Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork

Application for a Licence to Conduct
Archaeological Fieldwork
Ministry of Culture
- Excluding Marine Archaeological Sites
 This form may be completed in ink or completed
electronically and printed. The form must be dated and
have the original signature of the applicant.
Submit completed applications to:
Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator
Programs and Services Branch
Ministry of Culture
4th Floor
400 University Avenue
Toronto ON M7A 2R9
Tel. 416 314-7123
Fax 416 314-7175
 Please submit all requested information and
attachments. Do not include any additional attachments
such as a vita or résumé. In reviewing applications, the
Ministry of Culture will only consider information included
on this form and requested attachments.
 Licences issued under this application do not authorize
fieldwork on marine archaeological sites. Applicants who
want to conduct marine archaeological fieldwork should
contact the Ministry of Culture for information on
obtaining a licence.
To complete the form on-screen, move your cursor to entry spots or tab from one entry spot to the next.
Some fill-in spots will expand to accommodate lengthy answers. SAVE AS to preserve the original blank document.
Section 1 Personal Information – To be completed by all applicants.
Have you previously held an archaeological licence in the
Province of Ontario?
If it has been fewer than five years since you last held an
archaeological licence in the Province of Ontario and your previous
licence was not revoked, you may be eligible for a licence renewal for
that class of licence. Please contact the Ministry of Culture for assistance.
Yes. My most recent licence number is:
If your personal information changes, you must inform the Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator in writing by post, fax, or email.
First name(s)
Last name
Please select a mailing preference for correspondence about your licence, but complete both personal and business areas below.
Number and street name
R.R. # / Postal station / PO Box
City / Municipality
Province / State
Postal code
Telephone number
Fax number
Name of organization or affiliation
Position held
R.R. # / Postal station / PO Box
Number and street name
City / Municipality
Province / State
Postal code
Telephone number
Fax number
The collection of this information is authorized under s. 4 of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, R.S.O 1990; c. M. 18, s. 48(7) of the Ontario Heritage
Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 18; and Ontario Heritage Act, O.Reg. 8/06. The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information are governed by the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information contained in this form will be used by the Ministry of Culture for the purpose of assessing this
application and corresponding with the applicant. If you have any questions about the collection of this information please contact the Manager, Culture
Programs Unit, Programs and Services Branch, Ministry of Culture.
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
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This application has four sections – 1 2 3 & 4, plus three appendices – A B & C.
All applicants must complete Section 1. To apply for:
Professional licence, complete Section 2
Applied Research licence, complete Section 3
Avocational licence, complete Section 4
Overview of Archaeological Licence Classes – To be provided by applicant to each referee.
This is a three-year licence that allows licensees to:
 conduct all aspects of archaeological fieldwork, including monitoring,
survey, exploration, assessment, and excavation (Stage 1-4);
 recover artifacts;
 carry out or supervise archaeological fieldwork as a consultant
archaeologist; and
 act as a field director.
Typical applicants include consultant archaeologists, academics, and staff
of research organizations.
Key requirements for applicants for the Professional licence include:
 Master’s degree in an area of archaeology, with completion of a thesis
or research project;
 Current membership in an archaeological organization with a code of
ethics or code of conduct;
 A minimum of 260 days (52 weeks) of direct experience conducting all
aspects of archaeological fieldwork (Stages 1 to 4), of which 130 days
must be in Ontario or geographically and culturally similar jurisdictions;
 A minimum of 130 days (26 weeks) of experience directly supervising
archaeological fieldwork;
 Experience in analyzing archaeological fieldwork data and managing
 Experience on a project that involved working with a stakeholder group
(e.g., First Nations, local community) to ensure that their interests were
considered in the archaeological process
 Authorship of four substantive documents dealing with primary
archaeological research; and
 Two references from archaeologists holding Professional licences or
equivalent qualifications who have direct knowledge of the applicant’s
fieldwork experience.
Applied Research
This is a three-year licence that allows licensees to:
 monitor, survey, explore, and assess archaeological sites (Stages 1 to
 recover artifacts;
 act as field directors; and
 in the case of licensees who have held an Avocational licence for a
minimum of five years (consecutively or non-consecutively), excavate
archaeological sites (Stage 4) in connection with advanced research.
This licence does not authorize the licensee to carry out or supervise
fieldwork as a consultant archaeologist.
Typical applicants include graduate students, field directors working under
the supervision of a Professional licensee, and experienced avocational
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
Key requirements for applicants for the Applied Research licence include:
 Bachelor’s degree in an area of archaeology OR licensed as an
avocational for five years;
 Current membership in an archaeological organization with a code of
ethics or code of conduct;
 A minimum of 150 days (30 weeks) of direct experience conducting all
aspects of archaeological fieldwork (Stages 1 to 4), of which 75 days
must be in Ontario or geographically and culturally similar jurisdictions;
 Experience in supervising, or assisting in supervising, archaeological
 Experience in analyzing archaeological fieldwork data and managing
 Authorship of one substantive document dealing with primary
archaeological research;
 One reference from an archaeologist holding a Professional licence or
equivalent qualifications who has direct knowledge of the applicant’s
fieldwork experience.
