Vaccinations Linkage to SIDS

Dr. Viera Scheibner is a retired Principal Research Scientist with a Ph.D. concentration in the field
of Natural Science (Australia). During her distinguished career she has published three books, and
90 scientific papers in refereed scientific journals internationally.
In the year 1985 Dr. Scheibner met a technologist who specialized in designing patient monitoring
systems. Together they developed “Cotwatch”, a highly effective breath-monitoring implement
used with babies thought to be at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). They both came to
a realization that the Cotwatch was sounding alarms when babies were affected by varied stressful
events, with artificial immunization being the most obvious and prominent. The microprocessor
Cotwatch recorded the breathing pattern of infants so that the effect of vaccine
administration could be clearly presented and seen in the computer print-outs. The link
between vaccine injections and sudden infant deaths became painfully obvious, and
At this time Dr. Scheibner was unaware of the controversy surrounding artificial immunization.
However, she soon realized that she needed to settle the issue in her own mind. She went on to
systematically review some 30,000 pages from orthodox medical journals – spanning over a period
of a century - that deal with this issue, and in her final analysis concluded that there was no real
evidence proving either the effectiveness, or the safety of vaccines.
She found in her exhaustive research that vaccines contain highly toxic substances such as
formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, thiomersal (a mercury compound). They also consist of
foreign proteins (antigens), and diseased animal proteins and viruses from the tissues used as
growth mediums on which to culture the viral and bacterial components. In time Dr. Scheibner
came to conclude that none of these substances should ever be injected into human beings, as there
is evidence that they erode the natural immune system by adversely altering the human body’s
immunological response to diseases. Moreover, the relatively recent proliferation of multiple autoimmune diseases like asthma, childhood leukemia and various cancers, the enormous upsurge in the
incidence of cerebral palsy and infantile convulsions - as seen in children of vaccination age and not
before - should all be taken as serious warnings that society needs to explore and employ improved
and safer methods for preventing childhood infectious diseases.
In the year 1993 she decided to make public her findings in a book published in Australia under the
title of “Vaccination: the medical assault on the immune system.” Since its initial publication,
this book has been updated on an annual basis by Dr. Schiebner (i.e. to the beginning of 2003).
What follows is a very concise overview of her major findings. (To obtain a copy of the most recent
edition you can call Donna Bowers at 403-230-8505.)
I. Vaccines are of Notable Toxicity, Consisting of Bacterial or Viral Components in a Solvent
The solvent is saline or water solution, containing tissue fixatives (formaldehyde, aluminium
phosphate, aluminium hydroxide) and preservative (thiomersal, a mercury compound). The
bacterial and/or viral content of vaccines are the main antigenic component. Bacteria and viruses,
which are supposed to provoke immunity against a particular disease, can be living, dead, or
attenuated (usually by formaldehyde treatment). However, even killed micro-organisms still contain
foreign nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, which continue to have a deleterious effect on the recipient.
Whereas it has been documented that attenuated bacteria and viruses can become virulent through
passage in the human body.
Injecting such foreign matter directly into the blood stream present serious dangers such as potential
contamination by tens to hundreds of unknown animal or human bacteria and viruses, which are
inevitably already present in the animal (or human) tissues used for culturing the commercially
manufactured vaccine micro-organisms. For example, contamination of polio vaccines with animal
viruses living in the monkey kidneys used to produce those vaccines has been extensively studied
and the results published, with some found to be oncogenic (cancer producing) in both animals and
humans. The enormous upsurge in the incidence of leukemia and cancer in children since the
introduction and mass use of vaccines is also well-documented in the medical literature.
Additionally it has been amply documented that antigenic over-stimulation by the foreign antigens
found in vaccines also leads to animal and human cancers.
Treatment of viruses with formaldehyde has proven to be ineffective to a great extent. It was found
that a 14 day treatment by formaldehyde, although destroying most of the micro-organisms, tapers
off and leaves some viruses intact.
The second group of animal viruses, documented to contaminate polio vaccines, are simian
immunodeficiency viruses (SIV). The repeated injection of polio vaccine at weekly intervals in an
attempt to treat genital herpes in American homosexuals is now blamed for the start of the epidemic
of AIDS in the United States. Polio and smallpox vaccination with vaccines contaminated by SV 40
and bovine retrovirus is blamed for starting the epidemic of AIDS in Africa.
