Serving God`s People on the Summit since 1838

~ Parish founded in 1799 by the Servant of God, Father Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin ~
Parish church raised to the honor of a minor basilica by St. John Paul II in 1996
Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel
Home of the Prince Gallitzin Chapel House and the Shrine of Our Lady of the Alleghenies
A parish of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown
Very Rev. Father John David Byrnes, JCL, JV, Rector
Deacon Richard T. Golden
Father Matthew Reese, in residence
321 St. Mary Street PO Box 10 Loretto, PA 15940- 0144
Rectory / Parish Office 472- 8551
St. Michael School 472 - 9117
Our Lady of Loretto Hall 886-4619
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Sherri Krug
Bingo 471-2764
Parish e-mail
Parish Website
Parish FAX 814 -471 - 4959
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses
Saturdays at 4:00 PM,
Sundays at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Celebration of Sacraments:
Penance/Reconciliation ( Confessions )
Saturdays 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM or
Anointing of the Sick
Infant Baptism
upon request for the sick or homebound.
by previous arrangement and preparation.
Baptism Peparation Process
Please call the parish.
Betty Soisson
9 months notice /pre-marital preparation required. Please call the parish.
Christian Initiation of Adults
Anytime by request
Eucharistic Adoration
Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotions
Rosary for Vocations
Devotions to Our Lady of Loretto
Parish Mission of Our Lady of Loretto
Persons interested in becoming Catholic are welcome!
Christian Initiation Process
Cindy McMullen 471-6658
6:30 PM – 7:30 Thursdays at Chapel House following evening Mass
Celebrated TBA / Feast of St. Michael, September 29
twenty minutes prior to Sunday Mass
Every Monday after 7:30AM Mass
Celebrated during the Fourth Week of Lent
Diocesan Tribunal Office, Hollidaysburg Fr. Byrnes 693 – 9485
Father’s e-mail
Education/Faith Formation
St. Michael Catholic School
Mrs. Renee Phister, Principal
472- 9117
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
Mrs. Lorie Ratchford, Principal
CCD Religious Education/ Confirmation Process
Ms. Celeste Stolz, Director
472-9808 Religious Ed Sundays-call 846-5114
Parish Life
Catholic Fraternal Organizations
Parish Council Mrs. Mary Ann Baker
Legion of Mary
Mrs. Janet Zabrosky
Finance Council Mr. Nick Byrne
Knights of Columbus Mr. Nick Byrne
Liturgical Music Mr. Jonathan Nagy
Secular Franciscans Mrs. Betty Soisson
Catholic Outreach
Diocesan Website
Chapel House/Vocation Office 472-5441
Diocesan Family Life Office, Lilly 886-5551
Dorothy Day Center, Saint Francis University 472 -3359 472-2877
Catholic Charities, Johnstown 535-6538 Altoona 944-9388
Crisis Pregnancy/Pro-Life 1-800-395-HELP * *
Away from Loretto on Sunday? will find the nearest Catholic Church
Sunday, Nov. 8:
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, Nov.9:
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
7:30 AM Francis Baker (family)
Saint Leo the Great
7:30 AM Ferdinand Parrish (family)
Saint Martin of Tours
7:30 AM Josephine Weiland (Fox family)
Saint Josaphat
6:00 PM (at Chapel House) Priesthood Vocations
Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini
8:45 AM Leonard Hogue (family)
Ordinary Weekday
8:00 AM (at Chapel House) Ella Marie Hogue (Fox family)
Vigil: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 PM Margaret Lee (Adam Lee)
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM Larry & Thelma Hanlon-Wedd. Ann. (Ralph & Elaine Sheehan) 10:30AM The People of the Parish
Tuesday, Nov. 10:
Wednesday, Nov. 11:
Thursday, Nov. 12:
Friday, Nov. 13:
Saturday, Nov. 14:
Sunday, Nov. 15:
8:00 AM Elaine Boylan (Dave Weslager family) 10:30AM The People of the Parish
+ November- Month of All Souls +
Dear Parish Family,
We are continuing to reorganize and update the committees of our Parish Council. So far, we have organized our
Maintenance Committee, Liturgy Committee and most recently, our Stewardship Committee – The members
are Theresa Lysic, chair, Mary Ann Schenk, Lois Stoltz, Abby Rice, and Mary Ann Baker.
