Appendix A - Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the EPSOM AND WALTON DOWNS CONSERVATORS held
at the Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom
on 19 July 2006
18.00 Hours
PRESENTCouncillor Jean Smith (Chairman); Councillors Simona Hartley, Chris Long, Jan Mason, Jean
Steer and David Wood; Messrs Stephen Wallis and Nigel Whybrow (Epsom Downs Racecourse)
and Mr Simon Dow (Horserace Betting Levy Board).
Officers present: David Smith (Clerk to the Conservators), Gerry Ball (Head Downskeeper) and
Tim Richardson.
2838 MINUTES. The Minutes of the meeting of the Conservators held on 19 April 2006
were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Mr
Andrew Cooper (Epsom Downs Racecourse) and Mr Martyn Williams (Surrey
County Council).
Heritage Lottery Fund bid / bid to a racing related charity. The
Conservators received a verbal update from Stephen Wallis and were
informed that meetings had been held with a potential backer. The
Conservators noted that the emphasis of discussions would continue to be
the educational aspects of the bid and that further progress would be
reported to the next meeting.
Sign posting. The Conservators received verbal reports from the Clerk and
Head Downskeeper with regard to sign posting of the Downs, and
potential artwork for signs was circulated to all Members at the meeting.
The Clerk informed the Conservators that priority would be given to
warning notices on the Downs, and in particular the area at the bottom of
Walton Road and near the hack sand, fibre sand and poly tracks, in
addition to the area near the Downskeepers Hut and Old London Road.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
The Conservators gave consideration to the draft sign artwork and were
requested to choose between design A and B for each of the three signs.
Sign 1 would be in place around the Downs throughout the year, whilst
signs 2 and 3 would be positioned in the area around the Rubbing House
and switched at appropriate times. Signs would be delivered in around 5-7
days following an order being placed, and would be fitted with an antigraffiti covering. The Conservators expressed the view that option B
would be most appropriate for signs 1 and 2, and discussed the layout of
sign 3. It was felt that option B should be used for sign 3, but that some
features of option A should also be included. These included the use of
‘DANGER’ in red and clearer notification of times. The Conservators
noted that expenditure on the signs would exceed the budget of £1,000 but
could be funded by savings brought forward from 2005/06.
Redevelopment of the Racecourse. Stephen Wallis provided the
Conservators with a verbal update regarding the redevelopment of the
Racecourse. It was planned that the redevelopment of the Grandstand
would be completed by May 2009, with a reduced capacity for the Derby
festival in 2007 and 2008. The demolition team would begin a soft-strip
on 3 August 2006, with the whole stand to be demolished in early
September. Part of the Upper Tattenham enclosure would be used as a
contractor’s base and the right of way diverted by this would be returned
to its original route following completion of the stand.
FINAL ACCOUNTS 2005/06. The Conservators received a report detailing the final
accounts for 2005/06 and the financial position as at 31 March 2006. A surplus of
£20,000 had been achieved in the year and transferred into the working balance,
which stood at £145,000 on 31 March 2006. The potential to use funds in the
working balance for future projects was discussed, and the Clerk informed the
Conservators that an Action Plan would be presented to the next meeting.
The Treasurer informed the Conservators that all VAT issues on non-staffing matters
had been successfully resolved, but that a query had been raised by Revenues and
Customs with regard to the treatment of VAT on staff costs directly charged to the
Conservators account. The Conservators noted the potentially significant liability if
VAT were to be payable going back for up to three years. It was felt that this issue
could be successfully resolved without action having to be taken, but the possibility
of making small amendments to the contract of staff employed for work on the
Conservator’s account would be looked into if required.
REPORT OF HEAD DOWNSKEEPER. The Conservators received and noted a
report from the Head Downskeeper detailing recent events on the Downs and
providing feedback on the Derby festival.
Stephen Wallis informed the Conservators that problems had been experienced with
the clean-up after the festival and that different contractors would be used next year.
Several meetings had been held between the Racecourse and contractor to resolve
issues, with input from the Head Downskeeper. The black bag system of collecting
litter had been used and was very successful, but it was noted that more bags would
be needed for the second area on the Hill next year. Concerns were raised regarding
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
the amount of glass left on the Downs following the festival and the Conservators
were informed that the racecourse now supplied no drinks in glass containers except
within the hospitality area. The Racecourse would introduce signs requesting
festival-goers to safely dispose of all glass next year. Problems had also been
experienced with the removal of 1 temporary stand, but these had been resolved
following meetings between the Racecourse and contractor.