This is a one-year to three-year licence that allows licensees to:
 monitor, survey, and explore archaeological sites (Stages 1 to 2); and
 recover artifacts.
This licence does not authorize the licensee to assess or excavate
archaeological sites (Stages 3 or 4), carry out or supervise fieldwork as a
consultant archaeologist, or act as a field director.
Anyone who wishes to conduct archaeological fieldwork for personal
interest may apply for this licence.
New applicants for the Avocational licence receive a one-year licence and
are required to enter into an agreement with a mentor who holds a current
Professional or Applied Research licence, or has education and
experience determined by the Ministry of Culture to be equivalent to those
of a Professional or Applied Research licensee. At the end of the licence
term, the mentor will submit a report evaluating the licensee’s knowledge
of archaeological fieldwork.
Key factors for applicants for the Avocational licence include:
 Demonstrated knowledge of archaeological fieldwork acquired through
educational experiences and archaeological fieldwork experience, or
through prior archaeological research;
 Current membership in an archaeological organization with a code of
ethics or code of conduct;
 Required: One reference from an archaeologist holding a Professional
or Applied Research licence or equivalent qualifications who has
supervised or worked with the applicant in the field, who has instructed
the applicant in archaeology, or who has agreed to serve as the
applicant’s mentor.
 Required: Mentor Agreement Form for first-time licensees (see above).
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Section 2 Application for a Professional Archaeological Licence
2.1 Post-Secondary Education
You must have a Master’s or PhD degree in an area of archaeology or a related field with archaeological specialization from a recognized
university. You must have completed a dissertation, thesis, or major research project in lieu of a thesis (for non-thesis Master’s programs).
Please attach
Photocopy of Master’s or PhD degree; and
Photocopy of title page, table of contents, and abstract of your thesis, dissertation, or major research project.
2.2 Membership in an Archaeological Organization
You must be a current member in good standing of:
 A professional archaeological association with a code of conduct or code of ethics (e.g., Register of Professional Archaeologists, Ontario
Association of Professional Archaeologists); or
 An archaeological association with a code of ethics (e.g., Canadian Archaeological Association, Ontario Archaeological Society).
Please attach
Photocopy of membership card or official correspondence confirming current membership in an archaeological organization as described
2.3 Archaeological Work Experience
Through your archaeological work experience, you must demonstrate experience in four key areas:
Application of archaeological theory to the practical work situation;
Management and supervision of archaeological fieldwork;
Analysis of archaeological fieldwork data and management of artifacts; and
Proficiency in written communication.
2.3.1 Application of theory to the practical work situation
Use Table to list your direct experience in archaeological fieldwork in reverse chronological order. If you require additional space,
please photocopy this table.
Documented fieldwork experience must total at least 260 working days (52 weeks), including 130 working days (26 weeks) of fieldwork in
Ontario, or a geographically and culturally similar jurisdiction in northeastern North America. (Eligible jurisdictions are: Manitoba, New
Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec; Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.)
You must document archaeological fieldwork experience that includes all of the following:
 at least one example each of Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 fieldwork projects, or equivalent research fieldwork projects;
 at least two different types of geographical terrain (e.g., open field, woodlot, urban, Canadian Shield); and
 at least two different archaeological periods (e.g., Aceramic, Woodland, Pioneer/Ontario)
 experience on a project that involved working with a stakeholder group (e.g., First Nations, local community) to ensure that their interests
were considered in the archaeological process. Complete
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Table Application of Theory to the Practical Work Situation
1. Name of project and/or archaeological site(s). Include Borden numbers as appropriate.
2. Stage(s) of archaeological investigation undertaken. For non-consulting projects or projects
conducted outside Ontario, refer to the Archaeological Assessment Technical Guidelines to
determine the closest equivalent stage(s).
3. General location of the project (e.g., city, town, municipality, or county).
4. Canadian province/territory or foreign jurisdiction (indicate country) in which the work was
5. Name of archaeologist who held the licence or permit for the project and who was responsible
for overall project supervision.
6. Approximate start and end dates for the project.
Project name
7. Approximate cultural period(s). For projects conducted in Ontario, choose from the following:
AC – Aceramic (Paleo-Indian and Archaic period sites);
WO – Woodland (Early/Middle/Late/Terminal Aboriginal sites; non-Aboriginal early post-contact and
fur-trade sites);
PO – Pioneer/Ontario (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sites dating to the 19th and early 20th centuries).
8. Current geographical terrain type. For projects conducted in Ontario, choose from the following:
OF – open field;
UR – urban;
WL – woodlot;
CS – Canadian Shield.