Our Stewardship Committee will plan and organizes our fund –raising efforts. Different members are
responsible for different projects which support our parish needs, hall repayment and school. Comedy Night and
May Days profits are used for repayment of our loan debt on Our Lady of Loretto Hall, Men’s Dinner,
Christmas Ticket and Summer Ticket are used for ongoing parish improvements, Bingo, our twice weekly
fundraiser for St. Michael School, is under the direction of Lois Stoltz. Arts and Crafts Show, side by side, etc.
are fundraisers for our school, and are under the direction of our Principal, Renee Phister. Our Knights of
Columbus offer ongong support on a variety of projects! I thank all who work so hard to support our parish and
our school! As you can see, the only projects which directly support parish improvements are the Men’s Dinner
and Christmas/Summer Tickets. Now is the time for us to consider new ideas and work towards an increased
weekly collection! If you would like to serve on our Stewardship Committee, please give me a call at 472-8551.
Catholic Scouting! – As you know, our parish is blessed with great young people. Congratulations to our young
parishioners, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, who were honored and received their awards from Bishop Mark at the
Emblem Award Mass at the Cathedral. Girl Scouts - Allie Catherine Dziabo, Colleen Barnett, Meghan
Eckenrode, Haley Gray Boy Scouts – Austin Gray, Braden Wherry, Cole Crusciel, Andrew Crusciel, and Neil
Sutton. Well Done!
Basilica Driveway Paving Project - Our Paving project is underway! The cost of this important project is
$35,960. As your new pastor, I ask you to join me in funding this project. Did you know that if every registered
family/household of the Basilica Parish family contributed $92………….we would have this paid for by
Thanksgiving?!! Donations can be placed in envelopes through our weekly Offertory (mark them November
2015 Basilica Driveway Paving Project) or directly to our staff at the parish office. All will receive credit for
income tax purposes.
We are on our way to our goal!! So far we have received $7842 .I would like to thank the following members of
our parish family who have contributed towards this project: Karen Mishock, Mary Jane Baker, Dale & Margie
McConnell, Pat & Rosemarie Lee, Andy & Sherri Krug, Joe & Theresa Lysic, Bill & Regina Hanlon, Karl &
Susan Lee, Michael & Veronica Krug, Ron & Audrey Lee, Bernie & Virginia Strohmier, Phil & Sharon Hanlon,
Bob & MaryAnn Baker, Lou & Mary Lessard, John & Mary Pifko, Ken & Ann Strittmatter, Ann Sutton, Pat &
Jackie Mock, Doug & Gina Tusing, Chris & Kristen Corcoran, Mike & Cindy Hanlon, Garry & Rose Ann
Eckenrode, Glenn & Alma Scanlan, Fred & Cindy Gailey, Bart & Charlene Eckenrode, Mr. & Mrs. Rich Storm,
Jay & Louise Smithmyer, Lou & Monica Klatt, Shirley Hogue, Ed & Janet Zabrosky, Elizabeth & Ronald
Stevens, Eric Hoover family, George & Betty Soisson, Dick & Barb Bender, Ronald J. Farabaugh, Talko family,
Catherine Foor, David & Lori Hines, Lee & Chrysa Wyland, Jake Hoover, Tom & Nancy McConnell, Pete &
Donna Schenk, Gary & Maggie Biter, Lucy Mock, Jack & Chris Krug, Ralph & Elaine Sheehan, John & Betty
Oklamchak, Mark & Michele Poorman, Ermin & Hazel Wirfel, Bob Hoover, Tim & Lois Stoltz, Larry & Nadine
Brown, Fred & Dolly Little, Ray & Patty Seymour, Dan & Mary Jane Rieg, David & Karen Koytek, Joanne
Lubert, Mike & Karen Zabrzeski, Fr. John Byrnes, Deacon Rick & Jane Golden, Adam Lee, Kenny & Doris Noll,
Miriam Stolz, Celeste Stolz, Kevin Stolz, Bud & Janet Bloom
Our Confirmation Preparation Program - As you know, our Basilica Parish, St. Aloysius Parish & St. Francis
Xavier Parish in Cresson work together to prepare our young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. By
combining resources, we can offer our young people a quality program with diverse educational and spiritual
experiences. This involves having the teenagers from Cresson join us here in Loretto for retreats, while a Fall and
Spring Confirmation instruction session takes place at St. Aloysius Parish in Cresson. Here are some upcoming
events Confirmation instruction - continues on Sunday November 22. Our teenagers preparing for Confirmation
(Bishop Carroll and Religious Education students) will attend their FALL SESSION at 9:30 AM
AM at St. Aloysius Parish, Cresson. Students can attend Mass at 10:30 AM following the session
at St. Aloysius. Topics- Freshmen “The Creed” Sophomores “Scripture” Juniors “Sacraments”
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour / Praise and Worship Night - Part of the Confirmation program is
participating in a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration/Praise and Worship, usually celebrated by Bishop Mark.