Concerns were raised with regard to the behaviour of some individuals using the
gypsy caravan site, and it was noted that a higher level of liaison would be needed
with the site manager next year. The Clerk informed the Conservators that the site
had been opened 1 day early following difficulties on Stamford Green, but that doing
so any earlier than this could cause difficulties in future years.
The Head Downskeeper informed the Conservators that the only other event to have
taken place on the Downs recently was the Race for Life on 2 July. The event had
been one of the 5 days in this year for events to take place on the Downs and had
been very successful although some problems with water provision had been
experienced. The Conservators agreed that future events of this nature should be
presented to them prior to permission being granted.
Conservators received a report of the meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs
Consultative Committee held on 22 June 2006.
Minutes of the Meeting of the EPSOM and WALTON DOWNS
held on 22 June 2006 to the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators
PRESENTCouncillor Jean Smith (Chairman); Councillor Carol Jay; Mrs Ruth Ledwich, Mr Barry Duggan and Mr
Nick Harrison (Tattenham Residents Association); Mr Geoffrey Stone and Miss Angela Clifford (Epsom
Protection Society); Mr Alex Stewart (Epsom Downs Riders Protection Society); Mr Hugh Craddock
(The British Horse Society); Miss Sybil Lacey (Woodcote (Epsom) Residents Association); Tim
Mountain and David Lambert (Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club)
Officers present: David Smith (Clerk to the Conservators), Gerry Ball (Head Downskeeper) and Tim
MINUTES. The Minutes of the Meeting of 28 November 2005 were confirmed as a true record
and signed by the Chairman.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Nick Owen (Lower
Mole Countryside Project), Mr John Murray (Epsom Protection Society), Ms Susan Causey
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
(Epsom and Ewell Ramblers Association), Mr John Bird (Cyclists Tourist Club (Epsom Cycle
Forum)) and Mr Stephen Wallis (Epsom Downs Racecourse)
Closure of Walton Road. The Committee was informed by the hack riders’
representatives that no difficulties had arisen during the Derby festival period, with
regard to the Walton Road crossing of the Racecourse.
Access Land status for the Downs. The Committee received an update report explaining
that it was not possible to obtain special Ordnance Survey notation to mark the Downs as
Access Land with restricted use before 12 noon. The report also informed the Committee
that hack rides could be shown as permissive bridleways by Ordnance Survey and it was
noted that the hack riders’ representatives would provide a list of routes to be marked in
this way to the Clerk.
Additional riding area, foot of Walton Downs. The Committee was informed that a report
regarding the ‘hatched’ area at the foot of Walton Downs would be presented to the next
meetings of the Training Grounds Management Board and the Conservators. The hack
riders’ representatives would provide the Clerk with proposals regarding this area.
Bridleway and footpath diversions. The Clerk informed the Committee that following
several concerns regarding the conversion of a permissive horse ride into Bridleway 151,
the proposal had been dropped. No further progress had been made to resolve difficulties
surrounding Bridleway 65 and the Clerk referred to the possibility of holding a meeting
of all parties to progress the matter.
REPORT OF THE HEAD DOWNSKEEPER. The Committee received a report from the Head
Downskeeper, detailing recent events to have taken place on the Downs and providing an
overview of work carried out in the winter programme. The Committee was also informed that
work to level the depth of sand in the hack sand track had been completed earlier in the week.
CONSULTATION DRAFT – DOWNS STRATEGY. The Committee was requested to provide
its views on the draft Downs Strategy document circulated to all Members prior to the meeting.
The following issues were raised:
Written comments on the Strategy were provided to the Clerk by the hack riders’
Concerns were raised by Angela Clifford with regard to the planned management of the
Downs House Grassland and its effect on Round-headed Rampion growing in the area.
The Committee was informed by the Head Downskeeper that thinning of scrub had taken
place in the area, which would aid the growth of Round-headed Rampion. It was noted
that Round-headed Rampion was also present in other areas of the Downs.
The Committee noted that whilst the Downskeepers Hut would need to be addressed in
the future, it was unlikely that a larger facility would be planned.
It was noted that Section 11 of the Strategy should read ‘five days’ rather than ‘five
The Clerk informed the Committee that a scheme for web-pages to host information
about the Downs had now been agreed, and that content would be accessible by 1
September 2006. Pages would be part of the Borough Council’s website, but feature
independent ‘branding’ to enable users to navigate easily between them, whilst retaining
an independent feel.. The possibility of providing information on the website in a format
which could be easily printed and distributed as a leaflet was discussed, and it was felt
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
that the best approach to this would be to make a small number of leaflets, each targeted
at a specific user-group, available for download. These leaflets could also be distributed
by the Downskeepers, providing a mechanism to inform users on the Downs of their
rights and responsibilities, whilst also enabling more robust resolution of repeat offences.
