pediatrics accreditation

5111 Mill Run Road
Dallas, Texas 75244
Phone 972.387.2862
Fax 972.716.2007
American College of
Emergency Physicians
December 1, 2006
Thaddeus Anderson
National Registry of
Emergency Medical
National Association of
State EMS Directors
National Association of
EMS Educators
National Council of State
Emergency Medical
Services Training
National Association of
Emergency Medical
National Association of
Emergency Medical
Services Physicians
American College of
Osteopathic Emergency
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Blvd
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Dear Mr. Anderson :
CECBEMS is pleased to inform you that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as been
awarded approval as a CECBEMS accredited organization through December 2009. The provider
number is PAAOP4300. Use this number to identify your organization on quarterly reports, on
course completion certificates and other correspondence with CECBEMS headquarters.
For assigning numbers to the activities accredited by AAP use the following format:
 Year the activity received its initial accreditation or its last comprehensive review (2 digits)
 Alpha abbreviation for organization (PAAOP)
 Course format (F1 indicates a live, one-time event activity; F2, a live, multiple event
activity; F3, a distributed learning activity
 A four digit number for your internal tracking purposes.
For example, the number for an activity initially approved or receiving a comprehensive review in
2003 and that is a distributed learning activity, would be 03-PAAOP–F3-0001. At this point, you
would change the activity number for the PEPP course from 05-CECB-F2-0377 to
05PAAOP-F2-0377. You must review and update each course at least every three years. Therefore, in
December 2008, or any date before that, when the course has undergone a review and update, the
course must be re-entered into the CECBEMS database with the new activity number which would
begin with 08 or any year prior to 2008 that the course is updated. You may download the Provider
Manual Supplement from the Course Management Tools box at the bottom of the Providers Only
screen for detailed instructions for inputting your courses into the CECBEMS database.
Please check at for the most recent Standards and Requirements for
Organizational Accreditation and for a
downloadable version of the Accreditation Management System manual. Let me know if you have
questions about these documents. You may also download the Provider Manual Supplement from
the Course Management Tools box at the bottom of the Providers Only screen.
We are proud to have the American Academy of Pediatrics as a CECBEMS-accredited organization.
We welcome your comments and suggestions for making our processes work better and for making
EMS continuing education a positive force in improving patient care and in developing EMS as a
Liz Sibley
Executive Director
Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services
5111 Mill Run Road
Dallas, Texas 75244
Phone 972.387.2862
Fax 972.716.2007
Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services