On Sunday evening November 15 at 6 PM, I will preside at a Holy Hour (filling in for Bishop Mark) at St.
Aloysius Church for our teenagers and those of the Cresson parishes. The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Charismatic Prayer Group will lead the music ministry, praise and worship, with a witness talk by a teenager,
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Our teenagers preparing for Confirmation are to
attend. There will be NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES for grades 9, 10, 11 on November 15. This
evening session replaces classes for the day. Confessions will follow the Holy Hour. I invite all our parishioners
(of all ages!!) to this special night of prayer at St. Aloysius.
November is the Month of All Souls – The Church invites us in a special way to remember “our brothers and sisters who
have gone to their rest” (Eucharistic Prayer II). Throughout the entire month we rememberall the faithful departed (all souls
being purified in purgatory), including the deceased members of our families. You are encouraged to inscribe the names of
your beloved dead in the book which is placed near the baptismal font. “Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let
perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.”
Laverne Conrad, Rita M. Farabaugh, RoseAnn Servinsky, Edna McConnell, Josh Bungard,
Christopher Ruffing, Tina Ruffing, Ann Sutton, Clair Smithbower, Adam Lee, Heather Swope, Tessie Garell, The intentions
of the Alumni Circle of Prayer, our Military, and the Sainthood Cause of our founding Pastor, the Rev. Demetrius Augustine
Our Lady of Loretto, Pray for Us!
(R) Sr. Marilyn CCW (Nov. 9, 10, 11)
Liturgical Ministries: Nov. 9-15
(EM) (Nov. 9, 10, 11) (if concelebrant or deacon is present, he assists)
ALTAR SERVERS: Nov. 9, 10, 11
Mornings: Nov. 2, 3, 4 Nathan Little, Andrew Grimes
4:00PM Larry & Andrew Grimes
8:00AM Nathan & Eve Little
10:30AM Matthew & Crystal Byrne
READERS: Nov. 14-15
4:00PM Julia Spinner
8:00AM Cindy McMullen
10:30AM Marcia Itle
4:00PM Sue Maurer, Dick Mullen
8:00AM Joe Spinner, Suzette Spinner
10:30AM Bob Chumrik, Donna Schenk
MUSIC MINISTERS: Nov. 14-15 ORGANISTS: 4:00PM Jonathan Nagy 8:00AM Brandyn Pryce 10:30AM Jonathan Nagy
CANTORS: 4:00PM Folk Choir 8:00AM Heidi Shoemaker 10:30AM Stephanie Rossman
Offertory $5,005 Online Giving $526
"Online Giving is available at"
Total $5,531 Weekly Goal $6,800 Difference $ -1,269
Some families have yet to make an attempt to meet with Fr. Byrnes to get their “Memorandum of
Understanding” signed. Please make arrangements to do so by December 1st. Thank you to all families that
have returned their “Memorandum of Understanding.” Once you have completed your information, please meet
with Fr. Byrnes for his signature. He has made himself available to you after the 4: 00 PM, 8:00 AM and 10:30
AM masses. The memorandum must be signed by Fr. Byrnes before returning the form to the school office.