II. Proponents of Vaccination Lay Claim to Victory over Infectious Diseases, while the
Evidence shows that Vaccines are Ineffective in Preventing Infectious Diseases
Those who advocate mass childhood immunization as the primary answer to averting childhood
infectious diseases either ignore or are unaware of the extremely large body of historical
epidemiological data which clearly reveals that in numerous countries virtually all infectious
diseases - including those against which they vaccinate - over several decades underwent major
declines before specific vaccines were employed. Better sanitation, greater access to potable water,
improved living conditions with less crowded dwellings, and enhanced nutrition are the only
verifiable factors that can be historically credited with the major reduction in the incidence,
mortality and severity of infectious diseases. Moreover, other data shows that the existing
downward trend at the time of the introduction of many vaccines, such as whooping cough
(pertussis) was actually slowed down after mass immunization programmes started.
Medical history reveals that many diseases, like bubonic plague, scarlet fever and tuberculosis
which historically caused significant mortality, have virtually disappeared without mass vaccine
programmes. Even influenza epidemics do not eventuate any more. Evidence is clear that flu
vaccines not only do not prevent influenza outbreaks, they introduce serious and deadly reactions
like the Guillain-Barre syndrome and the Legionnaires' disease.
The medical literature brings evidence upon evidence that vaccinated children contract the very
diseases against which they are vaccinated at comparable or higher rates than with unvaccinated
children. In response, proponents will often claim that if the vaccines do not prevent children from
catching the diseases, at least they make the diseases less severe. The facts speak otherwise, for
instance whooping cough became a mild disease in those countries that do not immunize against
whooping cough, i.e. Sweden, former West Germany, and Italy. On the other hand, there is
significant evidence that measles in vaccinated children can often be a much more serious illness
than in the unvaccinated. Children vaccinated by either live or killed measles vaccine are more
likely to develop atypical measles, an especially vicious form of measles with pulmonary
involvement and atypical rash, serious side effects, and high death rate.
Vaccines, like any other noxious substances, do not imrnunise when injected into the blood stream,
rather they sensitise. This is well described in medical journals such as Lancet. The upsurge of
allergies in children in the past 50 years is the result of repeated multiple injections of the foreign
antigens in vaccines. An exaggerated reaction to measles virus, or a subsequent measles virus
vaccine, is just another example of sensitisation by vaccination.
Asthma and other autoimmune diseases are another widespread side effect of vaccination. Animal
viruses contained in the vaccines cause lingering upper and lower respiratory tract infections, such
as otitis media and bronchiolitis leading to the development of asthma. Increased incidence and
mortality due to these diseases is also well-documented in medical journals.
III. Vaccines can Cause Serious Local & Systemic Side Effects
The fact of delayed reactions to vaccines is well-documented and accepted in adults. Infants also
experience delayed reactions to vaccines, however when a convulsion, fit or encephalitis starts later
than 72 hours after vaccine injections, it is considered 'coincidental', with doctors suggesting that "it
would have happened anyway". In reality, no reason for the onset of these events could be more
potent than vaccines. This unfortunate and misguided interpretation of physicians is that they have
been taught that vaccines are relatively innocuous and totally safe, and of course babies can’t speak.
A baby screaming in pain is usually ignored or handled almost with contempt. Quite obvious
signals of encephalitis like drowsiness, excessive somnolence, irritability, screaming with pain,
and/or uncontrollable movements and fits, are described as events on their own, as if they were not
clinical signs of encephalitis or encephalopathy. When adults after receiving vaccines experience
the very same clinical signs, they are readily and without hesitation described as being symptomatic
of encephalitis or encephalopathy.
The unwarranted habit of pushing aside the side effects of vaccine injections as “coincidental” is of
special concern. There is now an enormous body of evidence of "coincidental" adverse reactions,
or the onset of visible neurological damage and/or illness within 14 or more days of vaccination all
over the world, amounting to tens of thousands of cases. The clustering of the onset of adverse
reactions of infants, or of particular illnesses around the same critical days are published time and
again. In fact virtually all medical research papers dealing with side effects of vaccines, or the onset
of damage and illness (especially deaths) after vaccine campaigns brings out data on clustering.