Liaison would take place with members of the Committee to establish what content
should be placed on the Council’s website, and what information should be accessed via
links to other (external) sites, in addition to the number of leaflets required. The
Committee also discussed concerns expressed to the Chairman by Simon Dow, that some
hack riders had been straying from their designated area. The hack riders’ representatives
expressed understanding for this concern, and informed the Committee that they would
continue to make their best efforts to reduce this from occurring. It was also felt that
provision of appropriate leaflets would help to resolve the issue.
The Committee was informed by the Clerk that all signposts on the Downs, including
waymarks, would be reviewed and replaced as necessary.
Tim Mountain provided the Committee with a verbal report regarding the Epsom Downs
Model Aircraft Club (EDMAC). The club now had around 200 members and was in the
process of introducing a temporary membership scheme to ensure that rules surrounding
guest membership were not abused. The Committee was also informed that a risk
assessment for the Downs (for the purposes of model aircraft flying) was due to take
place on 18 July 2006. Following this report, thanks to the club were expressed for the
improvements which they had made since their formation.
Following comments from all members, the Clerk informed the Committee that it was hoped to
re-draft the Strategy for presentation to the next meeting of the Conservators.
at the level of glass found near the raised bank close to the home straight and the amount of litter
along Old London Road. The Head Downskeeper informed the Committee that a new company
had been contracted by the Racecourse for clean-up work this year, and that problems had been
experienced. Meetings to resolve difficulties had been held at a high level between the
Racecourse and contractor, with input from the Head Downskeeper. Further problems raised by
the Committee included metal, debris and an uncovered manhole in the hack ride area on the Hill
and that the temporary stands were not dismantled within the 10 day timeframe. The Committee
was informed that the number of caravans using the Gypsy site had increased this year, but that
no exact figure was available at present. Concerns raised by Simon Dow about the behaviour of
some people on the site were also referred to by the Chairman.
Tattenham Corner equestrian crossing. The hack riders’ representatives expressed the
need for rides or bridleways to link up with the equestrian crossing, as it was currently of
limited benefit to hack riders. The Clerk informed the Committee that Surrey County
Council Highways Department had created plans regarding this possibility prior to the
completion of the crossing, and that the matter would be raised at the next meeting of the
Conservators. The Committee was also informed that due to the current positioning of
the button to use the lights, any rider attempting to do so would technically be
trespassing on privately owned land. The Clerk informed the Committee that this issue
would be looked into.
Reporting the conclusions of the Committee to the Conservators. The hack riders’
representatives made two proposals with respect to the communication of the
Committee’s conclusions to the Conservators. These were that there should be an
opportunity for all members of the Committee to review the Minutes of the meeting prior
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
to them being published, or an opportunity for a member of the Committee to make a
verbal representation to the Conservators if the Committee felt an issue was of suitable
The Committee felt that the second of these proposals was preferable and agreed that an
item should be added to the end of each future meeting, to enable the selection of a
speaker to present the views of the Committee to the Conservators, for any items which
the Committee felt were sufficiently supported.
Victorian drinking fountain. The Committee was informed by the Clerk that the
Victorian drinking fountain was being stored by the Downskeepers at Tattenham Corner
Stables and that there were currently no plans to re-install it on the Downs, due to the
cost of repair and maintenance. The Committee suggested that the possibility of selling
the fountain to enable its restoration by a third party should be looked into, and were
informed by the Clerk that it would be done.
Water usage on the Downs. The Committee enquired whether the Conservators had any
formal view on the use of water on the Downs, following the successful application for a
drought order by Sutton and East Surrey Water. The Head Downskeeper informed the
Committee that the Racecourse received its water supply from Thames Water, which did
not currently enforce any usage restrictions. It was agreed that the issue should be raised
at the next meeting of the Conservators.
Telecoms Mast in the Old Paddock. The Clerk informed the Committee that the
Conservators had expressed no formal view regarding the proposed telecommunications
mast on the Old Paddock, but that some members had provided individual responses to
the Planning Committee.
from the meeting would require a verbal representation to the Conservators.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting on Tuesday 7
November 2006 at 18.00 hours.
DATE OF DOWNS TOUR. The Committee agreed to hold its general tour of the Downs on
Tuesday 1 August 2006 at 18.00 hours.
