MEDA 149 Syllabus Course Name: Academic Term: Medical Insurance Procedures for Medical Assisting Spring Course Number: Year: MEDA 149 2012 Contact Information Instructor: Sandy Erlewine, CMA (AAMA), CPC E-mail: Preferred at Angel Class Site WW e-mail address TBA Appt Scheduled by appt via phone conference for emergency situations only Course Information Class Day/Time: Textbook: Supplies: On line Class Site at Walla Walla Comm College Room: NA March 26-June 6, 2012 Health Insurance Today 3rd Edition by Janet Beik with workbook Students will check out Coding Manuals later in the quarter at the live class Credits: 5 Attendance Policy Students are required to participate on the Discussion Forum and to complete quizzes and exams. Due to this class being a 5-credit course, you should check the website daily during the week Monday-Friday; if possible students are encouraged to check on Saturday or Sunday, you should at least once. Please note our week starts on Mondays and ends on Mondays at 11:55 pm; except for Week 1; Memorial Day Week and Final Week. You may access the class website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The new weekly assignments will be available no later than 1pm on Mondays. Please watch for any changes to the class assignments as our schedule is subject to change. Check information posted at weekly assignment summary at Lessons and watch for course announcements at home page and e-mails. Please note some exams will be open book and currently 2 exams are scheduled to be proctored (you will not be allowed to use your textbooks and notes). For coding exams you will be using your CPT and ICD.9 manuals. I expect all homework and Discussion Forum written responses to be correct in spelling and grammar. Points may be deducted for spelling and/or grammar errors. Collaborate Sessions and (formerly Elluminate like a Webinar) dates and times to be announced although there may be times when information about this class will be discussed in the MEDA 144 Collaborate Sessions. Students will be required to log in and attend these sessions; if a student is unable to attend than they will be required to view the video recording and send the instructor a 75-100 word report in a word document that summaries the material that was covered; if a student misses more than 80% of the session they will be required to view the recording and send a report on the material that they missed. Reports will be submitted to the instructor via Angel (this class) e-mail sent as a word attachment. Reports will be due within 48 hours of the session (Mon would be due by Wed at 9 am and Wed would be due by Fri at 9 am). If a student is unable to attend the session or view the recording they will be required to obtain notes from other students as well as complete an alternate assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor if they miss a session. During this quarter, there will be one “live class” that will be held at WWCC. Clarkston students will be required to attend via I-TV (teleconferencing). Date and time TBA. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor if they have any questions or are unsure about how to proceed with the course. Late Assignments/Make-up Policy It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of extenuating circumstances which may necessitate an extension for assignments, quizzes, or exams PRIOR TO THE DUE DATE. All illnesses must be documented. No due date extension will be given without prior notification. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain advanced permission for a change in the schedule for an exam or quiz. No student will be allowed to make up an exam without prior written approval from the instructor. Please note: Approval is not the same as notification. The student must obtain an agreement from the instructor, prior to the scheduled exam, or quiz, in order to be allowed to complete an exam, test, or quiz at an alternate time from the scheduled date and time. Please watch for special instructions in regards to the proctored exams. Some of the exams will be proctored and some won’t be. Currently, there are 2 proctored exams in this class. No assignments will be accepted late for credit without agreement of the instructor obtained prior to the assignment due date. . Cheating will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to deny extensions as she/he sees fit. Course Description This course is an introduction to accurate billing procedures and provides a basic introduction to the medical coding procedures used to obtain reimbursement for medical procedures or examination services. Topics include health care insurance and preparation of an insurance claim for to receive reimbursement for a patient encounter, and applying third party payor guidelines, the proper application of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS coding in the medical office. Course Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Follow third party payor guidelines Complete an insurance claim form (CMS 1500) with a grade of “C” or higher. Show basic understanding and perform billing and collection practices in an outpatient setting. Define the purposes of the ICD-9-CM, CPT and HCPCS manuals. Assign ICD.9-CM codes for the patient’s medical diagnosis, symptom, complaint, or condition. Assign CPT codes for procedures and services the patient is having done. Assign HCPCS codes for services the patient is receiving. Understand the use and function of modifiers in CPT coding. Understand the requirement for accuracy in all billing and coding procedures Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, students will: Identify and define types of insurance plans Define, apply and follow 3rd party guidelines for claims submission Identify and demonstrate the ability to adhere to managed care policies and procedures Describe utilization review principles Identify the process and perform the procedures utilized to obtain managed care referrals, precertification, and inpatient/outpatient admissions and procedures. Describe the importance the accurate billing and collection practices and procedures in the outpatient setting Define and demonstrate the procedures for accurate claims submission to obtain reimbursement for medical services provided which includes completion of a CMS 1500 billing form. Discuss types of physician fee schedules Define Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) and the process of RBRVS. Demonstrate procedures to verify eligibility for medical services. Identify and define the purposes of the ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS coding manuals. Define terminology specific to insurance billing and coding. Demonstrate appropriate usage of the ICD-9-CM, CPT, and HCPCS manuals to accurately apply codes for procedures rendered and to identify diagnoses. Practice the process of working with a physician (via simulation) to obtain maximum reimbursement for each patient Pre-requisites: Please see MA Handbook Teaching Methods: One Live Class; and Collaborate (Webinar Sessions) Online via Internet: Written Lectures, Website Assignments which include exams and quizzes and Written Assignments. Evaluation and Grading Policy Homework/Quizzes 35% All quizzes and assignment Students must achieve a cumulative homework grade of C or higher CMS Assignment must be completed at a grade of C or higher. Exams (proctored and open book) 60% Students must achieve a cumulative exam grade of C or higher Discussion Forum/participation 5% This includes Collaborate Session and Live Class participation Total 100% Percentage / Grade Requirements A A- 93 -100% 90 - 92% B+ 87- 89% B 83 - 86% B- 80 - 84% C+ C C- 77 - 79% 73 - 76% 70- 72% D+ 67- 69% D 60 - 66% F 59% Or lower Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is stealing and will not be tolerated Please refer to the MA and Walla Walla Community College Handbook Honesty and Integrity: Health care professions require a high degree of honesty and integrity. Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom as they would in the place of employment. Because knowledge gained in the classroom, lab, or externship directly impacts the student’s future ability to safely provide patient care, all breaches of ethical behavior are considered extremely serious. Please see MA handbook for information about a violation. Students shall: 1. complete all examinations using only their own knowledge. Students shall not refer to others’ answers, old examinations, class notes, or other references while completing the examination unless specifically permitted by the instructor. 2. use their own knowledge to write papers or compile research information. They shall not plagiarize, quote, or copy other work without giving proper recognition as stated in a standard manual on style. 3. be accurate and truthful in all verbal communications. 4. respect the opinions of faculty and other students, even when they are not in agreement. Students shall demonstrate self-control and speak professionally at all times. 5. use language that is respectful to others. The student shall not use profanity. 6. If a student is discovered cheating in any way, they will receive a zero for that assignment. Please refer to MA handbook if this student has had a previous violation in this class or another class in this program. Professionalism The professional behaviors of personal hygiene, timeliness, professional judgment, interpersonal skills, and teamwork may be as important in determining whether a student will be a good health care professional as academic and clinical abilities. Health care professionals must have the ability to interact well with other members of the health care team. TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE Please see Angel class site Notes: Course Adaptations. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please e-mail me. Student Rights and Responsibilities. The current WWCC catalog reviews your rights and responsibilities as a student. It also defines various violations (cheating, plagiarizing, etc.) and outlines disciplinary actions.