Vaccinations for Cats

Vaccinations for Cats
Do I need to vaccinate?
Vaccination is a way to protect your pet from serious and fatal diseases.
What am I vaccinating against?
Cat Flu is a result of one of two viruses, Rhinotracheitis or Calicivirus. Symptoms are similar
to human flu but in cats can be fatal, or can result in a permanent carrier state.
Feline Leukaemia virus is a virus which causes a cancer of the bone marrow and
inflammation system, and it is one of the biggest killers in cats in the UK. Since vaccination
was introduced the number of cases has dramatically reduced the number of cases.
Infectious enteritis also known as Panleukopenia: Often fatal infection of the intestines,
causing loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.
When to vaccinate:
1st vaccines can be given from 8 weeks of age
2nd vaccines should then be given 3-4 weeks later
Do I need an annual vaccine?
Some components provide immunity for 3 years but others only provide 12 months cover. We only
vaccinate against the necessary diseases so your pet will not receive all vaccines every year. If you
are insured and your vaccines are NOT up to date then your insurance company may not pay on
making a claim.
What to expect post vaccination:
After having a vaccination your cat may feel a little off colour but should return to himself/herself in
a few days.
When can I let my cat out?
At Berry House we recommend that you wait 1 week after the 2nd vaccine before taking your cat out
for it’s first adventure outdoors in order to ensure maximum protection.