SILENT MOVIE STORYTELLING ASSIGNMENT Description: You will be working in groups of six (6) to bring a “silent movie” to life on stage. Each group is to choose a specific genre to work in (i.e. horror, action/adventure, romance, science fiction, fantasy, etc.) and will establish the major characters, relationships, setting, conflict, action, climax and final resolution of the conflict. Each “silent movie” will be presented using NO Dialogue whatsoever. Time: “Silent Movie” scenes should be between 8-10 minutes in length. You must tell Ms. Holden-Nims your group’s chosen genre before starting work on your scene. Your challenge is to be as clear, detailed and imaginative as possible to ensure the audience understands: WHO your character is, WHAT your relationship is with other characters, WHERE the action takes place, WHAT the major conflict in the story is, HOW the conflict builds to a climax and WHAT the final resolution of the conflict is at the end of the “movie.” The final resolution may end on a “cliffhanger” where the audience is left in suspense as to what may happen next to the main characters. Intertitles: Posters may be used to create titles for lines of dialogue – no more than 4 lines on a poster or for scene transitions. Letter must be large enough to be read from the audience. Assessment: You will complete a preliminary worksheet to plan your character, story, conflict and action – this will be turned in on the day of your performance. You will also complete a post performance evaluation form. You will have the opportunity to plan, and rehearse your silent movies in class prior to the final presentation. Total: 80 points SILENT MOVIE CHARACTER & STORY PLANNING SHEET Draw or find an image online, in a magazine or other source and write about your character on a separate sheet of paper. This will be your character profile. Use the following worksheet to help guide your character profile reflection & the silent film story you’re creating with your ensemble. 1.Who is this character? What does he/she look like and how do they act? ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Where is this character? What’s their job/profession? Do they enjoy it? ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s your character’s relationship with the other characters in the story? Describe your feelings. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the character want? (objective) What obstacles prevent him/her from getting it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What actions, tactics, business will the character do to achieve their goal/objective in the story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe some specific emotions/expressions the character will go through in the story. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. What will be the surprise solution/climax for the character in the story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ “Silent Movie” Performance Rubric Performer __________________________ Role _______________ Group # ________ A 10-9 B 8 C 7 D-F 6-0 Student created original and appropriate internal and external characteristics to the character they played. Student created appropriate internal and external characteristics to the character they played but based most of them on themselves Student created appropriate internal and external characteristics to the character they played but all of them were based on themselves. Student did not create internal and external characteristics to the character they played or the ones created were not consistent or inappropriate. Movement Student was technically accurate in the blocking. Their movement was creative, believable, and justified. Mannerisms were added to the characterization and helped make the perf. interesting. Student was occasionally technically inaccurate in the blocking. Their movement was believable, and justified. Mannerisms were occasionally added to the characterization. Student was frequently technically inaccurate in the blocking. Their movement was not always believable or justified. Mannerisms were not added to the characterization. Student was almost always technically inaccurate in the blocking. Their movement was not believable or justified. Mannerisms were not added to the characterization. Preparation Student was very prepared for the performance day. They were memorized with blocking and movement and used all rehearsal time appropriately. They brought in their own costumes and props to help tell the story. Student was prepared for the performance day. They were mostly memorized with blocking and movement and used most rehearsal time appropriately. They borrowed some costumes and props to help tell the story. Student was mostly prepared for the performance day. They missed some blocking and movement and used ½ of their rehearsal time appropriately. They borrowed most costumes and props to help tell the story. Student was not prepared for the performance day. Missed most blocking and movement and used less than ½ of their rehearsal time appropriately. They borrowed all costumes and props or did not use at all. Ensembleness Student and group worked very effectively during rehearsal time. Final presentation was w/in 8-10 minutes. Student and group worked effectively during most of their rehearsal time. Final presentation went 1 min over/under 8-10 min time allotment. Student and group worked together ½ the rehearsal time effectively. Final presentations significantly over time allotment. Student and group worked together less than ½ the rehearsal time effectively or not at all. Final pres. was significantly under the min time of 8 minutes. Performance Characterization Total Points for Performance Section GRADE Story and Character Development A B C D-F 10-9 8 7 6-0 Characters Relationships and characters were clear and enhanced throughout the “silent movie”. Individual characters were apparent but the relationships were somewhat unclear. Some characters and relationships in the “movie” were clear, but others lacked definition and clear connection to the plot. Characters were not well defined and relationships were confusing. Plot Plot was so clear it did not matter that there was no dialogue. Included clear 3 point storyline beginning, middle and end. The general theme was clear but specifics were a bit foggy. May not have had clear 3 point storyline. The scene was visually pleasing, but had no clear plot. Storyline was not easy to follow. The plot was not apparent through the actions performed on stage. Clearly lacked beginning, middle, and end. Music Music chosen was appropriate for the the “silent movie” and clearly underscored the theme/plot. Intertitles were easy to read, furthered the plot, and were appropriate in number. Music worked at some points of the “movie” but did not motivate the piece overall. Intertitles were overly used and/or were difficult to read. The music had no connection to the plot of the “movie”. Intertitles did not further the plot or were so excessive that the audience read most of the storyline rather than seeing it visually represented. No music was used. No intertitles were used. Student’s answers for CA worksheet were complete and creative and used to create an original and interesting character. Student’s answers for CA worksheet were complete and used to create an appropriate character. Student’s answers for CA worksheet were incomplete and/or not used to create an appropriate character. Student’s answers for CA worksheet were incomplete and/or not turned in and not used to create an appropriate character. And Intertitles Character Analysis Total Points for Analysis Section Grade SILENT MOVIE CHARACTER & STORY PLANNING SHEET Draw or find an image online, in a magazine or other source and write about your character on a separate sheet of paper. This will be your character profile. Use the following worksheet to help guide your character profile reflection & the silent film story you’re creating with your ensemble. 1.Who is this character? What does he/she look like and how do they act? ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Where is this character? What’s their job/profession? Do they enjoy it? ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s your character’s relationship with the other characters in the story? Describe your feelings. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the character want? (objective) What obstacles prevent him/her from getting it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What actions, tactics, business will the character do to achieve their goal/objective in the story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe some specific emotions/expressions the character will go through in the story. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. What will be the surprise solution/climax for the character in the story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Silent Movie – Evaluation Sheet 1. How well did you work as a group? Did your ideas change a lot during the rehearsal process? 2. What was your character(s) and what skills and techniques did you use to create them? Give examples of the physical gestures and facial expressions you used. 3. What Silent Movie techniques did your group use in your work? Give examples of still images, mime, music and placards you used in your Silent Movie. How did these help to communicate your story to the audience? 4. If you performed again what changes would you make to improve your work? 5. What did you like best about the other group’s work? What was your favorite moment? 6. What have you enjoyed the most during the Movement/Silent Movies topic and why? 7. Finally, write down two goals for your future practical work.