9. Number of days during which you were a direct participant in archaeological fieldwork activities for
the project.
Project location
4. Prov.
Name of project director
Project dates Start - End
Total Days of Fieldwork
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9. No.
field days
0 Protection of interests of groups that are affected by archaeological activity
You must have experience as an active participant in at least one project that involved engagement with a stakeholder group (e.g., First
Nations group, local community) to ensure that their interests were considered in the archaeological process. This can include such activities
as sharing information in a public forum, consulting, collaborating, and/or negotiating with stakeholders. You do not have to have been the
supervisor of this project, but please describe your role in the process.
Project name
Project director
Project dates
Brief reasons for stakeholder involvement
Brief description of actions taken to protect the interests of the stakeholder group
Brief description of results
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2.3.2 Management and supervision of archaeological fieldwork
Use Table below to list your experience supervising, or assisting in supervising, archaeological fieldwork in reverse chronological order. Documented supervisory experience must
total at least 130 working days (26 weeks). Experience listed in Table can be repeated as appropriate. If you require additional space, please photocopy this table.
Supervisory duties may include: decision making (e.g., choice of methodologies, placement of excavation units); field logistics (e.g., organizing crews, reviewing field strategies, managing
artifact provenience); and quality control (e.g., ensuring that fieldwork and documentation reflect appropriate standards and guidelines).
1. Name of project and/or archaeological site(s). Include Borden numbers as appropriate.
6. Approximate start and end dates for the project.
2. Stage(s) of archaeological investigation undertaken. For non-consulting projects or projects
conducted outside Ontario, refer to the Archaeological Assessment Technical Guidelines to
determine the closest equivalent stage(s).
7. Number of days during which you supervised or assisted in supervising archaeological fieldwork
activities for the project.
3. General location of the project (e.g., city, town, municipality, and/or county).
4. Canadian province/territory or foreign jurisdiction (indicate country) in which the work was
5. Name of archaeologist who held the licence or permit for the project and who was
responsible for overall project supervision.
Project name
3. Project location
4. Prov.
8. Your role in supervising fieldwork on the project. Choose from the following:
Supervisor (primary responsibility for decision-making regarding fieldwork)
Co-supervisor (joint responsibility for decision-making regarding fieldwork)
Assistant supervisor (assisted in directing a project conducted under another archaeologist’s
Crew chief
Team leader
Name of project director
Project dates Start - End
8. Position 7. Sup field days
Total Supervisory Days
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2.3.3 Analysis of archaeological fieldwork data and management of artifacts
Applicants must have demonstrated experience in analyzing archaeological fieldwork data and managing artifact collections. Use Table below to list projects in which you have conducted or participated in the analysis of fieldwork data or the management of
archaeological collections. Experience may include both consulting archaeology and research projects.
Table Analysis of Fieldwork Data and Management of Archaeological Collections
Project name
Name of project director
Description of analysis or collections management
2.3.4 Proficiency in written communication
Applicants who have held an Ontario archaeological licence in the past must have submitted all required licence reports according to ministry
Use Table below to list at least four (4) archaeological documents dealing with primary archaeological research that you have authored
or co-authored. Except as noted, you may submit more than one example of each document type.
Eligible documents types include:
archaeological licence reports, with no more than one report for each stage of fieldwork (e.g., one for each of Stage 1, 2, 3, or 4). All fieldwork
reports listed must meet ministry guidelines;
CON written papers presented at a recognized conference;
ART published articles in a peer-reviewed or other recognized archaeological journal or newsletter;
THS theses or dissertations (student papers other than theses or dissertations are not eligible); and
published books or book chapters.
Doc. type Full title and citation
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
Author(s) (list order as published)
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2.4 References (see Appendix B)
Applications for a Professional licence must be supported by references from two archaeologists who have direct knowledge of the
applicant’s archaeological fieldwork experience. Referees should be archaeologists who have supervised or worked with the applicant in the
field, or who have acted as academic advisors for the applicant’s dissertation, thesis, or major research project. Ministry of Culture staff may
not act as referees.
Referees for Professional applicants must hold a current Professional licence in Ontario, or have education and experience determined by the
Ministry of Culture to be equivalent to those of a Professional licensee. If the referee is not licensed in Ontario, please include a vita or
résumé documenting his or her archaeological qualifications, training, and experience.
Please refer to the Archaeological Licence Application Reference Form in Appendix B for further details.
Please provide the following information for each of your two referees.
1. Title/Designation
First name(s)
Most recent Ontario archaeological licence
number (if applicable)
2. Title/Designation
Last name
Email address
First name(s)
Most recent Ontario archaeological licence
number (if applicable)
Telephone number
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
2.5 Applicant’s Declaration
I certify that the information provided on this application is true and complete. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the
requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations. I understand that any breach of the Act or regulations could result in
suspension, revocation or refusal to renew a licence. I agree to comply with the Act and regulations, and with policies, directions or
requirements made by the Minister, and with all terms and conditions applicable to any licence that may be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
To be completed only by applicants holding a current archaeological licence in Ontario.