However, most authors do not grasp the significance of this. Instead of talking about coincidence, it
would be much more reasonable to see clustering for what it actually is, the evidence of a causal
IV. Normal Portals of Entry for Infectious Agents - Mouth & Nose - are Instrumental in the
Natural Immunological Process
The body has inherent natural mechanisms to prevent and sustain immunity to infectious diseases.
Since vaccines are injected directly into the blood stream, they bypass these normal passages. This
introduction of vaccines into the circulation gives them direct access to the major immune organs
and tissues. Various elements of vaccines can stay in the body for long periods of time, some of
them permanently, often by incorporating themselves into the genetic material of the host's cells.
This provokes a constant effort to expel these foreign substances leading to a systematic weakening
of the entire immune system. As already alluded to, constant antigenic stimulation of the natural
immune system predisposes the body to cancer, leukemia, and a host of other autoimmune diseases.
Instead of providing any actual protection against acute infectious diseases, artificial immunization
can lead to "chronic infestation by the pathogenic agent”. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is
one of many examples of this slow process. Warts, herpes, shingles and acquired immune
deficiency syndrome are other examples.
V. Proponents of Vaccination often Misrepresent Results of Trials & Tests of Vaccines
As a rule infants that die during vaccine trials are excluded from the evaluation. A convenient 'waste
basket' label called SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is readily available. Serious side effects,
especially those of a neurologic nature, are set aside merely 'coincidental'. Infectious diseases which
are directly attributable to the vaccine injections, due to their ability to impair host resistance, are
also described as 'coincidental'. Shockingly, many diseases have been renamed and reclassified to
conceal the true nature of vaccine-caused disease, and /or to attribute victory over a disease to
vaccine programs. For example paralytic poliomyelitis became cerebral palsy, smallpox became
monkey or white pox.
Researchers often do not fully understand their own raw data. Absurd reasoning in medical papers
is not rare. Therefore it is very important to study in detail the basic data on which vaccine efficacy
or safety trials are based. The conclusions generally reached are that despite all the demonstrated
ineffectiveness and dangers of various vaccines, mass immunization must go on. The pain and the
deaths of infants seem quite irrelevant. As if the death of a small baby was a lesser death.
VI. Fear & Intimidation are Powerful Weapons
Too much of Western medicine has become little more than a big business which uses money,
media, public education, and government to control public thinking, and impose itself, its beliefs,
and its wares on society. The process of instilling feelings of fear and guilt are used as weapons of
pressure to make parents submit their babies to this totally unnecessary procedure. However,
parents have both a moral and legal obligation to safeguard their children, and to ensure that their
children enjoy good health and full life. Their loyalty should at all times be with their children and
not with their peers, the medical system, or those who seek to enforce its dogmas. The “magic
bullet” of vaccines represents the epitome of ignorance, and is nothing more than an unjustified,
unscientific, and superstitious approach to preventing infectious disease.
VII. Artificial Immunization is the Single Largest Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Many thousands of babies die every year of SIDS in the developed countries. [What occurs in the
Developing World could be fully as severe, and is likely worse.] The age at which most (i.e. 80%)
of these deaths happen is between two and six months. Although many doctors admit that this is
coincidental with vaccinations, most studies of these deaths and those tied to infantile convulsions
fail to address the issue of artificial immunization.
Those few medical journals which listed SIDS by the time interval from the injections to onset of
death provided actual evidence of the causal association between DPT (and polio) injections and
such deaths even though, they, quite absurdly, concluded that there was no causal relationships
between the two. The simple scientific truth is that there was a significant and clear clustering of
these deaths around the critical days as recorded by the microprocessor Cotwatch, and as
accepted in a few medical journals which have dealt with the side effects of vaccines.
The post-mortem findings of SIDS is quite characteristic of the non-specific stress syndrome as
defined by Hans Selye. It is sad that most medical doctors never heard of Selye's work. It is also sad
that Hans Selye did not live long enough to see the reflection of the dynamics of his non-specific
stress syndrome in the breathing of babies as recorded with the microprocesssor Cotwatch. When
Japan moved the age of artificial immunization to 2 years [i.e. when a child’s immunity is generally
strong enough to withstand the assault that vaccines represent] SIDS disappeared in that country,
and Japan zoomed to the lowest incidence of infant mortality in the world.