4.2. Programming technology Technology of working with ANSI C in the system P-Cube is as follows. Files with the source text (*.c, .h) are processed by the compiler icc with outputting the object files (*.tco), which are further linked by the linker ilink with library files under governing of the batch files (*.lnk). Further configured files, representing program processes, and source file with the description of configuration (*.cfs) are processed by a configurator, which issues a binary file of the configuration (*.cfb). Finally, binary file of the configuration and linked (*.lku) files are processed by collector icollect, which forms a load module (*.btl), loaded to the system by the program iserver. Let’s consider a program on language C, which outputs "Hello, WORLD" (for performing on one transputer). #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <process.h> void Hello (process *p) { procwait(10000); // tick – 1 μs printf("\Hello,\n") } void world (process *p) {printf("\n WORLD!\n"); } int main (){ process *p1, *p2; p1=ProcAlloc(Hello,0,0); p2=ProcAlloc(world,0,0); ProcPar(p1, p2, NULL); //2 processes are launched in parallel // program terminates when both launched processes will terminate } The following actions are necessary to start this program (from file hello.c): icc hello object file hello.tco is got; it is linked further with the full library, connected by means of startup.lnk batch file (startrd.lnk is used not for the root transputer, reduced library), key /f defines following it batch file: ilink hello.tco /f startup.lnk Configuration file is not needed for uniprocessor configuration, so immediately do an assembly: icollect hello.lku and start a program on execution on the root transputer: iserver hello.btl 4.3. Configuration description language Configuration description language (CDL) is used to describe processors network, processes network and to map processes network on processors network, i.e. to create source file with configuration description. CDL is C-based language. 4.3.1. Data types Let’s consider data types in CDL. Nodes of the network of processors and network of processes have a common parental type Node, which generates two subtypes: - Process - for the description of nodes of the network of processes; - Processor - for the description of nodes of the processor network. Types Input/Output describe inputs and outputs of the program channels (program edges). Type Edge describes inputs/outputs of the hardware channels (hardware edges). Type Connection describes program or hardware channels. Besides enumerated specific types conventional types are also used: Char Int Float Double Symbols Integers Real numbers of Real numbers of the standard size the double size Symbol strings are double quoted:"string", single symbols are quoted: 'I’. Symbolic constants are defined with the keyword val, for instance: val gridsize 4; defines a constant with the value 4. Similarly it is possible to define arrays of constants: val POWERS { {1,1,1}, {2,4,8}, {3,9,27} }; Logical constants are defined on the base of integers: TRUE – 1, FALSE – 0. Expressions satisfy to C language rules. 4.3.2. Operators Declaration operators are used to define networks of processors and processes, for example: T414 (memory=1M) grid[4]; – here is declared 4-element array of T414 processors with 1M of the RAM memory. Edge freelink [4]; –here is defined 4-elements array of hardware edges Replicator and conditional operators are used to define regular connections and irregular parts of them.: rep i=0 to 2 –replicator operator {connect grid[i].link[2] to grid [i+1].link[3] //– connects 2nd link of i-th processor // with the 3rd link of (i+1)-st processor if (i= =0) connect grid[1].link[1] to host else connect grid[i].link[1] to freelink[i] } It is possible to introduce new nodes types with the help of operator DEFINE using previously defined types, for example: define processor (type = "T414") T414; Here new type is obtained by specifying of the value of the attribute TYPE of the PROCESSOR type; other attributes of this type are array LINKS and MEMORY. Attribute LINKS is available only for reading and determines number of physical links (it may be obtained by size (links)). New processes types are defined similarly: define process (stacksize = 10K, interface (INT count, input command, output result)) work package; Here is defined process type with stack of 10К and with 3 parameters: first is integer, 2nd is input channel, 3rd is output channel. Networks of processes are defined as follows. Statement (graphically depicted in Fig. 20) connect control.command to work_package.command – declares connection (program channel). For naming of the declared channel may be used optional part by connection: connect item to item [by connection]; Сontrol Сommand Work_package Сommand Fig. 20 Connection’s name can be used for mapping of program channel on hardware channel with the help of operator place: place channel on link; The same operator is also used to map processes on processors: place process on processor; Configurator automatically maps program channels on links basing on mapping of processes on processors. Explicit mapping of channels