I currently hold licence number
, issued under the Ontario Heritage Act. In accordance with s.4 of O.Reg. 8/06, I request that my
current archaeological licence be cancelled, should a new class of archaeological licence be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
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Section 3 Application for an Applied Research Archaeological Licence
3.1 Post-Secondary Education or Previous Avocational Licences
Option 3.1.1
You must have a Bachelor’s degree in archaeology or a related field with archaeological specialization from a recognized
Please attach
Option 3.1.2
Photocopy of Bachelor’s degree. If the degree does not specify the academic major or field of study,
please include supplementary documentation, such as a transcript or official university letter that
clarifies that the degree was earned in archaeology or in a related field with archaeological
You must have held an Avocational licence for a period of five years, either consecutively or non-consecutively. Equivalent
licence classes for licences issued in Ontario prior to 2003 are Conservation, Conservation – Surface Collecting, and Survey
and Test Excavation.
Please list the five most recent years in which you held an Avocational archaeological licences
Licence Year
Licence Number
Licence Class
3.2 Membership in an Archaeological Organization
You must be a current member in good standing of:
 A professional archaeological association with a code of conduct or code of ethics (e.g., Register of Professional Archaeologists,
Ontario Association of Professional Archaeologists); or
 An archaeological association with a code of ethics (e.g., Canadian Archaeological Association, Ontario Archaeological Society).
Please attach
Photocopy of membership card or other official correspondence confirming current membership in an
archaeological organization as described above.
3.3 Archaeological Work Experience
Through your archaeological work experience, you must demonstrate experience in four key areas:
Application of archaeological theory to the practical work situation;
Management and supervision of archaeological fieldwork;
Analysis of archaeological fieldwork data and management of artifacts; and
Proficiency in written communication.
3.3.1 Application of theory to the practical work situation
Use Table below to list your direct experience in archaeological fieldwork in reverse chronological order. If you require additional
space, please photocopy this table.
Documented fieldwork experience must total at least 150 working days (30 weeks), including 75 working days (15 weeks) of fieldwork
experience in Ontario, or a geographically and culturally similar jurisdiction in northeastern North America. (Eligible jurisdictions are:
Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec; Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.)
You must document archaeological fieldwork experience that includes all of the following:
 at least one example of Stage 2 fieldwork, or equivalent research fieldwork, conducted under supervision of a licensed archaeologist;
 at least one example of Stage 3 or 4 fieldwork , or equivalent research fieldwork, conducted under supervision of a licensed archaeologist;
 at least two different types of geographical terrain (e.g., open field, woodlot, urban, Canadian Shield); and
 at least two different archaeological periods (e.g., Aceramic, Woodland, Pioneer/Ontario).
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Table Application of Theory to the Practical Work Situation
1. Name of project and/or archaeological site(s). Include Borden numbers as appropriate.
2. Stage(s) of archaeological investigation undertaken. For non-consulting projects or projects
conducted outside Ontario, refer to the Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Fieldwork
to determine the closest equivalent stage(s).
3. General location of the project (e.g., city, town, municipality, or county).
4. Canadian province/territory or foreign jurisdiction (indicate country) in which the work was
5. Name of archaeologist who held the licence or permit for the project and who was responsible
for overall project supervision.
6. Approximate start and end dates for the project.
Project name
7. Approximate cultural period(s). For projects conducted in Ontario, choose from the following:
AC – Aceramic (Paleo-Indian and Archaic period sites);
WO – Woodland (Early/Middle/Late/Terminal Aboriginal sites; non-Aboriginal early post-contact and
fur-trade sites);
PO – Pioneer/Ontario (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sites dating to the 19th and early 20th centuries).
8. Current geographical terrain type. For projects conducted in Ontario, choose from the following:
OF – open field;
UR – urban;
WL – woodlot;
CS – Canadian Shield.
9. Number of days during which you were a direct participant in archaeological fieldwork activities for
the project.
Project location
4. Prov.
Name of project director
Project dates Start - End
Total Working Days
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9. No.
field days
3.3.2. Management and supervision of archaeological fieldwork
Use Table below to list experience supervising, or assisting in supervising, archaeological fieldwork in reverse chronological order. Experience listed in Table can be
repeated as appropriate. If you require additional space, please photocopy this table.
Supervisory duties may include: decision making (e.g., choice of methodologies, placement of excavation units); field logistics (e.g., organizing crews, reviewing field strategies, managing
artifact provenience); and quality control (e.g., ensuring that fieldwork and documentation reflect appropriate standards and guidelines).
1. Name of project and/or archaeological site(s). Include Borden numbers as appropriate.
6. Approximate start and end dates for the project.
2. Stage(s) of archaeological investigation undertaken. For non-consulting projects or projects
conducted outside Ontario, refer to the Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Fieldwork
to determine the closest equivalent stage(s).