Your immediate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to all families who attended our Youth Mass on Sunday, November 2nd. A special thank you to our
students who willingly volunteered to assist with the ministries. Any student wishing to volunteer for our next
Youth Mass on January 10th is asked to please let the school office know.
We congratulate the following students on earning High Honors for the first nine week grading period: Sarah
McElheny, Rachel Verchereau, Mia Wyland, Katie Zerbee, Cheyanne Beiswenger, Mason Beiswenger, Julia
Driskel, Sabina Schirf, Evan Toth, Aaron Duke, Mason, Hogue, Haley Gray, Patrick Haigh, JoAnna Hoover,
Trevor Fahr, and Mark Mento. Students earning Honors for the first nine week grading period are: Patrick
Barnett, Shane Brannigan, Seth Hogue, Jarod Hoover, John Kochara, Wyatt Kosicki, Owen Nagle, Amber Adams,
Nicole Barnett, Ryan Bohrer, James Clapper, Joel Hogue, Jackson Hudkins, Caroline Hutsky, Ashley Kubat,
Braden Phister, Brady Phister, Aiden Spielvogle, Mia Berardinelli, Tia Bradley, Faye Butterbaugh, Zachary
Cocho, Jack Corcoran, Isacc Diehl, Derek Domidica, Kallie Gailey, Sydney Greene, Nathan Little, Magdelena
Schirf, Alex Sherbine, Erin Talko, Maya Baker, Jude Koehle, Lily Mathieson, Michael Poorman, Travis Adams,
Colleen Barnett, Jimmy Beiswenger, Abby Lee, Kayden McMullen, and Leah Shoemaker. Keep up the great job!
School will not be in session on Tuesday, November 10th (Act 80 Day)
or Wednesday, November 11th (Veteran’s Day). We thank all Veterans for their service! Classes will
resume on Thursday, November 12th.
Our monthly Home School Association Meeting will take place on Thursday, November 12th @ 6:30PM. All
parents are welcome to attend. Immediately following the meeting, a Study Skill In-Service, sponsored by Saint
Francis University will be held for parents to learn how they can assist their child with valuable study skills.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Please plan on attending.
We wish our Multi-Media Teams luck and success as they compete against other schools in the Prince Gallitzin
Quadrant on Thursday, November 12th @ Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. This year’s topic is “Once Upon
A Time.” Winners of the Mainline Competition will then compete at the Diocesan Competition on November 16th
@ Bishop McCort . Team members include: Katie Zerbee, Mia Wyland, Sarah McElheny, Wyatt Kosicki, John
Kochara, Jarod Hoover and Patrick Barnett. We thank Ms. Christine Driskel for all her guidance and instruction in
preparing our teams for competition. We also thank Katie Wyland, Inge Zerbee, and Miss Steinbugl for
volunteering their time to serve as judges.
Our 3rd annual Toy A Rama will take place on Saturday, November 14th. If you would like more details about
the event or wish to purchase tickets please phone the school office @472-9177 or Robin Phister @ 330-3012.
Basket donations can be brought into the school office. This has proven to be a very profitable & enjoyable event!
If you haven’t returned your volunteer form to share your time , please do so as your help is needed. We
hope to see all families in attendance.
Scrip is available daily and at the fireman’s monthly breakfast. Thank you to all school families and
parishioners who support this program! If you would like to purchase Scrip cards during the week or need
information pertaining to our Scrip program please call the school office @ 472-9117. It’s not too early to start
placing your orders for Christmas! We are pleased to announce the following new additions to our SCRIP
Program: $100 Amazon, $25 Smithmyers, $25 Red Robin, & $25 & $100 Stagers!
Our RADA Cutlery fundraiser is underway. Anyone wishing to make a purchase can contact any of our school
families or by calling the school office @ 472-9117.
On Monday, November 9th we will be having a flag raising ceremony @ 9:00 AM in the front lawn of the school.
