
Proposal to Explore the Feasibility of Developing an Interdisciplinary Global
Studies Concentration in the Doctoral Program in Library and Information Science
Submitted by Terry L. Weech, Graduate School of library and Information Science
501 E. Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820
Email: - Ph. 217-333-0646
1) Goal
The Goal is to develop an interdisciplinary Ph.D. Concentration in Global Studies in the doctoral
program of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. The program would provide
a opportunity for students from a variety of academic disciplines to pursue research on global
2) Rationale for Proposal
The Rationale for developing such a program concentration is the recognition that global study
issues are shared by a variety of disciplines and often cross discipline boundaries. The
establishment of an interdisciplinary Global Studies concentration in the doctoral program of the
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) is especially appropriate given the
tradition of interdisciplinary research within the School as well as the centrality of the relevance to
information access and resource issues to all disciplines concerned with Global Studies. The
GSLIS faculty and student body already represent a wide variety of academic disciplines ranging
from the sciences and technology to the social sciences and humanities.
3) Methods or Approach
The feasibility of the proposed doctoral studies concentration will be determined after course
offerings in established disciplines are examined to determine the potential content focus on
information issues and infrastructure that would be relevant to an interdisciplinary doctorate.
Colleagues in other disciplines will be interviewed and existing syllabi will be analyzed. A
comprehensive literature review will also be undertaken on the topics to be covered in the
program. In the feasibility study phase, a draft program of courses will be presented to
potential cooperative disciplines for discussion and approval. Students and potential students
will be surveyed to determine curricular needs and potential employees will be interviewed to
determine competencies desired in scholars and researchers with an interdisciplinary doctorate
in Global Studies.
4) Implementation Plan
a) Continuing Funding or Support
Once the feasibility of the program concentration is confirmed and the development of the
concentration is approved by the GSLIS Faculty and appropriate University administrative
and governing bodies, the continued support for the program will come from student
enrollments. During the second year of the proposed project, recruitment activities would
be undertaken in targeted disciplines to encourage cross listing of courses and enrollment
of students in the concentration. By the end of the third year of the project, commitments
from cooperating departments will be obtained to provide continuing support for the
b) Expected Outcomes/Proposal Product
The Proposal Product will be a detailed program proposal to be presented by the end of the
2006 to the GSLIS faculty appropriate University administrative and governing bodies for
the implementation of an interdisciplinary Ph.D.concentration in global studies
administered in GSLIS utilizing faculty from GSLIS and other units at UIUC. Recruitment
of students will take place in the spring of 2007, with initial courses offered in the spring
and summer of 2007 for the Global Studies concentration. Possible sources of funding for
students will also be identified during this period. The final proposal product will be an
interdisciplinary doctorate concentration in global studies utilizing the resources and
expertise of faculty from a wide variety of disciplines with global concerns, but built on the
platform of the interdisciplinary students and faculty in library and information science.
The long term product is a truly interdisciplinary Ph.D. research degree in global studies in
which a wide variety disciplines will be represented.
5) Plans for Dissemination
The program concentration plans will be disseminated to all the units at UIUC to determine
the interest in collaborating on the global studies doctorate concentration. By the end of
2008 it is anticipated that a clear pattern of involvement in the concentration will be
indicated by the pattern of cross-listed course work and collaborative research activities
taking place.
6) Budget
Establishment of a 50% position in the Global Studies Center to establish
and coordinate the interdisciplinary Ph.D. concentration for three years
A one-quarter time research assistant time to conduct comprehensive
literature review and assist in gathering and analysis data to draft the
concentration during the first two years of the project (Fall 2006-Fall 2008).
$ 20,000
7) Vita of Applicant (See Attached)