HIP Humanities Independent Project History Silent Movie Name Target Level Level Task The twentieth century undoubtedly belonged to the USA. It was the century when the New World came of age and, as the years passed, old Europe increasingly danced to the USA’s tune. You have been asked to research life in America during the 1920s. You must then plan and create a silent movie which shows an element of what it was like to live in America during the 1920s. Achieved? Level & success criteria Level 3 You have produced a movie/play/puppet show, but it is not silent. Level 4 You have produced a movie/play/puppet show. It will be silent but may not have background music. The scenario may not be easily understandable. Level 5 You have produced a movie/play/puppet show. It will be silent with background music. It will feature an understandable scenario but not necessarily relevant. Level 6 You have produced a movie/play/puppet show. It will be silent with background music. It will feature a scenario that is relevant to the 1920s and easily understandable. Level 7 You have produced a movie/play/puppet show. It will be silent with appropriate background music in a 1920’s style. It will feature a scenario that is relevant to the 1920s and will use expressions to convey emotions. Reflection How much effort did you put in? What will you do next time? Effort 1 Target 2 3 4 5