, darker
than/brighter than, etc
Instructional Sequence
A. Bring to Life (Gr.
K, 1, 2 Int. Song):
If I Were An Animal,
by Patty Shukla
Opening: Bring to Life
& State Objective
1. Objective: Today,
we are going to
contrast two animals
using comparative
adjectives, ex.:
shorter than.
3 -6 minutes
2. To contrast means
to tell what is
different. We’re going
to contrast color, prey,
speed, and size using
adjectives. Let’s look
at the list of adjectives
and add the
contrasting adjectives
(shorter than, etc.
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
A. Bring to Life – Same
as Day 1
1. Objective: Today, we
are going to compare
A. Bring to Life – Same and contrast two
as Day 1
animals using the
1. Objective: Today, we simple present tense
word doesn’t.
are going to compare
two animals using the 2. There are choices to
word both.
be made: to both
2. To compare means to compare and contrast in
the same sentence or
tell what is the same.
paragraph, or compare
We’re going to
in one sentence or
compare color, class,
paragraph and contrast
skin type, prey and
in another.
A. Bring to Life – Same
as Day 1
1. Objective: Today,
we’re going to compare
and contrast three
animals using
superlative adjectives.
1. Objective: We are
going to write a book
comparing and
contrasting animals.
We’re going to
compare and contrast in
the same sentence
Topic: Compare and Contrast
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara
I Do Instructional &
Practice Routines
5-7 minutes
I/We Do Instructional
& Practice Routines
8-12 minutes
1. Fill out contrast
worksheet day 1 –
orally/writing by
reading description
of the animals and
summarizing on
1. Students dictate to
the teacher
adjectives of color,
prey, speed, and size
for the animals.
Proficiency Level: ___Intermediate_____
1. Teacher does the
same activity as Day
with worksheet for day
2 comparing a seal and
a walrus.
2. Write sentences
comparing Color, class,
skin type, prey or
predator with the word,
1. Same as Day 1
2. Teacher writes the
answer on worksheet
in front of students.
Students write, too.
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
Topic: Compare/Contrast
1. Teacher fill out parts
of worksheet for day3
Examples: The seal and
the walrus both have
fur, but the walrus
doesn’t have smooth
fur. They both have
human predators but
the seal doesn’t have
the polar bear as a
predator. They’re both
fast, but the walrus
doesn’t have the top
1. Students come up
with their own
sentences using
worksheet for day 3.
Example: They both
have fur, but the
cheetah doesn’t have
stripes. They both have
fur, but the tiger
doesn’t have spots.
They’re both mammals,
but the tiger doesn’t
hunt hare, or rabbits.
They both have human
predators, but the tiger
doesn’t have the lion as
a predator. They’re
both fast, but the tiger
doesn’t have the top
1. Teacher says and
fills out the worksheet
for day 4: The walrus
and the otter are both
fast, but the seal is the
fastest. The otter and
the seal are both long,
but the walrus is the
longest. The seal and
the walrus are dark, but
the otter is the darkest.
The walrus and the
otter are quick, but the
seal is the quickest, etc.
Teacher reads the book
Just Like Me by David
Teacher explains that
each student will write
a page in the book. On
one half of the sheet the
1. Students do the
students will write a
same, but with the tiger, sentence comparing and
cheetah, and lion.
contrasting animals, on
the other half students
will write “Just like you
and me” and make a
picture of themselves.
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara
Ongoing Assessment of language Practice
1. Oral Practice: Give
students a copy of the
teacher completed
contrast sheet. Then,
students contrast two
animals that are
closely related.
You Do Structured
Independent Practice
10-15 minutes
2. Students walk
around or find a
partner and say for
example, “I have the
walrus and the seal.
The walrus is larger
than the seal. “
3. Students work
with the tiger and
cheetah and contrast:
Color, Prey, Speed,
and Size using
adjectives and
sentence frames.
Wrap-Up & Reflection
3 -5 minutes
Ticket out the door:
What is different
between a tiger and a
cheetah? – Write the
answer on a ticket
out the door sheet
and hand to the
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
1. Students use Day 1
and Day 2 Sentence
Frame, “The ___ and
___ both have ___ but
the ___ is ___ than the
Example: The seal and
the walrus both have
fur but the seal is faster
than the walrus.
2. Students come up
with their own
sentences using the seal
and the walrus or the
lion and the cheetah.
1. Students use
Sentence Frame, “The
___ and ___ both have
___ but the ___ doesn’t
have ___.”
1. Students use
Sentence Frame, “The
___ and the ___ are
both ___, but the ___ is
the ___.”
Students write their
Teacher says, “Did you
Know?” and reads a
sentence for a minute or
two about an animal.
Answer the question
and tell the teacher,
“Which animal is the
Students share their
written page with a
3. Same as Day 1.
Tell the teacher orally:
What is the similarity
and the difference
between a lion and a
Topic: Compare and Contrast
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara
Proficiency Level: ___Intermediate_____
Directions: List target grammatical form(s) below. As you monitor target language practice, note whether student is:
Unable to produce language = 0
Able to produce language using scaffolds = —
Able to produce language independently
Language Function:
ELD Level(s): ________
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
Topic: Compare/Contrast
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara
Ongoing Assessment of language Practice
Language Function:
ELD Level(s): ________
Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2008. All Rights Reserve
Topic: Compare and Contrast
Level: Intermediate
Lesson Written by:
Ana Maria Vergara