7. Number of days during which you supervised or assisted in supervising archaeological fieldwork
activities for the project.
3. General location of the project (e.g., city, town, municipality, and/or county).
4. Canadian province/territory or foreign jurisdiction (indicate country) in which the work was
5. Name of archaeologist who held the licence or permit for the project and who was responsible
for overall project supervision.
Project name
3. Project location
4. Prov.
8. Your role in supervising fieldwork on the project. Choose from the following:
Supervisor (primary responsibility for decision-making regarding fieldwork)
Co-supervisor (joint responsibility for decision-making regarding fieldwork)
Assistant supervisor (assisted in directing a project conducted under another archaeologist’s
Crew chief
Team leader
Name of project director
Project dates Start - End
7. Sup.
field. days 8. Position
Total Supervisory Days
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3.3.3 Analysis of archaeological fieldwork data and management of artifacts
Applicants must have demonstrated experience in analyzing archaeological fieldwork data and managing artifact collections. Use Table below to list representative projects in which you have conducted or participated in the analysis of fieldwork data or the management of
archaeological collections. Experience may include both consulting archaeology and research projects.
Table Analysis of Fieldwork Data and Management of Archaeological Collections
Project name
Name of project director
Description of analysis or collections management
3.3.4 Proficiency in written communication
Applicants who have held an Ontario archaeological licence in the past must have submitted all required licence reports according to ministry
Use Table below to list at least one document dealing with primary archaeological research that you have authored or co-authored.
Eligible documents types include:
a senior level thesis or research paper on an archaeological subject completed as part of a Bachelor’s program;
archaeological licence reports that meet ministry guidelines;
written papers presented at a recognized conference;
published articles in a peer-reviewed or other recognized archaeological journal or newsletter; and
published books or book chapters.
Doc. type Full title and citation
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
Author(s) (list order as published)
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3.4 Reference (see Appendix B)
Applications for an Applied Research licence must be supported by a reference from an archaeologist who has direct knowledge of the
applicant’s archaeological fieldwork experience. The referee should be an archaeologist who has supervised or worked with the applicant in
the field, or who has acted as an academic advisor for a thesis or other research project completed by the applicant. Ministry of Culture staff
may not act as referees.
The referee for an Applied Research applicant must hold a current Professional licence in Ontario, or have education and experience
determined by the Ministry of Culture to be equivalent to those of a Professional licensee. If the referee is not licensed in Ontario, please
include a vita or résumé documenting his or her archaeological qualifications, training, and experience.
Please refer to the Archaeological Licence Application Reference Form in Appendix B for further details.
Please provide the following information regarding your referee.
First name(s)
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
3.5 Applicant’s Declaration
I certify that the information provided on this application is true and complete. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the
requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations. I understand that any breach of the Act or regulations could result in
suspension, revocation or refusal to renew a licence. I agree to comply with the Act and regulations, and with policies, directions or
requirements made by the Minister, and with all terms and conditions applicable to any licence that may be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
To be completed only by applicants holding a current archaeological licence in Ontario.
I currently hold licence number
, issued under the Ontario Heritage Act. In accordance with s.4 of O.Reg. 8/06, I request that my
current archaeological licence be cancelled, should a new class of archaeological licence be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
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Section 4 Application for an Avocational Archaeological Licence
4.1 Mentoring Agreement for New Applicants for Avocational Licences (see Appendix C)
If you are applying for an Avocational licence for the first time, you must enter into a mentoring agreement for one year with an archaeologist
who holds a current Professional or Applied Research licence in Ontario, or who has education and experience determined by the Ministry of
Culture to be equivalent to those of a Professional or Applied Research licensee. You are responsible for making this arrangement. If the
mentor is not licensed in Ontario, please include a vita or résumé documenting his or her archaeological qualifications, training, and
experience. The mentor may be the same person who acted as a referee for the licence application. Ministry of Culture staff may not act as
You should discuss your planned activities with your mentor, and you must complete the Mentoring Agreement Form provided in Appendix C
together. In the agreement, your mentor agrees to provide guidance and/or supervision, while you agree to keep your mentor informed of
your archaeological activities.
Please attach
Mentoring Agreement Form (see Appendix C)
4.2 Membership in an Archaeological Organization
While not a requirement, all Avocational archaeologists are strongly encouraged to maintain current membership in:
 A professional archaeological association with a code of conduct or code of ethics (e.g., Register of Professional Archaeologists, Ontario
Association of Professional Archaeologists); or
 An archaeological association with a code of ethics (e.g., Canadian Archaeological Association, Ontario Archaeological Society).
If available, please attach
Photocopy of membership card or other official correspondence indicating current membership in an
archaeological organization as described above.