The meeting ended at 19.50 hours
The Conservators made the following observations in respect of the Minutes of the
Consultative Committee:
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
Minute 232 (d), Bridleway and footpath diversions
The Clerk informed the Conservators that proposals to convert a permissive horse
ride into Bridleway 151 had now been dropped. With regard to the proposed
diversion of Bridleway 65, the Surrey County Council Rights of Way officer had
been requested to hold a meeting between representatives from the interested parties.
Minute 236 (b) reporting the conclusions of the Committee to the Conservators
The Conservators agreed the proposal of the Consultative Committee for a member
to make a verbal representation to the Conservators if the Committee felt an issue
was of suitable importance.
Minute 237 (a) Victorian drinking fountain
The Conservators agreed that the possibility of selling the fountain should be looked
into, but that this item should be brought back to a future meeting before any final
decision is made.
Minute 237 (b) Water usage on the Downs
Stephen Wallis informed the Conservators that as the Racecourse sourced its water
from Thames Water, it was not currently affected by the Drought order obtained by
Sutton and East Surrey Water. The Racecourse had limited watering to areas which
were critical to racing and expressed understanding of the frustration for local
residents. The sourcing of greywater was also being investigated as an alternative
method to water the area.
DOWNS STRATEGY. The Conservators received a revised draft of the Downs
Strategy, and made the following comments:
Page 5: It was noted that Racecourse Holdings Trust would be changing
its name to Jockey Club Racecourses in January 2007.
Page 7: The wording “such as Cancer Research UK’s ‘Race for Life’.”
should be removed.
Page 15: It was noted that if the pooling of Downskeeper’s vehicles had an
adverse operational impact, it would not be introduced.
It was requested that a map of the Downs detailing the areas discussed in
the Strategy be included within it, as well as placed on the website. It was
noted that the website for the Downs was scheduled to go online on 1
September 2006.
It was requested that a section be added to the Strategy to provide
information regarding the role of the Conservators.
It was requested that a summary of the rights and responsibilities of each
user group be added as an annexe to the Strategy.
The amendments requested would be made and circulated to all Members for
comment following the meeting.
Conservators received a verbal report from Nigel Whybrow detailing the decision of
the Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB) regarding the use of the hatched
area at the foot of Walton Downs for hack riding. The TGMB felt that the area was
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
dangerous for the use of horses and not in a suitable condition to be opened up for
riding. The Conservators were informed that rabbit holes in the area continued to be
a problem but that this issue would be looked into as part of the advice to be received
from Surrey Wildlife Trust regarding potential clearance of the copse and scrub at
the foot of Six Mile Hill.
The Conservators also discussed other issues relating to the area, including the
potential to link the area to Bridleway 65 and the possibility of introducing portable
video camera monitoring. The Clerk informed the Conservators that sign-posting of
the area and legal issues surrounding video camera monitoring would need to be
investigated prior to it being introduced.
DOWNS TOUR NOTES. The Conservators received the notes of the Downs Tour
held on 27 June 2006 and noted that Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) had been
approached to provide advice about the clearance of the copse and scrub at the
bottom of Six Mile Hill. It was expected that SWT would be able to visit the site in
the next couple of months and that it would cost around £365.
Stephen Wallis informed the Conservators that the button to activate the Tattenham
Corner Road equestrian crossing was positioned on land owned by the Racecourse,
but not leased to the Akehurst Stables. The Racecourse had no problems with access
to the button by Downs users.
Conservators received a verbal update from Nigel Whybrow regarding the proposed
levelling of earth ridges on the Walton Downs gallops. The TGMB had considered
making a formal request to the Conservators with regard to the removal of the ridges,
but had decided to postpone such a request in light of current weather conditions and
drought restrictions.
HIGHWAYS UPDATE. The Conservators received a written update regarding the
Tattenham Corner Road equestrian crossing and Langley Vale Road traffic calming
scheme from Martyn Williams, Surrey County Council Local Transportation
Manager. The Conservators were concerned in case works on Langley Vale Road
clashed with a large number of people arriving to visit the Racecourse on 3 August
and the Clerk was asked to raise this issue with Surrey County Council highways
OUTSTANDING REFERENCES. The Conservators received and noted the position
of outstanding references.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The Conservators agreed that their next meeting
should be held on Tuesday 17 October 2006 at 18.00 hours.
The meeting ended at 8.00pm.
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Meeting of the E&W Downs Conservators, 19 July 2006
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council