高中英文寫作教學與測驗 尤雪瑛 國立政治大學英文系 壹﹑大學入學考試 一﹑英寫測驗目標 二﹑英寫測驗題型 三﹑英寫評分指標 四﹑佳作範例 貳﹑高中英文寫作教學 一﹑寫作過程 二﹑統一性 三﹑連貫性 一、英寫測驗目標 1 ) 文意內容發展 2 ) 篇章結構(轉折詞、虛詞) 3)句法能力 4)詞彙能力(構詞、語意、搭配詞) 5)標點符號 二、英寫測驗題型 1)簡函寫作 2)主題寫作 3 ) 看圖作文 4 ) 主題句寫作 三、英寫評分指標 四、佳作範例 內容 組織 文法句構 詞彙拼字 體例 一、寫作過程 1)啟發思考,收集內容 2)整理重點,編排結構 3)將抽象思考轉換成具體 文字,中文轉換成英文 4 ) 修改內容,修訂文字句型 Traffic getting to the theater Line at box office Might see old boyfriend Too many people Moviegoing Temptations Choclate bars Noisy people Popcorn Teenagers Yelling Showing off Adults Telling plot Coughing and sneezing Langan, 2000. p.29 二、統一性 (unity) All the sentences relate to the main idea and develop the idea by providing supporting details. 1Unlike most teenagers, I don’t go to movie theaters to watch movies. 2I prefer staying home and watching movies shown on the TV. 3Recently, I saw the movie “Troy” on HBO. 4I’ve craved to watch the movie since it came out, but I’ve never had the chance to watch it. 5Finally, the time has come. 6The movie is about a war against different nations in the ancient times.… 1Beryl is not as shy and quiet as I think (thought) at the first sight. 2She always smiles friendly with eyes blinking and invites you to watch action movie. 3In fact, her favorite theme of movies is gun-fighting. 4She also enjoy watching baseball games and cheering up for her team. 5When her team wins, she will jump up and scream loudly just like a kid. 6…. 三、連貫性 (coherence) All the sentences are connected to neighboring sentences and represent ideas logically. a. Once in a while, a pretty girl appears in my dreams.... At that moment, we belonged to each other, and we lived in our own world. Suddenly, a ray of sunrise is falling on my face and carrying my pretty girl away. b. Opening the door, I was rushing to the party in a pleasant mood. a. The ways men and women face problems are totally different. Men always try to figure out the problems by themselves. Women will express their emotions by telling others what the problems are. Not understanding the way the opposite sex function will result in a big conflict. As far as I am concerned, I not only try to solve the problem but also talk to friends or parents when coping with stress. I think we men can learn more from women about how to cope with problems. It really works and is a good way to know the opposite sex. All we need is just to communicate in a gentle way. Only by doing this can we find peace. b. After I read “MEN GO TO THEIR CAVES AND WOMEN TALK,” I realized why men and women often have conflicts: they don’t understand each other well enough. Women don’t know that when men face a problem, they need some time and space to think about it “alone.” And men don’t know that women need a good listener when they have a problem. Men and women are different types of people. Unless they understand each other, they will argue forever. More, I learn an important thing from women: just speak out. Every time I have a problem or confusion, I just go to my good friends and talk to them, discuss with them. Even if I don’t find any solution, I will feel better. This will help me get more help from other people instead of being alone wasting my time. Textual Relationships General-examples Cause-effect General-specifics Group-members Problem-solution Claim-counterclaim Question-answer Time sequence Advertising is big business. It is such a profitable business that the cost of advertising a product is often more than the cost of making it. For example, a box of cereal costs three to four dollars. However, the grain only costs about 10 cents, the packaging costs about 90 cents and much of other two or three dollars pays for advertising. How many cans of soda did the PepsiCo have to sell in order to pay for one Michael Jackson television commercial? About 192,307, 692!