Modular Cleaning Program Workshop: aqueous cleaning This

Modular Cleaning Program Workshop: aqueous cleaning
This software proves to be a useful tool when elaborating different cleaning systems studied in
Richard Wolber’s training programmes. Thanks to its very comprehensive database, it assists the
conservator effectively when choices and elaborations concerning cleaning methods are necessary
according to specific cases. The brainchild of Stavroudis, this software integrates current theories
related to aqueous solutions, gel solvents, emulsions and micro emulsions. The three-day training
programme taking place this year will enable students to tackle gel solvents and emulsions.
Practical sessions will give full possibility to prepare gels and emulsions which will serve as a
foundation to the system. On a case by case basis and depending on and layers and adhesives one
wishes to remove or lighten , the Modular Cleaning Program will offer you combinations of these basic
preparations in order to improve and adjust them.
Chris Stavroudis began teaching this method when he was an assistant to Richard Wolbers in a class
on new cleaning methods sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute. He has ever since carried on
introducing and improving his techniques in numerous conferences, workshop courses and
publications. In an attempt to make this course more user-friendly to conservators, it has been split
into two parts : one of which will deal with aqueous methods and another with solvents and emulsions.
Either course can be followed independently.
This training session is a bilingual English-French one.
Coordinators: Sigrid Mirabaud, in charge of the laboratory of the department of conservators at the
Inp, Nathalie Le Dantec, Deputy to the Director of studies in the department of Conservators at the
Inp, in charge of in-service training programmes.
Speaker: Chris Stavroudis, conservator in painting, Hollywood.
Coordinators and translators: Laetitia Desvois and Anne Baxter, conservators in painting.
Target audience: conservators in painting and polychromy
Dates: July 9, 10 and 11 2014.
Duration: 3 days
Venue: Inp, Saint-Denis
Price: 795€
The registration form should be sent to : Anne Archenoul- Institut national du patrimoine –
département des restaurateurs, 150 avenue du Président Wilson, 93210 Saint-Denis la Plaine,
Information : +33 1 49 46 57 92