The replacement of the flag pole and new flag were all made possible through generous donations from many
local American Legions and VFW organizations. I wish to thank Michael and Inge Zerbee for their contributions
and for making this project possible. Following the flag raising, Mr. Zerbee will instruct our 8th grade students
about the American Revolution and proper flag etiquette.
Religious Education November Dates to Remember:
Sunday, November 15
Attention all students in grades 9-11: Bishop Carroll and Penn Cambria, inclusive! Attendance required!
Eucharistic Adoration/Praise and Worship 6pm at St. Aloysius Church, Cresson. Fr. John Byrnes ,Presider.
Sunday, November 22
Confirmation Sessions (Grades 9-11) 9:30am St. Aloysius Community Center, Cresson.
These sessions include: (The Creed), (Scripture) & (Sacraments).
If you have any questions regarding the session requirements, feel free to call Celeste Stolz, DRE At 472-9808 To
Discuss Sacramental Formation.
The Thanksgiving Dorothy Day Outreach Collection will be held at the Thanksgiving Mass, November 26th .
Please be generous!
There will be choir practice on Monday, November 9th at 7 PM.
LITURGICAL REFLECTION acred vessels used at Mass should be made from precious metal. If the metal is
a lesser kind, the vessels should be gilded on the inside. In the Dioceses of the United States of America, sacred
vessels mayalso be made from other solid materials which in the common estimation in each region are considered
precious or noble, for example, ebony or other harder woods,provided such materials are suitable for sacred use.
Preferenceis for those materials that do not easily break or deteriorate.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Numbers 328 and 329
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION May your giving of your time, your talent, and your treasure reflect your love
and deep gratitude for what God has placed before you. In today’s Gospel the poor widow shows us the way.
Thank you! We would like to extend a special thank you to the Altar & Rosary Society for preparing and serving
the pleasant meal after the funeral Mass of Russ Itell. Your kindness and hospitality are greatly appreciated.
Dorothy Itell and family
1928 - A Good Year at St. Michael’s >> Al Smith for President – So Votes Mrs. Schwab >> These were
good times in and around Loretto. More than 150 men, women and even teen-agers from the parish were
employed at the Schwab Estate and St. Francis College for no less than seven months of the year. The mines, the
steel mills, and the railroads were working full shifts; and the farmers were faring well with their crops, their
cattle, and their general economy. We were a microcosm of the greater American prosperity. The Rev. James P.
Sass, Rector of St. Michael’s Church, wrote in his Annual Report to the parishioners: “I thank Mr. Schwab for his
generous help and financial aid in my work to build up the Loretto parish. Schwab’s $11, 526 paid to our church
accounts included repairs to the church and rectory roofs ($200), upgrades to the heating plants in the church and
rectory with new boiler installations ($3,812), and he donated more than $7,500 to the general fund account for the
years 1927 - 1928. I am very thankful to the good members of this Loretto parish who have so generously
contributed to the maintenance of the parish and its servants and institutions. God bless them and return a
hundred-fold to them for any and all sacrifices they have made for His religion. In addition Schwab paid his twoyear rent of $500 for his lease of ‘choice’ Church Property (what we now know to be the Immergrun Golf
Course). An incident worth noting also took place. Msgr. Sass let the parishioners know outright that in was in
their best moral interest to vote in this year’s Presidential election. It was the first time in our history that a
Catholic candidate was running for President. So, to the story: In the Presidential election held in November of
1928, Mrs. Pauline Schwab, Wife of John A. Schwab and Mother of Charles M. Schwab, was the first to vote for
New York Governor Alfred Smith, a Catholic - at the Loretto polling house on St. Joseph Street in Loretto, Pa.