4.3 Knowledge of Archaeological Fieldwork
While there is no minimum requirement for previous experience in archaeological fieldwork for this licence, it is an advantage for applicants
for Avocational licences to have a basic awareness of archaeological theory and methodology. Licensees should also be able to
communicate in writing in order to meet the reporting requirements for archaeological fieldwork.
Please indicate if you have any of the following.
4.3.1 I have taken courses about archaeology (include field schools).
Course title / Field school name
Name of instructor
School / Organization
4.3.2 I have volunteer experience acquired under the supervision of a licensed archaeologist.
Name of project
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Project director
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4.3.3 I have visited archaeological sites, museums, or exhibits (may include websites).
Name of site, museum, or exhibit (include website URL if applicable)
4.3.4 I have read books or magazine articles or seen television programs about archaeology (may include websites).
Title (include website URL if applicable)
I have written reports or articles about archaeology (e.g., research reports, magazine or newspaper articles,
Full title and citation
Author(s) (in published order)
Please describe why you want an archaeological licence and your planned activities. You may attach a
separate sheet.
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4.4 Reference (see Appendix B)
Applications for an Avocational licence must be supported by a reference from an archaeologist who has supervised or worked with the
applicant in the field, who has instructed the applicant in archaeology, or who has agreed to serve as the applicant’s mentor in Part 1. Ministry
of Culture staff may not act as referees.
The referee for an Avocational applicant must hold a current Professional or Applied Research licence in Ontario, or have education and
experience determined by the Ministry of Culture to be equivalent to those of a Professional or Applied Research licensee. If the referee is not
licensed in Ontario, please include a vita or résumé documenting his or her archaeological qualifications, training, and experience.
Please refer to the Archaeological Licence Application Reference Form in Appendix B for further details.
Please provide the following information regarding your referee.
First name(s)
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
4.5 Applicant’s Declaration
I certify that the information provided on this application is true and complete. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the
requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations. I understand that any breach of the Act or regulations could result in
suspension, revocation or refusal to renew a licence. I agree to comply with the Act and regulations, and with policies, directions or
requirements made by the Minister, and with all terms and conditions applicable to any licence that may be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
To be completed only by applicants holding a current archaeological licence in Ontario:
I currently hold licence number
, issued under the Ontario Heritage Act. In accordance with s.4 of O.Reg. 8/06, I request that my
current archaeological licence be cancelled, should a new class of archaeological licence be issued to me.
Applicant’s Signature
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Appendix A: Terms and Conditions for Archaeological Licences
This licence is issued in accordance with Part VI of the Ontario Heritage
Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 (“the Act”) and is conditional upon the licensee’s
compliance with the terms and conditions applicable to this licence. The
terms and conditions are directed by the Minister of Culture (“the Minister”)
in accordance with clause 48(4)(d) of the Act. These terms and conditions
shall apply to each licence issued under authority of the Act. These terms
and conditions shall remain in effect for the term of the licence, subject to
the right of the Minister to amend them from time to time. Failure by the
licensee to comply with any of these terms and conditions may result in the
suspension, revocation or refusal to renew this licence, in accordance with
subsection 48(9) and section 49 of the Act, and may result in a charge
being laid against the licensee under section 69 of the Act.
The licensee shall comply with the Ontario Heritage Act and
Regulations, and with any relevant policies, directions and
requirements made by the Minister.
The licensee shall comply with any standards and guidelines that
may be issued by the Minister from time to time for carrying out
archaeological fieldwork, for submitting Project Information Forms,
for reporting on archaeological fieldwork, for analyzing
archaeological collections, artifacts or similar matters. The Minister
reserves the right to amend such standards and guidelines at any
time. Notice of amendment will be posted on the Ministry of Culture
website at for a period of 60 days before the
amendment or amendments come into effect, at which time the
amendment or amendments will apply to this licence, and this
licence will be conditional on the licensee’s continued compliance
with the amended standards and guidelines.
The licensee shall use any forms and comply with any procedures
required by the Minister for carrying out and reporting on
archaeological fieldwork, and for analysis and management of
archaeological collections or artifacts.
The licensee shall file with the Minister, by the specified date and in
the specified form and manner, all fieldwork documentation, reports
and site records required by the Minister.
The licensee shall comply with relevant provisions of the
Cemeteries Act R.S.O. 1990, c. C.4 and Regulation 133/92, and
with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, S.O.
2002, c.33, when proclaimed in force.
In accordance with section 61 of the Ontario Heritage Act, this
licence does not authorize the licensee to enter upon any property.
The licensee is responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals
and permits from the landowners and appropriate authorities to
enter upon private or public lands for the purpose of carrying out
archaeological fieldwork.
The licensee shall ensure that every report filed with the Minister in
accordance with subsection 65(1) of the Act does not infringe or
induce the infringement of any third-party intellectual property right,
including copyright.
