Make a model of the earth

Make a model of the earth
Shows the Earth’s surface features
Show a cutaway view of Earth’s interior
Show relative thicknesses of layers
Include at least three of the plates that form Earth’s surface and at least 2
Possible materials
 Papier mache
 Modeling clay
 Chicken wire
 Cardboard
 Plywood
 Wood blocks
 Styrofoam
 food
Outside layer (crust) - graham cracker crumbled (let them crumble it)
2. Next layer (mantle) - scoop of ice cream
3. Middle layer (core) - hard candy (peppermint) They poke the candy down in it.
make jello layers of the atmosphere--could work for earth, i suppose.
it took 2-3 days because we poured one color into short SOLO cups, let it set, in the
afternoon did another day, etc.
i also used jello layers (different year/grade) to show the fossil record--and we put
different ingredients (marshmallows, fruit) to represent the different fossils in each layer
We made our earth of peanut butter, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, jelly (preferably
red) and graham cracker crumbs. First you get peanut butter and mix it with a ton of
powdered sugar until it feels like stiff play dough. Then form it into a ball. After that take
a graham cracker and smash it into small bits. Then take the ball and cut it in half. After
that make a small hole in both sides of the peanut butter and fill it with jelly. Next take 2
chocolate chips and place them inside the jelly. After that put the two halves together and
roll in the graham cracker crumbs. Finally... enjoy your homemade earth.
the graham cracker is the crust, the peanut butter is the mantle , the jelly is the outer core,
and the chocolate chip is the inner core.
Things You'll Need
Small Styrofoam ball
Red paint
Orange clay
Yellow clay
Blue clay
Green clay
Thin masking tape
Fine-tip permanent marker
1 Paint your small Styrofoam ball red and set it aside to dry.
2 Take four toothpicks and fold a 4-inch section of masking taping in half onto each
toothpick. This should result in each toothpick having a 2-inch flag of masking tape on
one end.
3 On your four toothpick masking tape flags, write the words "Inner Core," "Outer
Core," "Mantle" and "Crust."
4 Cover your red Styrofoam ball in orange clay, leaving a triangular wedge of the red
Styrofoam ball exposed.
5 Cover your orange clay with your yellow clay, leaving the same triangular wedge of
red Styrofoam exposed, as well as a small wedge of orange clay exposed.
6 Cover your yellow clay with your blue clay, leaving the wedges of red and orange
exposed, as well as a small wedge of yellow; then, you can add chunks of green clay on
top of your blue clay to show areas of land on the Earth's surface.
7 Place your toothpick flags into your Earth so that the "Inner Core" flag is stuck in the
red Styrofoam, the "Outer Core" flag is stuck in the orange clay, the "Mantle" flag is
stuck in the yellow clay and the "Crust" flag is stuck in the blue or green clay.
Difficulty:Moderately Easy
School Project on the Layers of the Earth
X Sarah ClarkSarah Clark has been writing since 1997, with work appearing in Northern
Arizona University's "Student Life Organization Newsletter." She holds a B.A. in
anthropology with a minor in art history from Northern Arizona University.
By Sarah Clark, eHow Contributor updated May 12, 2011
The Earth is composed of four layers: the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner
core. Models of the layers of the Earth must contain these four components. You can
make an edible model of the Earth using a watermelon, an orange and a banana. Simply
cut the fruit and arrange it to represent the Earth's layers. You should make this
perishable model shortly before presenting it, or else keep it covered and refrigerated so
the fruit stays fresh.
Things You'll Need
Kitchen knife
Small seedless watermelon
Melon baller
1 Use the knife to cut the small seedless watermelon in half widthwise. Use the melon
baller to scoop out the middle of one of the watermelon halves. Hollow out a round
section that is big enough to snugly hold the orange.
2 Cut the orange in half widthwise. Place one of the halves into the hollowed middle of
the watermelon.
3 Peel the banana and cut it in half. Then cut a thin slice from one of the halves to make
a disc. Insert the toothpick into the middle of the orange half, then push the banana disc
onto the toothpick so it lies flat, and centered, on the orange. Press the toothpick into the
fruit so it does not stick up.
4 Make a key to explain the parts of your fruit model using the paper and pen. The
watermelon rind is the Earth's crust. The watermelon's flesh is the mantle. The orange is
the outer core. The banana at the center is the inner core.