Al Smith was the Democrat nominee and the First Roman Catholic to run for President of the United States. His
opponent was Herbert Hoover, a Republican, for whom Charlie Schwab donated $25,000 to his national campaign
fund. The vote for President at Loretto was: Smith, 251; Hoover 9. The Altoona Mirror carried the following
colorful article: “Mrs. Pauline Schwab, 86 year old mother of Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the Board of the
Bethlehem Steel Corporation, and dean of the steel industry, won an honor greatly cherished by her when she was
permitted to cast the first vote for Alfred E. Smith for President at the election here yesterday. Mrs. Schwab had
made arrangements to be present when the polls opened at 7 o’clock in the morning and she arrived on time only
to find that her niece, Mrs. Katherine O’Connor , wife of the Ebensburg attorney, the Honorable Albert O’Connor,
was ahead of her and was first in line to vote. Mrs. O’Connor was in the act of asking for her ballot when Mrs.
Schwab explained to her niece that she wanted to be the first in the district to vote for Smith for sentimental
reasons. Mrs. O’Connor stepped aside, surrendering her place to Mrs. Schwab, so that the $25,000 contribution
made to the Republican National Campaign fund by her cousin, Charles M. Schwab, might be offset by his
mother’s vote.” Herbert Hoover won the election with 2,055,382 votes to 1,067,586 for Smith. There was much
anti-Catholic sentiment throughout the country at this time, with smear tactics by the Republicans claiming the
Pope was to be Smith’s Vice-President. Mrs. Schwab was reputed to have wired her son in New York, upon
hearing of his generous donation to the Hoover campaign, requesting that he also give a like amount to Smith’s
campaign fund; but Emma Schrum, Pauline’s neighbor at Loretto, later told that the request to Charlie went unanswered, much to the chagrin of Mrs. Schwab. Pauline Schwab tempered any pressure she might have put on her
son Charlie, for it was this very year, 1928, that the Franciscans donated land for the forthcoming Carmelite
Monastery which her son Charlie offered to contribute the total expenses relative to its construction. His sister,
Mary Jane, known as Sister Cecelia, had at this time decided to become a member of the Carmelite Order. And,
too, his generosity to St. Michael’s Church that year was greatly appreciated and too well known among the
parishioners. f.i.s.
The SUPPORT OUR TROOPS COMMITTEE extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the military in our
parish family for your selfless service to us and our country. We wish all of you -- active, reserve, veterans -- a
blessed Veteran's Day. May God Bless You abundantly and may God Bless America.
Our Lady of Loretto Community Hall for Sis (Strittmatter) Driskel. Dinners are $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for
children ages (5-10). All proceeds will benefit Sis and her family for incurred and future expenses associated with
her cancer treatment. If you would like to donate a basket or make monetary donations please contact Marie
Yeager (sister) @674-5000 or Renee Phister (sister-in-law)@322-7836. Thank you in advance for your support
and prayers!
CINNAMON ROLL SALE -Cinnamon rolls will be available October 31st, November 7th, 14th and 21st at the
Loretto Legion. The rolls are $5 per pan and can be picked up from 10:30am until they are sold out.
The next Knights of Columbus Hoagie Sale will be held Saturday, November 21st 18” Italian style or turkey $8.
Please place your order by November 16th by calling Jerome Smith 344-8269, Dick Mullen 471-2894, or Bob
Crusciel 243-9971. Anyone wishing to help make or deliver hoagies is more than welcome to help. Preparations
begin at 5AM Saturday. All help is greatly appreciated.
The Prince Gallitzin Senior Citizens will be holding their last meeting on November 12, 2015 at the Saint Michael
School Hall at 4pm. Because of declining members we will dissolve the organization as of this meeting.
Angel Tree - It is that time of year when our thoughts begin to think about the Holiday Season. There are
children in our community that need your help so they may have a joyful Christmas. The Angel Tree committee
will be placing the Angel Tree out soon for anyone who would like to help those in need. The committee is
currently taking names of families with children who need assistance this year. If you need support from the
Loretto Area Angel Tree this year, please call Dolly Little at 674-5078 or Julie Little at 886-4944 no later than
November 15th. If no answer, please let a message and we will return your call. The Angel Tree Committee
thanks Jeanie Diehl and Sharon Hanlon for the many years of service to this organization. Due to the declining
health of their mother they are stepping down as the Loretto Area Angel Tree Committee.
The PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet in the Basilica Hall on the Wednesdays of Nov 4 and 18 at 6PM
instead of 7PM because of the Deacon's Bible Study. We will go back to our regular schedule in December.