The licensee acknowledges that the Minister will maintain a register
of reports in accordance with section 65.1 of the Act and agrees
that any report filed by the licensee will, in whole or in part, form
part of the register and will be available for inspection by any
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
The licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 31
applies to and governs all reports and documents filed by the
licensee with the Minister and may require the disclosure by the
Minister of such reports to third parties.
The licensee shall be present at the site of the archaeological
fieldwork at all times when archaeological fieldwork is being carried
out under this licence, and shall be responsible for the carrying out
of, and reporting on, all archaeological fieldwork subject to the
following exceptions:
(a) a professional licensee may delegate, in writing, to a field director
as defined in O.Reg. 8/06, some or all of the day-to-day
supervision of the carrying out of the archaeological fieldwork
(b) the professional licensee, or the field director with duly delegated
authority, may occasionally be absent from the site of the
archaeological fieldwork provided that
(i) he or she has been present for the major part of each day of
archaeological fieldwork and has supervised the fieldwork to
ensure that it meets all applicable standards and guidelines
(ii) he or she has made all key decisions
(iii) he or she has provided guidance and has set direction for all
persons carrying out fieldwork under the licence.
The licensee agrees that he or she is responsible for the acts or
omissions of his or her field directors, employees, agents, partners,
subcontractors, volunteers and/ or any other person(s) acting under
the licensee’s supervision or direction. This paragraph is in addition
to any and all of the licensee’s obligations under this licence and
under the general application of law. The licensee shall advise
these individuals and entities of their obligations under the licence
and shall ensure their compliance with the applicable terms of the
licence. In addition to any other obligations of the licensee pursuant
to the licence or otherwise at law or in equity, the licensee shall be
fully responsible for any breach of the licence resulting from any act
or omission of the above mentioned individuals and entities.
The licensee shall hold in safekeeping all artifacts and records of
archaeological fieldwork carried out under this licence, except
where those artifacts and records are transferred by the licensee to
Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario or the licensee is directed
to deposit them in a public institution in accordance with subsection
66(1) of the Act.
The terms and conditions of this licence take precedence over any
contractual arrangements regarding archaeological fieldwork
entered into by the licensee and any third parties.
In accordance with sections 48 and 49 of the Act, the Minister may
refuse to issue or renew a licence, or may suspend or revoke a
licence if the past conduct of the applicant or licensee does not
afford reasonable grounds for the belief that the archaeological
fieldwork will be carried out in accordance with the Act and the
regulations, or if the licensee is in breach of a term or condition of
the licence.
The licensee shall provide to the Minister, in writing, any information
about the competence or conduct of the licensee, arising during the
term of the licence, relevant to the Minister’s authority to refuse to
renew, suspend or revoke the licence.
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Appendix B: Archaeological Licence Application Reference Form
B.1 Instructions to the Applicant
 Your licence application must be supported by a reference(s)
from a licensed archaeologist(s). Ministry of Culture staff may
not act as referees.
 Please complete Section A of the Archaeological Licence
Application Reference Form and then forward the form to your
referee(s) to be completed by them. Your referee(s) should
then submit the form directly to the Ministry of Culture.
 Your referee(s) must hold a current archaeological licence of the
appropriate licence class in Ontario, or have education and
experience determined by the Ministry of Culture to be equivalent
to the appropriate licence class, and have first-hand knowledge of
your archaeological fieldwork experience.
 The ministry will not process your application until it receives all
required references.
Instructions to the Referee
 By sending you this form, the person named in Section A has
asked you to evaluate their archaeological field experience in
support of an application for a licence to conduct archaeological
fieldwork in Ontario.
 The applicant has summarized their relevant experience on the
application form, and is solely responsible for the accuracy of
that information.
 To act as a referee, you must hold a current archaeological
licence of the appropriate class in Ontario, or have education
and experience determined by the Ministry of Culture to be
equivalent to the appropriate licence class, and have first-hand
knowledge of the applicant’s archaeological fieldwork
experience. If you are not licensed in Ontario, please include a
vita or résumé documenting your archaeological qualifications,
training, and experience.
 As a referee, you are asked to assess the applicant’s ability to
conduct archaeological fieldwork in a responsible manner. To help
with your assessment, the eligibility criteria for each licence class
are outlined on page 2 of this form. Please consider your
assessment carefully, keeping in mind the eligibility requirements
and activities allowed for the class of licence for which the
applicant is applying.
 If for any reason you feel that you cannot provide an objective
assessment of this applicant, please contact the applicant.
 All information on this form is confidential.
 Please submit the completed Reference Form to:
Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator
Programs and Services Branch
Ministry of Culture
4th Floor
400 University Avenue
Toronto ON M7A 2R9
Tel.: 416 314-7123
Fax: 416 314-7175
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B.3 Archaeological Licence Application Reference Form
B.3.1 Applicant’s Information
First name(s)
Last name
Licence Application Type
Applied Research
B.3.2 Referee’s Information
First name(s)
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
B.3.3 Referee’s Evaluation
Number of years you have known the applicant
What is or was your relationship to this applicant? Check all that apply.