on links is required in special cases, for example, if it is desirable to increase rate of information transfer by using separate links for input and output. To receive parameters declared in the interface of a process by program code it may be used function get_param, for example, get_param(1) will return value of the 1st parameter count; to work with channels (2nd and 3rd parameters) it is necessary to use the following C code: { channel *ch; ch=(channel *) get_param(2); If we shall output information into channel ch in the program corresponding message will be transferred via channel given in the configuration file for processes connections. CDL has operator USE intended for binding processes defined in configuration file with program processes represented by C codes: filter x, y, z; use "filter.lku" for filter – binds configuration processes of the type filter with program file filter.lku obtained from C file filter.c; the same as previous may be declared by separate statements: use "filter.lku" for x; use "filter.lku" for y; use "filter.lku" for z; 4.3.3. Example of configuration description Let’s consider example (Fig. 21) in which 2 processes are to be mapped on 2-processor network: host T425 2-processor T800 network From_server command feed host To_server reply response controller process task process Fig. 21 One process (controller) performs interaction with the host, the 2nd performs calculations. Name host is predefined by default and denotes hardware edge intended for communication with the host-computer: T425 (memory=1m) root; T800(memory=1m) worker; connect root.link[1] to host; connect root.link[2] to worker.link[1]; Iinput from_server; // input edge output to_server; // output edge process (stacksize=8k, heapsize=50k, interface( input command, output reply, output feed, input response)) controller; connect from_server to controller.command; connect to_server to controller.reply; process (stacksize=16k, heapsize=512k, interface(input feed, output response)) task; connect controller.feed to task.feed; //output with input use “compute.lku” for task; place controller on root; connect task.response to controller.response; use “control.lku” for controller; place task on worker; place from_server on host; place to_server on host; 4.3.4. Example of the full program Let’s consider example of the full ANSI C program including C-codes and configuration file for 4 processes and 2 processors application providing transmission of the message along the ring of processes and printing sent message on the terminal display. On Fig. 22 are shown in one rectangle processes which are to mapped on the corresponding processor, for each process represented by circle there are given as callouts program files (*.lku) from which these processes are originated. From_server To_server Pr(pr.lku) Host Pr(pr.lku) Pr0 (pr0.lku) Tr0 Pr3(pr3.lku) Tr1 Fig. 22 File pr0.c: #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <process.h> #include <channel.h> #include “common.h” int main(){ channel *c_in1=NULL, *c_out1=NULL; char buffer[LenCadr]; c_in1=(Channel *)get_param(3); //1st and 2nd parameters are got by default c_out1=(Channel*)get_param(4);// and are used by functions strcpy(buffer, “Hello!”); // printf, scanf, getchar и т.п. printf(“\nBegin process”); ChanOut(c_out1,buffer,LenCadr); printf(“\nmessage out”); ChanIn(c_in1,buffer,LenCadr); printf(“\n%s”,buffer); printf(“end process”); } File pr3.c has the same header files, we shall give only function main: int main(){ Channel*c_in1=NULL, *c_out1=NULL; Char buffer[LenCadr]; c_in1=(Channel *)get_param(1); c_out1=(Channel*)get_param(2); ChanIn(c_in1,buffer,LenCadr); ChanOut(c_out1,buffer,LenCadr); } For file pr.c we give also only function main: int main(){ Channel*c_in1=NULL, *c_out1=NULL, *c_in2=NULL, *c_out2=NULL; Char buffer[LenCadr]; int i; c_in1=(Channel *)get_param(1); c_out1=(Channel*)get_param(2); c_in2=(Channel *)get_param(3); c_out2=(Channel*)get_param(4); while(1){ i=ProcAlt(c_in1,c_in2,NULL); switch(i){ case 0: ChanIn(c_in1,buffer,LenCadr); ChanOut(c_out1,buffer,LenCadr); break; case 1: ChanIn(c_in2,buffer,LenCadr); ChanOut(c_out2,buffer,LenCadr); break; } } } Configuration file follows: #include “setup.inc” T805(memory=1M)Tr[2] connect tr[0].link[0] to host; connect Tr[0].link[1] to Tr[1].link[1]; input from_server; output to_server; process(interface(input FromHost, output ToHost, input From1, output To1)) Pr0; process(interface(input From0, output To2, input From2, output To0)) Pr1; process(interface(input From1, output To3, input From3, output To1)) Pr2; process(interface(input From2, output To2)) Pr3; connect from_server to pr0.FromHost; connect To_server to Pr0.ToHost; connect Pr0.To1 to Pr1.From0; connect Pr0.From1 to Pr1.To0; connect Pr1.From2 to Pr2.To1; connect Pr2.From1 to Pr1.To2; connect Pr2.From3 to Pr3.To2; connect Pr3.From2 to Pr2.To3; use “pr0.lku” for Pr0; use “pr.lku” for Pr1; use “pr.lku” for Pr2; use “pr3.lku” for Pr3; place Pr0 on Tr[0]; place Pr1 on Tr[0]; place Pr2 on Tr[1]; place Pr3 on Tr[1]; place from_server on host; place to_server on host; File “common.h”: #define LenCadr 2047 File “setup.inc”: val Bootlink 0; process(stacksize=4K, heapsize=16K);