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 14th
Nov. 15
St. Michael School Hoss’s Community Night in Ebensburg
Nov. 16th
Blood Drive OLOL Hall 1pm - 7pm
FUNDRAISER FOR ANN SUTTON-- Mark your calendars! Family and friends of Ann Sutton are holding a
basket auction and bake sale from 11-3:30 on Sunday, December 6th in the St. Aloysius School Hall, Cresson.
All proceeds will go directly to Ann to help her to offset the medical expenses incurred as a result of her battle
with multiple myeloma. Donations of baked goods and auction baskets are welcomed! Please contact Marci and
Bob Sutton (886-8485) for more information. Thank you.
The Saint Michael’s Home School Association is sponsoring their 3rd Annual CHRISTMAS TOY-A-RAMA on
Saturday, November 14th @ Our Lady of Loretto Community Hall. Doors open at 5:00 PM with toy and cash
prize drawings beginning at 6:00 PM and continuing every five minutes until 9:05 PM. Admission is $20 which
includes chances on 19 girl or 19 boy prizes, dinner, and drinks. This event promises to be an enjoyable
evening of good food, fun, and prizes! Participants must be 21 or older to attend. For additional information and
tickets please contact the school office @ 472-9117 or Robin Phister @ 330-3012.
Wine Festival - Bishop Carroll Catholic School in Ebensburg - Saturday, November 14, 2015
2 sessions: 1:00 to 4:00 pm and 5:00 to 8:00 pm - $20.00 Admission per session - 6 Wineries for wine tasting
Food and craft vendors - Music by: Second Street - 2015 Ford Mustang drawing at 8:00 PM
Must be 21 for wine tasting - For Tickets and information call 472-7500
Holy Family Parish in Portage will hold a Turkey Bingo on Monday, November 16" in the Parish Hall at 7PM.
25 Turkeys and two $25 Stager Store Gift Certificates will be given as prizes. Admission is $5 per household
which includes a door prize chance. Bingo cards are 2 for 25 cents per games. Several Specials will be played at
$1 each, "Winner Taking Half." Refreshments will be available. All are cordially invited to attend.
Be Our Guest at The Dorothy Day Outreach Center at Saint Francis University We invite you to share a catered
Thanksgiving meal honoring our Senior Citizens November 25, 2015 ~ 10:30am to 1:00pm at the Torvian Dining
Hall on the University Campus 117 Evergreen Drive Loretto, PA 15940 ~ Must reserve spot by November 18- For
questions, or to reserve seating, please call: The Dorothy Day Outreach Center at 814-472-2877 or 814-472-2878
The 2nd Annual Hastings Craft Show will be held on Saturday, November 21st in the Hastings Memorial Building
from 10am to 4 pm. This is a fundraiser for the Hastings Pool. There will be over 60 craft and vendor tables,
basket auction, 50/50, bake sale, youth group performances, and food items for sale. Hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Alison at 322-5611.
As we prepare to celebrate the holidays especially Veteran's Day we are asked to remember the men and women
who are currently residents and patients at the Hollidaysburg Veteran's Home and Van Zandt Medical Center in
Altoona. These men and women sacrificed much to ensure our continued freedom. The American Legion will be
collecting NEW puzzle books, jigsaw puzzles, board or card games, etc. to help them pass the long winter months.
There will be a basket placed on the back pew of the church and at the Loretto American Legion until Dec 15th for
anyone to make a donation. They will be taken to the Veterans to enjoy. Anyone wishing to make a cash donation,
we will do the shopping, please contact Bridget Yahner at 472-2392 for info.
Many of you also participated in the Military mail campaign. As you know we will not be doing it this year. There
are currently about 500 residents of Hollidaysburg Veteran's Home. We asked about Christmas cards for them and
we were advised that it would be wonderful if anyone would like to send a Christmas card to a veteran please feel
free to put them in the basket as well and they will also be delivered. As always thank you for your continued
generosity and support. It is just small token of our appreciation for the service and sacrifice but means so very
much to them!