Other (specify)
In your opinion, does this applicant:
have a good understanding of the variety and range of archaeological work in Ontario?
know how to apply archaeological theory to a practical situation in a knowledgeable and accurate manner, at the
level allowed by the class of licence applied for?
have the ability to responsibly manage fieldwork at the level allowed by the licence applied for?
have the communication skills necessary to record fieldwork and produce archaeological reports?
have an awareness of the legislative requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and its Regulations?
have an understanding of the ethical principles of the practice of archaeology and the role of the archaeologist in the protection of
Ontario’s archaeological heritage?
B.3.4 Referee’s Additional Comments about the Applicant (Attach a separate page if needed.)
Submit completed references to:
Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator
Programs and Services Branch
Ministry of Culture
4th Floor
400 University Avenue
Toronto ON M7A 2R9
Tel.: 416 314-7123
Fax: 416 314-7175
Referee’s Signature
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
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Appendix C: Avocational Archaeological Licence Mentoring Forms
C.1 Mentoring Agreement
New applicants for Avocational archaeological licences must
complete this agreement with their mentor, who must hold a current
Professional or Applied Research licence, or have education and
experience determined by the Ministry of Culture to be equivalent to
those of a Professional or Applied Research licensee. If the mentor is
not licensed in Ontario, please include a vita or résumé documenting
his or her archaeological qualifications, training, and experience. The
mentor may be the same person who acted as a referee for the
licence application. Ministry of Culture staff may not act as mentors.
Complete the parts outlining learning goals and planned activities,
sign the form, and make two copies. Attach the original agreement
form to the licence application. The applicant and the mentor should
each keep one copy for their reference
C.1.1 Applicant’s Information
First name(s)
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
C.1.2 Mentor’s Information
First name(s)
Most recent Ontario archaeological licence
number (if applicable)
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
Learning Goals and Activities for the Year
Use the Reference Form questions to determine general areas to focus your learning.
End of Year
Learning Goals
Application for a Licence to Conduct Archaeological Fieldwork
Activities Planned to Achieve Goal
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C.1.4 Mentoring Agreement
We agree that:
 we will meet regularly at times convenient to both parties;
 this mentoring agreement will last until the end of the
initial term of the Avocational licence;
 we will contact the Ministry of Culture if we require assistance
or direction for our mentoring partnership, or if either party
wishes to discontinue this agreement;
 we will work to achieve the goals and complete the
activities outlined in this form. The mentor will provide
guidance and supervision based on the needs of the
applicant. The applicant will keep the mentor informed of
his or her activities through written or oral reports;
 if the mentoring agreement is terminated before the end of the
year and another mentor cannot be found, the Ministry of
Culture may cancel the Avocational licence; and
 we will respect each other’s confidentiality.
Applicant’s Signature
Mentor’s Signature
Please attach the Mentoring Agreement to your Avocational licence application or submit directly to:
Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator
Programs and Services Branch
Ministry of Culture
4th Floor, 400 University Avenue
Toronto ON M7A 2R9
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C.2 End of Year Evaluation
This evaluation must be completed before a new Avocational licence will be considered
for renewal. You and your mentor can complete this form together or separately.
If your goals or activities changed during the year (e.g., goals or activities were added,
or goals and activities were not completed as planned), please attach a brief
As required by the licence terms and conditions, three copies of written reports for any
archaeological fieldwork conducted by the Avocational licensee under this licence must
be submitted to the Ministry of Culture.
Submit completed evaluations to:
Archaeological Licence Co-ordinator
Programs and Services Branch
Ministry of Culture
4th Floor, 400 University Avenue
Toronto ON M7A 2R9
Tel. 416 314-7123
Fax 416 314-7175
C.2.1 Avocational Licensee’s Information
First name(s)
Last name
Licence number
Last name
Licence number
C.2.2 Mentor’s Information
First name(s)
C.2.3 Mentor’s Evaluation
In your opinion, does this Avocational licensee:
have a good understanding of the variety and range of archaeological work in Ontario?
know how to apply archaeological theory to a practical situation in a knowledgeable and accurate manner, at the
level appropriate for the activities allowed under the Avocational licence?
have the ability to responsibly manage fieldwork at the level allowed by the Avocational licence?
have the communication skills necessary to record fieldwork and produce archaeological reports?
have an awareness of the legislative requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and its Regulations?
have an understanding of the ethical principles of the practice of archaeology and the role of the archaeologist in the protection of
Ontario’s archaeological heritage?
C.2.4 Mentor’s Recommendation
In your opinion, this Avocational licence should be:
renewed for three years without mentoring
renewed for one year with continued mentoring
not renewed
C.2.5 Mentor’s Additional Comments about the Licensee (Attach a separate page if needed.)
Mentor’s Signature
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