Aerosol and Applications First Midterm Examination Soultions 11/10/2009 1. Terminology a. Feret’s diameter: the maximum distance from edge to edge for the projection of particle; b. Knudsen number: Kn =/rp, where is the mean free path of air and rp is the characteristic length, eg particle radius; c. fine particle: particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 m; d. probability density function: the derivative of cumulative distribution function, which is the fraction of some property for each particle size, to stand for the normalized frequency or probability; e. aerosol: condensed matter suspended in air, generally with size from nm to mm. 2. The following results were obtained from the size distribution measurements by MOUDI: 50% size-cut (μm) 18 10 5.6 3.2 1.8 1.0 0.54 0.33 0.18 0.10 0.056 concentration (μg/m3) 0.82 1.06 1.12 1.17 1.03 1.37 2.0 2.03 1.76 1.23 1.15 a. Please find the mass median diameter and mass mean diameter; (10 points) b.Please find the number mean diameter if assume all particles were spherical and specific density of one. Assume the upper size-cut for the first stage is 40μm. (10 points) c. Are the particle of log-normal distribution ? Why ? (10 points) Solution: 50% size-cut Wi size range dpi wt. fraction Fi 18 0.82 18~40 26.8 0.056 >18 0.056 10 1.06 10~18 13.4 0.072 >10 0.128 5.6 1.12 5.6~10 7.48 0.076 >5.6 0.204 3.2 1.17 3.2~5.6 4.23 0.079 >3.2 0.283 1.8 1.03 1.8~3.2 2.40 0.070 >1.8 0.353 1 0.54 0.33 0.18 0.1 0.056 1.37 2.00 2.03 1.76 1.23 1.15 14.74 1.0~1.8 1.34 0.54~1.0 0.735 0.33~0.54 0.422 0.18~0.33 0.244 0.10~0.18 0.134 0.056~0.10 0.0748 0.093 0.136 0.138 0.119 0.083 0.078 3.859 >1.0 >0.54 >0.33 >0.18 >0.10 >0.056 Ni 1.01E+01 1.05E+02 6.38E+02 3.68E+03 1.78E+04 Nf 1.24E-08 1.29E-07 7.84E-07 4.52E-06 2.19E-05 0.446 1.35E+05 0.581 1.20E+06 0.719 6.44E+06 0.839 2.90E+07 0.922 1.22E+08 1.000 6.55E+08 mass median diameter 0.782 8.14E+08 1.66E-04 1.48E-03 7.91E-03 3.57E-02 1.49E-01 8.05E-01 0.094 mass mean diameter # mean diameter 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 The answer is no. 3. The particle size distribution in the ambient atmosphere can be grouped into five different types as discussed by Whitby (1980) and John et al. (1992). Please draw figures for the particle size distribution in terms of dN/d log dp and dM/d log dp, respectively and where N and M are the number and mass concentrations, respectively. (10 points) Solution: 4. A certain chemical species is adsorbed by particles and the mass absorbed is proportional to the surface area of the particle. Derive an expression for the mass distribution function of the chemical species with respect to particle size, expressed as mass of the chemical species per unit volume of gas in the size range of dp to dp + d dp, if the number distribution function for particle is n(dp). Define any constants you introduce. (15 points) Solution: If all particles are assumed to be spheres and are not porous, the total surface area for the particles is St 4 d p n(d p )d (d p ) . 2 If the chemical species is only absorbed onto the outer surface of particle, the total mass absorbed on particles is kSt, where k is a constant. Therefore, the probability density function for the mass distribution of the chemical species is 4 d p n(d p ) 2 f m (d p ) St 5. What is the aerodynamic diameter for a spherical particle with specific density of 4 and Stoke’s diameter ofm? What is the answer if the particle is not sphere? (10 points) Solution: Both Stoke’s diameter and aerodynamic diameter are defined to have the same terminal settling velocity. Thus, p d p,s 2 d p ,a 2 gCc gCc , where p is the particle density, dp,s is the 18 18 Stoke’s diameter, dp,a is the aerodynamic diameter, is the air dynamic viscosity, and Cc is the Cummingham’s slip correction factor. If assume Cc is one, the dp,a should be 8 m. For aerodynamic diameter of 8 m, the corresponding Cc is equal to one. Therefore, the assumption is all right. The definitions of Stoke’s diameter and aerodynamic diameter have nothing to do with particle shape. Therefore, the aerodynamic diameter is still the same as 8 m. 6. The particle concentrations of different sizes emitted from a stack are shown as followings: Particle size,m Conc.,mg/Nm3 0.40 32 0.65 115 1.1 37 2.0 55 4.0 92 7.4 155 15 110 19 54 What is the required control efficiency for particles of 1 m, if the emission standard is 65 mg/Nm3, if the control efficiency is proportional to the particle size. (10 points) Solution: If the control efficiency is proportional to the particle size, the control efficiency, , is kd p , where dp is the particle size and k is a constant. Thus, (1 0.4k )32 (1 0.65k )115 (1 1.1k )37 (1 2.0k )55 (1 4.0 k )92 (1 7.4k )155 (1 15k )110 (1 19k )54 65 Therefore, k 0.132 , that is, the required control efficiency for particles of 1 m is 13.2%. 7. For the ambient secondary particles, what are the four gaseous precursors ? Please list two possible emission sources for each precursor and state the formation pathways for each precursor to form particular matter. (10 points) Solution: NOx NH3 Airborne Particles hv O3 N(V), S(VI), SOC Ox ida nts H 2O 2 ,O 3 ,e tc. VOCs SO2 氣 固 相 反 應 液 相 反 應 Secondary 光 化 學 反 應 SO4= 10~30% NO3- 3~20% NH4+ 4~15% SOA 5~20% POA 5~10% Primary Primary particles, NaCl , dust etc. 25~60% Thus, the four gaseous precursors are SO2, NOx, NH3, and VOCs and their emission sources are: NOx: stationary sources: power plants, boilers, …., mobile sources: cars, motorcycle, ….. SOx: stationary sources: power plant, boilers, ….., mobile sources: diesel cars, VOCs: stationary sources: surface coatings, solvent using processes, …, car exhaust, … NH3: agricultural farms, wetland lands, …